The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 105: The Tournament

Chapter 105: The Tournament (2)

It's already 09:30 after finishing a round of scoring, and the scoring is really exhausting.

Ji Ran put down the computer after saying good night to Sey, mainly because she was afraid that Chi Youze would come to investigate!
I don't know if it was because I was too tired from using my brain too much in the monthly exam, or because I was too brain-burning during the points round, anyway, Ji Ran fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

During the period, just as Ji Ran had guessed, Chi Youze really came to check on the post. Seeing Ji Ran who was pretending to be asleep or really sleeping, Chi Youze pinched her face decisively.

Soft, with a touch of baby fat.

The next day, the alarm clock rang at 05:30 on time. Ji Ran opened his eyes mechanically, then turned off the alarm clock, got up, changed into his school uniform and took a shower.

Based on yesterday's lesson (the lesson of being late), Chi Youze got up early this time to prepare breakfast for Ji Ran.

When Ji Ran went downstairs, he could smell the aroma of breakfast, wow, isn't it a little bad to eat snail noodles in the morning...?
However, this snail powder looks familiar, right? !Especially like the one in Ji Ran's collection!
"Did you eat snail noodles this morning?!" Ji Ran asked knowingly.

Sitting at the dining table, Chi Youze, who was holding the remote control to switch the TV station, heard the voice, and turned to look at Ji Ran: "Yes, snail noodles are delicious!"

"Where did you get your snail powder?" Ji Ran pulled away the chair opposite Chi Youze, as if asking inadvertently.

"There are several packages in the refrigerator in the kitchen, and they are instant food, saving time." Chi Youze didn't notice any problem at all, "What's wrong?"

"Hehe, it's okay." Ji Ran rolled his eyes, and then started eating snail noodles.

"Welcome to the morning broadcast of e-sports TV news. I am the host Nan Nanmo."

It's the newscaster from last night.

"This station brings you the latest news in the e-sports circle! About the competition system of the Immortal Glory second professional league, Immortal Glory's official Weibo and website announced a new competition system last night. Ordinary teams of non-professional teams can also go to the regional group arena to compete in the arena, and they can get corresponding points for winning the kick. Similarly, they can participate in the finals when the points reach 98 points. This time, the official gave ordinary players and It is a great opportunity for the team to let more players actively participate in the e-sports spirit of honor!"

"Today happens to be the beginning of the first battle. This station will follow up and report the schedule of Yingcheng District for you. Please look forward to it!"

The newscaster ended the broadcast early, and the next thing was the pictures taken by the major media at the South Gymnasium in Yingcheng. There was nothing interesting, so Chi Youze turned off the TV.

So this was approved by Ji Dye?Is there really a tournament? !
While eating snail noodles, Ji Ran still didn't forget to take out the mobile phone that finally got to her this morning, and bombarded the group, feeling very proud.

Chi Youze took a few glances at the WeChat that kept ringing non-stop, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a faint arc, as if his mood had been infected by someone.

"Have you finished eating?" Chi Youze put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and then checked the time on his phone. He was about to leave for school.

Ji Ran took a sip of the soup and threw the chopsticks on the dining table rudely. The white marble square table was stained with snail powder oil by the chopsticks...

At this moment, Chi Youze suddenly felt that Ji Xiao not only inherited their parents' excellent genes, but also was so elegant. Compared to Ji Ran, he suspected that she was not his own!
It is simply a sky and an underground, and Ji Xiao is the sky, and Ji Ran is the underground!

(End of this chapter)

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