Chapter 223 A false alarm

Although they were blocked by these soldiers, they did what they were supposed to do, so Li Wenxuan didn't blame them, and he didn't want to hurt them, so the Qingshuang sword was always in its sheath, and it didn't come out.Like this, Li Wenxuan took a few steps forward with empty hands. Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, finally someone in the crowd couldn't help shouting: "You——you step back, if you go forward again, we will just You're welcome!" However, although the voice of the shouter was not low, he was obviously lacking in confidence, and there was a slight tremor in his voice, which not only did not stop Li Wenxuan, but weakened before the battle, and demoralized himself.

Li Wenxuan continued to walk forward, suddenly two cold lights came in front of him, stabbing at Li Wenxuan's waist from left and right, it turned out that there were two people in the crowd, each holding an iron gun, stabbing at Li Wenxuan.When Li Wenxuan saw Youfan attacking himself, he didn't dodge or stop. Instead, he smiled slightly, but this smile looked particularly terrifying on his blood-stained face.Li Wenxuan walked forward as usual, and when the two iron guns arrived in front of him, he crossed his left and right hands to hold the red tassels on the iron guns, and the iron guns immediately stopped in front of Li Wenxuan, making it difficult to move forward at all.

Seeing this, the two people holding the iron gun over there saw that this was not going to go forward, so they exchanged glances and pulled the iron gun back together, but they couldn't pull it back at all, as if the iron gun had already grown on Li Wenxuan's body. hands in general.Seeing that it was impossible to advance or retreat, Li Wenxuan suddenly pulled the two iron guns back with force, and the two soldiers were dragged away from the crowd by Li Wenxuan before they could let go because they held the iron guns firmly. came out, bumped into each other, and fell in front of Li Wenxuan.

After a wave of attack failed, another person quietly walked around behind Li Wenxuan. This person's body was very burly. Judging from his stature, he was a whole circle bigger than Li Wenxuan. He must be much stronger than ordinary people.This person saw that Li Wenxuan was only going forward and had to deal with the swords and guns of the people in front, so he thought that Li Wenxuan must be defenseless behind him, so he rushed forward, trying to hug Li Wenxuan by the waist.But just when he was about to reach Li Wenxuan, Li Wenxuan disappeared in front of him as if out of thin air. Wow, the force he used just now was already strong, and he couldn't stop under his feet anymore, like a wild bull directly crashing into the crowd in front, everyone avoided one after another, but there were still two or three who didn't dodge, and were caught The big man was knocked out by Zhang Yuan, and he cried out in pain again and again.

Everyone saw that it was impossible to fight alone, so they had to fight. The people in the front row showed their swords one after another, and they were going to make dumplings for Li Wenxuan together, but just as everyone's swords came out, they hadn't had time to move forward. Suddenly, a clear shadow flashed in front of the people, but the five or six soldiers in the front row suddenly stood still and did not move. The people behind did not know why, so they pushed. The unmoving soldiers did fall to the ground one after another. The funny thing is that they still maintained the same posture before they fell to the ground, but their whole bodies seemed to be frozen, and each of them only had two eyeballs that could move freely.

What these soldiers usually train is only some fighting and assassination skills in the army. They have never seen this kind of acupoint acupuncture. What's more, Li Wenxuan's shots are extremely fast, and he can stop five or six people in an instant. It stopped, and no one dared to step forward again.

Li Wenxuan said: "Get out of the way, I don't make it difficult for you to open the door for me, I will do it myself." Li Wenxuan took two steps forward and said: "I killed many people today, I really don't want to use my sword again, and, None of you are my opponents. Since we have fought each other just now, even if I leave like this, if someone investigates in the future, you can still say that you can’t beat me, and I forced you out. You won't be blamed, how?"

After Li Wenxuan said, it didn't matter whether these soldiers agreed or not, he just walked forward slowly, and slapped the shoulders of those who fell to the ground after being acupunctured, and these people quickly got up one by one, and fled far away. Go, never dare to approach Li Wenxuan again.

Seeing that no one was coming to fight with him again, Li Wenxuan swished the drawn Qingshuang sword. The cold light of the Qingshuang sword was overwhelming, and now it was mixed with a layer of faint blood, which made people shudder. Those who wanted to step forward to stop Li Wenxuan were wavering in their hearts. Seeing this, they all stopped their small movements. Seeing Li Wenxuan stepping forward step by step, they had no choice but to give way.

Li Wenxuan walked all the way to the city gate, and saw a cedar tree as thick as a thigh across the city gate, which should be quite heavy. Li Wenxuan wanted to cut it off with a sword, but thought that it was something from the government after all. It's better not to move, so as not to cause any trouble to the soldiers guarding the gate, so he put the Qingshuang sword into the scabbard, bent down, and carried the cedar wood on his shoulders, and when his legs stretched straight, and then he straightened up, the rafter Li Wenxuan had already firmly lifted the wood out of the groove on the city gate, and Li Wenxuan threw the citron wood backwards forcefully, and Li Wenxuan threw the citron wood more than a foot away.

When all the soldiers saw Li Wenxuan carrying the cedar tree alone, they all sighed, thinking that when they usually carried the cedar tree, four or five people could move freely at the same time, and Li Wenxuan looked at it alone. It didn't take much effort to pick up this big stupid piece of wood. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely not believe it, so how could they not be shocked?The soldiers who were following Li Wenxuan saw that Li Wenxuan threw the cedar tree back, they were all terrified, and hurriedly avoided, fearing that they would be hit by the cedar tree. I can't keep it.

Li Wenxuan took Bai Ling'er out of the city smoothly, but as soon as he went out, Li Wenxuan thought of something in his heart, and then turned around and asked: "By the way, everyone, besides me, is there anyone else going out of the city tonight?" ?”

Those soldiers saw that the God of Plague had been sent away with great difficulty, and now the God of Plague turned around again, no matter what he asked, they couldn't help saying that they were all busy to cover the door, trying to close the city gate quickly, so that Li Wenxuan could be closed outside.Seeing this, Li Wenxuan turned around and jumped lightly to the gate of the city, holding a sword in one hand and pushing against the gate with the other. Five or six people on the opposite side pushed the gate together, but with Li Wenxuan pushing against it, the gate remained motionless, Li Wenxuan Said: "You don't have to be afraid of me, I just want to ask something, have you seen anyone going out of the city tonight, and one of them is a woman."

The soldiers saw that Li Wenxuan was in the distance, but they saw him back at the gate of the city in an instant. It was so strange that they only regarded Li Wenxuan as the real plague god, so they had no intention of closing the door. Before Li Wenxuan came in, many of them ran away Fearing that he would be caught by Li Wenxuan if he was half a step behind, Li Wenxuan had no choice but to take two steps forward, conveniently grabbed a slower runner, and asked, "I'm asking you something, and it won't hurt you, so you don't have to run. "

The man's face turned green with fright, and he screamed, "Master, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Li Wenxuan shook his head and said, "If you answer my words, I won't kill you. If you don't tell me, or don't tell the truth, I'll kill you right now!"

That person only thought that Li Wenxuan was really going to kill him, and closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look at Li Wenxuan, as if as long as he didn't open his eyes, Li Wenxuan would not be there. Said: "There are... there are a few people. When we just changed shifts, less than an hour ago, several men and a girl... went out together."

"There is a girl?" Li Wenxuan's heart lit up, as if he had thought of Su Qingxue's appearance when she left the city, and asked, "What does that girl look like, how old is she, what is she wearing, and where did she go?"

The man replied: "It's too dark, I didn't... I didn't see it clearly, but it seems... It seems to be the eldest lady of a rich family. They went north..."

After the man finished speaking, he tremblingly waited for Li Wenxuan to ask another question, but after waiting for a long time, he couldn't hear anything. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and then opened his eyes, but the plague god in front of him had already disappeared. Even the gates of the city were closed properly, and I was the only one left standing stupidly in this dark doorway.

Li Wenxuan took Bai Ling'er, and followed the direction that the gatekeeper said to the north, and chased in the same direction as when he came, because at night, which lady from a rich family would run around outside?And Su Qingxue disappeared that night, so Li Wenxuan naturally recognized the lady from the rich family that the soldier mentioned as Su Qingxue, but there were many unidentified men beside Su Qingxue, this is Li Wenxuan How to rest assured, even though Li Wenxuan was extremely tired at this time, Li Wenxuan still had to catch up.

Li Wenxuan walked down the road. After chasing for a long time, he became more and more tired, but there was no one in front of him. He wanted Bai Linger to help him find the way, but Bai Linger seemed to be sleeping. As if dead, squatting on Li Wenxuan's shoulders without moving, Li Wenxuan wanted to lie on the ground several times when he was tired, take a good breath, and take a rest. Immediately, I became much more energetic, no matter how tired or exhausted, I must continue to move forward.

Li Wenxuan walked for a while, there is a fork in the road, one leads to Putian Temple, and the other goes straight ahead, and then there is a small road in the middle that leads to Meifeng Temple, Li Wenxuan hesitated for a while, always feeling that no matter who it is Taking Su Qingxue away would never bring Su Qingxue to Putian Temple. Moreover, even if Su Qingxue was really taken to Putian Temple, she would not be embarrassed if she thought about it. Feng Si's words, however, make people ponder over them carefully.Li Wenxuan was afraid that someone would want to arrest Su Qingxue and return to Meifeng Temple, so as to blackmail him, so his heart became more and more heavy, but his footsteps became more and more frequent, and he went straight to Meifeng Temple.However, Li Wenxuan did not walk the steep slope at the bottom of the mountain this time, because Li Wenxuan knew that he was not physically strong at the moment, and if he reached the middle of the mountain, he would be exhausted and paralyzed there, not to mention that there was likely to be a fierce battle in front of him. wait for yourself.

Li Wenxuan is getting closer and closer to Meifeng Temple. At this time, the sky has gradually become brighter. Li Wenxuan can already see five fast horses tied to the stone pier in front of the Meifeng Temple from a distance from the small road. Li Wenxuan no longer has any doubts in his heart. Knowing that Su Qingxue must have been brought back to Meifeng Temple by the owner of the horse, Li Wenxuan took out the Qingshuang Sword and touched it step by step towards Meifeng Temple lightly.

Li Wenxuan didn't know how skilled these people were, so he didn't want to make a sound, so he planned to approach them quietly first, to distinguish whether it was an enemy or a friend. If they were friends, there was no need to say much, but if they were enemies, he had to get rid of a few first.

But even though Li Wenxuan was extremely careful, he still forgot one thing, that is, Bai Ling'er was still on his shoulders, no matter how well Bai Linger understood human nature, he would not know Li Wenxuan's thoughts.

Li Wenxuan didn't go through the main entrance, but went around to the side of the courtyard wall, and just touched the wall, when Bai Ling'er was suddenly very excited, screaming "吃——————" incessantly, even frightened , Li Wenxuan almost fell off the wall.

At the same time, Bai Ling'er shouted together, and heard someone in the room say: "Go, go out and have a look! Is someone chasing you!"

Then another woman said, "Don't panic, it seems like my bird is singing."

Li Wenxuan heard the person talking before, and it sounded familiar. He must have heard it before, but he was flustered for a while and couldn't remember who the person who spoke was.When the woman behind spoke, Li Wenxuan's heart throbbed and he shouted, "Qingxue!"

Bai Ling'er flew into the room, Li Wenxuan also jumped off the wall, and the person speaking in the room had already come out, the first one to come out was a young man, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, silent and silent, naturally exuding a heroic spirit , when Li Wenxuan saw this person, a stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground. He smiled miserably and said, "Su...Su..."

Li Wenxuan was physically and mentally exhausted. When the words came to his mouth, his tongue kept twirling in his mouth, but he couldn't speak. Afterwards, his whole body became so soft that his body didn't seem to be his own. Li Wenxuan's eyes darkened, and his body swayed , and fell forward.

The quilt was very warm and comfortable. Although his body was a little sore, Li Wenxuan felt indescribably comfortable at this moment, as if he hadn't slept soundly for a long time. Li Wenxuan turned over and wanted to continue sleeping Going down, but the palm seems to be firmly tied by something, it is very soft... very slippery...but it can't be pulled away, it feels like warm spring water, flowing all the way to Li Wenxuan's heart.

Li Wenxuan opened his eyes, a young girl was lying on the edge of his bed, and his hand was being held tightly by her.

"Qingxue..." Li Wenxuan propped himself up and sat up, shaking the man's little hand slightly.

"Hmm... ah! Wenxuan! Are you awake?" Su Qingxue first agreed habitually, and then she was suddenly startled, raised her head, looked at Li Wenxuan and screamed.

Li Wenxuan said: "Seeing that you are fine, my heart is at ease. I am really worried about you!" Looking left and right, the eyes are full of love, as if after this life and death, Su Qingxue will lose a piece of meat.

Su Qingxue's lips moved, and before she could say anything, her eyes turned red, she threw herself into Li Wenxuan's arms, and cried, "You scared me to death, you were covered in blood when you came back, do you know that? I thought you... thought you..."

Li Wenxuan hugged Su Qingxue gently and said: "I'm fine, probably... I don't have any injuries on my body, it's all other people's blood, but you, it's because of my negligence that you were captured by Yunfang and the others." Go, you... Qingxue, I assure you, I will never let others bully you again!"

Su Qingxue said slowly: "I heard that there is news in Putian City that a thief named Li Wenxuan also broke into Putian City, and [-] people were killed overnight in the Fuzhou Security Bureau..." Su Qingxue Speaking of this, thinking of the situation when he was taken away, thinking of the bloody storm, his body trembled in Li Wenxuan's arms.

Li Wenxuan patted Su Qingxue on the shoulder and said: "Don't be afraid, no one in this world can bully you, not to mention a Fuzhou bodyguard bureau, even the whole Jianghu, whoever bullies you, I will ask them to repay you in every possible way! Even if I risk my life, I will protect you!"

Su Qingxue buried her head and said: "That night, I was sleeping soundly, but the master and his old man woke me up, saying that something happened in Putian Temple, and told me to take care of the house, and then he went looking for you, but Not long after master left, a group of people came and surrounded Meifeng Temple, saying they were looking for you. I was alone at a girl’s house. I had no choice but to be caught by them on the spot and waited until Putian City , I just found out that these people are all subordinates of the Fuzhou Security Bureau, surnamed Yun."

Li Wenxuan said: "Don't worry, these people will never come to trouble you again!"

Su Qingxue said again: "By the way, how did you know that I was captured by them? I didn't have time to leave a mark for you, how did you know? I thought I was captured by them, so I never I can't see you anymore..." At this point, Su Qingxue cried again.

Li Wenxuan gently wiped away the tears for Su Qingxue, and said: "How can it be, I can't bear to let you not see me." After that, Li Wenxuan lightly scratched Su Qingxue's nose, and said: "By the way, your Bai Ling'er is back. Have you seen it? This guy is really smart. I was led all the way by that little guy, but I was still a step late. I can see you there."

Su Qingxue said: "It turned out to be Bai Ling'er, no wonder, I saw that it came back with you, but now Bai Ling'er is just fine outside, but you fainted on the ground as soon as you came back. I was so scared that my whole heart jumped out."

(End of this chapter)

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