The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 114 The first time it was actually given to the game

Chapter 114 The first time it was actually given to the game (1) (Add more)

Later, Xia Xiao was tired of beating and scolding, so she fell asleep...

This woman hates Gu Donglin so much, she can actually fall asleep in front of Gu Donglin, she really has a big heart...!
Later, the car drove to a villa in the deep mountains. Looking at it from a distance, it was so eerie!

"Mr. Gu, you are back." This time it was a housekeeper. It seems that Gu Donglin often lives here.

Ji Ran responded, then picked up Xia Xiao, and carried her into the villa.

Ji Ran gently put her on the bed, and then closed the door for her.

[Game story progression options: a. Ask the butler to order the kitchen to make a pot of porridge for Xia Xiao to drink; b. Cook a pot of porridge for Xia Xiao personally. ]
Okay, as expected, what Ji Ran guessed, this game is "Always choose option b"!

Speaking of Ji Ran cooking herself, in reality, she has only cooked instant noodles...

Finally, with the "assistance" of the chefs and housekeepers, Ji Ran finally finished a pot of shrimp and crab porridge!
The woman upstairs seemed to be really hungry too, smelled the fragrance, and came to the living room.

"Butler Liu, what did you do? It smells so good!" Xia Xiao came down rubbing her belly. She was really hungry, after all, she hadn't eaten for two days.

"Miss Xia, it's your favorite shrimp and crab porridge!" Butler Liu's smile was a bit strong, and Ji Ran almost made him laugh too by accident.

That can only be blamed on Ji Ran's low smile...

"Really? I must finish this pot!" Xia Xiao's mood was not as emotional as before.

"If Ms. Xia finishes drinking this pot, Mr. Gu will be very happy!" Butler Liu's happiness was already written on his face, but Ji Ran's expression was a little unclear.

Of course, Ji Ran did this to match Gu Donglin's character. If it was normal, she would have already eaten with Xia Xiao.

"I drink porridge, why is he happy?" Xia Xiao suddenly didn't want to move her chopsticks anymore. She suspected that Gu Donglin had poisoned her, and if she wanted to kill her, she would still need the child in her belly!

Well, she has no baby in her belly...

"Miss Xia, you don't know that this pot of shrimp and crab porridge was made for you by Mr. Gu himself. After you finish drinking it, it means that it is delicious, so Mr. Gu will be very happy!" Butler Liu hurriedly explained to Gu Donglin.

Xia Xiao picked up the chopsticks and threw them out. She didn't bother with the porridge he made for her!

However, this porridge is really delicious!
Xia Xiao originally thought that Gu Donglin would hit her directly, or serve her a bowl of porridge because of her temper. If it was the latter, Xia Xiao might give Steward Liu some face and just drink a small bowl ...After all, she is really hungry!

But who would have thought that Gu Donglin not only did not fight Xia Xiao, nor persuaded Xia Xiao to drink porridge, but brought a bowl by himself, filled the bowl of porridge and drank it.

"Would you like to drink it or not? If you don't drink it, you'll be discouraged! You don't want to take a sip of the porridge that labor and management cooked for the first time? Do you think labor and management care about you?!" As he said, Ji Ran took two mouthfuls of hot porridge.

Ah Si, it's hot...

Xia Xiao also seemed to be stimulated by Ji Ran, and brought back the bowl and chopsticks before, and asked Butler Liu to fill a bowl of porridge, and drank it happily.

Bowl after bowl, did Xia Xiao also fall into the law of true fragrance of the great philosopher Wang Jingze?

"Miss Xia, what do you think of the taste?" Butler Liu asked as if he saw the slight smile on Xia Xiao's lips.

"It's not bad. Since it's someone's first time cooking porridge, I'll try to drink a few bowls of porridge...the taste is so-so!"

 I even bought Karma, the first day of a certain tangerine is [-]!
  My God, the next target of a certain orange is Riwan!
  Alright, click on the update, remember to vote for a certain orange~

  So, good night (")" (︿) Come on, give me a smile~
(End of this chapter)

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