Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 324 Midnight Passenger Ship

Chapter 324 Midnight Passenger Ship ([-])

When Li Wenxuan left Luzhou Ferry in the past, the whole village had been completely burned down by a fire, leaving only a ruined wall.

Back here today, Luzhou Ferry seems to still retain the appearance of that time, that is, a strange and familiar mess, but no matter where it is, weeds and moss are everywhere, it seems that after going through that meeting, Later, not only did no one move to live here, I am afraid that few people would pass by here again, otherwise it would not be so desolate. Probably everyone knew that something too tragic happened here, which was taboo, and followed the golden man Invading the south, the flames of war may burn here at any time, and there are few merchants traveling between the north and the south. The once lively Lujiadu has become so desolate overnight. Today, only lonely ghosts will come here up.

Li Wenxuan naturally said to himself: "Luzhou Ferry has become so dilapidated, and I buried Uncle Tie and Aunt Tie in an extremely hidden place. When Monk Xingzhi came here, it might be difficult to find it. I will regard their grave as a barren grave, alas, no one has taken care of it for so long, and now I don’t know what it will look like in front of the grave, Uncle Tie, Aunt Tie, although you are not my parents, you are very supportive of me. My love is no less than that for Sister Linger, and your love for me is no different from that of your parents. In the past, Wenxuan always thought that in the future, he and Sister Linger could be filial to your elders and take good care of your two elders. Hey, why did things not go as expected, Sister Ling'er is still alive and dead, and I have no news of her, and I went there that day for more than half a year, after so long, I came back to see you, Wenxuan is unfilial... ..."

The old road was gone, so Li Wenxuan could only rely on his memory to walk through the knee-high weeds, and when he reached the grave of Tie Nan and his wife, he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

After Li Wenxuan buried the Tienan couple that day, because of the rush of time and fear that some villains would come back here again, he just hastily cut a thick template and engraved the names of the Tienan couple on it, which is regarded as a tombstone , It was not even signed by who set it up, and now when I went to the grave of the Tienan couple, Li Wenxuan saw that the wooden sign that he had set up by himself in the past had disappeared, replaced by a bluestone tombstone, and the content on the tombstone The writing on the wooden tablet erected by Li Wenxuan at that time is exactly the same, and the person who erected the monument naturally did not leave his name and name.

This situation made Li Wen stunned: "Who erected this stele? The place where I buried Uncle Tie and Aunt Tie is very secluded. Ordinary people should not be able to find it here. Besides, even if they see it, it is neither relative nor old. Yes, how can there be a monument? Could it be another good deed done by Monk Xingzhi?"

Li Wenxuan was suspicious, and while thinking, he took out the tribute and paper money and wanted to put them on the ground, but when he lowered his head, he was surprised again.

Li Wenxuan walked all the way, the weeds around the earthen grave were at least as high as knees, but the weeds on the earthen tomb were only about two or three inches long. Li Wenxuan looked down and saw that these weeds were cut off by sharp knives Yes, there are still a lot of cut green grass piled up in two small piles around the earthen grave. It is obvious that someone has come to clean up the weeds for this earthen grave. Li Wenxuan grabbed a handful of grass and touched it. , the grass is still wet, it seems that it has been less than half a day since the weeds were cut, otherwise they should have dried up long ago.

In front of the tombstone, there were ashes left by burning paper money, and two plates of flower cakes, and two plates of apples were placed in front of them for worship. The soil was still hot, apparently the person who burned the paper money here had just left not long ago.

"Who came here to pay homage to Uncle Tie and Aunt Tie? I just broke up with Monk Xingchi, so I decided it wasn't the work of Monk Xingchi, and these flower cakes are also something that Monk Xingchi couldn't make. Calculation, time is not allowed, the weeds here are afraid that they have dried up long ago, but if this person is not an idiot, who is it? Could it be..."

Li Wenxuan suddenly thought of a person, his heart shuddered, and he didn't care about worshiping. He put down his things, rode on the little skylark, and ran for several miles around Luzhou Ferry. After reading it again, for fear of missing something, I murmured in my heart: "Sister Ling'er...is that you? Sister Ling'er, is that you?"

It was just that Li Wenxuan was disappointed in the end. Li Wenxuan ran around, but there was not even a house nearby, and he didn't even see a living person. The old ferry was also abandoned, and there were no boats moored.

Li Wenxuan had no choice but to go back to the grave with disappointment. He burned paper money for Tienan and his wife, kowtowed, and went back to look for Yue Ying and Su Qingxue. Since it is hot, it can be seen that the man left not long ago. According to the foot strength of the little skylark, he should be able to catch up, unless the man left on a fast horse. It was only near Luzhou Ferry, and I only saw him from the beginning to the end. That wicked girl also has a shepherd boy, and the shepherd boy will naturally not worship my Uncle Tie and Aunt Tie, could it be... could it be that wicked girl?"

This thought was only for a moment, and soon Li Wenxuan shook his head again, and said to himself: "No, absolutely not, we are incompatible people, and even more so, how could she come here... ...Broken! When the wicked girl left, she went in the direction where Yingying and Qingxue were running. Moreover, Yanyun's eighteen riders never acted alone. If there were many of them at this time, they would At the ferry over there, Yingying and Qingxue are also there...I'm afraid..."

The more Li Wenxuan thought about it, the more worried he became, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment. It was too late to think about the strange things that happened in front of Xiaomiao and Tie Nan's couple's graves, so he hurried to the pier where Yue Ying and Su Qingxue were. past.

Su Qingxue only knows acupoint acupuncture. Although her martial arts skills are average, she is low-key and doesn't like to cause trouble. When she encounters dangerous situations, she knows the importance of self-protection. Li Wenxuan doesn't worry too much about her, on the contrary. It was Yue Ying. Although Yue Ying was good at martial arts, she was not first-class after all. It might not be a problem to teach a few second- and third-rate people a lesson, but if she encountered a real master, she would definitely not be able to handle it, and Yue Ying had an active temper She is not afraid of anything, and she has a stubborn temper. If she really meets someone like Yanyun Shibaqi, Su Qingxue will definitely avoid it from a distance, and Yue Ying will probably not be able to help but get closer quietly. What are these people doing.

Li Wenxuan was anxious in his heart. Seeing that there were still two or three miles to the pier, he saw a woman in a yellow shirt standing under a willow tree with a horse. It was Su Qingxue who looked very anxious. She saw Li Wenxuan approaching her from a distance. When he came, he hurriedly greeted Li Wenxuan.

Before Little Yunque could stand firmly, Li Wenxuan flew off his horse and said, "Qingxue, have you and Yingying met the golden men of Yanyun Eighteen Riders? Yingying, why didn't you see her? How could you?" Alone here?"

"I..." Su Qingxue was also very anxious, as if she didn't know where to start, she paused for a while, and said, "We met Yanyun Shibaqi at the pier, how did you know?"

Li Wenxuan thought in his heart: "Oops, it seems that they really met!" He hurriedly asked: "Don't worry about how I know, what about Yingying, did you meet Yanyun Shibaqi? Could it be Yingying? Was it captured by them?"

Su Qingxue shook her head and said: "At that time we were eating together in the tavern, sister Yue had sharp eyes, and when she saw Yanyun Eighteen Riders approaching from afar, she pulled me into hiding. When I met them, I didn't know what would happen, so I wanted to ask Sister Yue to avoid them with me, and then turn back to find you, but I didn't expect..."

Li Wenxuan felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "I didn't expect it?"

Su Qingxue said: "Sister Yue said that these people must have no good intentions when they appeared here, and they might do something bad again, so she asked me to leave the pier and wait for you halfway, but she...she said yes Those who are going to follow Yanyun Eighteen Riders."

"Ah!" Li Wenxuan couldn't help shouting, and said in his heart: "Yingying, why are you so bold, you do such a thing by yourself, you must not have trouble."

Su Qingxue said again: "I was taken aback at the time. I didn't expect Sister Yue to be so courageous. I advised her not to take risks, but she refused to listen to my advice and insisted on following them...Wen Xuan, I'm sorry I can't stop you, I can't stop Sister Yue..."

Li Wenxuan sighed: "Yingying is good at everything, but she is too stubborn. How can I blame you for this? Who can stop her when she is determined? Anyway, things are already like this. We will go back to the pier together later. , you wait for me outside the pier, I'll go in and find out, if you hear a fight inside, you should ride away quickly, you know?"

Su Qingxue shook her head and said, "I won't go!"

Li Wenxuan said anxiously: "When is this now? Don't be impatient. Don't you usually follow me the most? By the way, how many people did you see on their trip?"

Su Qingxue said: "We saw five people in the tavern on the pier, they were all the five people who appeared in Hongyue Mountain, and when I was waiting for you here, I saw another one, the one in black Girl, she hasn't been here for a long time, and she seems to be looking for her companions, she probably doesn't know me, and she doesn't care about me, so there are at least six of them now."

Li Wenxuan pondered slightly, and said: "Don't worry, it's not easy for me to beat the six of them, but it's also very difficult for the six of them to catch me, but if we move, if you don't leave, you will be trapped In their hands, there is nothing I can do even if I want to get away, so as long as the situation is not right, you must leave as soon as possible, understand?"

Although Su Qingxue was reluctant, she knew that she was not good at kung fu. If she didn't follow what Li Wenxuan said, she might really hinder Li Wenxuan, so she agreed softly.

Li Wenxuan and Su Qingxue rode their horses to a place two or three hundred steps outside the pier and stopped. Li Wenxuan handed over both mounts to Su Qingxue, and walked into the pier by himself.

Li Wenxuan heard from Su Qingxue that those people went straight to a small restaurant at first, and Su Qingxue also broke up with Yue Ying here, so Li Wenxuan also went straight here, but he was very careful, every step he took He always pays attention to the movement around him, for fear that he will be discovered by the Yanyun Eighteenth Rider first, but fortunately everything is safe and sound.

After entering the restaurant, apart from two or three tables of sporadic guests eating, there was no sign of Yue Ying or Yanyun Eighteen Riders, and there were no traces of a fight. Li Wenxuan felt a little relieved and pondered : "Even if Yingying is captured, but with her temperament, I am afraid that she will make a fuss, and she will not laugh at the movement. The whole pier must know it. At this moment, it is so quiet here, it means that Yingying is still safe."

Li Wenxuan walked forward at a leisurely pace, the pier was not big at all, and when Li Wenxuan walked further, there were only a few wooden boats waiting for business in front of him.

Li Wenxuan looked around, but there was still no sign of Yue Ying. Although he had been reassuring himself that with Yue Ying's intelligence, she would be safe and sound, but even so, Li Wenxuan was extremely anxious.

"My lord, do you want to take a boat?"

Li Wenxuan looked down, and it turned out that it was a boy who looked like a boatman talking to him. Li Wenxuan was anxious, he didn't have the time to talk to him, and he didn't speak. He was still searching around to see if he could find any clues left by Yue Ying. .

The young man was persistent, as if he was determined to pull Li Wenxuan to upload, and said: "Master, there are distinguished guests on this small boat, come too, sir, there will be meat and girls, if you don't come, you will regret it Woolen cloth?"

Li Wenxuan was very angry and said angrily: "Shameless!"

The little servant was still not reconciled, coughed lightly, and said: "Forget it, forget it, it seems that brother Qiu's good intentions are definitely going to come to nothing, I'll go back and tell her!"

"Brother Qiu!" Li Wenxuan's spirit was shaken, he grabbed the boy and asked, "Brother Qiu, where is my brother Qiu?"

The boy didn't answer, but just smiled at Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan was anxious to know the news about Yue Ying, but this boy had a playful smile on his face. Li Wenxuan had no choice but to hold back his anger , and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you dare to ask where my brother Qiu is now? I have something urgent to find him."

The boy smiled "puchi", then blinked and said, "Let's go, let's take a look at Miss Qingxue first!"

The boy turned around and left after saying that. Li Wenxuan heard that laughing voice, which was [-]% similar to that of Yue Ying. He thought he had heard it wrong and was in a daze. Then Xiaosi turned back and said, "Brother Qiu is not on the boat now. But your Miss Yue is going to see Miss Su, are you coming?"

When he first started talking, the young man kept his face sullen and his waist bent, but this time when he turned around to talk, he straightened his back, his face stretched out, his smiling face was full of spring breeze, how could he be on a boat? Xiaosi, who was doing the work, was obviously Yue Ying himself, but he didn't know what was smeared on his face, and he looked full of the weather-beaten look that boatmen usually see. It's no wonder that Li Wenxuan couldn't come out in a hurry.

Li Wenxuan was surprised and delighted, couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Yue Ying's shoulders, and shouted: "Yingying, why is it you! Why is it you!"

Yue Ying said angrily in a low voice: "You are crazy, you don't even know where this is, let me go!"

Li Wenxuan immediately came back to his senses, let go of Yue Ying, and said: "I heard Qingxue say that you went to follow that Yanyun Shibaqi, but I was scared to death. I was afraid that you would be caught by them. to save you."

Yue Ying walked forward and said, "I don't think you care about me. I just disguised myself a little, and you won't recognize me. Hmph, if I get old in a few years, it won't look good." Now, even if you see me, you will deliberately pretend not to know me, right?"

Li Wenxuan sighed: "You... oh, when did you hurt me like this, I was worried about your safety, so I didn't care about other people, you just deliberately said something like a girl's wine, I How can I listen to it, naturally I can't recognize you, but then again, I don't think you will grow old even in a few years, and you are just as good-looking."

Yue Ying first smiled sweetly, and then snorted and said, "Really? Are you worried about me because of all you have? Then let me ask you, if there are other beautiful girls in front of you now, do you think it's okay?" Look?"

Li Wenxuan was confused, and felt that Yue Ying's question was unreasonable, so he said, "Yingying, don't make fun of me, I was worried that you were already frightened, I was terrified, and I was too nervous, but why do you continue to tease me?" I."

Yue Ying said: "I didn't play tricks on you. I just heard someone say that a young man riding a white horse saw a beautiful girl in black. He was so fascinated that his soul flew away. But it's a pity that Luohua is ruthless, the young man on the white horse was tricked by the beautiful lady, but the young man still flirts with the girl!"

After Yue Ying said a few words, cold sweat broke out on Li Wenxuan's forehead, and he thought, "Isn't this just about the incident that I bumped into that villain on the road? How did Yingying know all about it? But...but it's true that I was tricked, But this flirtatious look was fabricated out of thin air, the truth is not what Yingying said at all, is it?"

Li Wenxuan opened his mouth, neither arguing nor not arguing, but fortunately Yue Ying was not angry, Li Wenxuan said casually: "We... let's go to Qingxue, she is also worried about you now !"

Yue Ying didn't continue talking about that matter, so she followed Li Wenxuan to find Su Qingxue, and the two met Su Qingxue together. Su Qingxue saw Yue Ying's outfit, but she didn't recognize it at first. But after looking at the expression and figure, he recognized it after a while, and was taken aback immediately, and said, "Sister Yue, you... what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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