The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 66 Drink more magma

Chapter 66 Drink more magma (1) (plus more)

Reversing black and white?Ji Ran is just telling the truth, okay?

There were only a few students from Yingcheng No. [-] Middle School in the car, and the teacher Chi Youze... Of course, the driver was not included.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yiece"

Thinking of Ji Ran's hot topic before, it's a real drama!

"You..." The girl pointed at Ji Ran.

"Apologize." Chi Youze didn't show mercy to the girl at all, dare to bully his Xiao Xiaoxiao's sister?Don't even think about it!


"I don't want to say it a second time!"

The girl knelt down in fright. It wasn't because she was really sorry that she knelt down, but because Chi Youze's current aura was as powerful as a king, and people couldn't help but kneel down to him.

"Since you are already kneeling, then I forgive you!" Ji Ran got off Chi Youze's body, leaned into the girl's ear, and exhaled softly: "Did you see the hot search before school started? I If I can get the first kill in the game, I can kill you too!"

"You... murdered and violated the law!" The girl wanted to stand up, but Ji Ran pushed her back.

"Psychopaths kill people, you don't have to pay criminal responsibility~" It was a threatening tone, Ji Ran was too dark.

The girl was terrified and pulled the other girl who was sitting away from Ji Ran. She never knew that Ji Ran was so scary.

"What's wrong?" Another girl didn't understand.

The girl didn't answer her, and got off immediately when the bus arrived at the stop. Originally, their direction of going home was not this way, but when they saw Chi Youze coming up, they followed suit.

Ji Ran wanted to sit back to her original seat, but when she passed by Chi Youze, she was hugged by Chi Youze in his arms, which scared her into a fright.

"After using want to lift your pants and deny it?" Chi Youze hugged tightly, preventing Ji Ran from escaping.

Ji Ran struggled for a while, but didn't move anymore, because she suddenly felt something strange...

There is a hot current under my body, I am afraid it is a sudden visit from relatives...!
Chi Youze thought that Ji Ran had settled down, so he took out his mobile phone, plugged in Ji Ran's earphones, and put them on one by one, and light music played.

Ji Ran straddled Chi Youze's lap, in a strangely ambiguous posture.

After one or two stops, almost all the people on the bus got off, and no one got on the bus again, perhaps because the places where this bus goes are less likely to have buses passing by.

"Xiao Ran, come down..." Chi Youze originally thought that Ji Ran was peaceful, but unexpectedly he became agitated again. Is this going to torture him to death?
Ji Ran was afraid that Chi Youze would see something he shouldn't see, so he hugged Chi Youze's waist tightly, and buried his panicked face into Chi Youze's arms: "Don't...!"

Chi Youze is so embarrassed, if Ji Ran notices something, he feels that Ji Ran will give him a big mouth...

"Come down."


"Can't you get down?"

"No way!"

"Then I put you down?!" Chi Youze said, and actually acted.

Ji Ran hugged Chi Youze tightly, just like Chi Youze hugged her at the beginning: "You said you wanted to hug me, why did you let me down again?"

"Xiao Ran, don't you... fall in love with me?" Chi Youze leaned close to Ji Ran's ear, and then Ji Ran quickly bounced away from him.

This trick really worked! !
Just when Ji Ran turned around, Chi Youze understood why she refused to leave him...

Behind Ji Ran, there is a big red stain...

[ps: Another update is tomorrow, a certain orange is at the limit, it's too humble! ]

(End of this chapter)

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