Chapter 366

Li Wenxuan asked: "Boater, who are you talking about, who would detain your boat for no reason?"

The boatman said: "Of course they are the water thieves in Dongting Lake. These people used to be okay, they weren't so bullying, but now they are not. They will snatch our boats from other places when they see us. Sometimes even the local Dongting The fishermen will not be spared, you two, I really dare not go any further."

Seeing him like this, Li Wenxuan knew that he really didn't dare, and didn't want to make things difficult for him, so he gave the money and asked the boat boss to go, and the two of them went ashore and rode horses, and went west along the river, seeing a ferry next to it. In a small town, and it was getting late, the two planned to find a place to rest for the time being, and then went to Yang Yao Water Village the next day.

This small town is located next to Dongting Lake, which is already Yang Yao's sphere of influence. Before entering the town, you can see soldiers from the water village in twos and threes walking around, like sentinels on patrol. Li Wenxuan Although they have some friendship with many people here, most of them are Yang Yao's generals. As for these soldiers, they have never seen Li Wenxuan, and Li Wenxuan has never seen them.

On the way the two of them entered the town, they were stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes, and they felt uncomfortable all over. Li Wenxuan led two horses by himself, and leaned against Yue Ying to protect him.

There are quite a few residents living in this town, but most of them look like refugees, with haggard faces, and few of them are energetic. Li Wenxuan was surprised, and thought: "I have never heard of a famine here in Dongting. Why do the residents here see their lives in such distress?"

The two walked to the innermost part of the town, and finally saw an inn. It was said to be an inn, but it was actually a few tile-roofed houses. of.

The two entered the inn, but no one came to greet them. They only heard a few people in the corner getting together and gambling.

Li Wenxuan shouted: "Shopkeeper, stay here!"

One of them yelled, "Wait a minute!"

Li Wenxuan had no choice but to wait for a while, but still no one came to greet him, so he couldn't help shouting again: "Shopkeeper, stay in the shop!" Li Wenxuan raised his voice. Stop gambling, and looked towards Li Wenxuan and Yue Ying.

One of the skinny little men seemed to feel that Li Wenxuan disturbed their interest in gambling, so he stood up and pointed at Li Wenxuan and said, "Everyone has no ears like you, what are you doing so loudly, it's scaring people to death , will you pay me before I lose?"

Li Wenxuan was upset and didn't bother to argue with him, he just said: "Stay in the hotel!"

The little man wanted to speak again, but was held back by a tall man with an unshaven beard behind him. The tall man stepped forward and said, "Are you staying in a hotel? How many rooms do you want?"

Li Wenxuan said, "The two rooms should be cleaner."

The tall man pointed to the tile-roofed houses at the back and said, "The houses are all over there. You can live in whichever one you see is clean."

Li Wenxuan saw that those few rooms were really sloppy, but after thinking about it, he was a foreigner, and this house didn’t have much to offer, so he put up with it for now, and said, “Okay, bring us some food, Please take care of the other two horses outside the door."

The tall man responded and said, "Okay, but you have so many things to do, so you need to pay more!"

Li Wenxuan asked, "How much?"

The tall man sized up Li Wenxuan and said, "One tael of silver! Pay the money first and then stay in the hotel!"

When Yue Ying came in, she saw that these people were not pleasing to her eyes, so she didn't want to talk to them. She didn't expect that this person who stayed for one night would dare to open his mouth and ask for a couple of dollars. Even in the best inn in Lin'an, the cost would be too Not so big, Yue Ying was about to get angry, but was stopped by Li Wenxuan, Li Wenxuan said in a low voice: "That's all, that's all, let's change places tomorrow."

Li Wenxuan took out a piece of silver and threw it to the man, and then went to the back with Yue Ying to find the room.

Since Li Wenxuan left Luzhou Ferry, he has seen dozens of inns, large and small, but this is the first time he has seen such and such. The smell, I don’t know if it’s smelly, or cats and dogs are on it. The teapots and cups on the table are covered with a thick layer of dust. I touched the table with my fingers, and a layer of dust fell off, and then there was another layer of dust on the table. It turned out that it took too long to stick to the table and couldn't get up and down.

Although Yue Ying is not usually a very picky person, when she first met Li Wenxuan, the two often sat on the floor in the open air, and Yue Ying never complained, but seeing these people here today is not pleasing to the eye, and it is really too much here. It was a little dirty, so I couldn't help saying: "Wenxuan, let's change the place, look"

Li Wenxuan hugged her and said, "Yingying, you saw it when we came in. This town is only so big, and it looks like it's very poor. I'm afraid that if we go to another place, it will be similar to this one. Ah, and it's getting late today, let's just settle for a while, and when tomorrow, we'll go to a better place, at worst, let's go back to live in Yuezhou, okay?"

Yue Ying could only nod her head.

At this time, a person came in from outside the door, and the person who came in didn't seem to knock on the door, which shocked Li Wenxuan and Yue Ying. Li Wenxuan immediately sent Yue Ying away, and he was embarrassed to continue hugging.

The person who came was the skinny man from before. He glanced at Li Wenxuan and Yue Ying, then put a plate of dried pickles and three steamed buns on their table, and went out directly.

Li Wenxuan stepped forward to take a look, only to see that the dried pickles were rotten, and the corn bread was not the same thing no matter how you looked at it, not to mention Yue Ying, even Li Wenxuan couldn't eat it anymore.

Yue Ying said: "Wenxuan, we still have some dry food in our bag, enough for us at night."

The two took out the dry food and shared it. Li Wenxuan said: "Yingying, tomorrow, let's find a similar inn, and then you stay here first. You wait for me there, and I will go see Yang Yao by myself."

Yue Ying said: "How can it be, I came with you, how could you leave me behind, are you afraid that Yang Yao will tear you apart?"

Li Wenxuan said: "No, I believe that even if he can't agree with me, he won't necessarily harm me, but you are not an ordinary person. Your father is Yue Fei. Think about it, your father has gone through a lot from preparing for the war to now. It's been a long time, and Yang Yao probably got the news that your father is going to send troops. If he knew that you were Yue Fei's daughter, he would be rude to you, so I think you should stay here it is good."

Yue Ying said: "Wenxuan, let me ask you, do you want to do the job my father asked you to do?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Of course I thought about it. Although I can't bear it, but after thinking about it these days, after all, Yang Yao did something wrong. It was not wrong for the court to order soldiers to send Dongting, and it was not wrong for your father, so I am I am very willing to accomplish this matter, after all, it can save a lot of lives."

Yue Ying said: "That's right, if you want to accomplish this, you must ask me to go with you!"

Li Wenxuan was puzzled, and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Yue Ying smiled and said: "Before you knew my identity, did you hear the name of the Yue Family Army?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Yes, I often heard people talk about it when I was in Luzhou."

Yue Ying said again: "Then tell the truth, what was your impression of the Yue Family Army at that time? But it must be the truth, don't make me happy, talk nonsense."

Li Wenxuan thought for a while and said: "In the past, I always heard people say that Yue's army has strict military discipline and is invincible. These years, they have made great achievements in fighting against Jin soldiers. Marshal Yue is very strict with his subordinates. How many generals in many places in Song Dynasty Also, the soldiers are allowed to plunder the common people, the morale of the army is not right, but when it comes to the Yue Family Army, they love the people so much, no one dares to say a word!"

Yue Ying smiled and said: "You sound much better than flattery." Then she said: "So this time my father led the army to attack Dongting, which has a lot of advantages. Most of Yang Yao's troops are mobs, not me. Talking big, they just heard my father's name, and they are afraid that they will be afraid before the battle. If they know that my father intends to subdue them and don't want to hurt more lives, then these people will be in awe again Now, the odds are six points, and if I go to see Yang Yao with you, our odds will be nine points!"

Li Wenxuan said: "Yingying, don't be foolish, what are your plans, tell me quickly, how can you increase your chances of winning by three points once you go?"

Yue Ying said: "Think about it, they respect and fear my father. If you ask them if they are willing to surrender, then they really have to struggle a lot in their hearts. What they hear is not what they see. After all, what I know about my father is just hearsay, maybe I still have some doubts, if I go with you, they will think that I am bold when they come, and I have a daughter, let alone his father?" Yue Ying said here, very proud He smiled, and then said: "What's more important, they saw that the majestic Marshal Yue was willing to call his daughter to persuade him to surrender, which shows his sincerity. It's like letting go of their past, even the promise of being hired as an officer in the army It won't be a dead letter, you say, just relying on this, can it be worth a three-point chance of winning?"

Li Wenxuan nodded repeatedly, and said: "Yes, what you said is true, it seems that my friendship with them is not as strong as your trump card!"

Yue Ying laughed and said, "Whether you're good or not depends on whether you're a killer or a peacemaker."

Li Wenxuan said: "I'm all here, how can I be a peacemaker? You still make fun of me, but although what you said just now is good, I feel very uneasy in my heart. If Yang Yao ignores friendship and wants to take What can you do?"

Yue Ying looked at him and asked, "Yang Yao wants to arrest me, what should you do?"

Li Wenxuan said sternly: "Of course I will protect you with all my strength, no matter who they are, none of them will hurt you!"

Yue Ying leaned against Li Wenxuan and said, "That's it, with you here, I'm not afraid of anything!"

Li Wenxuan thought to himself: "What Yingying said is indeed reasonable, I will take her with me, even if there are too many of them wanting to fight, I will still be able to protect him, and if I have to, I can still hold him hostage..."

Li Wenxuan said: "Okay, then it's settled, let's go see Yang Yao together tomorrow."

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Wenxuan came out of Yue Ying's room, intending to go back to the house, but when he came out, he saw that the entire inn was pitch black, as if there was no one there, Li Wenxuan felt something was wrong right now , then jumped onto the roof, looked around, and then looked in the front yard, and saw that there was really no one in the inn.Li Wenxuan rushed to the stable, seeing that the two horses were still there, he felt a little more at ease, but he still looked at the strange inn, and was afraid that he had encountered a black shop.

Li Wenxuan looked around again, but there was still no one there, so he finally left the inn and went to the town to have a look. He saw two people hanging around the east gate and the west gate of the town, and they were all gambling in the previous five inns. Those people, but they couldn't see anything wrong with them. Li Wenxuan looked at them for a while, and wanted to find out what happened, but thought that Yue Ying was the only one left in the inn, and felt uneasy, so he went back soon.

Li Wenxuan went back to the inn and wanted to lie down and sleep, but he was still not at ease, so he knocked lightly on Yue Ying's door and asked, "Yingying, open the door."

Li Wenxuan thought that Yue Ying was asleep, but he didn't expect Yue Ying to come to the door soon, and his clothes were also in good condition. Li Wenxuan asked, "Hey, are you awake?"

Yue Ying pointed to the bed with an aggrieved face and said, "That bed is really too difficult to sleep on. I think it's better to sleep on a bench."

Li Wenxuan looked over there, no, the three benches were put together by Yue Ying, leaning against the corner of the wall, but it was just enough for one and a half people to sit and lean on it.

Yue Ying said: "It's you, why don't you sleep."

Li Wenxuan said: "I want to come to your room to sleep."

Yue Ying said "Yeah", her face flushed immediately, and she cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, why are you..."

Li Wenxuan hurriedly said: "Yingying, you misunderstood, I mean I only sleep in your room."

Yue Ying turned her back angrily, and said in her heart: "Isn't what you said the same?" However, her face was blushing and her heart was beating. There was a bit of anger, but also a bit of joy.

Li Wenxuan said again: "Yingying, you misunderstood, it's like this, I just went out to look around, the whole inn is completely dark, no one has run away, I see evil spirits everywhere, I can't rest assured, That's why I want to come to sleep with you, in case these people are up to no good, I can take care of you, right?"

Yue Ying let out a long sigh, and said angrily, "Come in, you can't speak clearly, call me...huh!"

Li Wenxuan gently hugged Yue Ying from behind, and said, "What do I call you?"

Yue Ying said angrily: "You've learned badly, why are there no people in the inn, you just came here to find an excuse to get cheap, right?"

Li Wenxuan said: "It's true to beg for cheap, but it's true that I don't worry about you!"

Li Wenxuan looked at the bed and found that it was really sloppy, so he simply moved all the benches from the other rooms over and formed them into a row, then sat on it with Yue Ying, with their backs against the wall, and Yue Ying was Leaning against Li Wenxuan, Li Wenxuan took off his coat and put it on Yue Ying. Looking at the situation, it would be fine for a night.

Leaning against Li Wenxuan, Yue Ying felt warm, but it was much more comfortable than a quilt. She fell asleep after a while. Li Wenxuan didn't say anything, but she was very wary in her heart. She never dared to sleep calmly. Li Wenxuan listened to the slightest disturbance.

It was already the second watch, Li Wenxuan gently pushed Yue Ying, and whispered: "Yingying, wake up."

Yue Ying said in a daze, "What's the's the middle of the night..."

Li Wenxuan said: "Someone has surrounded us!"

When Yue Ying heard this, she was shocked immediately, and said, "What's going on?"

Li Wenxuan made a silence, and said: "I heard a lot of footsteps outside, there may be more than 30 people, it seems that this is a black shop, if you make a move in a while, you will be in the house Don't go out, I will go out and deal with them."

Yue Ying knew that these dozens of people were nothing to Li Wenxuan, so she said, "Okay, be careful, I have to sleep again."

Li Wenxuan said with a smile: "Okay, you go to sleep, I will try my best not to make noise, so as not to disturb you!"

After Li Wenxuan finished speaking, he stuffed the Qingshuang Sword into Yue Ying's hand, jumped to the door, looked out through the crack of the door, and saw that the people outside were only three to five feet away from the hut.

The people outside the house took a few steps forward, then stopped, and then saw the thin man from the inn before, tiptoeing towards the window with a bamboo stick.

Li Wenxuan recognized that it was Mixiang, a dirty trick commonly used in Jianghu, so he wanted to tease him, so he kept silent, turned around and gestured to Yue Ying, who had wide-eyed eyes, telling her to watch carefully.

The man outside poked a small hole in the window paper, and then pushed the end of the bamboo tube in. Li Wenxuan could see it clearly, just when the man was about to use his mouth to blow the confectionary powder, he suddenly stuck it on. Holding the end of the bamboo tube in his mouth, he blew it out with a sharp breath.

The skinny man outside was also bragging, but why is he as strong as Li Wenxuan?What's more, Li Wenxuan brought some internal energy intentionally or unintentionally, this strength was much stronger than that of the skinny man, all the fragrance powder in the bamboo tube was sprayed back, first sprayed the skinny man's mouth, followed by the whole mouth and nose. , I could only hear the skinny man outside being choked and coughing again and again, but after coughing twice, the effect of the drug took effect, and he immediately fainted on the ground and didn’t move. so fast.

Li Wenxuan secretly laughed, Yue Ying laughed even more when she saw it, but she was afraid that people outside would hear it, so she didn't dare to speak out.

The people outside saw that the skinny man couldn't get the fragrance, but they didn't know what was going on, and let the fragrance come back, which made themselves dizzy, and everyone thought he was careless. They only knew that the people in the house had already slept soundly, but they never thought that it was Li Wenxuan who was behind the scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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