Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 330 Midnight Passenger Ship

Chapter 330 Midnight Passenger Ship ([-])

Yue Ying didn't know that Li Wenxuan fainted because of the poisonous needle issued by Mingzhu, and she was panicked for a while, but when Su Qingxue asked, she immediately regained consciousness. Seeing Li Wenxuan's appearance, the clothes on his body were in good condition, and there was no trace of blood. Most likely, he was hit by some kind of poisonous hidden weapon. After a closer look, he saw that Li Wenxuan's left hand had already shown a blue-black color, so he pulled off the left half of Li Wenxuan's clothes, and found it on his arm along the place where the blue-black condensed. There was a very thin needle eye, and the surrounding area of ​​the needle eye was slightly whitish from the river water.

Yue Ying shouted: "Wenxuan has been hit by a poisonous hidden weapon, he...he said he has the ability to detoxify, why...it's not working this time?"

Su Qingxue also said: "Even if he can use kung fu to force poison, but...but now that he has passed out, how can he use kung fu?"

Su Qingxue paused and then said: "I heard that sometimes he was hit by a poisonous hidden weapon, as long as the poisonous blood from the wound is sucked out, the toxicity can be reduced a lot, and maybe he will be cured, why don't I give him poison Bar!"

Su Qingxue leaned over to suck the wound on Li Wenxuan's arm, Yue Ying held her back, shook her head and said, "It's too late, look at the color of his arm, after so long, the poison has already entered the blood Among them, that method is no longer feasible!"

Su Qingxue's tears were already falling, and she said, "Then...then what should I do?"

Yue Ying gently took Li Wenxuan's hand, caressed it slowly, then helped Li Wenxuan onto her bed, and said: "Qingxue, you stay here to guard him well, remember to call him every once in a while. As soon as his name is called, it would be the best if he can hear your voice and wake up, and use his skills to force poison."

Su Qingxue said: "Then what if... what if he can't wake up by himself?"

Yue Ying frowned and said: "Don't worry, he will be fine with me here, just wait for me here!"

After Yue Ying finished speaking, she turned around and went out. Su Qingxue called out, "Sister Yue, where are you going?"

I only heard Yue Ying say outside: "If I can't come back within three hours, you can take him back to Luzhoudu!"

After Yue Ying went out, she immediately called the boss of the boat and said, "Drive the boat to the place where they sank just now, hurry up!"

Although the boss of the boat didn't know what Yue Ying was going to do, and he didn't know about Li Wenxuan's poisoning, but he had already seen that Yue Ying was an extraordinary person, and Li Wenxuan was also a good player. I'm afraid they might have something to worry about. He immediately followed Yue Ying's instructions and drove forward without saying a word.

Yue Ying leaned over the bow of the boat, and kept looking around to see where the six golden men could be found, but the big boat sailed to the spot where the ship sank just now, but there was no sign of any living people. The two sides of the bank got closer, but there were neither people nor fire on the bank.

Yue Ying sighed in her heart: "Could it be that these golden men have already left? If they are gone, how can I find an antidote for Wenxuan?"

The boss of the boat had already seen that Yue Ying was looking for someone, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Miss Qiu, those golden men may have gone far after all this time, and it may not be easy for you to catch up with them."

Yue Ying said: "Give me another boat, and I'll take the boat to the shore to find them!"

The boat boss was startled and said, "Miss Qiu, are you going alone? Can you beat them?"

Yue Ying didn't bother to explain further, she just said: "Those are not important, you quickly prepare a boat for me!"

The boss of the boat showed embarrassment, and said: "This boat is only that small boat, which was given by that young hero just now... Oh, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Yue Ying had already stepped on the side of the boat, she said: "You stop the boat here and wait for me to come back!" Then she jumped into the river.

At this time, Yue Ying just wanted to seek the antidote for Li Wenxuan, but those golden men didn't know where they were, and even if they found it, those golden men might not be willing to come up with the antidote. Entering the tiger's mouth, but Yue Ying couldn't care less, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, no matter how big the risk was, she would definitely try it.

Just now, in front of Su Qingxue and talking to the boss on the deck, even though Yue Ying was panicked, her expression was very resolute, but now she was swimming towards the shore in the river, thinking of Li Wenxuan's current situation. However, I couldn’t help but shed tears, regretting that I shouldn’t have lost my temper with Li Wenxuan. Maybe if I didn’t get angry with him, maybe if I didn’t hit him casually, Li Wenxuan would have the kung fu to detoxify, and it wouldn’t be too late. in this way.

Yue Ying first swam to the north bank of the river, and searched left and right for more than half an hour, but she couldn't find any trace of those golden men, and then swam to the south bank, and it was the same. In the end, she had no choice but to turn back. When she got back to the big boat, she was already exhausted. And the sky has become slightly brighter.

When Yue Ying came back, the boatman on the boat didn't seem to see her, and no one responded to her, so Yue Ying climbed up the iron anchor by herself, and saw that there was only one boatman on duty on the deck, but he just lay there motionless , apparently fell asleep, Yue Ying didn't care about him, and staggered towards the cabin where Li Wenxuan was.

Yue Ying was exhausted and kept walking forward with her head down, but when she reached the front door of Li Wenxuan's hatch, she found that there was a row of wet footprints in front of the door. Clothes, shoes and socks will not easily get wet, and Su Qingxue will not go into the water to toss. At this time, it is just two days ago, and most people are probably sleeping soundly. This row of footprints is obviously just now. , whose footprints would these two rows belong to?
Yue Ying immediately became careful, pulled herself together and moved forward little by little, and was about to push the door, but the door creaked open, and a masked woman in black shirt came out, she was Mingzhu, Yue Ying was taken aback, she didn't expect it to be her, and Ming Zhu's eyes widened, obviously frightened.

Yue Ying immediately thought: "Oops, she must be afraid that Li Wenxuan will not die from the poison, this is to harm Wenxuan, and now she comes out of the room, Wenxuan may have..."

Yue Ying didn't dare to think about it any further, even though she didn't have a weapon in her hand, and her kung fu was not as good as Ming Zhu's, she was not afraid of her, and she rushed towards Ming Zhu with the potential to die together.

Mingzhu wanted to rush out, but the place was narrow, and Yue Ying was the first to attack, so she could only take two steps back, and went back to the cabin, while Yue Ying followed in, punching her directly. call.

In the cabin, Li Wenxuan was still lying with his eyes closed, motionless, not knowing whether he was dead or alive, while Su Qingxue was lying beside Li Wenxuan, also not moving. Yue Ying looked terrified, expecting that the two of them had probably died. Was murdered.

Mingzhu reached out to touch her butterfly knives, but found nothing. Only then did she remember that she had lost her weapon when she fell into the water just now, and fists and feet are not her forte. A desperate style of fighting, after more than ten rounds, Yue Ying was not defeated even though she received a few punches. Hard to win.

The two of them went through a few more moves, and suddenly heard Li Wenxuan snorting indistinctly as he lay there: "Yingying..."

Yue Ying was taken aback, and Ming Zhu took the opportunity to slap her shoulder again, she swung her body back two steps, but Ming Zhu didn't go forward to pursue, instead she took two steps back, picked up a teapot and threw it at Li Wenxuan's head. It hit the past.

Yue Ying was shocked, and immediately stepped forward to block it. Luckily, Mingzhu's strength was not very strong. Yue Ying stretched out her hand and flicked it in the air. The teapot spun in a circle, hit the bedside and smashed it to pieces, finally not hurting Li Wenxuan.

Yue Ying was afraid that Mingzhu would attack Li Wenxuan, so she took out the Qingshuang sword that Li Wenxuan had placed beside the bed, intending to confront Mingzhu again, but when she turned around, Mingzhu had disappeared.

Yue Ying raised her sword and chased after her, only to see that both sides of the aisle were empty, and there was no sign of Mingzhu. Yue Ying wanted to chase, but she was afraid that she would come back and harm Li Wenxuan, so she had to go back first. Fortunately, Li Wenxuan was fascinated Calling her name vaguely, Yue Ying knew that Li Wenxuan was still alive, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue Ying went to test Su Qingxue's breath first, and saw that although she couldn't move, her breath was normal and her face was ruddy. It looked like someone had tapped her acupuncture points, but Yue Ying couldn't untie the acupuncture points, but she couldn't help Su Qing Xue had no choice but to put her aside safely.

Yue Ying patted Li Wenxuan's face lightly, and shouted: "Wenxuan, are you awake?"

Li Wenxuan still didn't wake up, but his mouth was moving all the time, as if he was talking. Yue Ying moved closer to hear what Li Wenxuan had to say, but as soon as he got close, he smelled something before he heard Li Wenxuan speak. Yue Ying felt strange about the smell of medicine, but when he looked again, there was some black powder on the corner of Li Wenxuan's mouth.

Yue Ying thought: "Could it be that Mingzhu came to poison Wenxuan? It shouldn't be. If she wants to kill Wenxuan, she just needs to leave him alone. The Qingshuang Sword is here, or a sword Wouldn't it be easier to end it? Could it be... Could it be that she came to save Wenxuan?"

Yue Ying immediately took the teacup and poured another glass of water for Li Wenxuan, but Li Wenxuan also drank half of it and vomited half.

Su Qingxue fainted from the acupuncture points, Li Wenxuan's situation was unknown, and Yue Ying had no choice but to stay here, holding the Qingshuang Sword tightly, for fear that someone would break in again.

Yue Ying kept looking at Li Wenxuan. At first Li Wenxuan gritted his teeth from time to time, and his body occasionally twitched, but after half an hour, his complexion gradually turned rosy. Seeing this, Yue Ying was overjoyed. Seeing this situation, he knew that the toxicity was fading. , Li Wenxuan's life was probably saved, but he was not in a hurry to wake him up, so he let him rest well and stood aside by himself.

Li Wenxuan lay down for a while, probably in a dream, and began to murmur again: "Yingying..." "Don't be angry... hit me..." "Yingying, don't go..." "Yingying, I beg you ……Please……"

Li Wenxuan said a lot of words in a daze, and he didn't know how many sentences there were, but almost every sentence carried Yue Ying's name. Satisfied, he thought to himself: "What he said in the dream must be the most true. It seems that what he cares most about is me...not necessarily, what if he was angry with him just because I just did?"

Li Wenxuan's situation improved, and Yue Ying felt relieved at this moment, so she asked, "What do you beg me for?"

Li Wenxuan was probably half asleep, and when he heard Yue Ying's question, he replied in a daze, "Please... the water... is so bitter..."

Yue Ying was disappointed when she heard that he asked for water, and said, "Drink water, be careful not to choke you!"

Yue Ying said so, took a glass of water, but fed it to Li Wenxuan extremely carefully.

Yue Ying had been up and down the river before, and even ran a long distance on the bank, and she was already too tired to fight with Mingzhu. At this time, seeing that Li Wenxuan was fine, she felt relieved, and her eyelids twitched , couldn't hold on any longer, actually leaned against Li Wenxuan's side and fell asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long it took, when Yue Ying opened her eyes again, she was a little confused at first, but soon she became agitated, thinking of Li Wenxuan, but when she opened her eyes to look at Li Wenxuan, Li Wenxuan was no longer here, and she was changing. Lying in the place where Li Wenxuan slept just now with dry clothes on, Su Qingxue also disappeared.

Yue Ying didn't know what was going on, she touched the clothes on her body, her face was flushed, she got up and went out, but before she opened the door, she bumped into Su Qingxue who came in.

Su Qingxue was staggered by Yue Ying, and then said with a smile: "Sister Yue, are you awake?"

Yue Ying said: "Yes, haven't you been acupunctured by someone? Who relieved your acupuncture points?"

Su Qingxue said: "Of course it's Wenxuan. Although I know how to tap acupuncture points, I can't relieve acupuncture points myself!"

Su Qingxue knew that Yue Ying was thinking about Li Wenxuan, so she said: "Don't worry, Wenxuan is fine, he is out in the sun now, he said you are tired, and told me to watch you take a good rest, I see you You are all wet, so I changed your clothes, and there is ginger tea on the table, drink it, and be careful of the cold."

Yue Ying was also really thirsty. She drank ginger tea in one gulp and said, "This is heartless, but it gets better quickly, and he knows how to bask in the sun, sister, let's go and see him!"

After saying that, Yue Ying took Su Qingxue's hand and went to the deck.

In fact, Li Wenxuan woke up not long after Yue Ying fell asleep. Seeing Yue Ying sleeping on his back with wet clothes, and Su Qingxue lying beside him, it was strange that he remembered that he passed out from poisoning. Why did he wake up before he had time to use his kung fu to force the poison?But Li Wenxuan soon noticed a big strange smell in his mouth, it was bitter and fishy, ​​and it smelled really nauseating.

Li Wenxuan wanted to wake the two of them up to ask questions, but one of them was too tired, and the other had his acupoints tapped. Li Wenxuan couldn't wake anyone up, but Li Wenxuan could see that Su Qingxue was restrained. Immediately relieve Su Qingxue's acupuncture points.

Su Qingxue woke up with a bang, seeing that Li Wenxuan was in good shape and still had the strength to solve it for herself, she was very happy immediately, and then she was surprised: "Wenxuan, why did you wake up? That person... She didn't come here Did it hurt you?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Who is going to harm me? I don't know, but I'm wondering why I woke up. Someone should come to save me. And you, why did you get acupuncture again?"

Su Qingxue murmured: "Is she here to save you?"

Li Wenxuan asked, "Who is it?"

Su Qingxue said: "You passed out from poisoning, sister Yue is going to find the golden man to find an antidote for you, but sister Yue hasn't come back, but the golden girl named Mingzhu came in suddenly, I'm afraid she Harm you, I want to stop you, but she is too good at kung fu, before I stand up, she rushes up and knocks me down, and then I wake up, that's how it is now."

Li Wenxuan felt that things were a little messy, but anyway, he had woken up, and regardless of Mingzhu's intentions, he took a closer look at Yue Ying, seeing that she was fine, guessing that she was just overworked, so he asked Su Qingxue to change it for her. Undressed and let her have a good sleep, Li Wenxuan went out on his own to see if Mingzhu had left, if not, he should ask her clearly.

On the deck where Li Wenxuan went first, he saw a boatman falling asleep and wanted to pat him awake, but the boatman didn't move. After careful inspection, it turned out that someone had tapped his acupoints. Still in a daze, he said, "Hey, why is it dawn? I just clearly..."

Li Wenxuan originally wanted to ask him about what happened, but from his expression, he knew that he was fainted without any precautions. Then Li Wenxuan went to the lower cabin, only to find that the big and small boatmen and the boat boss She was fainted by someone, but fortunately, Yue Ying ordered the boat to stop at the same place before leaving, otherwise, after so long, no one was in control of the boat, and it was impossible to say where it would drift.

Li Wenxuan immediately unlocked the acupoints for them, and asked them one by one. They all said that they didn't know how they fainted, but according to what Su Qingxue said, Li Wenxuan also knew that Mingzhu probably did it, and also guessed that the strange smell in his mouth was the solution. The medicine, otherwise I am afraid that I will not wake up so easily.

Li Wenxuan checked up and down in the cabin, there was nothing wrong with it, and then looked at Yue Ying, knowing that she was fine, so he went to practice on the deck to clean up the remaining poison in his body. Once the poison is detoxified and the marrow washing meridian is attached to the body, the body recovers very quickly, without much effort, it is no different from ordinary people.

Yue Ying and Su Qingxue came to the front and saw Li Wenxuan sitting in the sun meditating, Yue Ying also heard from Su Qingxue that Li Wenxuan was fine, so she stepped forward and said: "Hey, I slapped you last night Does it still hurt?"

Li Wenxuan just practiced with his eyes closed, and heard the two of them walking towards him early in the morning, opened his eyes immediately, and said immediately: "It hurts, but it doesn't hurt, but this sleep is very sweet."

(End of this chapter)

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