Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 120 Chapter Chapter Villa

Chapter 120 Returning to the Villa ([-])

After entering the Plum Garden, you can see a small building after a short walk. This small building was Situ Ying's former residence. Today, this small building has no light at all.

After passing this small building, there is a thick plum grove further ahead. In the middle of the night, the dew is heavy, and there is some mist in the plum grove.

There was another shouting and killing outside the plum garden, Li Wenxuan looked back and saw many disciples shouting outside the plum garden, but no one dared to enter the garden for a while, Li Wenxuan thought: "I must hurry up and go through this plum forest , slipped from behind."

Li Wenxuan plunged into the plum forest, walked back and forth among the plum blossom trees, and kept running to the north. He thought that after walking for a long time, he could see the courtyard wall, and he could easily escape.But Li Wenxuan ran non-stop for nearly a stick of incense, but he still couldn't see the boundary of the plum forest. There must be something weird in the middle, I have to get out of danger quickly, otherwise those people outside will come in and surround me, it will be miserable."

Li Wenxuan jumped up, wanting to use the moon to see his position, but standing on the top of the tree, he saw that the surrounding night fog was getting thicker, not to mention the moonlight, the plum trees three feet away were already blurred, Li Wenxuan Sighing secretly, he got down from the treetop and walked for a while, but he still couldn't see the slightest edge.

Looking closely at the plum grove, the plum trees inside are all about the same height, size and shape, and the location of each one seems to be irregular, neither in a row nor in a row, even if you come to the same location two or three times, you will be afraid. I can't even recognize it.Li Wenxuan cut open the lining of his clothes with a sword, and cut into many strips of fine cloth. After passing one by himself, he tied one on top of it as a mark.Sure enough, this method was feasible, and Li Wenxuan groped in the plum blossom forest for more than half an hour. Although there were many detours during the process, he finally came out of this forest.

However, when he got out of the forest, what Li Wenxuan saw was not the outer wall of Pinjian Villa, but a small lake. In the middle of the lake was a wide raised flat land, on which there were several wooden houses. The wooden houses were higher than ordinary farmhouses. There are quite a few, and it looks very delicate.From the wooden house to the plum blossom forest, it is connected by a floating bridge floating on the lake.It is said to be a pontoon bridge, but it is actually some small wooden boards tied with ropes. Let alone an adult, even a child's weight may be unbearable.

There is light in the wooden house, obviously someone is inside at this time, "What is living here? Could it be a peerless master who can live in such a secret place in Pinjian Villa?" Li Wenxuan thought, not knowing The emptiness and reality in this room, dare not go forward for a long time.

"Over there, hurry up!"

"You son of a bitch wants to die, please keep your voice down!"

There were footsteps in the plum blossom forest, and Li Wenxuan knew in his heart that these people had entered the plum garden and were chasing towards him.Seeing that the depth ahead was unclear and the pursuers were approaching, Li Wenxuan simply braced himself and jumped onto the pontoon bridge, thinking: "The worst is death, but there is no reason to turn back!" Li Wenxuan tapped his toes on the pontoon bridge, his body was light fell to the other side.

It was very quiet inside the wooden house, and the people in the house probably didn't notice Li Wenxuan's arrival.At this time, the footsteps behind him were getting closer, Li Wenxuan looked around, and the only place to hide in the middle of the lake was this wooden house, but Li Wenxuan didn't dare to venture into the house, so he had to go up lightly and hide on the wooden roof. Gripping the hilt of the sword tightly, without moving, he thought to himself: "It's fine if people don't find me after a while. If it's bad luck, then I can only fight to the death."

As soon as Li Wenxuan got on the roof, Housekeeper Hu led a large group of disciples to chase him to the lake from behind.

When these people arrived at the lake, although there were many people, it was very quiet, and no one shouted loudly. Steward Hu signaled the disciples behind him to step back, and he took a step forward. Assassin, he disappeared after fleeing here, I don’t know if the old lady could see it?”

There was no one in the wooden house to talk to Steward Hu, but Steward Hu waited for a while, and then said: "Madam, today's assassin is the one who murdered Master Situ during the day, please let me go in and find , so that this person is not harmful to the old lady!"

"Squeak——" the door of the wooden house opened, and a person came out of the wooden house. Hearing the sound of footsteps, it should not be the old lady who had just been shouted by housekeeper Hu. Although Li Wenxuan wanted to see who was below, he did not Dare to act rashly.

"Housekeeper Hu! Is this a place where you can come? Have you forgotten the rules in the villa!" This is the person who came out of the wooden house just now, and the voice is that of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, but the tone But it was very domineering. Housekeeper Hu and a group of disciples on the other side of the lake backed away again and again when they heard the girl's reprimand.

Butler Hu was different from those ordinary disciples, he was timid for a while, but he calmed down immediately, and took a step forward and said: "Miss Xiaoru, please tell the old lady, please forgive me, today is an emergency, I just came here with all my disciples, and I would like to ask the old lady to accommodate me and let me go in and hunt for the assassins!"

Li Wenxuan thought to himself: "It turns out that the girl who came out just now is called Xiaoru. Steward Hu was not afraid of anyone on the Wujianping that day, but now he just talks lowly to a little girl. It is important to think who comes to live in this wooden house Very much."

Xiao Ru said angrily: "Bold! The place where the old lady lives, did you idiots search it at will! Not to mention you, a little housekeeper, even if Situ Lang came here by himself, you ask him if he dares to step on it!" Previous!"

Li Wenxuan was really surprised: "It's okay for this girl to be cruel to Steward Hu, but she dared to call Situ Lang by his name!"

Butler Hu bumped into a wall repeatedly in front of a little girl, his old face was already livid, and he said in a low voice: "Since Miss Ru said that, then...offended!" Butler Hu suddenly jumped forward and stepped on the pontoon bridge. After a while, he jumped up again, and he was about to reach the side of the wooden house.Li Wenxuan was terrified, fearing that if Steward Hu really led people to forcibly search this place, it would be difficult for him to escape again.

Strange to say, Steward Hu seemed to be about to reach the other side, but he seemed to hit a wall in mid-air. With a muffled grunt, he fell straight down into the lake, with a hoarse old voice, Screaming in the water of the lake.

Xiao Ru walked to the lake with a very proud expression, as if she knew that Butler Hu would fall into the water, and said with a smile: "This is a lesson for you, get out of here if you don't take your trash with you!"

Butler Hu was already half-dead by Xiao Ru's anger, and now he is in the lake again, with steam all over his body, looking like smoke from seven orifices.Housekeeper Hu ignored Xiao Ru, turned around and swam towards the plum blossom forest. Seeing him retreating, Xiao Ru also turned and walked back towards the wooden house.

How could Steward Hu be willing to lose face in front of a little girl?Just after swimming backward a few times, seeing Xiaoru turn around, she suddenly jumped out of the lake, raised her palm and hit Xiaoru's back.

Xiao Ru only said that Steward Hu retreated, how could she expect someone to attack from behind?Li Wenxuan saw all this clearly from the roof. It was okay for this girl to be beaten down by Butler Hu. Without thinking about it, Li Wenxuan picked up a piece of blue tile and threw it at Butler Hu.

Housekeeper Hu fixed his eyes on Xiaoru, and Li Wenxuan shot so fast that he didn't even notice that someone was plotting against him. He jumped into the air and was about to hit him when he saw something that he didn't know what it was. It was too late to dodge when the door came, only to hear a scream amidst the broken tiles, Housekeeper Hu fell into the water again, dared not take half a step forward, and swam to the shore with a dog planing, was beaten by several Three disciples were pulled ashore.

That Xiaoru was very strange, if Housekeeper Hu sneaked up on her, if she didn't notice, it would be fine, but Butler Hu got a tile on his forehead, this movement was not small, but Xiaoru still acted as if he didn't hear it, and went straight into the wooden house go.

Li Wenxuan regretted endlessly in his heart, and said in his heart: "It seems that people have already figured it out, why do you need to do this extravagantly, you have already been seen by others." Thinking of this, Li Wenxuan lowered his body even lower, and dared not Peek down.

Housekeeper Hu was helped away by a group of disciples, and Xiao Ru also entered the wooden house. After about a cup of tea, there was no sound inside or outside the small lake. Li Wenxuan was secretly rejoicing, but someone in the wooden house said: " People, are you still planning to come down?"

 Today's first update

(End of this chapter)

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