The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 29 Eight Party Assassination

Chapter 29 Eight Party Assassination (2)

But...Where did Lin Senyu come from, Comrade Xiao Ming's friend?
"Xiao Ranran~ Don't rush to kick me out, I have something important to do!" Xiao Ming Xiao Ming shouted for so long, it's better to give Comrade Xiao Ming a name!
As soon as Xiang Minglin turned on the mic, he wanted to get straight to the point: "How did you go back the night your brother came back? The car I booked for you said it didn't pick you up?"

Hasn't this happened for several days?Comrade Xiao Ming's buffering is a bit slow!
"I dare say I was in a black car that night, right?!" Ji Ran was startled, he was about to be defiled?

What seems wrong?Ji Ran remembered that she was riding in the uncle's car that night, and she didn't have to pay the fare...

"That's over...Xiao Ranran, are you still alive?" Xiang Minglin showed panic.

Ji Ran rolled his eyes in his heart, is it a ghost who is talking to him on the mic now?

"I'm dead, terribly dead! I'm playing Immortal Glory with Granny Meng's laptop now, you have to be careful, maybe I'll come out of your computer screen!" Ji Ran said very seriously.

[The assembly of the eight groups has been completed, players from all groups are invited to go to the hall...]
The joke ended here. I didn't expect that there were many people online at noon, and it didn't take long to match eight groups of players.

The professional card that Ji Ran drew this time is in charge, the focus of the whole group, but the identity card is actually Meng Po?watt?
In turn, it can be seen that:

[Humble Diaoyu] The career card is a strategist, and the identity card is Fengqitang Guoshi.

[Failure] The professional card is still a mage, and the identity card is the hall master of Fengqi Hall.

[Moon] The professional card is swordsman, and the identity card is the hall master's right guard. Law.

[End...] The professional card is assassin, and the identity card is the hall master Zuo Hu. Fa.

[Rongstring] The professional card is a gunner, and the identification card is Fengqitang General.

[Unqualified classmate] The professional card is a healer, and the identity card corresponds to the occupation. It is a doctor of Fengqitang.

Finally, another player [Nanye] invited by Lin Senyu has a professional card that Ji Ran has never seen before. What is it called an illusion maker?And the identification card is the deputy hall master of Fengqi hall.

Looking at it this way, it seems that Ji Ran's identity badge has nothing to do with Fengqitang?Not even the younger brother in the hall!

Offscreen, in the living room of the Chi family's old house, the three children who had agreed to play games together, two of them had already chosen a place where no one would see their identity cards to check their hidden bodies.

Only Chi Youze was still there... Because they all walked away, there was no need for Chi Youze to find another corner to check, just stay on the sofa.

After seeing their hidden identities, Ji Ran and Lin Senyu consciously approached Chi Youze's location. After all, this game still needs to be led by a big boss~
The game is about to start, but an advertisement window suddenly pops up on the interface of loading the game.

Immortal Glory is not officially poor enough to advertise to other merchants, so I figured it out on my knees, this is about Immortal Glory.

But Ji Ran took a closer look, and it seems that this is not an advertisement, but an official announcement from Immortal Glory, saying that the team members who win the dungeon mission in Chapter 8 of this round can be randomly selected to be eligible to form a team, but there is only one.Then there is a chance for the winning team in this game to get the priority experience opportunity of Immortal Glory holographic version.

The holographic online game of Immortal Glory is a new version of the game that Immortal Glory officially intends to launch in the second professional league, and it is the pinnacle of role-playing competitive games.

Players use the magnetic card attached to the account, and then insert the magnetic card at the designated place to enter the game. Entering the game is like being in the real world.

After the second professional league is over, Immortal Glory officials will release designated equipment to designated locations, some for private use, for clubs, and for public use in Internet cafes.When the third Immortal Glory Professional League is over, this holographic version of the online game will be spread all over the world.

The sensory system will feel the damage received in the game, as if it happened in real time. If you die in the game, it will be as if you are really dead, but you will not feel anything when you exit the game.

"Uncle Tu'er, why don't we try to win this one and get this spot?" Ji Ran had a smirk on his face, as if he had thought of something indescribable.

 I was busy signing the contract yesterday, the second update will be added today, and there will be three updates today.

  The game was created by a certain orange, and the details still need to be improved. If there is any bad writing, you can point it out. A certain orange modifies it humbly, because it was coded at night. If there are typos and omissions, please forgive me and point out the mistakes. Tangerine will change ╰
  Also, Comrade Xiang Minglin is the Comrade Xiao Wang who appeared before, because he was finally given a name, so the previous "Xiao Wang" was changed to "Xiao Ming".

  Finally, a humble orange is asking for collections, tickets, and five-star praise online! (* ̄3 ̄)╭Little flower hits you

(End of this chapter)

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