Chapter 252

Chapter 61 Doing what she likes

But Bai Lingxi knew that one of these seemingly normal legs had been crippled, in order to save her!

"Sister, let's go, where are you going to play? I'll take you there!" Lang Shang smiled purely like a child.

"I'm not going to play, I'm looking for someone..."

"..." Lang Shang was stunned for a moment and then said, "Okay, it's okay to find someone, I'll help you find it together!"

Bai Lingxi looked at this young man, she knew that Lang Shang was not as innocent and kind as he seemed, but he gave her all his sincerity.

Bai Lingxi thought of her wedding gift, the dowry that Ah Shang gave her.

Every time he thinks of this young man, the desolate Bai Lingxi unconsciously feels soft in his heart!

Bai Lingxi told Lang Shang about the situation, and Lang Shang immediately called to make arrangements.

A few minutes later, all kinds of interesting places around the attached courtyard were sorted out clearly.

Bai Lingxi sifts through, looking for the place where Li Shengnan is most likely to go.

She took Lang Shang to one place, and Lang Shang arranged for people to go to other places.

Lang Shang laughed happily along the way, and it was also a happy thing to be able to walk with Bai Lingxi.

If it weren't for looking anxiously at Bai Lingxi, he would have been looking for a while longer!


Things back to yesterday morning!

Li Shengnan went out with Xiongwei yesterday, she thought she was here to play and can move around freely, so it's a good time to move around!

"Big man, why are you following me all this time! Why don't you go to the seminar, you finally came out, it's good to see the world!"

Xiongwei shook his head, " promised to give me a chance, I will follow you!"

Li Shengnan asked a little amusedly, "I finally gave you the chance, so will you just follow me and it's over?"

Xiongwei thought about it for a while, but he didn't come up with any results, so he nodded dully.

Hearing Xiong Wei's answer, Li Shengnan really laughed out loud.

"You big fool! That's not how you chase after girls! You should do what I like! Find a way to please me!"

"Then what do you like?" Majestic asked innocently.

Li Shengnan rubbed his forehead, feeling that we can't continue talking today, this silly boy really left her speechless.

How can anyone teach others to pursue themselves!

"Forget it, you should follow me!" Li Shengnan said helplessly.

Xiongwei nodded foolishly, and as expected, he followed behind Li Shengnan obediently.

For City A, Li Shengnan is very familiar with it. Wherever there is something delicious and fun, he can find it with his eyes closed.

"Come on, there is a large playground in front, since it's out, let's go play around!" Li Shengnan walked ahead cheerfully.

Seeing her smile, Xiong Wei laughed too.

He didn't know what he was enjoying, anyway, he was happy when he saw Li Shengnan laughing.

Xiongwei is an honest man, and Li Shengnan is a domineering and proud woman.

Ke Xiongwei likes Li Shengnan!

In the 20 years of Majestic Duty's life, he has never thought about women.

He lives honestly, eats and goes to school, and honestly doesn't care about anything.

But since coming to Shenghua, since meeting Li Shengnan, Xiongwei feels that a great change has taken place in his heart.

Everyone said that he was an honest man, but he felt that he might be dishonest.

He actually wanted to marry Li Shengnan home to be his wife. He always felt that wanting a wife was not something an honest person should do.

"Stupid boy, what are you still doing? Come here!" Li Shengnan ran to the front and waved to Xiongwei.

[-]'s Li Shengnan is tall and beautiful, with a neutral and free-spirited demeanor, and a charming look when he smiles.

At this time, he waved towards Xiongwei, his soft short hair was beating lively, with a touch of cuteness.

Although Li Shengnan has always thought that he is a man, but Xiongwei just thinks she is good-looking and cute!

Xiong Wei's thoughts were interrupted, his face blushed slightly, he patted his face a few times, and strode towards Li Shengnan.

"Hey, that, do you dare to play?" Li Shengnan raised his hand, pointing to the extreme sports in this large playground.

Xiongwei glanced at it, and said in a daze, "If you want to play, I will dare."

Li Shengnan was so courageous that he lost his edge.

Hearing what Xiongwei said, she immediately took the cable car with Xiongwei and headed for the highest bungee jump.

The cable car went up higher and higher, and Li Shengnan seemed very happy.

The big majestic Xiong Wei still sat obediently beside her, motionless.

Regardless of whether he really dared it or not, he couldn't see any change in his dark face anyway.

The speed of the cable car was very fast, and after a while, the two of them reached the top of the mountain.

The scenery on the top of the mountain is very good. At a glance, the pines are green and there is a good scene.

Li Shengnan didn't notice that Xiong Wei's expression was slightly stiff.

"Big man, do you dare to play?" Li Shengnan patted Xie Wei's arm and asked provocatively.

Xiongwei would never say no to Li Shengnan's words, and nodded immediately.

Soon, the staff came up and tied the ropes for the two of them.

Li Shengnan's expression was excited and excited.

Xiong Wei was always slightly stiff.

It's just that Li Shengnan didn't put his mind on Xiong Wei, how could he find something abnormal about Xiong Wei.

Both of them got ready, Li Shengnan looked at the high cliff.

In the past, she always came here by herself, but now she has an extra majesty, and she suddenly feels that this feeling is not bad.

"Let's go, let's go down, jump!" Li Shengnan dropped the word jump, and she jumped down.

Xiongwei was startled, his mind went blank, he just closed his eyes fiercely, gritted his teeth and jumped down.

That expression seemed to be about to commit suicide, but he didn't know why he didn't hesitate.

"Ah!" Li Shengnan's scream resounded throughout the cliff.

Majestic, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the scream.

His bright black eyes looked in Li Shengnan's direction, and subconsciously stretched out his hand towards Li Shengnan, but found that he was soaring in mid-air, unable to touch Li Shengnan at all.

Majestic's dark face was pale. Fortunately, this bungee jumping didn't last too long. After a few minutes, the two were released.

It took Li Shengnan less than a minute to recover, and he was hooked.

Xiongwei only felt that he was top-heavy, his body seemed to be floating, as if he had really died, his internal organs were all messed up, it was really uncomfortable.

But Xiongwei didn't say anything, and followed Li Shengnan with a little vain footsteps!

Li Shengnan was in high spirits, she was a frequent visitor to these shows, so, with majesty, she played all these thrilling shows all over again!

After tossing like this, she only felt comfortable all over, and the sullen breath in her chest that had been depressed for a long time dissipated completely.

Sure enough, stimulation is the best way to relieve stress.

"Go, go, and one last thing, I'm going to ride the Ferris wheel." Li Shengnan rarely said seriously.

Naturally, Xiongwei would not reject any proposal from Li Shengnan, and followed Li Shengnan obediently towards the Ferris wheel, but his footsteps were a little unsteady.

He thought, since she likes it, then this is what she likes!
(End of this chapter)

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