Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 133 Meeting a Little Thief on the Road

Chapter 133 Meeting a Little Thief on the Road

Li Wenxuan was about to touch Su Qingxue's red lips, but half of them were lost by the sudden scream, and Su Qingxue was so frightened that she plunged her head into Li Wenxuan's arms In the middle of the night, his body was trembling, as if he really thought that there were ghosts coming to eat people.

Is Li Wenxuan more courageous? After a while, he calmed down. While comforting Su Qingxue, he already held Qingshuang tightly with one hand, and wanted to go out to see what happened, but Su Qingxue hugged Li Wenxuan tightly. He refused to let go, and kept saying, "Wenxuan, what is... what is it? Is there really a ghost... a ghost?"

In fact, Li Wenxuan was also afraid. Hearing Su Qingxue say the word "ghost", his body trembled uncontrollably. At this moment, someone outside the carriage shouted: "People in the carriage, get out of here." You don’t have eyes when you walk!”

Hearing someone yelling and scolding, Li Wenxuan comforted Su Qingxue and said: "Qingxue, don't be afraid, there are people outside here, not ghosts, I'll go out and have a look, you wait for me in the car."

Su Qingxue nodded, but her hands were still tightly clutching Li Wenxuan's skirt, and she was reluctant to let go. Li Wenxuan patted Su Qingxue's hand lightly, and said, "Trust me, it's fine." That's the way to go carriage.

It was very dark on both sides of the path, and there was only a little light from a lantern hanging on Li Wenxuan's carriage.Li Wenxuan looked around, and saw three black shadows walking towards him beside the carriage, but it was very dark there, and he could vaguely see the figure of the person, but he couldn't see the eyebrows and clothes clearly.

Li Wenxuan said: "Who are you, why did you shout indiscriminately just now, and frightened me!"

A person in the shadow shouted: "Bold! Your horse stepped on my brother's leg, and you dare to ask me first!"

Li Wenxuan thought to himself: "Although the sky is dark, but the lanterns hung on my carriage, I'm afraid I can see it clearly from a distance of several tens of feet. Besides, I'm walking on the road in the middle of the night. If I can't overwhelm anyone, it must be these people I want to use this as an excuse to blackmail my money!" Li Wenxuan said: "Well, you little thieves, you want to blackmail my money!"

Another person in the shadow said: "Get lost! What do you mean blackmailing you? If your horse tramples on my brother, you should lose money. This is only right and proper!"

Li Wenxuan was angry at one point, firstly, these people blocked the road and robbed, and secondly, the most annoyed thing was that they disturbed his good business with Su Qingxue, and cursed: "You thieves, get out of here as soon as possible!" , don't force me to do it!"

Several black shadows seemed to be laughing wildly, obviously they didn't take Li Wenxuan seriously, and one of them said: "Just because you are so small and want to fight with our brothers, I advise you to come down honestly and apologize. Don't ask for trouble!"

Another person in the shadow said: "That's right! I advise you, it's better to lose some money. If you really want to fight with us, you may lose more than just the money!"

Li Wenxuan sneered and said: "You thieves dare to speak up in front of me! Then I will do justice for the sky today and teach you a lesson!"

Those three people saw that Li Wenxuan wanted to fight, and they were not to be outdone. They saw a few lights flashing in the darkness, and they all took out their weapons.

Li Wenxuan was afraid that they would disturb Su Qingxue by coming forward, so before these people came over, he jumped up and jumped behind those three shadows. When they got behind themselves, they all took a few steps back, no longer shouting like they did just now.

Li Wenxuan thought to himself: "The laughing thief is the laughing thief. He is very timid. I was so scared that I wanted to retreat before I made a move."

Li Wenxuan yelled: "What? Don't dare to fight? Who was trying to extort my money just now?"

The three of them heard Li Wenxuan's aggressive words, and seemed to want to rush forward, but they also hesitated a lot, and they were in a stalemate for a moment, uncertain of paying attention.

"Let's go together, it's dark here, even if he can dodge one knife, I don't believe he can dodge the three of us!" I don't know who among the three said this first, and the three of them immediately Say hello to each other, spread out slightly, and started to rush towards Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan looked at these people walking with the wind and making noises when they landed. It was obvious that they had some brute force, and they were not real kung fu practitioners. He thought to himself: "These little thieves, watch me play tricks on you."

The three of them rushed forward together, and at the same time raised their sabers to slash at Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan took a step back and dodged the three sabers. The three of them stabbed forward with their sabers at the same time. Suddenly, the three of them fled to nothing again.

It was fine for these three people to stab in the air, but after Li Wenxuan jumped up, the three of them looked at it again, but they couldn't see Li Wenxuan falling down, which was very strange.One person said: "Where is that person just now? Was he stabbed to death by the two of you? Why is there no movement?"

Another person said: "Third brother, did you kill him, why is he gone?"

The person called the third child said, "I... I don't know, I just cut him down, and he disappeared in such a daze."

The three looked left and right, but couldn't see where Li Wenxuan was. Suddenly, the three heard a shout from behind: "Your grandpa is here!".The three of them were caught off guard, they were all terribly frightened, they didn't know when Li Wenxuan came behind them, and they were afraid that Li Wenxuan would play tricks on their backs, so they ran forward several steps in a row.

The three of them ran for a few steps, then stopped and looked back, but this look was even more strange, and Li Wenxuan was nowhere to be seen.

The man who had just been replaced as the third child shouted loudly: "It's not good, this thief boy knows magic spells! I... I... We must have met a ghost in this forest!"

The other person said: "Damn you!" But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a heavy blow on the head, and then cursed: "Who hit my head!" At the same time, he swung his knife and chopped off , don't think about it, this knife is naturally cut empty again.

The three of them groped for a while, but when they couldn't see Li Wenxuan's figure, they all became afraid. The three got together, and one of them said, "What should we do? It seems that we can't beat it, why don't we run away!"

"Run your head, do you think you can run away!" The man who spoke just now was reprimanded by his companion.

Another person said: "Wait, let me see, let's hurry to the side of the carriage, there is light there, and see what tricks this man can play for us!"

The method this person said was obviously adopted by his companions, and the three of them suddenly ran towards the carriage.

Su Qingxue was in the carriage, Li Wenxuan could not allow them to be presumptuous beside the carriage.I saw the three of them ran outside one after another before being tripped by their feet, screaming three times in a row, and the three of them fell heavily to the ground one by one. It seemed that the falls were not light. They all flew out of their hands.

The three of them were complaining repeatedly, the one in the middle only saw a pair of feet appearing in front of him, he looked up and saw that it was Li Wenxuan standing in front of him, this guy was terrified, there was not even half of the arrogant words left , directly knelt down to Li Wenxuan, kowtowed and said: "The little one is wrong, the little one shouldn't have disturbed the old man's car, please let the young one go, I will burn incense for you every day after I go back!"

Seeing the man in the middle frightened like this, the two people on the side didn't hold back anymore, and begged Li Wenxuan for mercy with snot and tears, for fear that Li Wenxuan would kill them.

Li Wenxuan only said that they were thieves, he just wanted to scare them and teach them some lessons, naturally he never thought of taking their lives.Turning around, he picked up the three steel knives that fell on the ground, and hit each of the three people's heads with the back of the knife. The three of them only thought that Li Wenxuan was really going to kill them, and a few drops of urine came out.

Li Wenxuan said: "You guys, remember it for me! You must never bully anyone again, you know? If you really have the skills, go serve as soldiers and fight gold thieves!"

Just now, when he was replaced by the third child, he suddenly raised his head and said, "We were originally..."

Before the youngest could finish his sentence, another companion beside him blocked his mouth and pushed him down.

Li Wenxuan didn't care, and continued, "I can let you live today!"

The three of them were overjoyed when they heard that Li Wenxuan didn't want their own life, and kowtowed repeatedly.

Li Wenxuan said again: "But! I will not return your weapons to you, lest you will use it to do evil in the future!"

The third child raised his head and seemed to want to say something, but was pushed down by the person beside him, who said: "Thank you, sir, for letting us live. These three steel knives should be treated as small tributes to you!" Old man, just put it away!"

Li Wenxuan saw that these three people had been punished by himself, so he said: "Okay, you go, remember what I said, if you do evil again, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

The three of them were obedient, kowtowed, and thanked, after a lot of tossing, they fled away scrambling.

Watching them go away, Li Wenxuan sighed for a long time, and thought to himself: "When will you guys come, but at this time, my good deed is ruined! Sigh!"

 Today's fifth change, we will continue to work hard later, and send the sixth change!
(End of this chapter)

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