Chapter 1 Introduction
During the Taiguan period of the Northern Song Dynasty, that is, when Song Huizong, one of the "Two Emperors of Huiqin", was about to ascend the throne for the tenth year, Jiangnan encountered a heavy rain that was rare in a century.From Xinzhou in the west, Fuzhou in the south, and Shaoxing in the north, there was a heavy rain that lasted for nearly half a month.As a result, rivers flooded from Xizhe East Road to Fujian Road, and countless fields and houses were damaged.

Although the people in Jiangnan in this year were not as prosperous as in the Central Plains, they could live a stable life even if they were responsible for the annual birthday plan of the imperial court and the annual coins paid to the Liao Kingdom.To have a tile to shelter from the wind and rain, and a field to support the family is the satisfaction of life.But floods are better than beasts, this continuous rain has withered half of the people in the south of the Yangtze River!
Without a house, there will be no savings; if the field is destroyed, there will be no harvest for the next year.Without the support of life, people have to go outside to earn a living.Some who couldn't walk, or those who were reluctant to leave their hometown, stayed behind, just hoping that the government's granary would bring a stone of rice and a few catties of noodles, so that their frail skin could survive this goddamn year.

Most of the young people from all over the place rushed north in groups from one village to another.They felt that the imperial court would not have food, and even if there was, it would be difficult to deliver it to their mouths.Staying in that dilapidated home might just be waiting for death. If you were lucky enough to go north, you might be able to survive.Groups of hungry people rushed to the Central Plains like this, but no one will know how many people will make it to the end along the way, and how many people will be buried in the unfamiliar soil.

After the rain, it cleared up, and the clearness came too late and too much.

At noon, the sun was high.A carriage was walking slowly from south to north, no, it was a donkey cart.The donkey pulling the cart was quite strong, but its head was lowered under the scorching sun, and it seemed a little dejected.I don't know how many people fleeing famine passed by on this road before, and it is difficult to see even a piece of green grass on the side of the road or in a place farther away. This scene is very inconsistent with the donkey's robustness.

The driver was a man, about 30 years old, wearing a dark blue long gown, which was old but clean.The middle-aged man sat cross-legged against the wooden shaft of the car door, with his eyes closed, half asleep, as if he didn't want to spend any more energy on this irritating day.The deserted road, the wilderness full of cracks, and a stern face, the man seemed to be warning others not to disturb his silence.

In fact, apart from the donkey and the purple curtain of the carriage, there are probably no other living beings here.

"Father, where have we been? How long will it take to go home?" Behind the curtain came the voice of a child, a little girl.

The middle-aged man who was driving seemed to move his body, and replied: "Hurry up, if you are obedient all the way, it will take another three or four days."

"Daddy lied, the promise was half a month, but now it's been 37 days since I was out, and I've been with those bald monks all the time. I'm so boring. I can't go home until I can ride a horse. This donkey The car creaks so slowly, your daughter will soon get sick in the car."

"Haha, you little girl, you are still blaming me. If you hadn't been crying and torturing your mother and told us to take you with you, why would your mother and I live in Putian Temple and wait for the rain to stop every day? Son, tell me, is it true or not?" After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man showed a slight smile on his face.

"Mom, look at Daddy, he's bullying me again." Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, the girl rushed to say.

At this time, the curtains of the carriage were slowly closed, and a woman leaned out from the carriage.She was wearing a top with orchids on a silk surface and a green background. The bottom of the top was very long, and when she bent over in the car, it covered the bottom of her trousers, but it still couldn't block a pair of blue-black embroidered shoes with gold silk decorations.In this hot and dry weather, a few drops of sweat dripped from the oval face of the logo, hanging on the pink forehead and the tip of the delicate nose, but it also looked more hydrated.No one would have thought that this handsome woman was already the mother of a nine-year-old child, and she obviously took good care of herself on weekdays.Looking at the man driving the car again, he looked a bit "shabby" at this time.

The woman looked at the man with stern eyes, she seemed to be complaining, but also said jokingly: "You just like to compete with others, and you don't talk too much when you talk to your own daughter."

The middle-aged man laughed: "You're not right. When have I ever argued with you? Even if I wanted to fight, wouldn't you have to take all the advantages in the end?"

At this time, the woman had moved from the car and sat on the left side of the middle-aged man, holding a girl in her right hand.After moving again, the woman sat upright, held the girl in her arms, and said: "It's true that we have been out for a long time this time, you often walk around, that's all, but our mother and daughter, don't talk about Xin Damn, even I haven’t been out so long, it’s the heavy rain with bad scenery that has kept us in Fuzhou for so many days.”

The middle-aged man said: "I know you are anxious, otherwise I wouldn't have spent so much effort to bring Monk Zhiqing's precious donkey. Although our donkey cart is slow, it also saves you the bumps. This time The rain, the damage is too great, there are hungry people everywhere, and the road is not smooth, you should show your face less, and the road will be more stable."

The woman giggled: "You are a great hero Lu, how many little thieves are you afraid of?"

The middle-aged man said: "Oh, Wan'er, don't make fun of me. On our way, we can see displaced and hungry people everywhere. I don't know how many died of starvation or disease. Seeing such a situation, but being helpless, I feel very ashamed." what."

The man paused, and then said: "These people are very hungry, and they have indeed engaged in robbery, but you say, if I encounter them, how can I fight with them? If not, our things will How could it be taken by them, I hope they can take some money and exchange it for a few days of rice."

The woman also put away the smile just now, with a look of sadness on her face, and said: "At this time, even if you have money, where can you go to buy rice?"

The woman sighed, looked down at her daughter beside her, wiped a few drops of sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, and said, "Go back to the car and sleep for a while, the sun is hot outside, don't burn your body."

Although the girl is young, she is quite sensible, her parents were talking just now, and she knew not to interrupt, when she heard her mother calling her, she answered and went back behind the curtain.

The woman sideways took out the water bag behind her, and handed it to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man took a sip, and the two looked at each other again. Maybe the topic just now was serious, or maybe they didn't want to disturb the daughter who might be resting. People also stopped talking.The donkey cart continued to move forward slowly, and the axles creaked from time to time, which made the road in the south of the Yangtze River even more desolate.

The man on the carriage, surnamed Lu Mingpeng, is the owner of Pinjian Villa in Shaoxing Prefecture, and the woman is his wife, Wang Wan'er.The two have a very intelligent daughter named Lu Kexin.There are hundreds of disciples in the village, among them is a disciple named Situ Ying, who is a few years older than Lu Kexin, and has a high talent in martial arts. He knows how to practice hard at a young age, and he is also very good with Lu Kexin. Accept him as a personal disciple.

Pinjian Villa was built by Lu Peng's grandfather, Lu Baichuan. Lu Baichuan was originally a lay disciple of Putian Temple in Fujian. He became a monk and practiced martial arts in Putian Temple since he was a child. The Zen master personally taught Lu Baichuan the scriptures and skills, and Lu Baichuan lived up to expectations. He had considerable martial arts attainments at a young age, and then followed Zen master Kong down the mountain to the Shaolin Temple to visit the abbot of Shaolin, but met a woman by accident on the way. love.

Zen master Liaokong tried to persuade Lu Baichuan for many days without success, and finally saw that his disciple's karma was gone, so he stopped dissuading Lu Baichuan and wrote four big characters "Cultivating Marriage and Pu Shan" as a gift to Lu Baichuan, letting him leave with the woman , but let Lu Baichuan make a heavy oath: he will never enter Putian Temple again for half a step! After Zen Master Liaokong returned to Putian Temple, he was dismissed by the abbot from the position of the head of the Xiuwu Hall because his disciples had no way and allowed Lu Baichuan to return to the vulgar. He was also punished for one year in the back mountain of Putian Temple.

After Lu Baichuan returned to vulgarity, relying on the swordsmanship and inner martial arts he practiced in Putian Temple, he was a hero in the Jianghu. In just three years, he built a manor in Shaoxing Mansion, and a large gilded plaque hung on the main gate of the manor , wrote "Pin Jian Villa".Lu Baichuan was grateful for the kindness of Putian Temple and Zen Master Le Kong, and hung the four characters "Cultivating Margin and Pu Shan" bestowed by Zen Master Kong on the top of the main hall of the villa, and always taught himself with these four characters, even in Lu Peng's generation. , is still hanging in the main hall.

As the status of Lu Baichuan and Pinjian Villa increased in the rivers and lakes, Pinjian Villa and Putian Temple also had more contacts, but Lu Baichuan also obeyed his teacher's order and never entered the Putian Temple again.Later, when Zen Master Kong took over as the abbot of Putian Temple, and when Zen Master Kong passed away, Lu Baichuan went to the foot of Putian Temple with his family, and his family went up the mountain for him, while he meditated and recited scriptures at the foot of the mountain.Therefore, in the eyes of people in Jiangnan martial arts, Pinjian Mountain Villa and Putian Temple are already connected with each other. People who mention these two schools in the Jianghu, whether they are black or white, naturally hold a certain degree of awe.

In the generation of Lu Peng's father, Lu Changkong, he pushed Pinjian Villa to its peak.Lu Changkong had already mastered Lu Baichuan's kung fu before he received the crown ceremony.When Lu Changkong was 23 years old, it snowed heavily one day, and the plum blossoms in the backyard of Pinjian Villa were also in full bloom. Everyone felt that it was cold and didn’t want to come out to practice martial arts. Only Lu Changkong was moved by this scene, and he was alone in the plum blossom forest. Sword dance.The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the sword is dancing faster and faster:

The sword crosses the cold flower, the flower does not fall when it is broken, and the little scars are all over the place where the scriptures are walked;

Fold the plum blossoms to explore the snow, the snow fades without a trace, and the pieces of plum fragrance are scattered like the wind and return to the soul.

Lu Changkong danced with the sword for nearly four hours, and he realized the ten-style sword moves in the battle with Mei Xue, and later created three moves to make up for the weakness of the previous ten moves. Although the thirteen-style sword moves The tricks have the shadow of Putian Temple martial arts routines, but they also have the incomparable sharpness and agility of Putian Temple martial arts.

Because thousands of flowers wither in winter, only the plum blossoms in the garden bloom brightly. This plum blossom alone is enough to surpass thousands of flowers in the world, so Lu Changkong named this set of sword techniques he created "Ten Thousand Flowers Sword Technique" ".With these thirteen-style sword moves, Lu Changkong, who was just in his early twenties, challenged the masters from all walks of life in the south of the Yangtze River for 33 consecutive rounds, and he was not defeated. As a result, there was a saying in the Jianghu that "a thousand horses and a thousand troops are defeated by a sword in the sky"

Lu Peng was Lu Changkong's eldest son. He originally had a younger brother, but unfortunately he died before he was three years old.Therefore, Lu Changkong trained Lu Peng extremely strictly in martial arts. Although Lu Peng did not have the intelligence of his grandfather Lu Baichuan and the understanding of his father Lu Changkong, he still learned the essence of the Wanhua swordsmanship.However, Lu Changkong, the hero of the first generation, is inevitably arrogant. He erased the essence of martial arts from Putian Temple when he was teaching Lu Peng, intending to show that the martial arts of Putian Temple and the Wanhua swordsmanship created by himself It is incomparable, but despite this, Lu Changkong has often visited the abbot of Putian Temple and the head of each courtyard since he was a child, and the relationship between Pinjian Villa and Putian Temple has always been good.

Lu Peng is an upright person, willing to do good deeds, and after becoming the owner of Pinjian Villa, he has also done a lot of good things for the Jiangnan martial arts. In the eyes of the Jiangnan martial arts people, Lu Peng is like a leader.This time they traveled south, they were invited by Putian Temple to receive gifts and congratulations for the new abbot Master Zhiqing.It's just that I never thought that there would be such a sudden heavy rain, which made the family stay in Putian Temple for more than half a month.

(End of this chapter)

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