Chapter 269 Reconciliation
Yue Ying smiled wryly, and continued: "Later, when I grew up, I had my own ideas, and I knew that other girls were different from me. Every one of them was very docile. Just me, like a boy, was more tender than me. I was still a kid, my mother was worried when she looked at me, it’s funny to think about it, she was always afraid that I wouldn’t get married. At that time, my father also started to be very busy, he couldn’t stay at home for a few days all the year round, and only came home occasionally. I also came here in a hurry, and left in a hurry. I didn’t say that I could live at home for more than three days, so my father naturally didn’t have time to teach me Kung Fu and the art of war, so it was my brother who taught me, but after another two years, my brother Just like my father, they are away from home all year round. The two of them are almost away from home all year round. The more I miss them, the more angry I get with them, especially my father. He doesn’t tell me what to do, so I just want to do it. What, at that time I hired an old master for me and my younger brother, but the master who taught me couldn't control me, and I ran away in a few days. My father was angry and wanted to beat me, but my mother turned to me. My father has nothing to do with me. At that time, he began to regret. He regretted that he should not raise me as a boy earlier, but it was too late. I am so old. How can I change it? You said Yes or no?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Yeah, when you were pretending to be a man, I didn't see any flaws. It turns out that you have been like that since you were a child. No wonder. Then, have you always been so angry with your father? Then your father must Got mad at you."

Yue Ying smiled and said: "No, who is my father? How can I get mad at him? I got mad at him in front of my athlete's foot. I'm afraid he'll forget about it as soon as he turns around. In the end, I'm the one who gets angry. Myself. My father knew that he would not be able to control me if it went on like this, and he began to plan to marry me off at some point. After another two years, I don’t know why a family was so blind that they ran to us The family came to propose marriage, my father didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't ask me what I meant, but he agreed to me directly."

Li Wenxuan trembled, and asked, "'re already engaged?"

Seeing that Li Wenxuan was very nervous, Yue Ying felt sweet in her heart, blushing and said: "Don't worry, listen to me later, I don't even know the origin of that family. At that time, I only knew that their family was a famous family. Ken, so I told my father at that time that I would not marry, and my father refused to agree, saying that he had promised, so he could not go back on his word. I pestered him several times, but he just didn't take me seriously , I told my mother, and my mother also said that since I have already promised others, I can’t go back on it. Seeing that the marriage is only a month away, I simply stole a horse from home and ran out alone. Just go, anyway, if I don’t go, then the marriage will naturally fail, but my father was really angry with me that time, my brother sent me a message saying that my father was looking for someone to arrest me, which frightened me, I didn’t dare to go home anymore, so I just wandered around.”

Li Wenxuan asked: "When we met in Luzhou? You just escaped from marriage?"

Yue Ying said: "Actually, I had been out for more than a month at that time. I was a girl who was away from home. It was inconvenient, so I changed into men's clothing. I didn't expect you to be so stupid. I never noticed it. You are so stupid. At first, I thought you were pretending to be stupid, so I thought of saying that I would marry you. In fact, I came to test you. How could I know that you were real? At that time, I felt that I was a little too naughty. ... I feel sorry for you, but I am also very happy, because you take good care of me and accommodate me in everything. I think you are pretty good. Thinking about it now, my father is also very good to me, and my father still has a lot of good things Friends, good brothers, many people have been kind to me since I was a child, but my father always wants me to do everything according to his ideas. I refuse, but others are like that, or because they respect my father, Or because I am afraid of him, as long as what my father said is correct, I have to do what my father said, but no one is willing to listen to my ideas, and only you are willing, only you can listen to my words, Only you are so accommodating to me, you are different from them."

Yue Ying continued: "I've always thought it's good to be like you now, but this time I saw you, I was really afraid that you would be angry with me because you knew that I cheated you by disguising myself as a man in the past. Forget about me, I secretly worried about this for a long time, seeing you not only not angry, but also... I am very happy. But... But I didn't expect you to be angry about what happened today. It's my fault. Something happened, but I forgot about you, Wenxuan, I'm sorry, really, I didn't mean to hide a lot of things from you, let alone make you angry..."

Li Wenxuan sighed: "Yingying, don't say it, it's my fault. I know that you are a little stubborn, but everything you do is for my own good, but I am so narrow-minded. Alas, I feel ashamed when I think about it."

Yue Ying said again: "Wenxuan, since you want to know, I won't hide anything from you. I'll tell you everything today, okay?"

Li Wenxuan gently held Yue Ying's hand, and said: "No need, really, if I tell you to tell me now, I will feel that I forced you to say it, and I will feel sorry for it, you don't need anything Say, I believe you are."

Li Wenxuan couldn't help pulling Yue Ying towards him, but he exerted a little force on his hand, but when he heard Yue Ying yelled softly, he quickly withdrew his hand back.

Li Wenxuan looked weird, Yue Ying seemed to shrink her hand and didn't want her to see it, so she took Yue Ying's hand again, opened it, and saw several thick and long wooden thorns stuck in the palm of Yue Ying's hand, Because the nail was too deep, it was not easy to take it out, and when Li Wenxuan grasped it just now, he just caught on the wooden thorn, which hurt Yue Ying.

Li Wenxuan frowned and said, "What's going on with you, how did you get hurt!"

Yue Ying said: "The old man's shoulder pole is not easy to use. I just wanted to win against Hu Yanlie. I accidentally pulled out two of them. The rest was too deep, so I couldn't pull it out. .”

Li Wenxuan said angrily: "You can't figure it out yourself, why didn't you say it earlier, come here quickly!"

Yue Ying muttered softly: "At that time, weren't you angry with me and ignored me?"

"Oh, I was wrong again." Li Wenxuan sighed, took Yue Ying's hand, and carefully pulled out the wooden thorn in Yue Ying's palm.

Li Wenxuan's strikes were very gentle, without squinting, for fear of hurting Yue Ying, but Yue Ying held her chin with the other hand and looked straight at Li Wenxuan, her eyes were almost ready to smile, how could she know the pain? ?Yue Ying didn't know until Li Wenxuan finished pulling out the wooden thorns in Yue Ying's palm and was about to give her the wound medicine.

Yue Ying said: "It's just a few thorns, what medicine do you need?"

Li Wenxuan was not the case, he held Yue Ying's hand firmly, just rubbed the medicine on her, and said in a long-winded way while rubbing: "You, it's fine if you have a stubborn temper, if you like to make trouble, you can do whatever you want with me, but what are you doing?" If you want to fight with others, look, it will hurt you, fortunately I saw that Hu Yanlie gave way to you when he made a move, it is not true that he can't beat you, otherwise you will be unlucky today!"

Yue Ying smiled and said: "Of course I can see that he didn't use his full strength, that's why I fought him, but even if he won't let me, you are right next to me, why should I be afraid?"

Li Wenxuan shook his head helplessly, looking at Yue Ying in front of him, he didn't know whether he liked it or was worried, and said: "The other girls don't say that they have seen blood in fights, even if they bump into each other a little bit, they will cry. Yes, but you are fine, you don't feel sorry for yourself at all."

Yue Ying smiled and said, "Isn't that...does your heart feel bad? Well, I promise you, I promise I won't mess with others in the future, and you don't want to be angry with me anymore, okay?"

Li Wenxuan didn't quite believe what Yue Ying said, and asked, "Really?"

Yue Ying nodded vigorously, and said: "I promise, if I continue to be unreasonable with others, and if I am attacked by others, then... just let you beat me up, okay?"

At first, Li Wenxuan thought that Yue Ying was telling the truth, but at the end he was smiling when he saw Yue Ying, and said that he actually let him beat her as punishment. Knowing that Yue Ying started to fight with him again, he was half annoyed and half angry It's funny, he flicked Yue Ying's forehead lightly, and said: "I know why your father wants to marry you off!"

Yue Ying asked: "Why?"

Li Wenxuan said: "That's your father's headache from your anger!"

Yue Ying pursed her lips and said, "You... If you get angry with me one day and get a headache, you have to tell me, I'll go by myself."

Li Wenxuan hurriedly said: "How come, don't talk nonsense, but...but..."

Yue Ying said: "What are you talking about, why are you hesitating?"

Li Wenxuan swallowed, and said with a sullen face, "But, you said you're already engaged?"

Yue Ying didn't expect Li Xuanwen to ask this suddenly, she turned around and said with Li Wenxuan behind her back, "Yes, I've ordered it."

"Ah!" Li Wenxuan couldn't help but yelled, feeling cold in his heart.

Yue Ying said again: "What's your name? Didn't I run away at the time, so... so my father had no choice but to refund the betrothal gift and compensate him for the gift, and the matter naturally became a mess."

"Oh..." Li Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "Didn't you go home a while ago? Did your father talk to you about this again?"

Yue Ying smiled, and said very cunningly: "When I ran out, my father was angry at first, and then he became anxious for me, and asked people to look for me, and finally he knew that I was in Lin'an, and he just took me home , but got annoyed again, and said that it was necessary to beat me up, and it happened that my injuries were not healed at that time, and my mother and several uncles were all protecting them, so my father had no choice but to let it go."

As Yue Ying spoke, she looked very proud.However, Li Wenxuan felt that Yue Ying's father must be a very powerful person, and his family affairs must also be special. He felt a little nervous in his heart, and asked again: "Then...then you sneaked out again this time?"

Yue Ying said: "That's natural. I was in Xiangyang at that time, and when I heard about you, I left a letter for my father, and then came to find you."

Li Wenxuan said helplessly: "What are you... Isn't your father worried about you again?"

Yue Ying smiled and said: "It's okay this time, my father is very busy now and can't take care of me, and I made it clear in the letter with him that he came to see you." Yue Ying blushed and blinked her eyes non-stop.

Li Wenxuan only felt his blood surge, and said, "You said... You told your father that you came to find me? Then why isn't your father angry?"

Yue Ying said again: "I'm not in a hurry, why are you in such a hurry? Yes, let me tell you first, my father is very powerful, you can't beat him."

Li Wenxuan's mouth was dry, and he didn't know what to say. Yue Ying giggled and continued: "Don't worry, my father has heard people say about you and knows that you are a good person."

Li Wenxuan asked: "Someone told your father about me? Who is it? There are not many people in the world who say that I am a good person."

Yue Ying smiled and said: "You are stupid, think about it slowly, let's get down to business!"

Li Wenxuan asked: "Business?"

Yue Ying said: "Yeah, if it wasn't for business, I wouldn't bother to come to you at such a late night."

Li Wenxuan lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "You mean... Pinjian Villa?"

Yue Ying patted the back of Li Wenxuan's head with her hands mischievously, and said, "You're so smart!"

Li Wenxuan felt uncomfortable being touched by Yue Ying, while Yue Ying laughed happily. When Yue Ying stopped laughing, she said again: "When that Hu Yanlie came, he should have told you, he Originally, I was going to Pinjian Villa to join some kind of martial arts rebel army, right?"

Li Wenxuan said: "That's right, that's what he said, but you broke in before I had time to ask."

Yue Ying said: "It's okay, I have already asked him about it at that time, last time the old master Situ was going to organize this martial arts rebel army, he didn't want to die in the middle way, he didn't achieve his great success, now that kid Situ Lang has to follow suit It is reasonable for his father to do this, and with the power of Pinjian Villa, it is said that this year's momentum is not lower than last year, what do you think of this?"

Li Wenxuan shook his head and said: "I can't say it well, but when Hu Yanlie told me just now, I felt that there was something strange about this matter, and there seemed to be something wrong, but I just couldn't figure out what the problem was."

Yue Ying said again: "Well, let me tell you, think about it, Situ Lang, that housekeeper Hu and Feng Wanjin who was killed just now, all three of them have a great relationship with the death of the old owner. But Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry wants to kill and seal Wanjin, there must be some relationship between them, think about it again, do you understand?"

Li Wenxuan said in surprise: "You mean Situ Lang... the golden man... Could it be that there is a golden man's trick behind the incident of the martial arts rebel army?"

Yue Ying clapped her hands and said, "That's right, that's exactly it!"

Li Wenxuan immediately said again: "No... I still don't believe it, I don't believe that Situ Lang really colluded with the Jinren."

Yue Ying said: "That's how you are. You can't deliberately turn to him because of Pinjian Villa, right? I heard that Hu Yanlie said that Situ Lang only formed a rebel army this time, but didn't push the martial arts leader. Because he knew that it was not his turn to speak, whether it was about qualifications, fame, or martial arts, but if it was just to form a rebel army, the leader of the rebel army did not necessarily have to be high in martial arts, nor did he have to be old. As long as you take out the money to cover the food expenses of the rebel army, if Situ Lang wants to capture the leader of the rebel army, he will naturally be able to capture it with his hands, and from what Hu Yanlie said, the martial arts heroes this time may have to go over thousands of people, Situ Lang If Lang is really plotting something wrong, then the matter... will be hard to say."

Li Wenxuan heard what Yue Ying said, and the more he thought about it, the less sure he was. Yue Ying comforted him and said, "Don't think too much, after all, these are just my speculations. I can't say for sure what the truth is. Wan Jin's clue has been broken, why don't we simply go to Pinjian Villa to see if there is a way to get rid of your scapegoat, and then we can go to the rebel army to join in the fun, how about it?"

"Go to Pinjian Villa?" Li Wenxuan was very hesitant, and said again: "But if I go to Pinjian Villa here, if I am recognized by others, I am afraid that I will be taken as a murderer."

Yue Ying said: "You are so stupid, I will keep you from being recognized by others!" Then she moved over Li Wenxuan's body, gestured to Li Wenxuan's face for a while, and said, "Here is a plaster for you, I will smear a beard on you over there, and paint a layer of soot on your face, then you can just look at me!"

Li Wenxuan said with a smile: "Why are you doing this to prevent others from seeing me? It's you who want to play, right?"

Yue Ying smiled and said: "The three brothers of Huyan's family, I have directed them to go elsewhere. I asked them, and they said that the time for the gathering of all kinds of people from all walks of life in Pinjian Villa is March 25th. Let's There is still plenty of time, we can go sightseeing all the way, don't worry."

Li Wenxuan said again: "Although that is the case, I am afraid that I will meet many people in the world along the way. If someone recognizes me on the way, it will be bad. I can't do it every day. It looks weird, and if someone from the rivers and lakes comes out, the government probably has a document to arrest me, alas, just thinking about it gives me a headache."

Yue Ying said: "What? Are you afraid?"

Li Wenxuan said: "I'm not afraid, I just don't want to cause more trouble out of thin air."

Yue Ying said: "That's true, anyway, the time is still loose, why don't we first detour to Jiangzhou, and then turn to Shaoxing by water, those Qingcheng faction people came from the south, let's go south first, they Presumably they will also go to Pinjian Villa, even if they tell others about you halfway, they won't guess that we went south first, so naturally we won't bump into them, what do you think?"

Li Wenxuan nodded again and again, and said: "This is a good idea, let's go to Jiangzhou first, and take the boat all the way in a quiet and comfortable way, you don't have a place to make trouble, right?"

Yue Ying shouted: "You still talk about me!"

Li Wenxuan hurriedly said: "Don't dare, dare not, Brother Qiu, Wenxuan knew he was wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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