Chapter 26

Li Wenxuan put down Qingshuang, Qiu Shan was puzzled when he saw Li Wenxuan took a step forward, grabbed Zhang Qing's hair with one hand, and pressed it to the ground. When Qing opened his mouth, his right fist hit Zhang Qing's face heavily. Zhang Qing's face was tilted to one side, struggling to move. Li Wenxuan punched down with one punch after another. Killing Zhang Qing with a sword could no longer release Li Wenxuan. Hate in my heart.Zhang Qing was still struggling at first, but after five or six punches, he gradually stopped moving. Every time Li Wenxuan punched, blood splashed on his body.

Qiu Shan glanced from the side, Zhang Qing's face was already bloody and bloody, and he might have died, but Li Wenxuan was still punching and punching, and he didn't intend to stop. Qiu Shan wanted to dissuade him, but no matter what he started I can't speak.The military officer who was watching was dumbfounded, trembling all over, and his crotch was wet.

After more than ten punches, Li Wenxuan finally stopped slowly, dropped Zhang Qing's shattered head, picked up the clear frost on the ground, turned to the military officer and asked, "Backyard——my father?" Where?"

The military officer was already startled at this time, when he heard Li Wenxuan asking himself, he couldn't speak clearly, pointing to the south, he said: "In-in-in-"

Li Wenxuan didn't wait for him to finish speaking, a clear shadow passed by, the military officer's head rolled on the ground, and his body also fell down.Standing behind Li Wenxuan, Qiu Shan looked at this young man who was foolish a few days ago, but now he was indescribably afraid and strange.Li Wenxuan put away his sword and was about to go out to the south, but Qiu Shan stopped in front and said, "Slow! If you go forward like this, you will definitely alarm the guards of the Sheriff's Mansion. At that time, you yourself will be trapped here .”

"Brother Qiu, I'm sorry, as a child, filial piety comes first, I'll go get my father's body back, you—you should leave quickly, don't bother me anymore." After Li Wenxuan finished speaking, he evaded After passing the hills and mountains, go out.Qiu Shan wanted to stop him, but he was still a step too late.

At this time, Li Wenxuan was not as cautious as before. He had just left the living room when he was spotted by the guards of the Huxin Pavilion. Several guards shouted from a distance: "Stop! Who are you?"

Li Wenxuan was furious at this time, and he had no more scruples. He breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed to the Huxin Pavilion in a few steps. , Li Wenxuan didn't stop, and continued to run southward using his lightness kung fu.The remaining two, seeing Li Wenxuan's skill, did not dare to chase after them, and shouted loudly: "There are assassins, there are assassins!" After a while, the originally peaceful county guard's mansion became restless.

From the Huxin Pavilion to the South Courtyard, you need to pass through two gates, and there are night guards, but Li Wenxuan came suddenly, those guards Li Wenxuan cleaned up without any effort, although Li Wenxuan was angry, but did not hurt their lives.Soon arrived at the South Courtyard, it was a huge open space, it looked like it should be used for performing martial arts, there were several big willow trees in the middle, and something seemed to be hanging on one of them, Li Wenxuan walked closer and looked, tears welled up in his eyes, the tree Hanging above is his father.

Li Wenxuan jumped up, cut off the rope, and hugged his father's body. It was cold and stiff. Li Wenxuan still couldn't believe it was real. Everything seemed like a nightmare. Li Wenxuan hugged his father's body, only hoping This nightmare can wake up sooner.

The Sheriff's Mansion was in a mess at this time. Originally, the guards in the mansion were all coming to Li Wenxuan's side, but the Sheriff's residence suddenly caught fire. As a last resort, many people rushed to the west to fight the fire. , Amid all the noise and fuss, more than 20 people have surrounded Li Wenxuan one after another.Some of these people had already seen how powerful Li Wenxuan was, and no one dared to take the lead.

Li Wenxuan was completely hopeless at this time, and he had no intention of fighting with them, but hoped that someone would come and kill him and he would be happier.The guards gradually became more courageous, and someone said: "Everyone attack him together, no matter how powerful he is, he is only one person, we don't need to be afraid if we have too many people." Several people followed in harmony: " Yes, let's go together." After saying that, five or six people drew their swords and rushed towards Li Wenxuan.

At this moment, Li Wenxuan had no thoughts of life, he just hugged his father in a daze and did not move. Seeing at this critical moment, he stabbed a sword obliquely beside Li Wenxuan, blocking the blades of those people.Those people were also taken aback, and said, "Who?"

At this time, a young man in white was standing in front of Li Wenxuan, it was Qiu Shan.The few people saw that Qiu Shan's body was relatively thin and weak, so they didn't take it seriously, so they wanted to kill him again.Qiu Shan didn't draw out the sword, but took it back, clasped his hands together, and said, "Slow! Everyone, listen to me first!"

"Listen first, brothers, and see what this little boy has to say." A guard who looked like the leader said, so the guards who were about to attack just now also stopped.

"Thank you!" Qiu Shan clasped his fists again, and said, "Your county guard, Mr. Zhang, who had an affair with a general of the Kingdom of Jin, was discovered by the two of us, and he has been beheaded. The two of us are not seeking fame, but only wanting to get rid of one for the country." Disastrous, now I have all the letters of Zhang Qing's affair with Jin Guowan Yanchang, if you don't embarrass me, I am willing to send these evidences to you, just send this evidence to Lin'an Mansion, it must be a great achievement, I wonder what you think?"

When these guards heard what Qiu Shan said, some of them hesitated a little. Seeing this, Qiu Shan said, "If you don't come to my convenience today, we will have to fight to the death. My brother's kung fu before must be a little bit Friends have already seen it, if you really do it, hehe."

At this time, the guards were discussing quietly among themselves, and no one could make up their minds. The guard who spoke just now spoke again: "Can you take a look at this letter first, and if it is true, our brothers will go with you today." It's convenient!" After saying that, he looked back at the people around him.

"Okay!" Qiu Shan agreed without hesitation, and handed the letter to the guard generously.

The man took the letters, opened two of them, looked at them by the moonlight, his face suddenly became serious, and he turned to the other guards and said: "These two righteous men are right, our county guard is fornicating gold thieves! Today I am determined to protect these two young righteous men, if someone makes things difficult for them, it will be difficult for me, Wang Dalong!" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then someone said: "Since Brother Wang said so, he must be right, I listen to Brother Wang."

Wang Dalong said again: "Okay, old Cheng, you go back with your brothers, just say that you didn't see any assassins here, and I will send the two righteous men out of the mansion."

"Yes!" Someone in the crowd responded, and all the guards retreated together.

Wang Dalong bowed deeply to Qiu Shan again, and said: "I offended you so much just now, I hope the two righteous men will forgive me!"

"What are you talking about, it's the two of us thanking you." Qiu Shan hurriedly returned the courtesy.

"Oh, don't talk, don't talk, I'll send the two of you out of the house first, or I'm afraid it will be too late." After finishing speaking, Wang Dalong and Qiu Shan pulled Li Wenxuan up along a small path beside the south courtyard, and left. For a while, Wang Dalong saw a small door in front of him from a distance, so Wang Dalong told Qiu Shan and Li Wenxuan to wait a while, and then he went to see if there was anything wrong.Only Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were left, and Li Wenxuan looked at Qiu Shan beside him, filled with gratitude in his heart, and said, "Brother Qiu, Wenxuan has nothing to repay in this life!"

Qiu Shan said: "Why are you talking about this? If you hadn't met me that day, maybe—maybe this wouldn't have happened..." After Qiu Shan finished speaking, both of them fell silent.

After a while, Wang Dalong came back, took two horses, and said: "You two righteous men, the gatekeepers have been dismissed by me. Get on your horses and leave quickly. What I, Wang Dalong, can do for these two righteous men is only These are all, I hope you will cherish them more in the future!"

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan didn't expect that Wang Dalong was also a bloody man, they just hated that time was running out and they didn't have time to talk in detail, so after thanking them again and again, they rode away on horseback.

 new week begins

  new start
  heart dream
  Come on!

(End of this chapter)

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