Chapter 21
There is an old temple in the east of Luzhou City, which has been abandoned for a long time, but this night, it is shining with little lights.A small fire was lit in the middle of the ruined temple. Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were sitting on one side, looking a little depressed.

"Are you okay just now? Are you injured?" Qiu Shan asked.

"I'm fine. Although there are many people here tonight, their martial arts are all mediocre." Li Wenxuan replied.

"That's good. Seeing you surrounded by them, I'm really afraid that you won't be able to escape." Qiu Shan's speech at this time was not as sharp as usual.

"It was me who was careless, isn't it all right? Brother Qiu, how did you come outside suddenly?" Li Wenxuan was always surprised that Qiu Shan could suddenly appear outside the door, and couldn't understand it.

Qiu Shan replied: "It's also a coincidence. I was afraid that the store didn't feed my white horse well. Before I went to bed, I went out to take a look, and accidentally saw a few people wearing official boots from the yamen enter the room next to us. , I felt a little strange, so I paid more attention when I went to bed at night, alas, I didn't expect it, I guessed it right."

Qiu Shan sighed, and said: "I knew those people when they first started to go upstairs. I saw that there were too many of them, and we two would suffer if we fought hard, so we went outside and cleaned up those people below. Later, they sprinkled some barbed thorns, which blocked them for a while."

Li Wenxuan was even more puzzled at this time, and asked again: "Brother Qiu, just now you said that they were wearing official boots from the yamen? How is this possible? Even if the yamen wanted to arrest you and me, they would still arrest you and me for interrogation. Why? If you don't say anything, will you kill me?"

"I don't even think about it. The government will never do things so haphazardly, unless..." Qiu Shan fell into deep thought as he spoke.

Li Wenxuan asked again: "Unless what?"

"Unless the golden man has something to do with the sheriff of Luzhou City during the day." Qiu Shan said here, under the light of the fire in the middle, his expression became more solemn.

When Li Wenxuan said that, Qiu Shan was also taken aback, and said, "That—that's not bad."

"Not necessarily, don't worry, we have a lot of noise tonight, when it's dawn, you hide here first, I go out to find out the news, I think there will be some gains." Qiu Shan said.

"I'll go with Brother Qiu!" Li Wenxuan said.

"You? You've only been walking outside for a few days? I'm afraid you'll miss me." Qiu Shan made fun of Li Wenxuan again.

Li Wenxuan didn't argue with Qiu Shan, and said, "Well, anyway, just be careful when you go out."

"Well, let's put out the fire. While there is still some time before dawn, let's take a rest and refresh ourselves. Those individuals will definitely not come to trouble us for a while." Qiu Shan said, and dispersed They lit the fire and covered it with some sand. Li Wenxuan also helped.

Late at night, the moon was dark, Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were lying on one side of the ruined temple, Qiu Shan exhaled very calmly, and a slightly undulating silhouette could be seen in the darkness, as if he had fallen asleep.Li Wenxuan looked at the night outside and was worried. Thinking about what happened just now, he knew that he had gotten into a big trouble this time, what should he do?And what would happen to her own father and Tie Ling'er if they found out about this?The more Li Wenxuan thought about it, the more worried he became, and he didn't even feel sleepy at all, so he stayed until dawn.

In the early morning, the aroma of burning sweet potatoes awakened Qiu Shan, who was still in his dream.

Seeing Qiu Shan wake up, Li Wenxuan said: "Brother Qiu is awake, it just so happens that the sweet potato is almost burnt, you should eat it first, and fill your belly." Li Wenxuan pulled out a sweet potato from under the fire and threw it on Qiu Shan side.

After a lot of trouble last night, both of them were hungry, so Qiu Shan stopped giving way and said, "Thank you, but why did you wake up so early? Where did this sweet potato come from?"

Li Wenxuan replied: "I really couldn't sleep last night. At dawn, I saw sweet potatoes growing in the field over there, so I went to dig a few pieces."

Qiu Shan smiled and said, "No wonder I can't sleep, so I want to be a thief."

"Hey, Brother Qiu, don't make fun of me. You said yesterday that those were all from the government. I'm really worried." Li Wenxuan's expression was rather downcast.

Qiu Shan also put away his smile and said, "Don't think too much about it. I'll go out to find out the news later, and I'll understand."

Li Wenxuan nodded and didn't say much.

Qiu Shan went out to inquire about the news, Li Wenxuan listened to Qiu Shan's explanation, waited in the ruined temple, and never went out, until after noon, the sound of Qiu Shan's footsteps came from outside the ruined temple.

"Brother Qiu, do you have any news? No one bothers you anymore, right?" Li Wenxuan walked up to Qiu Shan.

Qiu Shan replied: "I'm fine, it's just..."

"Just what?" Li Wenxuan asked.

"It's just that this matter is very strange. I can tell that those people last night are from the government, but I asked someone to inquire in the government office, and there is nothing unusual." Qiu Shan paused, and then said: "What's even more strange Yes, today I went to the Sifang Inn to check again, and everything was as usual, as usual, there was such a big commotion last night, it shouldn’t be like this, and finally I went to the east and south city gates to have a look. The guards have increased a lot, and the interrogation has been tightened, it should be aimed at you and me."

After Qiu Shan finished speaking, both of them fell into deep thought.

After a while, Li Wen said, "If that's the case, won't both of you and I be able to leave the city for a while?"

Qiu Shan said: "Well, I'm afraid we have to wait for three to five days. After a long time, they haven't heard from us yet, so they will naturally think that we have already left the city, and the investigation at the city gate must be lax. Much safer."

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to go." Li Wenxuan looked extremely depressed.

"Don't think too much, it's all like this anyway, what's the use of thinking so much, by the way, Li Wen Xuan, right? I haven't asked you yet, did you come to Luzhou? What's the matter?" Seeing that Li Wenxuan was unhappy, Qiu Shan deliberately changed the subject.

"Oh, I——I'm here to buy—a dowry gift." Li Wenxuan said, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Betrothal gift? Haha, no wonder I lost the money yesterday and made you so anxious. It turns out that you are in a hurry to marry a wife. Which girl do you fancy, silly boy?" Qiu Shan asked with a smile.

Li Wenxuan's skin is thin, and he blushed a little when Qiu Shan teased him, "Sister Ling'er grew up with me, she's also a childhood sweetheart."

"It's not something shameful. Why are you so shy? You're still a man." Qiu Shan revealed his "true face" and continued to make fun of Li Wenxuan.

Once Qiu Shan was beaten, Li Wenxuan was not so depressed, and said: "I will invite brother Qiu to drink a cup of wedding wine in the future."

"Okay, sure. Today I will treat you to some meat first, and when you get married, I will go to your house to eat your food." As he said, Qiu Shan shook the things in his hand in front of Li Wenxuan, and a scent was scattered. Open, it turned out to be two roast chickens.

Li Wenxuan only ate some roasted sweet potatoes from last night until now, which was not enough to fill his stomach. His stomach was already empty, so he thanked Qiu Shan, and the two of them sacrificed the roast chicken to the Temple of the Five Viscera.

(End of this chapter)

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