Chapter 118 Clean up Qu Liansheng

By the way, the food in the school cafeteria is really good, and you can also eat white flour steamed buns, hehe! "

Su Qingwu knew that Li Xiang came here after escaping from the famine. He had eaten bark and weeds, and now he can eat white flour all over his head. This is the greatest happiness for him.

Many people in this era have experienced hardships, so happiness is often very simple for them.

The two just walked into the school gate with a smile,

On the stone steps not far away, Qu Liansheng walked down step by step with a few brothers in a menacing manner.

Li Xiang was startled when he raised his head, and hurriedly said, "Qingwu, let's take a detour and ignore them!"

Li Xiang is an honest man, always thinks that more things are worse than less things.

"Fuck, where are you going? How dare you hang me on a tree in the woods, how dare you want to run away?" Qu Liansheng swears.

The last time he entered school to register for a mission, Su Qingwu hung him on a tree in the woods for a day and a night before someone came to rescue him. He was bitten by a mosquito all over his face, and he must take revenge for this.

Seeing it, Qu Liansheng rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards Su Qingwu.

Li Xiang pulled Su Qingwu behind him.

The corners of Su Qingwu's lips twitched slightly, his eyes gleamed coldly, and he muttered in a low voice, "Qu Liansheng fell for shit..."

The aggressive Qu Liansheng kicked his feet and trampled the steps under his feet, "Damn... hey... hey...!"

I fell into a dog gnawing shit in embarrassment!

The forehead is also scratched-
Qu Liansheng's ankle was sprained, and his head was buzzing.

Su Qingwu stepped over Qu Liansheng's body, "Excuse me!"

Li Xiang covered his mouth and couldn't help holding back his laughter, and imitated Su Qingwu and said, "Excuse me!"

"Are you okay, Liansheng!"

"Let me help you up!"


Qu Liansheng's brother pretended to care while suppressing a smile.

"Fuck, get the hell out of here!"

He wanted to show his prestige, but he made a fool of himself again!

Qu Liansheng hated himself, why did he suddenly miss his foot?What a wicked man!

Li Xiang didn't know that it was Su Qingwu who cursed Qu Liansheng, but he just thought it was Qu Liansheng himself who was stupid and thought it was funny.

At this moment,
The whistle of assembly came from the training ground.

All the students who had just arrived at the school had no time to go to the management office to draw a dormitory lottery, so they ran to the training ground to gather.

The trainees wore neat dark blue uniforms, and the badges on their shoulders shone brightly in the autumn sun.

Running too fast with luggage, everyone was out of breath and stumbling around.

Zhan Jingxun, who was wearing a brown uniform, stood in the middle of the arena, his eyes were cold and angry.

The last one to enter was Qu Liansheng, who was limping and standing at the back of the line with his teeth bared.

"How long has it been since the assembly whistle sounded, and you came in slowly, are you in your seventies?" Zhan Jingxun scolded Qu Liansheng angrily.

Qu Liansheng had a painful expression on his face, "Director Zhan, I accidentally fell and sprained my foot just now, it hurts me to death!"

"If you're going to die, let me go, the Junhai Martial Arts School is not a place for you to collect your corpse!"

Qu Liansheng was speechless after being scolded, and gave Su Qingwu a vicious look, "Damn it, it's unlucky to meet a broom star."

"Look at all of you, you are stumbling around, you can't even stand up straight, what kind of atmosphere will you be in the future?
Now, listen to my password and stand at attention! "

All students stood at attention immediately.

Zhan Jingxun said sternly again, "In the first class of admission, you stand at attention with your respective luggage for three hours. Even if a poisonous snake bites you, you can't move. If anyone dares to move, I will hang you to the training class." one day!"

Zhan Jingxun raised his wrist, glanced coldly at the time, "Start!"

(End of this chapter)

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