Chapter 350 Killing Array ([-])

Li Wenxuan quickly thanked: "Commander, thank you for your kindness, but... to be honest, I have never worn a battle armor. I am afraid that I am not used to wearing it on my body. My hands and feet are bound, but my hands and feet have changed. !"

Han Shizhong nodded and said: "Okay, if you don't wear it, don't wear it, you two come with me!"

Han Shizhong then went to a hut on the tower, and asked Li Wenxuan and Deputy General Wang to go with him. Li Wenxuan took the opportunity to look back at Yue Ying, but she was nowhere to be seen. Unexpectedly, he was only talking, but he didn't see clearly Where did Yue Ying go? Li Wenxuan wanted to find it, but Deputy General Wang had already pulled him and told him to go to the hut. Li Wenxuan had no choice but to go there first, planning to look for Yue Ying later.

After Han Shizhong entered the room, he immediately asked the two of them to sit down, and then took out a piece of sheepskin. Li Wenxuan looked intently, and saw an oval drawn in the middle of the sheepskin, and inside the oval were nine dots of different colors. There are also many arrows marking the directions, Li Wenxuan can naturally see that what is drawn in this picture is exactly the Nine Dragons and Heavenly Gang Formation under the city that Jin Bing placed.

Han Shizhong and the two of them said: "Look, this is the formation map of the Nine Dragons Tiangang Formation, which was given to me by Marshal Zongze in the early years. According to the picture, the formation eyes of this formation should be in the red, Among the four colors of purple, orange, and white, but I just saw the formation of the golden man, but I felt very strange. This formation seems to be the Nine Dragons Tiangang formation. When the formation changes, the orientation is the same as that recorded on the sheepskin. It is indeed quite different. The rotation and change of the formation, as usual, revolves around the eye of the formation. But when I sent troops before, I told them to attack the blue flag first, and then attack the purple flag after turning. Unexpectedly, their formation It is possible to turn around the blue flag, and the blue flag is absolutely impossible to be the eye of the formation, which makes me puzzled, go this time, I want to enter from the middle, if it goes well, Take down the red and white flags in turn. If the formation of the golden soldiers is still stable after breaking these two places, then look at the orange and purple dragon flags on the left and right. If you have the opportunity to return to the city, don't turn back to deal with the Jin people, and retreat quickly. If you can pull out the Jin army's formations along the way, I will lead the army out, and you can gather together with me to destroy the Jin army. A man's catapult!"

Vice-General Wang and Li Wenxuan responded immediately, and then they went down the tower together. Vice-General Wang suddenly paused and said: "Li Shaoxia, if we have our lives to kill from one side, and the eyes of the golden man formation are still intact, What are you going to do?"

Li Wenxuan saw that Deputy Wang's eyes were shining, and he obviously had an idea long ago, so he said: "My idea is the same as the general's fear. If you can't break through the formation, you can go back! If you don't break the formation, you won't return it!" city!"

Deputy General Wang laughed and said, "Good brother! Heroes see the same thing, let's go, let's see how the people below are preparing!"

Li Wenxuan went down the tower with Vice General Wang, and saw that the three hundred cavalrymen were already waiting at the gate of the city, and when they saw Vice General Wang coming, they jumped off their horses in unison, and shouted in unison: "See Vice General Wang! "

Vice-General Wang said: "Everyone is free!" Then he looked at Li Wenxuan beside him, and said, "Did you all know that the night before yesterday, with a long sword in his hand, there was a man who fought alone under the tower with nearly a thousand men and horses? ?”

All the soldiers said: "Know!"

Deputy General Wang said again: "Then you also know that in the battle outside the city yesterday, one person jumped down from the city tower and solved the danger of the city gate with one man's strength, and then broke into the army of thousands of people, cutting off the Jin Wushu with one sword. Helmet, cut off his handsome flag, scaring Jin Wushu to run away?"

All the soldiers said in unison again: "I know!"

Then Deputy General Wang pointed to Li Wenxuan and said: "That hero is this Li Shaoxia. He is now going to break the Jinren's Nine Dragons and Heavenly Gang Formation with us. Everyone said, are we sure to win!"

Li Wenxuan hasn't shown much in Chuzhou these days. Han Shizhong originally brought him to the camp on purpose, and told him to know his deployment. Maybe it's under his own account, but it's not a coincidence that Han Shizhong's thoughts were delayed by the Jin soldiers attacking the city, so not many people have seen Li Wenxuan.

But Li Wenxuan's two battles under the city were watched by Song soldiers on the tower. As soon as a soldier retreated, it immediately became a topic of conversation after dinner, but his name was spread throughout the army. I admire them very much. The three hundred soldiers here are elite soldiers. They only want to defeat the enemy, regardless of life and death. Even more joyful.

Soon, a small school led a big black horse to Li Wenxuan. Vice-General Wang recognized this man and knew that he was Han Shizhong's groom. He immediately understood and said, "Marshal Han is asking you to use his mount!"

Li Wenxuan thanked him and took the black horse. Even though he didn't know how strong its feet were, he could tell that its air was not comparable to that of an ordinary mount.

Li Wenxuan got on his horse and stood side by side with Deputy General Wang, waiting for the sound of the battle drums on the tower after a while before rushing out.

Suddenly there was a short cavalryman behind him, who slowly led his horse behind Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan glanced at it, and immediately called out: "Why is it..."

Vice-General Wang then turned his head and let out a ouch when he saw it.

The little man said in a low voice: "If you don't want me to die, you all don't talk. If Uncle Han knows that I have sneaked in, according to the military law, he will kill me!"

Li Wenxuan didn't know how the military law stipulated, but remembering that Han Shizhong tied Yue Ying up the night before, it might be possible to kill Yue Ying at this time. As for Deputy General Wang, his expression was indescribably ugly, with a bit of begging Said in a tone: "Miss Yue, this is no joke, you should go back quickly!"

Yue Ying ignored him, and handed Li Wenxuan a shirt worn by ordinary soldiers of the Song Army.

Li Wenxuan asked, "What are you doing?"

Yue Ying said: "If you want to destroy the formation of the Jinren, then you have to enter the main formation of the nine small flags, but you are the most eye-catching among the 300 people with the clothes you are wearing now. Now, when the time comes, the golden men will shoot all their arrows, most of them will be aimed at you, can you still take half a step forward?"

Li Wenxuan felt that what Yue Ying said was indeed reasonable, and immediately put the clothes on his body, and then said: "Yingying, you go back quickly, this... you will only distract me when you are by my side!"

Yue Ying said: "I don't need you to worry about it. You go to rush into the enemy's formation. There are only so many troops. It is impossible to fight recklessly. The best thing is to be quick and win quickly. But what are you doing with so many long weapons? Those armors are all in the way of restricting hands and feet, tell me to throw them all away, just bring short knives, bows and arrows and shields are enough!"

After hearing this, Deputy General Wang nodded again and again, and said: "Miss Yue is really the queen of the door, and everything she said is reasonable, and I admire it!" Then he shouted: "All the soldiers listen to the order, take off your armor, throw down your long sword, Everyone only carries broken knives, bows, arrows and shields! When charging, try to avoid fighting with the golden soldiers. We only wait to see Li Shaoxia and I rushing under the Jinrelong flag before fighting. Our first priority is not to kill How many golden men, just want to destroy the eyes of the golden man and dragon banner!"

All the soldiers responded in unison: "Understood!" Followed by Deputy General Wang's instructions, unnecessary equipment was removed.

Li Wenxuan wanted to persuade Yue Ying to go back, but Yue Ying said first: "If you die outside in battle, I will deserve your death on the battlefield. If you are unharmed, I will accompany you back to the city. If you leave me behind, I'll kill myself before you!"

What Yue Ying said was categorical!Hearing this, Li Wenxuan's eyes were wet. Vice General Wang originally wanted to give some advice, but seeing that Yue Ying had already said so, he had no choice but to keep silent, but he secretly made up his mind to protect him. That's Yue Ying.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three drums sounded from the top of the city tower, and the city gate slowly opened, and the 300 people came out slowly. First, they lined up below the city wall. near.

"Crack!" There was a cannon on the tower, and the 300 people urged their mounts at the same time, and immediately rushed forward, but this time it was not a sprint, but like a light horse riding spring. When the golden man's Nine Dragons and Tiangang formation was about 300 steps away, he only heard a thunderous roar from the city tower, and 300 people swung their whips wildly at the same time, and their mounts galloped forward fiercely.

The head of the center of the Nine Dragons Tiangang Formation is a black flag. Li Wenxuan saw from a distance that the person in charge of the black lacquer is the Dragon Spear. His clothes were not conspicuous, and he also thought that Li Wenxuan had been burned to death yesterday. Even if he saw it, he would probably think it was his eyesight.

Seeing the incoming soldiers approaching, Longqiang didn't shoot arrows to defend against them, and didn't line up to meet the enemy. Instead, he waved the black flag left and right, and immediately gave Li Wenxuan and others a passage more than three feet wide from the formation. The golden soldiers on the side used shields to protect their bodies, preventing the Song soldiers from rushing left and right when they entered the formation. When all 300 people entered, the dragon gun waved the dragon flag again, and the gap that the Song soldiers passed before was immediately restored. At the same time, many archers rushed in from the left and right respectively, telling Li Wenxuan and others to only move forward. If they wanted to retreat the same way, they would be greeted by countless feathered arrows.

According to the original plan, Li Wenxuan and others rushed straight to the red dragon flag in front, but the red dragon flag's main formation quickly retreated, almost stepping one way and taking a step back there. They couldn't catch up, and later on, the red dragon flag disappeared from the formation, and what appeared in front of Li Wenxuan was the main formation of the white flag!

This situation was unexpected before, Li Wenxuan and Deputy General Wang were startled, and at the same time they were thinking about whether they should bypass the white dragon flag and continue chasing the red dragon flag, or go directly to fight the white dragon flag first.

Seeing that both of their mounts slowed down, obviously hesitating, Yue Ying hurried forward and said: "The golden man's formation is not real, if you think about it like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to pull out even a single dragon flag." Fall, and be buried here!"

Both Li Wenxuan and Vice General Wang felt that what Yue Ying said was reasonable, and Vice General Wang felt that he was a dignified general, but he was not as insightful as a girl's family.Immediately ordered the three hundred light cavalry to charge towards the white dragon flag directly in front of them.

The 300 men and horses walked forward for more than 30 steps. Suddenly, the soldiers turning around the white dragon flag in front suddenly retreated to both sides like the golden soldiers with the black dragon flag before, as if to let the hundreds of people drive straight in.

The soldiers of Song Dynasty went straight in, but the Deputy General Wang immediately shouted: "No, be careful to trip the horse rope!"

Following the words of Deputy General Wang, I saw more than ten knee-high tripping ropes made of iron chains suddenly appeared in front of the two rows of golden soldiers. What's more, there were many barbed wires on these tripping ropes. Regardless of whether it is a man or a horse, as long as it hits, it must be dripping with blood.

It was too late for Vice General Wang to rein in his horse, not to mention there was a brigade of soldiers behind him, even if he could stop, the people behind would also find it difficult to stop.

Deputy General Wang saw that the foreleg of the horse under his crotch was about to collide with the tripping rope. Suddenly, a purple glow floated in front of him. It was Li Wenxuan who jumped off the horse and rushed forward with his sword. When Li Wenxuan broke these iron chains, he put more force on the tip of the sword and picked it lightly. After the iron chain was broken, it did not fall down on the spot, but was like an iron whip, and it was thrown towards the golden soldiers around. .

Li Wenxuan cut off the iron chains one by one in front of Vice General Wang's horse, disrupting the Jin man's plan. The Jin soldier originally planned to wait until Song Bing was tripped, and then stepped forward to fight with a short weapon, but this happened suddenly. Changes, overwhelmed to deal with it for a while, but the team of 300 people rushed over safely.

Li Wenxuan still didn't get on the horse.Running to the front of the crowd on foot, seeing that the distance to the white dragon flag was only fifty steps away, suddenly more than ten knife carts appeared in front of them.

These knife carts have a person's height, and there are handles on the back for the soldiers to push, and there are more than a dozen very wide and thick steel knives on the front. It is very easy for Li Wenxuan to avoid these knife carts, just jump high and high. But the cavalry at the back couldn't do it. If they collided, many people and horses would be injured.

Li Wenxuan used his strength again, threw Vice General Wang and the other soldiers twenty steps behind him, and rushed towards the knife carts first.

Jin Bing, who was using the knife cart in front, saw someone coming, and immediately pushed the knife cart towards Li Wenxuan.

Relying on the sharpness of Zidian, Li Wenxuan dropped his long sword from the air, and immediately split the front saber cart from the center, splitting the man and the cart in half. The death of the golden soldier was terrible, and everyone was shocked.Li Wenxuan saw that although the knife cart was damaged, it was on the ground with the sword facing upwards, fearing that it would be damaged if the people behind ran over, he immediately kicked half of it away with his right foot, and picked up the other half with Zidian.

The knife carts behind also rushed towards Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan turned his head and saw that the distance between his troops and horses was less than ten steps away. Immediately, in order to save time, he directly stabbed the long sword under the wheel of the knife cart in front, and the knife cart followed behind. Looking up, Li Wenxuan took advantage of the situation and leaned forward, picked up the knife cart with his shoulders, and with a loud roar, he threw the knife cart towards the car coming from behind.

The knife carts moved slowly. Although the Jin soldiers behind saw the knife carts hitting their heads, they hurriedly dodged, but they could dodge them, but the knife carts behind them had no time to move away, and Li Wenxuan immediately damaged four of them. , In this way, although the knife cart was not completely destroyed, a gap nearly two feet wide was opened, and Vice General Wang rushed over with more than a dozen Song soldiers in front.

The rest of the golden soldiers wanted to push the saber carts to stop them, but these Song Army Qingqi all had bows and arrows, and immediately turned around and shot angrily. More than half of the golden soldiers manipulating the saber carts were killed or injured, and the rest had to temporarily give up the saber carts and retreat into the crowd. middle.

Li Wenxuan had been left behind by Vice General Wang at this time, quickly caught up, got on his horse, and was about to reach the main formation of the white dragon flag, but he heard a whistle in front, and nearly a thousand soldiers rushed out in front of the main formation. Archer, Vice-General Wang shouted: "Everyone be careful!"

Except for Li Wenxuan, everyone was wearing shields, and immediately raised their shields to meet them, while Li Wenxuan dodged behind others.

After a burst of carved feathers and arrows, more than 20 Song soldiers who rushed to the front immediately fell off their horses.Although Deputy General Wang was not injured, his mount was hit by an arrow in the front hoof, unable to stand upright, and he fell off the horse.However, Deputy General Wang's skill is also good. After falling down, he immediately turned over and used a shield to protect the front of his body. A cavalryman behind saw this and bent over to help him up. The two rode together on the same horse.

A wave of feathered arrows passed by, Song Bing had rushed to the archers, but these archers shrank back, followed by a row of spearmen.

Li Wenxuan knew that the casualties would be heavy when the cavalry collided with the long spear team, and seeing the white dragon flag in front of him, he rushed forward immediately. Slowly, Li Wenxuan passed through the gap heavily. Li Wenxuan raised his left palm and returned his sword with his right. Immediately, six spearmen fell down.At the same time, Song Jun, who was charging ahead, followed Li Wenxuan and rushed through the gap, followed by turning around and shooting arrows. The spearmen of the golden soldiers were attacked back and forth, and their power was greatly reduced immediately. Although more than a dozen people were injured on our own side, the casualties were much better than those caused by a direct assault.

Li Wenxuan rushed past the row of long spears, without turning around, he rushed straight to the wooden platform where the white dragon flag was.

Before Li Wenxuan came to him, he heard the people on the stage say: "I don't know who has this body to charge. It turned out to be you. You can't be killed by a fire. You are really lucky!"

Li Wenxuan took a closer look, and it turned out to be the two brothers Long Ji and Long Jun. The two were injured by Li Wenxuan a few days ago, but the injuries were not serious. After two days of recuperation, they don't look like they were injured before. .

The cavalry of the Song army saw Li Wenxuan rushing to the wooden platform, fearing that the surrounding golden soldiers would attack Li Wenxuan on the platform together, so they divided into two teams to guard Li Wenxuan's side to stop the golden soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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