The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 101 Shen Qing'an wants to withdraw from the border?

Chapter 101 Shen Qing'an wants to withdraw from the border? (2)

She was born in a scholarly family, yes, her parents taught her to be a quality, elegant and generous lady since she was a child, but she really couldn't do it!

She is such a sha diao, what can I do!
Ever since she played the game Immortal Glory, since she joined the border team, she seemed to have found her true self.

So, she decided... Let's quit the border, after all, there is no future!
"I've made up my mind, no matter what, Boundary is still a very good team, so I will quit Boundary and join you!" God knows how Shen Qing'an said this without blushing.

Originally thought that she would stick to her position on the border and would never be attracted by other teams. It seems that they thought her wrong!
"So, has your team been upgraded to a professional team?" Shen Qing'an asked fatally.

Ji Ran laughed a few times, "No haha, but if you join, we will be one step closer to being a professional team!"

Can Shen Qing'an think this is flattering?

She clicked the button to quit the team without hesitation, without a trace of reluctance on the surface, and even a little excited...?
Now that she has withdrawn from the border, the vest of the border will naturally be removed. Shen Qingan charged 17 yuan, bought a name change card, and immediately removed the border.

When it was confirmed, I felt that "Fei Ling" didn't look very pleasing to the eye, so I recharged another 17 yuan and bought another name change card.

However, things like choosing a name are difficult for her. As the eldest lady of Yingcheng's first scholarly family, Shen Qing'an is a waste of names!
Even the name Boundary Feiling was Shen Qingan's input method before she joined Boundary, she randomly put together a few letters as her nickname, and then "Feiling" was the product of her garbled characters.

"You actually bought two rename cards in a row!" Ji Ran exclaimed.

Because Ji Ran has only seen things like name change cards from other people, anyway, he has never charged money to buy a name change card.

"Although I haven't changed my ID, is this unusual?" Lin Senyu didn't understand what shocked Ji Ran.

"Of course it's very strange. Seventeen times two equals 34. This is the child's breakfast money for a week!" Ji Ran was born in a poor family. Gotta kneel down and apologize.

170 is probably too much to pass...

Forget it, Shen Qing'an is too lazy to talk to Ji Ran, it's more important to choose a name.

In this case, call An An!

Shen Qing'an entered "An'an" without even thinking about it.

[The id name has been taken, please fill in the player again. ]
Until the next game started, Ji Ran and the others saw Shen Qing'an's latest ID: An'an 13579...

it is good!
Very simple and rude!
After a game, it's time for dinner, and Xiang Mama's dishes are still delicious.

Ji Ran had a great appetite and ate three bowls of rice and a pot of chicken soup. Shen Qingan seemed to be comparing herself with Ji Ran, and planned to eat three bowls of rice, but when she was late for the second bowl, she couldn't swallow it anymore. I went down, but in the end I only drank a bowl of black chicken soup cooked by Xiang Mama especially for the children who had worked hard in the monthly exam.

What he didn't expect was that Ji Ran wasn't full after eating the pot of chicken soup?What kind of fairy big stomach king is this?

Not long after the meal was full, the driver of the Shen family came to pick up Shen Qing'an, and Lin Senyu was also picked up by the driver of the Chi family.

Only Ji Ran was left, and he didn't know how to go home...

Because it was still early, Ji Ran was thinking about whether to go to the opposite side to take the bus home, when he was hugged suddenly while he was still in the Internet cafe.

"Daughter, I have been looking for you all over the world, and I finally found you!"

 I know what will happen next, and I will update it tomorrow.

  There is a reason why I am updating a chapter today!

  As a post-00 soldier sister, a certain orange was called to Tiananmen Square in Beijing (nearby Guangdong Province) to participate in the military parade today. Because a certain orange was really working too hard, she was exhausted and paralyzed, so I will update a chapter today!
  A certain orange always has a reason to procrastinate...

(End of this chapter)

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