Chapter 23 The Great Change
The horse team is slowly approaching, there are more than 40 people in the group, Qiu Shan guessed well, they are all dressed as soldiers, and their bodies are quite strong, presumably these people are also carefully selected by the army, and there is a horse hanging in the middle A long cloth bag looked heavy, and the horse team was moving very fast. Four or fifty people passed in front of Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan in the blink of an eye.Seeing that these people had gone far, Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan came out and continued to move forward.

After more than an hour, the two arrived at the tea shop that day again, and Li Wenxuan said: "Brother Qiu, let's go in and sit down. I don't know if I can get my money bag back, but I prepared it for you." What about the dowry?"

"Okay, if you find it, it's your turn to treat the guests." Qiu Shan agreed, and walked towards the tea shop with Li Wenxuan.

The door of the tea shop was open as usual, probably because it was morning, and from the outside, there were no customers. Before Li Wenxuan entered the door, he shouted: "Shopkeeper, I'm here again. It's me, Wenxuan." Xuan." Li Wenxuan yelled twice, but no one answered, so strange.

"Come on, go in and have a look, it seems... something is wrong." Qiu Shan said.

When the two entered the room, Li Wenxuan shouted again: "The shopkeeper, it's me, Li Wenxuan, are you there?" Still no one answered, but they found that the tables and chairs in the room were very messy, both Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan felt uncomfortable. wonderful.

Qiu Shan said: "Let's go and have a look at the back room." After saying that, he opened the curtain connecting the back room. "Ah—the shopkeeper, Ting'er!"

In the back room, the shopkeeper and Ting'er were both lying in a pool of blood, the blood on the ground had already solidified, apparently dead for a long time.

Hearing Qiu Shan's cry, Li Wenxuan came to see what happened, and was stunned on the spot, "The shopkeeper! The shopkeeper! This—how could this happen!" Li Wenxuan quickly walked to the shopkeeper's side, and shook the shopkeeper's hand involuntarily. Body.

"It should be... It should be the accomplices of the Jinren who came to seek revenge. We were not here, so they killed their family... It was all my fault, and left a disaster that day!" Qiu Shan's voice was a little excited.

"We must find those people! Take revenge on the shopkeeper's family!" Li Wenxuan shouted, holding the long sword in his hand tightly with both hands.

Qiu Shan walked up to Li Wenxuan, "You, get up first, don't be too..." Qiu Shan stopped suddenly, as if he had discovered some secret, and said in surprise, "No! Impossible."

Li Wenxuan felt strange and asked, "What's wrong? What did you find?"

Qiu Shan didn't answer Li Wenxuan's words, and gently looked at the wound on the shopkeeper's neck with his hands, his hands seemed to be trembling.

"Brother Qiu? You?" Seeing Qiu Shan's sudden behavior, Li Wenxuan called him again.

"No, it's impossible. This wound, judging by the shape of the wound, was wounded by a waist knife used by our Great Song Army. How could it be like this?" Qiu Shan said while shaking his head again and again. He didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it.

"How could this be? Could it be those people who attacked you and me that night?" Li Wenxuan asked.

"It should be. They didn't catch you and me, so they came here to arrest the shopkeeper...Ting'er is still so young..." Qiu Shan sighed after finishing speaking, seeming to blame himself, but also to be sad.

"Let's go back and find them!" Li Wenxuan said, wanting to go back.

"Stop!" Qiu Shan stopped Li Wenxuan. "There are more than 300 government servants in Luzhou City, and more than 5000 Song soldiers stationed inside and outside the city. Where do you go to find them? You have to go back now. I'm afraid that if you haven't found them, someone else will catch them first!"

Li Wenxuan couldn't swallow this breath, and said again: "Then I—the shopkeeper died so unjustly?"

"This is definitely not the case. We must seek justice for them. You have to trust me." After Qiu Shan finished speaking, he looked at Li Wenxuan firmly, and seeing that Li Wenxuan stopped talking, he said, "Let's deal with this issue first. , and then go back to your house first, wait for this matter to calm down, and then make a long-term plan."

"Well, that's the only way to go, the shopkeeper and Ting'er..." Li Wenxuan said.

"Let's bury them in the backyard. Then, this teahouse will be burned. After all, we have been here before, so we will inevitably leave some traces." Qiu Shan said.

Li Wenxuan nodded, and together with Qiu Shan moved the bodies of the two to the backyard, only to find that the bodies of the golden man they buried that day were gone, and the two looked at each other in dismay.After burying the shopkeeper's and Ting'er's corpses, Qiu Shan lit a fire. The two looked at the gradually collapsing house from a distance, and remembered what happened a few days ago. A sense of guilt was also buried in their respective hearts.

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan continued to move forward, but neither of them spoke anymore, each thinking about the things in their hearts.

After walking for a long time, Qiu Shan said abruptly, "Look, where is that in front? Why is there so much smoke?"

Hearing Qiu Shan's voice, Li Wenxuan regained his composure, looked towards the direction where the smoke was burning, and immediately froze, "Then, isn't that place where the smoke is coming from Luzhou Ferry?" In his mind, "Not good!" Li Wenxuan yelled, and ran in the direction of Luzhou Ferry recklessly.

"What's wrong with you? Li Wenxuan!" Qiu Shan called Li Wenxuan twice, seeing that Li Wenxuan didn't stop to explain, he had to follow behind, but Li Wenxuan left him far behind.

The walls are destroyed and the houses are destroyed, green smoke is rising everywhere, and there are still flames that have not been extinguished in some places... Just a few days ago, Luzhoudu was a wealthy village, and it looks like this now.

Li Wenxuan was stunned. Is the scene in front of him really the village where he grew up? "Father! Sister Ling'er! Uncle Tie! Aunt Tie!" Li Wenxuan yelled like crazy, and ran towards his house.

The tea shed had been burnt and lost its shape, leaving only a broken shelf. Li Wenxuan didn't care so much, while shouting: "Father, where are you? Father, where are you?" while searching for the broken house. , wanted to find something, but was even more afraid of finding it.The house was empty, without the shadow of my father.

Li Wenxuan turned around and went into the blacksmith's shop. At this time, he couldn't stop crying. There were two corpses in the house that had been burnt to a bad shape, but he could still see from his figure that the two people on the ground were his uncle Tie. With Aunt Tie. "Uncle Tie, Aunt Tie, this is—this—" Li Wenxuan knelt down, "Two days ago, Uncle Tie was competing with me, and I had no mother since I was a child, but Aunt Tie treated me like my own mother. "Thinking of this, Li Wenxuan felt extremely sad, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.

 I found that many codewords are husband and wife files~~
  For example:
  Yu Nvxia~~and Xiaobai~~
  Please comfort (┬_┬)~~~
(End of this chapter)

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