Chapter 258

Seeing this, Yue Ying quickly let go of her hands, fearing that others would misunderstand that she was bullying others with force, Yue Ying said again: "The shopkeeper, I'm sorry."

The shopkeeper was only concerned with planning, and didn't see Yue Ying's face. He only knew that the person opposite was a woman. She was somewhat resentful when Yue Ying pinched her hand, but when she looked up, the little girl in front of her was dressed in white. You don't need to look at your face clearly, you already feel that this simple elegance and nobility should not be offended, and immediately lowered your head again, but this time it is not to fiddle with the abacus, but to apologize: "Girl, I was confused in the calculation just now, and I have neglected you. I'm really sorry, girl, don't blame me."

Seeing that he was polite, Yue Ying also bowed slightly and said, "Shopkeeper, I want two guest rooms."

Yue Ying was about to get some money, but the shopkeeper shook her head and said, "Girl, I'm not deceiving you this time, just now a few big customers came, not many people, but the shop has already been booked Now, there is really no room at all.”

"Under the contract?" Yue Ying saw that the shopkeeper looked very embarrassed, it didn't look like a fake, and besides, as long as it was possible to do the door-to-door business, there was no reason not to do it.Thinking of Li Wenxuan saying that he was tired and wanted to take a good rest, how could Yue Ying have the heart to call him a street or a ruined temple?So he said again: "Shopkeeper, can you help us tell the gentlemen of the bag shop that the one who came with me... my brother came here after a long journey, and he was exhausted all the way. It’s very good, just add some silver.”

"This..." The shopkeeper was hesitant. He looked at Yue Ying in front of him very pleasing to the eye, and wanted to help her from the bottom of his heart, but when he thought that several of the customers who booked the shop were looking fierce, He really didn't dare not provoke him.

The shopkeeper approached and whispered: "To tell the truth, young lady, many of the guests who came today looked very vicious. At first glance, they were all from the Jianghu, each with a weapon. I felt scared when I took a look at them, and even more so. Don't dare to talk to them, girl, it's not that I won't help you, it's just... oh."

When Yue Ying heard what the shopkeeper said, she became more curious. Even if she didn't stay here, she wanted to see who the customers were, but the shopkeeper was so scared that she didn't dare to speak out.

However, before Yue Ying could find a way to inquire, someone upstairs said: "Shopkeeper, since this girl is in trouble, we haven't used the guest room next door, why don't we let them!"

The voice was as light as water, obviously it was a woman, Yue Ying was overjoyed, she felt that those people were not as vicious as the shopkeeper said, on the contrary they were very kind, but when Yue Ying turned her head to express her thanks, she turned her head , but I was shocked, I saw that the person who spoke was dressed in black clothes, and her eyes were like pearls at night, but they were so bright that it made people feel frightened. This woman is one of the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun Characters are called pearls.

How could Yue Ying not be surprised when he saw her suddenly?They almost didn't cry out. They once took photos in the broken house on a rainy night, and even played against each other in the Hongye Temple. It can be said that they are "old acquaintances".But Mingzhu didn't seem to recognize Yue Ying at this time. Fortunately, Yue Ying was quick-witted. Remembering that she was wearing women's clothing today, it was not surprising that Mingzhu didn't recognize herself. Fool it, and discuss it with Li Wenxuan later.

Yue Ying lowered her head and said to Mingzhu, "Thank you, Miss."

That Mingzhu neither replied nor nodded, but leaned on the railing alone thinking.

Yue Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around to go out while she didn't see any flaws, but as soon as she turned around, she saw Li Wenxuan carrying a salute on his shoulders, and immediately arrived at the door of the inn, Yue Ying was a little panicked now, Although Li Wenxuan said that he had achieved some success in swordsmanship at this time, he would naturally not be afraid to fight alone when he met the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun, but at this time there were six horses outside the door, and they were naturally six of them. Hands down, the outcome is uncertain.

That Pearl might not recognize Yue Ying, but if she met Li Wenxuan, she would definitely know him even if he turned into ashes.Yue Ying had to stop Li Wenxuan from entering the store, and also had to prevent Mingzhu from seeing the flaws. In desperation, she shouted at Li Wenxuan from a long distance away: "Brother! You are here!"

Li Wenxuan was outside, so he saw Yue Ying, and was walking in excitedly, but when he heard Yue Ying's sudden yell, he thought she really had some brother here, and turned around to look behind him, but There was nothing behind him, and there was no one in sight, so the elder brother was naturally calling Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan didn't know what Yue Ying was up to, but after such a easing effort, Li Wenxuan's feet slowed down, while Yue Ying had already left the inn door, and at the same time said loudly: "Brother, put your things down and rest, you But you are exhausted! My sister is here to wipe your sweat!"

Li Wenxuan was about to ask questions, but Yue Ying had already jumped in front of him, patted him, and whispered, "Be careful, that Yanyun Shiba is riding inside the inn, there are so many of them, we can't meet them face to face!"

Li Wenxuan was also terrified, how could he expect to run into them here?Li Wenxuan thought of the battle at Putian Temple, where his master Master Zijing died tragically. Not to mention that there were six of them today, even if there were 18 of them, he would definitely fight to the death with them, but now with Yue Ying by his side, the situation It was quite different, Li Wenxuan could do whatever he wanted, but he was determined not to let Yue Ying follow him into danger.

Yue Ying wanted to speak again, and wanted to leave the place with Li Wenxuan before talking, but the shopkeeper ran out and said with a smile: "Girl, you can deceive people. You two are a newly married couple, right? Look at this So close, where are the brothers and sisters?"

Both Li Wenxuan and Yue Ying's faces were blushing. When the shopkeeper said this, it was an explanation, or no explanation. They were hesitating and saw that the shopkeeper was very diligent. Seeing that Li Wenxuan put a lot of food at his feet. As for the luggage, I reached out to pick up two and sent them to the inn.

Li Wenxuan wanted to stop him, but with a glance, he saw a black figure looming from the door of the inn. It was the woman in black called Pearl. Li Wenxuan hurriedly lowered his head for fear of being recognized by her, but the Pearl was not I don't know if I have already noticed the abnormality, or why, but I just walked towards them. At this time, the innkeeper happened to be between them, so Mingzhu couldn't see Li Wenxuan's figure clearly. Li Wenxuan must have a route.

Li Wenxuan had already put his hands on the hilt of his sword. If they really recognized him, he could only let Yue Ying run first and give them a go.

Seeing the pearl getting closer and closer, Li Wenxuan's palms were sweating, and suddenly he heard someone shouting from a distance: "Pearl!"

When Mingzhu heard someone calling her, she paused, then turned and walked away.

Li Wenxuan and Yue Ying glanced at each other, secretly rejoicing.Yue Ying took a peek into the distance again, and saw that the people calling Mingzhu were five men in black in the distance, and said: "Sure enough, there are six of them, but they are all outside at this time, if we turn around and leave, I'm afraid they will find out something, how about just entering the inn like this?"

Although Li Wenxuan said he didn't want Yue Ying to be in danger, he had no other choice at this time, so he nodded in agreement, entered the inn, and went directly to the guest room without saying a word, and locked the door behind him.

The two looked at each other, and Li Wenxuan said in a low voice, "Yingying, how did we bump into them here? It's such a coincidence. Do you think it's also related to the matter of Feng Wanjin?"

Yue Ying shook her head and said: "It's still not sure, but we are very careful, we can't go wrong, and now that we are here now, we may still hear them talking and find out what they are doing What, let's play it by ear!"

Not long after, he heard a series of footsteps coming from outside the door. Li Wenxuan heard the footsteps were a total of six people, all of whom had good skills, so he already knew that the six men in black had come back from the outside. They were here to find trouble, but fortunately, when they passed by the door, they didn't stop and passed by.

Li Wenxuan just breathed a sigh of relief, but heard a man outside say: "Mingzhu, why did you give up that room to someone else?"

Mingzhu said: "I just saw a girl, and it's not annoying. Anyway, we keep that room as useless, so we gave it to them."

The man said again: "Oh, them? Is there anyone else besides that girl?"

Ming Zhu said: "The girl said that she has an older brother, but maybe the real elder brother is still the Qing elder brother." As soon as Ming Zhu finished speaking, the other men in black laughed.

As soon as the laughter fell, the door opened and closed a few times, and then there was no movement outside.

Li Wenxuan was blushing and heart beating inside, but Yue Ying lowered her head and secretly smiled, as if she had forgotten that she was in a dangerous situation at this time.

Li Wenxuan was afraid of being recognized by them, so he didn't go out. Yue Ying asked the inn guy to bring him food and drink, so he didn't go out any more. A man in black, motionless, seemed to be on guard.

Yue Ying had seen many of Yanyun's Eighteen Riders in the past, but at this moment she couldn't tell how many of the six people she had seen today, but she thought that she had seen them when she changed into women's clothes. She also doesn't recognize herself, so Yue Ying sometimes deliberately passes by the man in black standing in the corridor, and even looks at him more deliberately, because wearing a black suit in broad daylight is very Conspicuous, it would be strange if ordinary people didn't pay much attention to them, so even though Yue Ying stared at them a few more times, she didn't see them being unhappy at all.

Li Wenxuan eavesdropped on the wall, wanting to listen to their words and see what they were doing here. However, although the inn is small, the walls seem to be extremely thick, and Li Wenxuan could not detect a sound .

It was okay at first, but then the sky gradually darkened, and Li Wenxuan couldn't bear it any longer, thinking that those men in black were free outside, but he seemed to be trapped in the house, unable to get out for half a step. How not to rush?
Later, all the lights in the inn were extinguished. Yue Ying went out to take a look, and saw a man in black still standing in the corridor outside the door. They didn't know how many times they had taken turns. Yue Ying Ying had seen it many times during the day and didn't pay much attention to it.

Li Wenxuan and Yue Yingzhou were exhausted after driving, and they were already yawning again and again, but they were in the same room at this time, let alone only one bed, even if they had two beds, it would be very embarrassing.

Li Wenxuan thought of the time when he and Yue Ying slept on the same bed in the past, and his heart beat faster. He didn't know whether it was joy or surprise, but he didn't dare to look at Yue Ying anyway.

The two were embarrassed, and after a while, it was too late, Li Wenxuan said, "Yingying, go to sleep, I'll just meditate here."

Yue Ying said: "How can I do that? I'm asleep, but what about you? Didn't you say that you are a little tired today?"

Li Wenxuan said with a smile: "You were deceived by me today. I saw that your complexion was not good, so I didn't want to hurry anymore. I was afraid that you would be too stubborn to rest, so I had to lie to you and say that I was tired!"

Yue Ying pouted, and shouted: "How dare you lie to me!" As she said that, she was about to reach out and hit Li Wenxuan on the shoulder, but she thought that Li Wenxuan was doing it for her own benefit, and it was too late for Yue Ying to hurt him, so how could she be willing to hit him?The little hand was raised high and dropped quickly, but it was as light as it was on Li Wenxuan's shoulder.

Seeing this, Li Wenxuan cooperatively tilted his body in the direction where Yue Ying's palm fell, and let out a soft groan, as if Yue Ying had hurt him, causing Yue Ying to laugh again and again.

Yue Ying leaned on the bed, turned inward, and soon fell asleep. Ordinarily, a man and a widow lived in the same room. Yue Ying should be worried about Li Wenxuan's misbehavior, but even Yue Ying herself couldn't explain why. He was very relieved, although he clearly knew that both of them had the young man's heart, but he had no doubt that Li Wenxuan would come back and offend him.

Li Wenxuan stared blankly at Yue Ying's back for a while, then sat in meditation next to the wall next door. After a while, he was already half-dream and half-awake, like a dream, as if he had already had some sweet dream, but even a little disturbance outside All ears.

The sound of clappers outside knocked a few times, where the dog barked, where the young daughter-in-law was arguing with the man, Li Wenxuan could hear what he wanted to hear and what he didn’t want to hear.Of course, the movement in this inn cannot escape Li Wenxuan's ears.

Li Wenxuan heard that the doors of the men in black opened and closed several times overnight, coming in and out. At first Li Wenxuan could figure out how many people were in the room and how many people were outside, but it had been a long time , their footsteps were similar, and the rooms were so close together, Li Wenxuan couldn't tell the difference, and he didn't know what they were busy with that night.

By the time the sky was getting dark, it had been nearly two hours since they had heard any movement from those men in black. Li Wenxuan thought to himself that it was time for them to take a rest after tossing around all night. Seeing that she hadn't woken up yet, and she was still smiling when she was sleeping, she was smiling and swallowing saliva, maybe she was eating something good in a dream, and seeing that she was sleeping so soundly, Li Wenxuan didn't bother to wake him up. to meditate.

I don't know how long it took, when I heard someone coming upstairs, Li Wenxuan recognized the footsteps, it was the voice of the first clerk in the store, and didn't care, but when the footsteps walked in, there was a sudden scream, this time Li Wenxuan couldn't sit still, Yue Ying heard someone yelling, and got up as soon as she turned over, asking, "What's the matter? What happened?"

Li Wenxuan was afraid of bumping into those people in black, so he couldn't go out first, so he glanced at Yue Ying, Yue Ying understood, anyway, he was lying in his clothes last night, he simply stroked his hair, and pushed the door out.

As soon as Yue Ying went out, she called out, "Wenxuan! Come out!"

Hearing the sound, Li Wenxuan assumed that there was some danger outside, and hurriedly stepped out, but when he took a closer look, he was dumbfounded.

In the corridor outside the door, there is still a man in black standing motionless, but this man is not the character in Yanyun Eighteen Riders, but the shopkeeper yesterday. Dressed in black, I don't know how long I have stood in front of this door. The waiter in the shop who was his shopkeeper was killed and was about to cry.

Li Wenxuan stepped forward and said: "Little brother, don't panic, your shopkeeper is fine, but someone tapped his acupoints." Then he relieved the acupoints for the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper must have been standing there for a long time. As soon as he could move, he almost fell down. Fortunately, Li Wenxuan supported him, and the shopkeeper put one hand on his waist and said, "Oh, my waist!"

At the same time, Yue Ying also went to the backyard of the inn to check around and came back, saying: "Wen Xuan, those men in black have all gone, and the horses have also disappeared. Looking at the situation in their room, it seems that they have been gone for a long time. .”

The shopkeeper regained his composure and said in surprise, "Ah! Why am I here?"

Li Wenxuan supported him and said: "Shopkeeper, don't panic, you were tapped on the acupuncture points last night, and then you were placed here. Do you still have any memories of what happened last night?"

The shopkeeper kept shaking his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know... Is there... a ghost?"

Both Li Wenxuan and Yue Ying sighed, they both understood that last night, when the shopkeeper was sleeping, those men in black must have tapped his acupuncture points, put on a pair of black clothes and put them here, so as to hide their eyes The way to confuse yourself.And the reason why they did this was probably that they had already recognized Li Wenxuan's identity, but they saw that the two sides were evenly matched, and they were afraid that they would not be able to take advantage of it, or that there was something important that they didn't point out for a while.

After seeing the movement of those men in black that night, both of them were afraid that those men in black came for the sake of Feng Wanjin, otherwise they wouldn't deliberately use cover-ups to make the two of them stunned in this guest battle. So long.Li Wenxuan massaged the acupoints for the shopkeeper again, seeing that he was all right, he went out with Yue Ying to buy two good horses, and rushed to Feng Wanjin's Baicao Village.

(End of this chapter)

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