Chapter 230 Fighting Putian ([-])
When Li Wenxuan walked between the two groups of people, many people would naturally cast their eyes on Li Wenxuan. However, because of what Cai Mingzhu said just now and Zijing's deliberate teasing, many people looked at Li Wenxuan. Somewhat curious, curious about what kind of festival Li Wenxuan and Mingzhu had in the past, to allow a woman to show up and fight in such a public place, even Chili Wenlong frowned, obviously he knew nothing about these things before. known.

Chili Wenlong looked at Li Wenxuan, the first glance was the person who was looking at Li Wenxuan, the second glance fell on the Qingshuang Sword in Li Wenxuan's hand, and muttered: "The Qingshuang Sword really deserves its reputation, no wonder Mingzhu is going to grab it." Then he turned around and asked a man in black behind him: "Feiyun, you have been with Mingzhu for a long time, what is the relationship between Mingzhu and this person?"

Hearing Chili Wenlong's question, everyone bowed first to salute, and then a man in black with a hammer in hand stepped forward and said, "Master, when we went south with the young master, we once again hid from the rain. I happened to bump into this man when I was there. Mingzhu fell in love with the sword in his hand, but this man didn't know what was good or bad, and he didn't want to give him gold. He, but... a little accident happened... But later, the young master met and showed kindness, and did not allow Mingzhu to take his sword again. Later, Tie Mian and the others were ambushed halfway, as well as Song we captured in the Hongye Temple. People were rescued, these things were all done by Li Wenxuan, and in the battle at Hongye Temple, Mingzhu was even captured by mistake, which was a near miss."

Chili Wenlong's face was serious, and he asked again: "Why has no one ever mentioned to me about Mingzhu's seizure of the sword?"

Seeing Chili Wenlong's complexion was wrong, Fei Yun took a mouthful of saliva and said hesitantly: "Mingzhu said, we must keep it from you, we must not say..."

Chili Wenlong's gloomy face seemed to explode suddenly, he snorted heavily, and said angrily: "Since you promised her, why did you tell me today?"

Feiyun didn't dare to say anything more, so he scolded Li Wenlong and then said: "If you really want to hide it from me, you should never tell it. Even if someone exposes it one day, I will blame him as well, but thinking about you, I can't decide , the most despised!"

Li Wenxuan knew that if he didn't explain what Cai Mingzhu said clearly, it would be very bad if he was misunderstood as something disgraceful, so he said: "Girl, just now you just said how I offended you, but I did not I want to ask the other way around, on that rainy night, who wanted to take my Qingshuang Sword and kill me because of money, and then who murdered me in the Jiangnan martial arts at Hongye Temple? Capture you, I'm afraid that at that time, I don't know how many heroes of the world will die in your hands. You Jin people are all ambitious, occupying my territory, and deceiving the people of the Song Dynasty. Today, you once again went to Putian Temple to cause trouble under false pretenses. Seriously! Shameless!"

"I don't know how to be ashamed?" Mingzhu sneered, and then walked forward slowly with a horizontal knife, but her eyes were fixed on Li Wenxuan all the time.

Li Wenxuan saw Mingzhu's posture seemed to be about to make a move, so he naturally prepared his posture and waited for her, but Li Wenxuan is a man, fighting a woman in front of everyone, no matter what, it always seems unseemly. It was a great shame, but even if he won, it would not be glorious, so Li Wenxuan thought about letting her do a few tricks first, and then making his own moves.

But Li Wenxuan's side was ready, waiting to receive the move, Mingzhu walked a few steps but stopped, she was very quiet, standing firmly in place, there was no sign of making a move.

The two of them faced each other without moving, and soon, there were many whispered discussions. Li Wenxuan frowned, thinking about whether he should make the first move since this person didn't want to make a move, but at this moment, Mingzhu flicked his wrist Turning around, a silver light suddenly appeared from the blade, and suddenly shone on Li Wenxuan's eyes.

The glare was dazzling, Li Wenxuan couldn't help but blinked, but at this moment, Mingzhu's feet moved, and the butterfly swords came back and forth, cutting Li Wenxuan's throat. The gust of wind came, knowing that the situation was not good, there was no time to fight back, and he jumped back for about ten feet. Although Mingzhu was not injured, his neck also faintly felt the pain of the knife wind across his flesh.

Li Wenxuan touched his neck and said, "You——despicable! You actually plotted against me!"

Mingzhu was startled at first, as if she didn't expect Li Wenxuan to escape her sneak attack, then she sneered and said, "Assassination? You used a hidden weapon to hurt me in the past, isn't it fair and aboveboard? Isn't it considered as an assassination?"

After Mingzhu finished speaking, she swung her sword at Li Wenxuan again. The move of this sword may not be very clever, but it directly slashed Li Wenxuan's face up and down, but Mingzhu's move was extremely fast. A three-point power.

Li Wenxuan's sword was even faster, Qingshuangjian swung across in front of him, only pulled out an inch, and then Mingzhu's saber happened to land on that inch of Qingshuangjian.

Mingzhu knew that the Qingshuang sword was very sharp, and she used it with great force at the beginning, but when the sword intersected, she slowly released some strength from her wrist, which slowed down the falling momentum of the knife, otherwise it would have The sword was really head-to-head, even if Mingzhu's butterfly swords were not cut off, at least they would be cut by the Qingshuang sword.

Li Wenxuan said: "Seeing that you are a woman, I will not take advantage of you. I will give you ten moves. I will only defend and not attack!" He backed off by Zhang Xu.

When Mingzhu heard that Li Wenxuan actually pleaded that he would give way to her, she neither declined nor said she appreciated it, but just tiptoed and rushed towards Li Wenxuan again.

Li Wenxuan saw Mingzhu's origin clearly, and had already prepared the defense early, and only waited for Mingzhu's arrival before dismantling her moves.

Mingzhu was no more than three feet away from Li Wenxuan. Seeing the swords and swords intersect, Mingzhu suddenly volleyed and turned slightly sideways. Li Wenxuan thought that Mingzhu was going to change her moves. It is common for Mingzhu to change her moves after halfway through. Li Wenxuan didn't care about her, just wanted to see Just know how she does it.

However, what Li Wenxuan never expected was that Mingzhu's change of tactics was a fake, and the truth was seeking victory through chaos.

Seeing that Mingzhu's left hand blade was slightly tilted to one side, Li Wenxuan thought that Mingzhu was going to change his move, but unexpectedly, the sunlight refracted from the knife surface was impartial, and happened to fall on Li Wenxuan's eyes again.

Although the weather was not warm at this time, there was no cloud in the morning, and the sun was very dazzling. Li Wenxuan did not expect Mingzhu to repeat the same trick. He did not have any precautions for this trick. He knew Mingzhu was hiding behind It must be a killer move, but under the strong light, he couldn't help blinking a few times.

How could Mingzhu miss such a good opportunity?Immediately, he used a heavy pendant, his forward body suddenly fell, and at the same time, the pair of butterfly knives turned and chopped at Li Wenxuan's lower body.

When Li Wenxuan opened his eyes to see clearly, Mingzhu's blade was less than half a foot away from his knees. If he was injured, he might not be able to stand up for the rest of his life. I was covered in cold sweat, regretting that I shouldn't have said big words and gave way to the move, so I had no choice but to do my best, all the strength in my body was concentrated on the soles of my feet, my feet didn't move, but my body suddenly moved backward by Zhang Xu.

Li Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally avoided the vicious knife, and then looked down at his knees, only to see that the clothes of his lower body had been cut in two by Mingzhu's double knife, and the flesh was clearly visible.

Mingzhu originally thought that she had the chance to win, but unexpectedly, Li Wenxuan escaped by luck, and Li Wenxuan's agility just made Mingzhu's already bright eyes widen. , but the body can move so far so fast what is the reason.

Mingzhu asked: "Boy, you were lucky just now, what kind of kung fu are you doing?"

Li Wenxuan was a little angry, but still said with a smile: "What kind of kung fu? If you want to know, why don't you all become monks in my Putian Temple, and then you kowtow to my master and the old man, I Say a few good words to my master and he will teach you as soon as he is happy."

After Li Wenxuan said, although Mingzhu had a black veil to cover her face, she could see that she was very angry through her eyes. Li Wenxuan couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart, and couldn't help but look back at Zijing. Seeing that Zijing didn't speak, but Looking at the slightly bent corners of the mouth and the twitching of the eyebrows, one knew that one must be happy, but the other monks looked different. Ziming lowered his head and recited Amitabha, while Ziqing stared at Li Wenxuan's nonsense. As for the others, they shook their heads and sighed again and again, probably thinking that Li Wenxuan's words were too frivolous and undermined the majesty of Buddhism.

Mingzhu was being annoyed by Li Wenxuan's teasing, but she heard Li Wenlong say in a distant voice: "Shaolin 72's unique skill of moving and moving is really well-deserved. Children's play, you are only a mere ten feet, and you dare to show it off, just look at your character, I am afraid that you will not be able to reach that level in your life."

Although the words of scolding Li Wenlong were not harsh words, they also pointed out that Li Wenxuan was too quick to show off his lightness kung fu, and that your kung fu is so powerful that others can see the way out at a glance, so the limelight will naturally be discounted.

Li Wenxuan's face blushed slightly, and just at this moment of being a little dazed, Mingzhu had already come to see the kill with two swords.

Li Wenxuan was also surprised that Mingzhu's eyesight was really sharp, not to mention her saber skills, but the timing of her shots was always so accurate. If he hadn't relied on his master's light work, he might have been caught by her at this time. hurt.

Li Wenxuan didn't dare to be careless, so he blocked Mingzhu's several moves very carefully. While fighting, Li Wenxuan also slowly turned his body, letting himself face the east to fight, so that Mingzhu could no longer stab himself with the refracted sunlight. eyes, do not give her a chance.

Mingzhu attacked Li Wenxuan more than ten moves in a row, probably because Li Wenxuan said just now that he gave up moves. Mingzhu only attacked but not defended. When she made a move, she showed flaws and ignored it completely. Although Li Wenxuan said that she used all of Mingzhu's moves Blocked, but also felt that this woman was too desperate, and the moves of the two knives were much more refined than the last time they fought in Hongye Temple. Although Li Wenxuan saw a flaw, he was not sure of hitting it with one blow.

Mingzhu's butterfly knives are as thin as cicada's wings, every time the knife is drawn, it is like a hazy phantom, and when the blade passes, there is always some wind sound similar to the sound of a whistle. If it weren't for the murderous intent, this man wields two knives, and I'm afraid he doesn't know how many heroes he can win.

One of them had a quick sword and the other a quick knife. Li Wenxuan found a gap in Ming Zhu's space and stabbed Ming Zhu's ribs falsely. Now that the ten moves have been completed, I will not be polite next time!"

In this round of confrontation, Mingzhu couldn't help marveling at the difference between Li Wenxuan's swordsmanship and that day, but now that he was in the end, there was no reason to back down. Mingzhu gave Li Wenxuan a cold look, and then stabbed forward again. The two performed more than ten tricks.

Li Wenxuan was somewhat restrained in his attack just now, but after a long time at this time, he was not polite anymore. Seeing the double swords in Mingzhu's hands, Li Wenxuan immediately took a step forward, and at the same time pierced Mingzhu's left shoulder with a sword. The move came later, but the move came first, so Mingzhu hurriedly countered the move.

Mingzhu's double knives intertwined in a cross, and the cross was on the left shoulder side, while the Qingshuang sword was pierced exactly in the center of the cross.

Seeing this, Li Wenxuan added more strength to his hands, wanting to use the sharpness of Qingshuang Sword to destroy Mingzhu's double swords first.The Qingshuang Sword moved forward a little more, but Li Wenxuan didn't expect that the Butterfly Swords were too soft, the blades had already been bent by his own strength, but there was no sign of breaking at all.

The two stalemate for a while, Mingzhu saw that Li Wenxuan's strength was getting stronger and stronger, fearing that there might be a mistake, so she lightly tapped her feet back, and with the help of Li Wenxuan's strength, her whole body was like a black cloud, floating backwards lightly. Jumped more than two feet.

Li Wenxuan didn't intend to let Mingzhu dodge so easily, so he moved his feet a bit. Although Li Wenxuan's appearance was not as light and elegant as Mingzhu looked at, but when he really moved, he was very fast. In a split second, he overtook him in mid-air Mingzhu, the Qingshuang sword was also handed to Mingzhu's throat.

Mingzhu repeated her old trick, once again protecting her body with two knives together, but Li Wenxuan's Qingshuang Sword, which was stabbing straight, suddenly slowed down. Mingzhu was wondering why Li Wenxuan stopped suddenly, but saw Li Wenxuan's wrist moved, and Qingshuangjian's body In a flash, a cold light appeared in front of him in an instant, and when he saw it clearly, a Qingshuang sword had turned into six sword lights, and the important parts of his chest, as well as his throat, were all covered by this bunch of sword lights damn.Mingzhu wanted to dodge, but at this time she was in the air, her heart was extremely anxious, and there was no place to rely on her feet, Mingzhu was helpless, in addition to the cold look in those bright eyes, there was finally a trace of panic.

Mingzhu's two knives hit the sword lights stabbing at Li Wenxuan respectively. Mingzhu's knives were also extremely fast. Although the situation was in danger, they didn't mess up their hands and feet. They blocked left and right. Six sword lights were blocked by Mingzhu. Mingzhu is really powerless and has no time to take care of it, and this sword light is the most dangerous among them, going straight to Mingzhu's throat!
Seeing Mingzhu in danger, Chili Wenlong couldn't help but want to move forward, but Mingzhu was too far away from him. Even though he was known as the number one expert in the Kingdom of Jin, he was beyond his reach, so he could only watch from afar, while his The two disciples and the men in black couldn't help but move forward no matter whether they were within reach or not. Even though Li Wenxuan hurt Mingzhu, judging by the momentum, Li Wenxuan would definitely not retreat completely.

Seeing that Li Wenxuan was about to win the first round, the monks over there were all happy. Even Ziqing, who had always hated Li Wenxuan, nodded slightly, while Zijing remained calm and kept looking at Chili Wenlong. , I was afraid that they would rise up in groups, so I could stop them in time to prevent Li Wenxuan from suffering.

Besides Li Wenxuan's sixth sword light, Mingzhu had no time to block it, she could only watch that sword light stabbing her throat.Mingzhu just waited for her hot blood to come out of her throat, she was frightened, although she refrained from screaming, her body couldn't help but tremble.However, when the sword light pierced Mingzhu's throat, Mingzhu didn't feel any pain. At first, Mingzhu thought that she had some illusion, but when she looked down, the sword light disappeared out of thin air. When she was surprised, Suddenly there was a pain in the shoulder, and a thin ray of blood shot out from Mingzhu's left shoulder,

It turned out that Li Wenxuan's six sword lights were all false moves, and the real move to control the enemy was actually the sword hidden behind the six sword lights. When this sword was released, all the moves of Mingzhu had been used up, so naturally they were powerless to resist. However, Li Wenxuan didn't want Mingzhu's life, he just drew a sword on her shoulder.

Mingzhu's shoulder injury was not serious, but after the fright just now, her body was already limp. After landing, she staggered and fell to the ground. Li Wenxuan also took a step forward and pressed the Qingshuang sword against Mingzhu's throat. With a slight movement, Mingzhu's life could be ended immediately.

Seeing this, Atu, Agui, and the dozen or so men in black couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed forward one after another. Ziming walked very fast, and flew between them and Li Wenxuan, walking forward Before they could see who was coming, they hit Zijing's palm. The rest of them saw Zijing's skill and knew that they would not be able to pass Zijing's level, so they could only look at Chili Wenlong one after another. Looking forward to him taking action to rescue Mingzhu.

Ziming shouted: "Go back! This is fighting alone, don't you guys understand the rules, go back!"

At this time, Chili Wenlong was surprisingly calm, without the slightest intention of making a move, and said slowly: "It's okay to come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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