Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 340 Fierce battle under the city

Chapter 340 Fierce battle under the city
Long Jun was shocked, he raised his hand to block, jumped up, and leaped towards the middle of the dragon gun and the dragon halberd with all his strength, Long Jun's lightness skill was second to none among Yanyun's eighteen knights, he thought that his jump should be able to avoid the attack. He opened Li Wenxuan, but he still had lingering fears when he thought of the sword just now, so he blocked it at the same time, and seeing the situation, the dragon spear and dragon halberd rushed forward to help.

There are people beyond the mountain, and the sky beyond the sky. Long Jun never expected that Li Wenxuan's lightness kung fu is far superior to swordsmanship. He retreated so fast that Li Wenxuan's attacking speed was three points faster than his. When he caught up, he struck again with the sword, Long Jun's face changed drastically, the long sword and the long hook without the hook stopped together, there was another crisp sound, and the long hook broke again, fortunately his long sword was finally A high-quality weapon was cut by Li Wenxuan again. If the long sword was also broken, he would die under Li Wenxuan's sword.

Even so, all the strength of Li Wenxuan's sword fell on Long Jun's body, and Long Jun was in mid-air, with nowhere to exert force on his feet, and he was about to fall to the ground a foot away, but was repelled by Li Wenxuan's blow After reaching the ground for more than three feet, he took a few steps back, but he still couldn't stand up, and finally fell to the ground, rubbing his chest, and was actually injured by Li Wenxuan's shock.

The dragon spear and dragon halberd were better than Long Jun's skill, but seeing that Long Jun was defeated like this, no one dared to hold him back. They all rushed to the dragon halberd and shouted: "Third brother, what's the matter, can you still vent your anger?"

Long Jun said in a low voice: "Still... still not dead..."

When the two heard that he could talk, they really couldn't die. They immediately glared at Li Wenxuan at the same time. They swung their halberds and spears at the same time, like four black poisonous snakes spitting out letters, attacking Li Wenxuan's body, and Li Wenxuan's purple The lightning is like a purple lightning dragon falling from the sky, joining in the thunderous force, flying and fighting with its poisonous tongue.

The dragon halberd attacked more and defended less, while the dragon spear defended more and attacked less. The two cooperated with one attack and one defense, but Li Wenxuan's Zi Dian was unable to attack for a while. After several strong attacks by the dragon halberd, after being resolved by Li Wenxuan, his flaws were exposed. , could have stabbed him with a sword, but every time the dragon spear grabbed the front and protected the vitals for the dragon halberd.

Li Wenxuan knew that going on like this was not a long-term solution, and he heard in the camp that 18 of them went to Chuzhou City together. At this time, there were three of them here. After a while, the remaining ten or so people might also arrive. At that time But he was powerless to fight with them, and he didn't know whether they were in the direction of Chuzhou City, or in the direction of Jinying. He secretly worried that Yue Ying and Su Qingxue would collide with them, and Li Wenxuan was eager to get away. But the two of them were attacking and defending. Although Li Wenxuan had a slight advantage, it was not easy to get away immediately.

There was no end to the battle here, but there was the sound of rumbling horseshoes coming from the direction of the Golden Camp in the distance. Li Wenxuan became even more anxious, and soon saw hundreds of cavalry chasing after him.

The leader of the cavalry team saw the fight between Longqiang and Li Wenxuan, and immediately shouted: "General Long, this man burned the army's food and grass today, and even waited for an opportunity to assassinate the commander. He was already captured, but he killed General Long!" The guard under the tent has escaped, please ask General Long to take this person down!"

Long Qiang ignored him in his heart, and used two against one. Even though his kung fu was still higher than that of Long Ji, he was the one who struggled the most because he had to protect Long Ji from time to time, and secretly cursed at that person: "Didn't you see that?" Am I in an inextricable fight with him? If it's that good, catch him, and my brother won't be injured!"

Li Wenxuan glanced at the chasing cavalry, and saw that they were all ordinary soldiers, and there were no other masters of the Eighteenth Cavalry of Yanyun. , made several quick sword moves in a row, and then wanted to get out.

When the three of them were fighting, Dragon Spear kept facing Li Wenxuan head-on.The dragon halberd has been blocking the direction of Li Wenxuan's way, just to prevent Li Wenxuan from escaping, but the direction Li Wenxuan is going at this time is a big surprise to them, because Li Wenxuan did not go in the direction of Chuzhou, but towards the hundreds of cavalry rushed over.

These cavalry were holding spears and daggers hanging from their waists. When they saw Li Wenxuan rushing towards them, they immediately followed the formation they usually practiced. With a short knife, even if Li Wenxuan charged these spears and survived, they would definitely chop the future people into mincemeat!
Didn't Li Wenxuan see the danger?When they were less than a foot away from the spear array, Li Wenxuan suddenly jumped three feet high, and the row of spears followed suit. However, Li Wenxuan was fast, and they were somewhat slow, so when Li Wenxuan jumped to the highest point, At that time, half of the spears were still in the middle and were about to be lifted.

Even if Li Wenxuan jumped three feet high, he still couldn't avoid the spear array, but Li Wenxuan had another way. Before all the golden soldiers' spears were lifted up, he immediately turned sharply in the air and fell down quickly. , almost lying on the ground, got through the spear array, and rolled under the horse's hoof.

Seeing this, the golden soldiers on horseback thought it was too late to turn around and stab Li Wenxuan. Moreover, Li Wenxuan was under the belly of their horses, how could they attack?Those who took out the short knives before saw this and immediately bent over to chop, but Li Wenxuan's purple light flashed in his hand, and instead of confronting their broken knives, he swept straight at the horse's legs. The horse neighed and fell down, and the people on the horses also fell to the ground. For a while, the people pressed the people, the horse bumped into the horse, and for a while, the horse team fell down and became a mess.

Seeing this, Longqiang and Longji knew that these soldiers were not Li Wenxuan's opponents, so they rushed forward together and shouted: "Stay back!"

Li Wenxuan chopped off a lot of horse legs, and stabbed a few golden soldiers with his sword indiscriminately. Because he had been bending over the whole time, most of his body was immediately stained red with human blood and horse blood, and the people and horses on the ground were all chaotic. , Longqiang and Longji didn't see where Li Wenxuan was in the moment.

Suddenly, a golden soldier flew towards Longji. Longji thought it was Li Wenxuan, and wanted to wave his halberds, but when he saw that it was a soldier from his own barracks, he paused slightly and moved away. At the same time as he dodged, there was a bloody man in front of him for no reason, which startled him, and he couldn't help but take two steps back.Only then did he see clearly that this bloody man was Li Wenxuan.

Longqiang saw it and shouted: "Be careful!" At the same time, he waved his iron spear to block Longji's chest.

Li Wenxuan just threw a person out on purpose to distract Long Ji, and then rushed forward from behind, trying to finish him with a sword, but Long Qiang could see clearly from the side, and he also tried his best to save him. On top of Zidian, Li Wenxuan's long sword was slightly deflected, sticking to Longji's rib and pierced a hole. Although blood flowed profusely, it was not a fatal wound.

Long Ji yelled "Ah—" and retreated several steps. Long Ji was afraid that Li Wenxuan would attack and hurt someone again, so he immediately stood in front of Long Ji.

Li Wenxuan just wanted to get away early. Seeing that they were injured, Ding Longqiang didn't dare to chase after him, so he immediately walked away, but he heard someone shouting from behind: "Brother, don't panic, brothers are here to help you!"

Li Wenxuan recognized this voice as chasing the moon.It was expected that there were a lot of them, and they didn't turn their heads back immediately, they just ran away.

Dragon Gun lost a battle today and injured two brothers. He was already furious. When he heard that Zhuiyue came to help him, he immediately pulled a cavalryman off his horse and ordered 20 people to take care of the wounded. Joined with the men and horses brought by Zhuiyue, and chased Li Wenxuan with him, but Zhuiyue also heard that there was a master who burned food, assassinated the general, and then killed the guards to escape, so he chased out and happened to see it At this time, he didn't know that the person who fought with the dragon gun was Li Wenxuan.

The journey from here to Chuzhou is not far away. It would not be a problem for Li Wenxuan to throw them off normally, but after being captured by mistake yesterday, the water rice did not enter, and there was another fight just now, and his strength has been greatly reduced. But the pursuers of those golden men never took more than [-] steps. As long as Li Wenxuan paused for a moment, he would be immediately surrounded by the pursuers.

The more Li Wenxuan ran, the more exhausted he became. After walking for a while, he finally saw the looming city wall in front of him. Knowing that Chuzhou City was in front of him, Li Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief. It's not good, I saw two people running towards Chuzhou in front, they were Yue Ying and Su Qingxue.

At this time, it was not a problem for Li Wenxuan to run to the city of Chuzhou first, but Yue Ying and Su Qingxue definitely couldn't outrun the golden man's horse.If Li Wenxuan took the two of them along, he probably would have been caught up by them before long.

But in desperation, Li Wenxuan had no choice but to fight hard, and shouted from behind: "You two quickly follow me, the pursuers are behind me!"

When Yue Ying and Su Qingxue turned their heads, they saw Li Wenxuan was covered in blood. They were frightened immediately, and Yue Ying didn't care about getting angry. Both of them opened their mouths to ask questions at the same time, but Li Wenxuan rushed to them and hugged them both. Li Wenxuan hugged Yue Ying and Su Qingxue, but Li Wenxuan ran too fast when he came, and the two of them felt as if they had been hit hard. The difference is that each one's chest is overwhelmed, and they almost didn't lose their breath, let alone speak.

After a while, Yue Ying's kung fu was stronger than Su Qingxue's, so she calmed down and said, "Wen Xuan, hurry up, the golden soldiers are coming after us, there are many people..."

Li Wenxuan jumped forward a few steps, and then said: "I know, but... I'm running out of strength."

Yue Ying shouted: "Then put me down!" followed by twisting her body under Li Wenxuan's arms.

Li Wenxuan was anxious, and said: "Nonsense!" Then he clamped his arms tightly, and Yue Ying was in pain, and couldn't move, but Li Wenxuan said this, and after a little slowness, the pursuers caught up again.

Yue Ying shouted: "Wen Xuan, tell them to open the city gate quickly, and say that we are Marshal Yue's messengers!"

Li Wenxuan kept the words in his heart, and seeing that there were only more than 200 steps down the Chuzhou city, he shouted loudly: "Quickly open the city gate, we are Marshal Yue's messengers!"

In fact, there is no need for Li Wenxuan to shout, the soldiers on the city wall of Chuzhou have already seen the people coming. They thought it was the Jin people who came to steal the city in the dark, but it seems that there are less than a thousand cavalry, and it is far-fetched to steal the city. At one o'clock, I was even more puzzled when I saw three people flying towards the city in front of me.

A lieutenant general standing guard on the city wall had already told the crossbowmen on the city wall to get ready when he saw the situation in front of him. He just waited for the golden soldiers to approach, and then fired all his arrows. Unexpectedly, the man rushing ahead claimed to be Yue Fei The messenger was very embarrassed at once. The arrow was on the string, and it was not right to shoot it, or not to shoot it. Fearing that the golden men will take the opportunity to rush in, I will lower the long rope and pull you up!"

Li Wenxuan heard the words of the lieutenant general, looked back, and saw that the pursuers were only a few dozen steps away from him, even if he had a rope, how could he have the time to go up?He shouted again: "Please open the city gate and let the two girls go in. I will block the golden soldiers for you outside the gate!"

Su Qingxue and Yue Ying were moved when they heard that Li Wenxuan was willing to stay in front of the city gate alone to block so many golden soldiers in order to send them into the city. Yue Ying hoarsely shouted: "Wenxuan, Put me down, I tell you to put me down, do you hear me!" Seeing this, Su Qingxue broke down in tears.

Seeing that this is the bottom of the city tower, how could Li Wenxuan leave her behind?But there was really no time to explain it to her.

In fact, it is no wonder that the deputy general on the tower told him to open the city gate with just a word from Li Wenxuan. As soon as it opened, the army rushed up, and the city of Chuzhou was in danger of being destroyed immediately.Mo said the identities of the three people who came were unknown, even if they were really Yue Fei's messengers, he couldn't open the door.However, the deputy general had asked many archers to withdraw, leaving only more than 20 soldiers with excellent archery skills on the top of the city. When the golden soldiers walked in, they would shoot and kill them one by one. was accidentally injured.At the same time, he also lowered the three ropes, no matter what the identities of the three people were, they should be pulled up first.

The deputy general on the tower shouted: "This way! Hurry up!"

Li Wenxuan saw that it was impossible to open the city gate, so he could only chase to the place where the rope was hanging down.

Although this group of Jin soldiers were brave, they couldn't help being timid after chasing the city of Chuzhou. They knew that they had no backup. At the top, Long Qiang hated Li Wenxuan for hurting Long Ji and Long Jun, and turned red in the eyes. He must take Li Wenxuan's life today, and the soldiers behind him had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow him.

The lieutenant on the tower had already ordered to shoot arrows, and immediately more than a dozen Jin soldiers fell off their horses. The Jin cavalry, all equipped with bows and arrows, immediately shot up the tower.

Li Wenxuan has already rushed under the city wall at this time, but the city wall is about four feet high, and the golden soldiers are only a dozen steps away from him, and they can reach him in a blink of an eye, and the two sides are shooting arrows. Su Qingxue and the two climbed up the rope with their kung fu, and they were afraid that they would be injured by arrows before reaching halfway.

At this time, Su Qingxue was on Li Wenxuan's right side, and Yue Ying was on Li Wenxuan's left. Li Wenxuan shouted: "The people above don't shoot arrows, catch them for me!"

Everyone felt strange when they heard Li Wenxuan's yell. Immediately, no one was shooting arrows. Song soldiers on the tower looked at Li Wenxuan one after another. On the city wall, she swung her right arm like a full moon, and then she saw Su Qingxue's body detach from Li Wenxuan's arm and flew up the city tower.

No one at the scene expected that someone could have such strength, throwing a large living person from the bottom of the tower to the upstairs, everyone was amazed, the lieutenant general on the tower was also quick-sighted, he waved his hand to hold the rope, and stretched out half of his body , Ling Kong grabbed Su Qingxue and pulled her in.

The lieutenant general had always wanted to find an opportunity to ask these three people about their identities, but seeing that the situation was too dangerous at this time, he couldn't care less. Whether it was an enemy or a friend, he had to save these three people first, even if he was really a spy. , the three of them can't make any trouble.

After Su Qingxue landed on the city wall, because Li Wenxuan didn't greet her beforehand, she turned pale with fright, and didn't know how she got up. At the same time, Su Qingxue only heard someone behind her say: " This person is not Yue Shuai's messenger, I don't recognize her!"

When the deputy general heard this, his face immediately changed color, and he was very wary of Su Qingxue. Su Qingxue saw that the situation had changed. Although she was afraid, she hurriedly said: "We...we are not...but the person under the tower is Marshal Yue's daughter, Miss Yue Yingyue."

As soon as Su Qingxue said this, the person who spoke behind Su Qingxue just now was shocked and shouted: "Really?"

He couldn't wait for Su Qingxue to answer him, so he leaned over the city wall and looked down, shouted "Ah!", then turned to the deputy general and said, "Vice general Wang, the person below is indeed Yue Shuai's daughter, she can Don't get hurt!"

The general of the palace also panicked, but at this time and this place, he couldn't do anything, and said: "Vice General Li, I... I don't want to..."

Vice-General Li stomped his feet and wanted to climb down the rope to help. Upon seeing this, Vice-General Wang immediately shouted: "No!" After waving around, he pulled Vice-General Li back, and at the same time said, "Miss Yue is very urgent. But I can't see your death in vain!" Then he said: "Everyone, be careful when shooting arrows, don't hurt the two people before!"

The archers on the city wall agreed in unison. In fact, they had heard what he said just now. Without the order of the deputy king, their arrows would have avoided Yue Ying by themselves.

Li Wenxuan threw Su Qingxue up first, just because Su Qingxue was on his right hand, and his right hand was strong, so he was more confident in throwing Su Qingxue up, but he didn't think of anything else.

But Yue Ying saw it, even though Yue Ying didn't want to get away alone at the moment, but after seeing Li Wenxuan throwing Su Qingxue up first, she couldn't help feeling sad: "Although he treats me well, but I, a bad-tempered girl, After all, it is not as important as the gentle and beautiful Su Qingxue in his heart, the one he rescued first, after all, was Su Qingxue."

(End of this chapter)

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