Chapter 305 Red Moon Mountain ([-])
After a while, the meal was ready, and this meal was much richer than the meals on the road in the past. Li Wenxuan looked at it secretly and thought it was funny, and said in his heart: "This Situ Lang must be worried that the medicine is not strong enough, so I will make something better." For food, I’m afraid that everyone will eat less, so that others can hide on the ground and lie on the ground for a while, but you don’t know that I have already replaced it with yam powder for you!”

Yang Fan and Zhao Qingchuan had the same thoughts as Li Wenxuan, no one said anything, they looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, they all accepted it as Situ Lang's "kindness", especially Tian Guohui, who has a big appetite , Seeing that the food was good, I couldn't help but even boasted a few words, shouting that it would be even more enjoyable if I had another jar of wine to accompany the meal, and the rest of the laughing people shook their heads again and again.

Yang Fan and the others had just finished eating when Li Wenxuan suddenly pointed to the front of the group and whispered, "Be careful, the person we are waiting for is here, so everyone be careful!"

Yang Fan and the others looked in the direction Li Wenxuan pointed, and saw that the road ahead was open, except for some scattered rocks, nothing special, let alone human figures. Seeing this, Tian Guohui complained: "Where is anyone? Empty..."

Tian Guohui stopped talking with his tongue halfway, and saw a few black spots in the distance moving towards him quickly, and after a while, he finally saw that the people who came were all riding horses .

Tian Guohui couldn't help giving Li Wenxuan a thumbs-up, and said: "Your ears are not simple, you can hear so far, and they are much better than my old Tian!"

Li Wenxuan cupped his hands to Tian Guohui with a smile, and said, "Master Tian is congratulating you!" However, although Li Wenxuan looked relaxed with a smile on his face, his heart was beating non-stop. What kind of people, let alone how many people are behind them, if there are too many people, if there are too many people fighting, I am afraid that many heroes will inevitably lose a lot of lives.

A total of six people and six riders came from a distance, not many people, Li Wenxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.There are quite a few masters in this rebel army, but unlike Li Wenxuan, who can inquire about the movement around, just after Li Wenxuan found those people, several other people soon noticed the coming, but everyone was also puzzled. Although a pair of men and horses is not a villain, but because the heroes are not restrained, and most of them are heroic by nature, they wield swords and swords along the way, and there are many people who are open-chested and bare-shouldered, so watching this pair of men and horses from a distance is very imposing. It's frightening, he was almost regarded as a robber by the government a few times, and ordinary people saw it, needless to say, they were naturally afraid to avoid it, and they would not take the initiative to get close to him.On the other hand, the six people and six riders in front looked very strange, and they came straight to the brigade.As a result, many people were thinking secretly, wondering who these six people belonged to, what sect they were from, and where they came from.

That group of men and horses hadn't come close, but their faces were already vaguely visible. Li Wenxuan glanced at them, and it was a coincidence that all six of them knew each other. The one in the middle of the six riders was Chasing Moon, who must have deep qualifications Some, everyone listened to his orders.

On the two sides of Chasing the Moon, there were Star Chasing, Chasing the Wind, Feicheng, Chasing the Moon, and the masked woman called Mingzhu among Yanyun's Eighteen Riders. More than half of them had fought against Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan knew that their skills were not weak.

Li Wenxuan was about to tell the names of these six people to Yang Fan and the others, so that they could know themselves and their enemies, but before he could speak, someone grabbed Li Wenxuan's shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw that the person was actually Zhao Qingchuan , his face was startled and angry, almost distorted, he stared straight at Li Wenxuan and said, "It's...poisonous!"

Li Wenxuan was surprised, and soon saw that many people around him fell to the ground one after another, some were scolding, some were moaning, some were screaming, they all fell to the ground and couldn't get up, they all looked poisoned. Only some people with high skills, like Zhao Qingchuan and Yang Fan, can still stand up for a while, but they look like they are on the verge of falling.

This was really unexpected. Li Wenxuan knew that he had already changed the medicine powder and gave Situ Lang yam powder, but how could such a situation happen?
Li Wenxuan hurriedly supported Zhao Qingchuan, and said, "Brother Zhao, shouldn't be!"

Before Li Wenxuan could finish speaking, Yang Fan and Tian Guohui couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground. Li Wenxuan was about to bend over to help him, but suddenly his mind became dizzy. He didn't even have enough strength to stand up, so he fell sideways with Zhao Qingchuan.

Shocked, Li Wenxuan had no choice but to let go of Zhao Qingchuan first, and quickly practiced kung fu on the spot, hoping to dissolve the poison in his body as soon as possible with the internal power of the Marrow Cleansing Sutra.

Tian Guohui couldn't help shouting: "This...what's going on, didn't you switch things? Why are you still doing this now!"

Li Wenxuan didn't know why, but thinking of the current situation, he was afraid that Situ Lang recognized him, but he didn't care about thinking so much for a while, so he could only use his skills to force the poison quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the mighty 3000 people, who were originally chatting and having a good time, collapsed on the ground in a short while, leaving only a few people safe and sound, and these people And all of them were people from Pinjian Villa. Situ Lang himself just smiled slightly when he saw the situation in front of him, obviously he knew the situation long ago.

All the heroes are not stupid. After seeing this situation, they immediately knew that there was a ghost and that it had something to do with Situ Lang. Soon someone shouted: "Master Situ, what are you doing!" "Master Situ, are you honest?" Having a problem with someone, it comes down to it, why...why do you have to do this?"

Situ Lang was in the midst of the spring breeze at this time, he paced back and forth among the crowd very leisurely, and said with a smile: "Everyone, don't panic, let's rest for now, I just want to introduce a few friends to meet you all!"

While talking, Zhuiyue and his group had already come to the front. When Situ Lang saw Zhuiyue, he immediately went up to meet him and greeted them one by one. It seemed that he had known each other for a long time. The six people including Zhuiyue got off their horses together, except for Mingzhu who was not cold They gave Situ Lang a cold look, while the others returned their salutes respectively, and were quite polite to Situ Lang.

Zhuiyue and the other six people came here, all wearing golden costumes. Although all the heroes are weak in limbs at this time, they all have good voices. , a middle-aged man at the front, who didn't know which school he belonged to, saw that Situ Lang was so close to the golden man, and said angrily, "Situ Lang, you bastard! How dare you collude with the gold thief to harm the golden man?" We, you are the owner of Pinjian Villa in vain, you really lost the face of my Da Song man!"

Zhuiyue listened to the man's words, his face darkened, Situ Lang immediately understood, stepped forward and smiled at the man: "Man, what you said is wrong, how could I harm everyone, are you all good brothers? I have spent a lot of effort to invite everyone to the Dajin Kingdom to enjoy the blessings, it is all out of good intentions, you have to appreciate it."

Hearing this, the man became even more furious, and immediately wanted Situ Lang to spit, but at this moment, his body was weak, and he couldn't even spit far away, and he fell down early before Situ Lang was in front of him. The man then gritted his teeth and said: "You bastard, even if I die here today, I won't give my life to you golden dogs!"

Situ Lang was always smiling. Seeing the man's tough tone, a murderous look flashed across his face, and then he shook his head. Suddenly, everyone saw a red light floating in front of him. The man who cursed Situ Lang just now was actually Before he could make a sound, Situ Lang chopped off his head with a sword.

Everyone didn't expect that Situ Lang would kill as soon as he said it, and his attack was so hot. There was no sound in the huge valley for a while, and suddenly, someone scolded: "Gold thief! If you want to kill, just kill, you should kill him!" Are we heroes afraid of death? If you want to kill it, go ahead, I just hate that I can’t kill a few more golden dogs before I die!"

With this person's voice, all the heroes seemed to be infected, and the crowd was excited, and the voices scolding Situ Lang, or the Jin people, kept coming and going without stopping.

Seeing the surge of human emotions, Situ Lang, Zhuiyue and the others yelled a few words, but the voices were not suppressed by the sound of cursing. The general meaning must be to tell the heroes to be quiet, but At this moment, everyone is full of anger, who cares what they say?

Chasing the moon saw the chaos, so he nodded slightly to the side, and the chasing stars and chasing the wind beside him immediately jumped forward. The person in the front, no matter who it is, just slashes and kills. At this time, all the heroes are poisoned, their bodies are sore and weak, and they have no strength to fight back. Chasing the wind one by one, and in the blink of an eye, flesh and blood flew all over the ground, and more than a dozen heroes lost their lives just like that!

Many of the heroes here, many of their subordinates have more or less died, and they usually don't blink when they kill one or two people, but no one has ever seen such a bloody massacre before them. I've seen it before, and everyone was terrified, and the cursing stopped for a while.

Seeing that the scene had calmed down, Chasing Moon took two steps forward, and gestured to Chasing Star and Chasing Feng. Chaixing and Chasing Feng, who had killed people just now, stood behind him as temporary assistants. Chasing Moon was not in a hurry to speak, but just Sweeping coldly at everyone first, like a butcher facing a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, wanting to see who will strike first.

Everyone was powerless, but at this time, a man from the Dongting Water Gang beside Li Wenxuan slowly stood up with a weapon on his body. Li Wenxuan recognized this man, and he knew that he had eaten badly in the past two days, so he just started eating. I didn't have much appetite when I was there, I just drank two mouthfuls of soup, I thought the poison was not deep, so I could barely stand up.

Yang Fan couldn't help shouting: "What are you going to do?"

The man said angrily: "The golden people are rampant, I will fight them!"

This man's kung fu is mediocre, inconspicuous, and he hasn't done any grandiose events on weekdays, but seeing these golden men are too cruel at this time, his heart is full of anger, and he tremblingly wants to go forward to find Jin. people desperately.

Zhuiyue snorted coldly, and with a flick of his wrist, his golden scimitar turned into a golden light and flew towards the man from the Dongting Water Gang.When everyone saw this, they all exclaimed, calling for the man to dodge quickly, but he was already exhausted and it was very difficult to stand up, so how could he dodge?Moreover, Chasing the Moon's saber was quick and accurate, and his kung fu was far superior to him. He saw the golden scimitar flying by. Just as the man was about to lift the saber to block it, he saw a stream of blood spurting from his neck. It was actually cut in half by the scimitar, and it seemed that he would not survive. The man fell to the ground, the blood stained the rocks and soil red, but the steel knife in his hand was still firmly held in his palm, and his eyes were also straight. stared straight ahead.

This person fell in front of Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan saw that this person had died tragically. He was a reputable man. He reached out and closed his eyes for him. He wanted to kill these golden men immediately, but the poison in his body was clean, if he did it rashly, he would definitely not be a match for Zhuiyue and others, so he could only hold back his anger and force the poison first.

After the murder, the scimitar drew an arc in the crowd, and then flew back into the hands of Zhuiyue. The arc itself was beautiful, but the arc at this time was full of cold blood, which made people see It can only add hatred and make people terrified.

Chasing the moon rubbed the blood stains on the scimitar on the soles of his shoes, and raised his voice and said: "I follow the order of the Marshal of Jin Wushu of the Dajin Kingdom, and sincerely invite all heroes to serve in front of my tent in the Dajin Kingdom. Respondents, all of you are entrusted with important positions, you are all heroes, and I hope that everyone will judge the situation, don't work for your fatuous Zhao family children, and submit to my Dajin as soon as possible, the marshal will definitely treat you badly!"

After chasing the moon, someone in front asked coldly: "Haha, Corporal Lixian? Fuck, if I obey you, I'm just going to be your vicious dog. If we don't obey, then it's going to be a knife, right? Come on, even though I have only one head, I still want to try beheading today, kill me! I would rather die as a Han than live as a golden dog!"

With the knife in his hand, there was a flash of blood, another hero lost his life, and all the heroes felt sorry for him.

After that, several people followed the righteous man and shouted: "I would rather die as a Han than live as a golden dog!" Chasing stars and chasing winds kill people by hearing the sound, and after a while, five or six good men were killed .

Zhuiyue said with a sullen face: "I don't have much patience to accompany you here, it only takes a stick of incense, those who are willing to work for my Dajin, just climb up in front of me, and the rest... Kill without mercy!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was shocked again, some scolded and lamented, and of course, some remained silent.

"What are you doing, kid, get the hell out of here!"

There was a roar from the back of the crowd, and everyone looked around, only to see a young man with a face as red as a cloth, who was sobbing and didn't dare to look up, but crawled over to the place where Chasing Moon was, and there was an old man behind him , looked like the elder of the man, seeing the young man surrendering to the golden man, he cursed again and again, but he couldn't call him back, and finally passed out from anger.

At first everyone looked at the young man with contempt, scolded him for being spineless, and called him a golden man's dog slave, but then the scolding gradually subsided, because more and more people were chasing after him. Yue crawled over there, and at a glance, there were as many as five or sixty people, and the anger of the crowd gradually turned into a sigh.

Seeing this, Zhuiyue clapped his hands again and again and said, "Okay, those who know current affairs are outstanding!"

Suddenly there was another booing from the crowd, Li Wenxuan followed the sound and saw an old man with silver hair and white beard holding a black iron sword, propped himself up slowly, and tremblingly walked towards Chasing the Moon. past.

Those who surrendered to Chasing the Moon just now are almost all unknown pawns in the rivers and lakes, but for those who have some famous names, such a thing cannot be done. People in the martial arts are fighting for that breath. If you call those famous people Bow to the golden man, it is really more sad than taking their lives.

But when this old man makes a move, it is no small matter. He has galloped the world for more than thirty years, swept the martial arts with an iron sword, and has few opponents. Not to mention the late junior in the world, even the suzerain of a school has to be courteous when seeing him This time, when he heard that Pinjian Villa formed an anti-golden rebel army, he even closed his own business and used all his manpower to participate in this martial arts act. For a while, he was passed down as a good story by all the heroes, and everyone regarded him as a model and admired him.This person is none other than Yun Zhongxing, the chief escort of the Fuzhou Security Bureau.

All the bodyguards behind Yun Zhongxing saw their chief bodyguard actually walking towards Zhuiyue, they were all speechless in astonishment, they really couldn't believe that the famous chief bodyguard would be a man who was greedy for life and afraid of death Seniors and other martial arts people didn't seem to believe their eyes when they saw it, and they were all speechless. Only a few people who had a good personal relationship with Yun Zhongxing shouted a few words: "Old man Yun, are you crazy? Hurry up!" Come back!" "Yun Zhongxing, are you planning to ruin your fame for a lifetime like this!" "Yun Zhongxing, if you follow the golden man today, our friendship for many years will be severed from now on!"

Yun Zhongxing didn't pay attention to those people's words. He just used his strength, suppressed the nature of the medicine, leaned on the ground with his iron sword, and walked forward slowly step by step.

Li Wenxuan didn't expect that Yun Zhongxing would be like this. Although Li Wenxuan was hurt by him before, he couldn't understand the behavior of many bodyguards under his bodyguard, but Li Wenxuan admired Yun Zhongxing himself, and avoided Yun Zhongxing's kung fu Not to mention, just hearing that he closed the business of the Escort Bureau and went northward to fight against gold, Li Wenxuan already felt in his heart that this old man is a good man, and it’s fine for others to give in to Chasing the Moon, but if Lian Yunzhongxing If such a famous martial artist is also greedy for life and afraid of death, and becomes a slave of the Jinren, then among the remaining 3000 people, many of them will be shaken immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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