Chapter 397
Li Wenxuan was worried that the strange man would go and come back, so he stayed at the entrance of the cave all night, and even slept with one ear pricked up. As for Mingzhu, because he was frightened by the strange man by the river before, this night he was even more scared. He was really worried, for fear that the weird person would sneak in and take him away.

However, the night was quite peaceful. Except for the occasional wind blowing outside the cave, and the movement of some small animals passing by, I didn't notice anything unusual, but when the next day dawned, Li Wenxuan picked it up The branches blocking the entrance of the cave were quite frightening.

I saw a pair of small triangular eyes looking at the place Li Wenxuan had opened, and it happened that Li Wenxuan was also looking out. The two of them happened to be big eyes to small eyes. It's nothing, but it was too unexpected. Li Wenxuan was taken aback and yelled: "Who is it!" Then he fell backwards and sat on the ground with his buttocks. Hearing the screaming outside, he should have also retreated several feet away.

Li Wenxuan settled down and was very puzzled, because Li Wenxuan had listened carefully to the movement outside before opening the hole, knowing that there was nothing outside, so he opened the hole to go out, but he didn't expect that person to appear suddenly In front of him, the distance from him is only within the size range. In such a short distance, he can hide silently, as if he is holding his breath. It is really unimaginable. As long as you listen carefully, you should also be aware of his existence.

Mingzhu was frightened at night, and didn't sleep well until morning. At this time, Li Wenxuan and the strange man yelled, and Mingzhu was awakened immediately. She propped herself up and looked out of the cave. Li Wenxuan saw that she was unable to move and could not see clearly, so he said to her : "That strange man was guarding the entrance of our cave without knowing it. I didn't look for him, but he came to me first. No, maybe he actually came to look for you."

Li Wenxuan said it unintentionally, but immediately felt a little inappropriate after saying it, and hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean you..."

Mingzhu lowered her head and said: "Then why are you being polite to him, just shoot him with a hidden weapon!"

Li Wenxuan felt the same, so he carefully enlarged the entrance of the cave, wanting to see where the strange man is now, but the front of the cave was empty, with no one in sight. To be clear, before Li Wenxuan walked out of the cave, suddenly, with a strange cry, a head protruded from the entrance of the cave, with the eyes on the bottom and the mouth on the top, the head was hanging upside down. Now it looks like a mess when it is hung upside down, the whole head is like a dirty hairball, and there is a long tongue sticking out, which reminds people of the hanged ghost in the play.

Li Wenxuan looked at the strange man hanging on his head and feet, hanging at the entrance of the cave. He was really annoyed and funny, so he touched the silver needle barrel, trying to stop him, but just as he took out the needle barrel from his arms, the strange man But he is not stupid, presumably because he was injured by Mingzhu with a needle last night, he saw that something was wrong, jumped down from the entrance of the stone cave, rolled on the ground, turned around and ran, Li Wenxuan had never used such a hidden weapon before , and the workmanship of the mechanism is very fine, and Li Wenxuan is very awkward in using it with all his hands, so he was much slower.

Mingzhu watched Li Wenxuan swinging his concealed weapon slowly and fidgetingly, not to mention his funny appearance, and watched the man slip away in front of him, so she said: "I don't think this man is crazy at all, he is much smarter than a monkey. , you... you can't shoot him, you give me the hidden weapon."

Li Wenxuan nodded, and handed the syringe to Mingzhu as promised. At this time, Li Wenxuan was not worried that Mingzhu would attack him again. After all, no matter what, the weird person outside was much more "scary" to Mingzhu than Li Wenxuan Now that she is Mingzhu's amulet, she definitely has no reason to harm herself.

Li Wenxuan put Mingzhu and the stretcher closer to the entrance of the cave so that Mingzhu could shoot the silver needles, and in order to lure the strange man to the entrance of the cave, Li Wenxuan hid behind Mingzhu so that the strange man would not see him. In case Mingzhu missed, and that weird person wanted to rush in to try to do something wrong, Li Wenxuan could also help him.

However, things backfired. Li Wenxuan and Mingzhu guarded the entrance of the cave for a long time, but the strange man seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again. Li Wenxuan did not dare to go out to check rashly. After all, the man was silent. It was also very bad for Li Wenxuan to attack the killer suddenly when he went out.

The two spent a whole morning in the cave, although they didn't say anything, they were very frustrated in their hearts. Li Wenxuan's swordsmanship was amazing, and he was already a rare opponent in Jianghu, and Mingzhu was no ordinary person. One can imagine the feeling that a master is being teased by a crazy and foolish person.Li Wenxuan said: "Forget it, it's not possible to stay like this forever, maybe he has gone far, I'll go out and have a look."

Mingzhu glanced at Li Wenxuan and said nothing. Li Wenxuan went to the entrance of the cave lightly, holding the purple lightning in one hand and holding the scabbard in the other. After taking a breath, he turned around and said to Mingzhu, "It's all right, that weird person is gone."

Li Wenxuan hadn't finished speaking when he heard a "whoosh" behind him. Li Wenxuan suddenly felt something was wrong, and wanted to bend over to avoid it, but he was a little too slow, and took a heavy blow to the back of the head. Li Wenxuan was dizzy from the hit , if Li Wenxuan's internal strength is not weak, and his body can withstand tossing better than ordinary people, I'm afraid he will be kicked out just by this blow.

Li Wenxuan covered his head and looked back, a pebble landed at his feet, and it was probably the one that hit Li Wenxuan on the head. Needless to say, this is naturally the masterpiece of that weird person. Li Wenxuan was angry and shouted: "Sneaky! Damn it, where is it hiding!"

There was a rustling sound from the weeds deeper than knees, Li Wenxuan looked intently, and sure enough, the strange man was hiding in the grass a foot away in front of him, so it turned out that he hadn't gone far away.

Although the weeds in front of the cave grow luxuriantly, it was not easy to hide someone, but that strange man was so patient, he lay motionless on his stomach, grabbed a lot of weeds and sprinkled them on his body, so he managed to hide it from Li Wenxuan , and there are many kinds of blood-sucking insects in the grass, it is really unimaginable that the strange person can hide for a whole morning, let alone Li Wenxuan find out.

Li Wenxuan wanted to get close to him and teach him a lesson, but he was very slow on his feet. Before he could reach him, the strange man saw Li Wenxuan approaching him again, but he was extremely cautious. He jumped up on the spot and threw several pebbles, forcing Li Wenxuan couldn't get close, then the weird man stood up straight, screamed twice, as if he was very proud of hitting Li Wenxuan just now, and then walked away swaggeringly.

Li Wenxuan had no choice but to go back to the cave resentfully, Mingzhu took a general look at the situation outside, knowing that Li Wenxuan didn't get any favors and looked ashamed, so she didn't ask Li Wenxuan any more.Sitting at the entrance of the cave, Li Wenxuan touched the back of his head again. The wet piece was actually bloody from being beaten by that man's pebbles. He was annoyed when suddenly Mingzhu threw something from the side.Li Wenxuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it. It turned out to be a small bottle carved from sapphire, inlaid with many gold and silver pendants on it. The workmanship is exquisite and beautiful. It must be very valuable.

Li Wenxuan wanted to ask Mingzhu what he was going to do, but just as Li Wenxuan was about to open his mouth, Mingzhu turned his head to the side. Li Wenxuan has long understood that as long as Mingzhu turns his head away, he will not look at himself. At this time, even if she put the knife on her neck, she might not be able to speak, so she had to uncork the bottle and smell it closely. The smell in the bottle was somewhat similar to Jinchuang medicine.

"It seems that this bottle is also regarded as a wound medicine. I didn't expect that she was kind enough to give me the medicine." Li Wenxuan immediately poured a little powder from the bottle and rubbed it on the wound on his head. Sure enough, the bleeding stopped immediately , and feel cool, not so painful, and somewhat comfortable.

Li Wenxuan put the bottle beside Mingzhu, and said, "Thank you." Then he stayed at the entrance of the cave again. He suffered a loss before, but now he is much more careful. Hiding somewhere near the entrance of the cave, it's just too shaded to see him.

At noon, Li Wenxuan was still at the entrance of the cave. After a long time, he was hungry. Fortunately, he was about to leave this place before. There was a lot of food prepared in the cave, so he took some pears to eat and gave some to Mingzhu.

Li Wenxuan was chewing the incense when he heard the weird man yelling a few times outside the cave, and then several pebbles flew in. Li Wenxuan had already prepared himself this time. The opening of the hole was not big, and the work started from left to right, but all the cobblestones that the strange man had knocked in were knocked aside.

A wave of cobblestones passed by, the strange man failed to take advantage of it, and then fell silent for a while, but Li Wenxuan was afraid that the man might have some bad idea, so he didn't dare to neglect, put the pear on the ground, guarded the cave entrance carefully, and was thinking about it. How to deal with it, a large handful of fine sand suddenly poured in from the entrance of the cave, and came straight towards Li Wenxuan's face.

Li Wenxuan couldn't stop him now, he could only push back a few steps, otherwise he would be dazzled by the fine sand, and it would not be a second before he was attacked by that person again.

Li Wenxuan stepped back, followed by the strange man's laughter, and saw him rushing into the cave. Li Wenxuan thought that he was going to harm himself or Mingzhu, so he pointed his sword and planned to fight him. After a good fight, unexpectedly, the man stopped after only two steps into the hole. He didn't aim at Li Wenxuan, nor at the Pearl, but picked up the pear that Li Wenxuan had just dropped on the ground, and then walked away.

Mingzhu saw these things in her eyes, seeing that the opportunity was rare, even though she couldn't move her body, her arms were fine, she saw Mingzhu raised her arm, and followed the little fingertip around the cuff gently, the poisonous needle was wrapped around the cuff. The syringe was aimed at the strange man, and six silver needles were shot out in a row.

The hidden weapon fired, although it was extremely small, but it still made a sound. When Li Wenxuan heard Mingzhu firing the needle, he stood firmly and did not move randomly, so as not to be accidentally injured by her. Something was wrong, he whimpered, and no longer fled towards the entrance of the cave, but turned around and threw himself in front of Li Wenxuan. It was a very cunning way to avoid all the six poisonous needles fired by Mingzhu, and he also used Li Wenxuan as meat. Shield, told Mingzhu to cast a mouse-terrorist weapon, and dared not launch it again.

Li Wenxuan didn't expect him to be so cunning, but when he saw him jumping in front of him, he thought that since the poisonous needle couldn't hit him, he could take the opportunity to touch his acupoints, so he put his sword back into its sheath, stretched out his hands, and stuck it on the man's chest Four large holes were clicked.

After Li Wenxuan tapped the man's acupoints several times, the strange man suddenly stood in front of Li Wenxuan and stopped moving. Seeing that he was done, Li Wenxuan heaved a long sigh of relief, his face beamed with joy, and said to Mingzhu: "Okay, he Finally..."

Li Wenxuan hadn't finished speaking when he heard Mingzhu shout: "Beware of cheating!"

Li Wenxuan was startled, and when he turned around, he saw that strange man grinning strangely at him. How could he look like he was being acupunctured?Taking advantage of Li Wenxuan's unpreparedness, the weird man also imitated Li Wenxuan's acupuncture technique before, punched Li Wenxuan's chest four times, then laughed loudly, and swaggered out of the cave.

Li Wenxuan was stunned. He learned this acupuncture technique from Su Xiaotian. Since he practiced it, as long as he can touch it on a person, he has never missed it. What's more, he just touched the four big acupuncture points of that person, which is enough to make him unable to do it for a long time I moved, but I didn’t expect that person to be fine, and he hit Li Wenxuan a few times instead. Fortunately, that weird person just learned Li Wenxuan’s movements, and he didn’t know the essentials of acupressure, otherwise he would be unable to move if he was acupointed. It was Li Wenxuan.

Faced with this strange person's repeated setbacks, it was not what Li Wenxuan and Mingzhu expected. They were at a loss for a while, and what was even more troublesome was that not only could Li Wenxuan fail to regain the Qingshuang Sword, but the entrance of the cave was also occupied by the strange person. As long as Li Wenxuan stands up a little, seven or eight pebbles will definitely hit him on the head. If Li Wenxuan is not injured, it is no problem to avoid these stones, but now that he can't use light work with his feet, there is no way to face that person's nonsense. No.

The two stayed in the cave for another half a day, and the strange man still guarded the entrance of the cave and did not leave for half a step. Fortunately, Li Wenxuan had prepared food for two or three days before going on the road, so it didn't matter if he didn't go out for a while.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Wenxuan tried it out, and the strange man was still guarding the entrance of the cave and refused to leave, but looking at his mental head, he was not as active as before. Li Wenxuan originally wanted to go out and beat him away, but Seeing a large handful of pebbles in the man's hand, he had no choice but to give up.

Li Wenxuan lit a fire in the cave to grill the fish. The smell of meat filled the air. Not only the inside of the cave, but also the outside of the cave were filled with cigarette smoke. The leftover fish in the hands of the two of them looked very greedy.

Li Wenxuan's heart moved, and he shouted: "Yes, I don't think he will fall into our hands this time!"

Mingzhu asked: "What are you going to do?"

Li Wenxuan smiled, and said: "You can see my method, but you can lend me the syringe for the poison injection."

Li Wenxuan moved the fire pile to the entrance of the cave, increased the fire, picked up another fat fish and put it on the fire, and after a while, he saw a greasy layer on the fish, although it was not cooked yet, it looked very Li Wenxuan caught a glimpse of the strange man staring at his grilled fish at the entrance of the cave, so he pretended not to see him, but stretched his waist, and casually walked into the cave, while the grilled fish stayed by the fire without bringing any food. Walk.

The strange person smelled the smell of the grilled fish, and had already salivated profusely. He also saw Li Wenxuan move the fire to the entrance of the cave for roasting. If it wasn't for the hidden weapon of jealousy, he would have rushed in to snatch it. At this time, Li Wenxuan walked away suddenly. How could he miss such a great opportunity?Immediately jumped to the side of the fire, not afraid of hot hands, directly grabbed the grilled fish, made a strange noise in his mouth, looked very proud, then turned around and left, but when he reached the entrance of the cave, he suddenly stopped , Throwing the grilled fish on the ground violently, looking at the palm of his hand, followed by a burst of crying, he strode towards the distance.

Seeing this situation, Mingzhu already made a rough guess and asked, "Did you stick the poisonous needle into that fish?"

Li Wenxuan said: "That's right. Although this person is cunning, he is not clear-headed. Although it is disgraceful to plot against him like this, it is better than being trapped here by him."

After saying that, Li Wenxuan walked out of the cave, looking for traces of the strange man, only to see that he had fallen on the edge of the river bank.Li Wenxuan was afraid that he would not be able to pierce this person's hand, so he hid seven or eight poisonous needles on Grilled Fish's body. This strange person had no defense at all, and he was stabbed many times after he caught it, otherwise he would not have been poisoned. so fast.

Li Wenxuan walked up to the man, and saw him lying on the ground, trembling all over, looking straight at himself with fear, Li Wenxuan didn't know if he could understand, and said, "Don't worry, I don't want to For your life, just take back my sword, but don’t bother us again, and don’t be rude to that girl, you know?”

The strange man was sobbing, crying and howling. It seemed that he was very uncomfortable after being poisoned. Li Wenxuan took the antidote given by Mingzhu before, opened the strange man's mouth, and forcibly swallowed it for him. I found the Qingshuang Sword, but there was no scabbard.Originally, the two swords were lost, but Li Wenxuan was lucky to be able to find the sword now, and it is not particularly distressing to lose the scabbard.

Li Wenxuan originally wanted to go back here, but he thought that if it wasn't for this strange person who brought Zidian and Qingshuang, he would have been hard-pressed to find the pair of swords in his life. Now, in order to grab the swords, he poisoned him with tricks instead. Li Wenxuan was very sorry, so he went to the forest to pick a lot of fruits and put them in his hand, thanking him for helping to find Zidian and Qingshuang, and then turned back to the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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