The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 73 Angel Welfare Institute

Chapter 73 Angel Welfare Institute (2)

Ji Ran said goodbye to Xiang Mama, and Xiang Minglin took him to the second floor of the internet bar.

The first floor is full of computer equipment, but the second floor is full of holographic game cabins. The lights are dim. If you don't look carefully, you might think it's a coffin...

"Xiaoran, do you have a magnetic card?"

Xiang Minglin took out his account magnetic card from his trouser pocket, turned around and asked Ji Ran again.

Ji Ran nodded, Xiang Minglin had reminded her to bring her account card before she came, so she double checked whether she brought it or not.

All you can see in front of your eyes are the game cabins, but Xiang Minglin didn't take Ji Ran to any of them, but walked into the inner VIP game room...

Ji Ran and Xiang Minglin inserted the magnetic cards into the adjacent game cabins at the same time, and the doors opened automatically, and then they entered the game cabin.

waiting room—

At present, only two players, Ji Ran and Xiang Minglin, are online. During the summer vacation, the strategy game "Late Night Tavern" was widely praised. Most players went to various designated places to participate in the game. However, the number of players in the game had to reach 25 to open it. The time is too long, and this game has been played for more than a month, the strategy is about to be played badly!
The strategy game that Xiang Minglin invited Ji Ran to play this time is Immortal Glory's official strategy game called "Angel Welfare Institute" that will be released at [-] p.m. at the opening ceremony of the professional league.

I don't know if it's a survival game, a competitive game or a horror game, but it's definitely not easy to hear the name!
[Player Bear Biscuit joins the game.]

There are already three players. Xiang Minglin has read the game introduction, "Angel Welfare House" needs to wait for eight players to join before it can start.

"Ji dye?"

The new player whose id is Bear Biscuit talked to himself inquiringly, as if he was asking Ji Ran, but he didn't ask her.

The id Ji Ran remembers is the last time he experienced the holographic version, one of them was summoned to death by Moon.

Although I am not very familiar with her, but I used to play games with her, so I have to get acquainted with her later!

[The player joins the game as it gets darker.]

[Player Maple joins the game]

After waiting for about 10 minutes, I finally gathered eight people, and now I can finally start the game!

[The countdown to the start of the game...]
[The "Angel Welfare Home" game begins! ]

"Bang bang bang!"

The loud knock on the door resounded in the gray sky.

"Grandpa dean, open the door quickly! Grandpa let me in, it's coming... it's coming!"

Ji Ran was in the courtyard of a small western-style house, and the voice came from the door in front of Ji Ran.

who can that be?

"Grandpa Dean... Please! Let my brother and I go in! It's coming... It's right behind us!"

An anxious voice came from outside the door again.

"You will recruit it in! I will never allow this door to be opened!"

Ji Ran spoke uncontrollably to the people outside the door. The voice belonged to her, but it was not her own initiative.

It looks like this is a role-playing game, right? !

"Grandpa dean, let your younger brother go in! My younger brother is not infected, so grandpa dean can rest assured!"

The voice might sound like a girl's voice, but her voice was trembling, as if she was going through something desperate.

The voice of the little girl outside the door was gone, and Ji Ran found that the dean's grandfather didn't speak any more. Immediately afterwards, something flew in from the back of the wall, and then fell to the ground.

Ji Ran subconsciously felt that this was the "brother" that the little girl just said, and subconsciously caught the thing that was thrown in.

This is……? !

 I'm sleepy, good night ▂
(End of this chapter)

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