The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 56 Calling All Staff

Chapter 56 Calling All Staff (1)

"No! I'm going to kill you!"

Those liquids had gathered under the body of the unreliable young woman, and gradually swallowed her up.

[The player ID is unreliable, the young girl has been swallowed by the npc! ]
"Hide for a minute or two and then go to the conference room! Hide quickly!!" Zangai has been counting the time from beginning to end. Although there is no clock and the time on his mobile phone has stopped running, he is good at mathematics. , the calculation is very clear.

However, as soon as the words fell, Zun Ai was immediately submerged by the liquid.

Moon and Gentleman couldn't care so much anymore, so they hurriedly found a place to hide.

The door that came in at first was already blocked by liquid, and even the door was blocked by a giant monster.

Fortunately, this wine cellar is big enough, as long as you go a little deeper, you will find that the viscous liquid dare not approach at all.

However, there is an unknown danger over there...!
At this time, Moon suddenly found that someone requested to connect to her mic channel. She had already entered a place where liquids dare not approach. Since the danger has not yet come, she should be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"God Moon, have you encountered any monsters over there?"

"Viscous liquid, especially disgusting!"

"There should only be two people left on your side? What happened?"


As soon as the Lianmai channel was turned on, a series of voices entered her ears.

"I entered a wine cellar with my teammates. This should be the lair of viscous liquid monsters. One of my teammates was possessed by an NPC and then died. The other died because of talking loudly. As for Boundary Libai..."

"He should also be possessed by some NPC. When the message was sent to him just now, he seemed to have no eyes!"

"Now I'm hiding in the wine cellar with the rest of my teammates, waiting for the collective summary every 15 minutes..."

Moon told others what happened here in one breath, but she suddenly realized that her mic channel is always on, as long as the other party connects with her, she can just talk directly, there is no need to wait Connect only with her consent.

Moreover, the voices of the "people" who spoke to her just now were completely unfamiliar to her, and it was the first time she heard such voices.

So, who is lying to her? !

It was as if the other party had discovered that she already knew the scam, and she didn't make a sound.

At this moment, only the sound of those liquid monsters flowed in Moon's ears.

Time passed so slowly, Moon felt that he had been there for two hours, but he did not enter the conference room for a long time.

Gentleman didn't know where he hid when Burial Love told them to hide, and there was no news for so long...

Moon suddenly felt uneasy, just like when her parents abandoned her, she was so helpless and uneasy.

The dim light in the wine cellar flickered once or twice from time to time, as if the power was about to be cut off.

The phone screen suddenly flickered a few times, did someone send her a message?
"Quick! Leave now!!"

It was sent by God R. In this game, God R is the only one who has Moon WeChat. They know each other in reality.

"Why?" Moon wondered.

How did Rongstring know the situation here?

"You don't have to leave, but don't look back!!"

God R seems to be eager for her to leave, but how will she leave?
There are monsters blocking the way, and there are things that won't let her turn back. Where should she go?
"I'm not God R, I'm Gentleman, I've already escaped from the wine cellar, and I just met God R and the others outside!"

"Listen to me, hold your breath and don't make any noise, quietly step over those liquid monsters, and then come out from the door..."

"Don't look back just out of curiosity!!"

Moon still doesn't believe these words, even the message from Rongstring's WeChat.

"Why didn't you tell me Lianmai?" Moon suspected that this was another scam organized by an NPC, trying to trick her into walking into the liquid monster, and then being swallowed...

She didn't believe what he said, but he refused to let her turn back, and she was about to turn back!
Putting the phone back into his pocket, Moon turned his head and looked back.


(End of this chapter)

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