The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 77 The Resentment of the Wraith

Chapter 77 The Resentment of the Wraith (2)

Really, say Cao Cao Cao Cao to...

When he looked up, the bodies of the seven children on the tree had all disappeared.

Ji Ran felt that the resentful spirit was the "it" that the siblings and the dean called it in the Angel Welfare Institute!
Out of the eight players, except for Ji Ran herself, she only met three, so what about the other four?

"Master, look quickly... there is a place on the tree trunk that emits white light!"

Because Ji Ran and Tian Tian had their backs to the tree, and Xiao P was just attached to Ji Ran's back, his head could rotate 360 ​​degrees, so he kept staring at the back to prevent any accidents from happening.

At this time, the white awn spot gradually disappeared.

Ji Ran couldn't take care of that much anymore, pulled Tiantian, carried Xiaop on his back, and rushed towards Baimang point...

Then, they disappeared in front of the tree trunk.


"Yiyi, don't run around! You will fall!"

In the small white bungalow, the middle-aged woman is chasing the little girl in front, her face is full of kindness.

The little girl in front had already run and danced with other children. As the oldest child in the orphanage, she was also the most mischievous one. Several adults in the orphanage hated and loved her one by one.

"Hey..." The middle-aged woman sighed and didn't care about it any more. As long as she doesn't do anything wrong, she is still very good, so let her go!
After the middle-aged woman left, there were only a few children left in the yard, and the innocent smiles no longer hung on the faces of the children.

"Sister Yiyi, that new Xiaowu is still the same, pretending to be very noble, and doesn't play with us!" The five or six-year-old boy cast an evil glance at another girl in the corner. The boy should be the smallest of them all.

"Yeah, yeah! Sister Yiyi, you didn't see it, but I saw that the dean's grandfather ate the cake for Xiao Wu, and he didn't tell us about it!" The dean has also been included in their hated range Sorry, because the dean favored Xiao Wu, they were very dissatisfied!

After hearing another child's words, she exploded in an instant. As the most popular child in the orphanage, she has never eaten a cake in the orphanage!
She is the adults' favorite, why is she not treated like this? !

"Hey, come here!" Yiyi put her hips on her hips, looking like a big sister.

Xiao Wu ignored Yi Yi, but continued to play with the building blocks in her hand, regarding the building blocks as the most important thing at present, and no one could disturb her playing with the building blocks.

Yi Yi was so out of breath, this little Wu dared to ignore her orders, it seemed that he was getting bored! !
"Hey, I'm calling you!"

Yi Yi stepped forward and kicked the building block in Xiao Wu's hand, Xiao Wu's eyes widened: "How can you destroy it? You destroyed it?!"

Such Xiao Wu suddenly became very scary, his eyes seemed to be able to swallow a person at any time.

"I called you, didn't you hear? Besides, we have a lot of building blocks like this in our orphanage!!" Yi didn't have the slightest fear, and stared back.

Xiao Wu thought about it, and yes...

Without entanglement with them one by one, Xiao Wu stepped into the small bungalow and returned to the room the adults had prepared for him.

Xiao Wu didn't know what method to use, and easily opened the locked cabinets one by one, and found something hidden inside.

It's an accounting book, about the Angel Welfare Institute!
Come to think of it, because Yiyi discovered the secret of the orphanage, the adults would treat her as well as ever, even though she was such a mischievous girl who loves to get into trouble.

It's just a secret, let Yiyi shut up forever, isn't it that others don't know anything?
 Hurry up to update at the last moment, stepping on the spot is also king~
  How about slow-paced games and fast-paced reality?
  Finally, ask for tickets and collect them~mua~

(End of this chapter)

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