The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 124 Conspiracy Undercurrents

Chapter 124 Conspiracy Undercurrents (1)

[Player id: Ji Xiao is resurrected using the resurrection card! ]

"Say 8, just pretend that what I just said is farting..." Ji Ran calmed down and began to think of countermeasures...

If according to the plot just now, Xia Xiao would still be arrested, and she would still meet the benefactor's father... Then this time, Ji Ran had no choice but to drive directly to the hospital where Mrs. Gu was!
There is no basis for this kind of thinking, even if I suddenly thought about it, Ji Ran doesn't know why...

How can the performance of a police car be as good as a sports car?Ji Ran got rid of the police car in a short while and changed to a motorcycle on the way. After all, she has the cheat of Xiao P, as long as she "accidentally" revealed it to Xiao P, the motorcycle will come as soon as it is said.

"Gu Donglin, where are you taking me?" Xia Xiao, who was in a state of confusion, finally couldn't help asking when Ji Ran put the helmet on.

It's just that there is a small distance between her and Ji Ran, which is a bit weird...

"For the sake of us being NPCs, I will tell you quietly...she is going to take you to see a doctor, because my master thinks you are terminally ill..." Little P said to Xia Xiao seriously.

Xia Xiao: This joke is really funny, hahaha...

"If you keep beeping and beeping, your brain will be screwed!" Ji Ran turned around and glared at Xiao P, then started the car and drove towards the hospital.


[Nan Yexi game perspective]

"Mr. Gu? Mr. Gu?" Nan Yexi was woken up in the study by his assistant.

Nan Yexi glanced at it calmly, this is definitely not a horror game...

"Mr. Gu, Miss Xia Xiao is losing her temper with Mr. Gu Donglin again. This is the best time for you to capture Miss Xia Xiao!" The assistant looked at him with a strange look, because the plot in the game is that Gu Nanxi is Discussing strategies with the assistant, one second Gu Nanxi was still talking to the assistant, but the next second he suddenly didn't know whether he passed out or fell asleep.

The assistant thought that Gu Nanxi had died of poisoning, so he tried to call Gu Nanxi two or three times, but unexpectedly woke up.

Yes, it was unexpected!The assistant is already from Gu Donglin's side, but Ji Ran's brainless kid doesn't know... This assistant has been intercepting information for Gu Donglin, and has a heavy responsibility, that is, in Gu Nanxi's coffee every day Next bit of brain powder...

This plot is sloppy enough...

"Uh..." Nan Yexi got up and left the study.

As soon as the door of the study was opened, Ji Ran walked out of Xia Xiao and Gu Donglin's room dejectedly.

Nan Yexi thought for a while, didn't she have to match the plot of the sand sculpture?It's going on the same way as before...

He also has options for the progress of the game plot. The first one is to either fight Gu Donglin, or let it go.

Nan Yexi chose to fight, because Ji Ran chose option b, so the fight was not connected successfully, so what Nan Yexi saw was that the other party refused the invitation... At this time, Nan Yexi only had one sentence in mind , I didn't expect Ji Ran to be such a sincere person.

The plot of the game has already developed to the point that Gu Donglin took Xia Xiao away. If this is the case, we can only let Ji Ran take him away...

Nan Yexi probably saw Ji Ran's winning conditions, but his own didn't seem to be quite the same as Ji Ran's.

Ji Ran's ultimate victory condition should be Xia Xiao's love, so Nan Yexi's condition cannot be the same as Ji Ran's. Who knows if this game will follow the routine...

(End of this chapter)

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