Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 42 The Man in Black at Midnight

Chapter 42 The Man in Black at Midnight

"Boom—boom! Boom! Boom!" The watchman's clapper rang four times, and Li Wenxuan had already woken up.In the middle of the night, except for the sound of clappers that woke Li Wenxuan just now, there was no other sound. After sleeping so much, Li Wenxuan was also hungry. He wanted to go downstairs to find something to eat, so he put on his coat and opened the door , Seeing that there was only a dim lantern hanging at the door downstairs, Li Wenxuan shook his head and smiled and said, "I'm really sleepy, it's such an hour, where can I find food, I'd better go back to sleep."

After sleeping for so long, where can I still fall asleep?Li Wenxuan was lying on the bed with his clothes on. The quieter the night, the clearer his head became. He couldn't help worrying about money again. Ever since the incident at Luzhou Ferry, his father, Uncle Tie, and Aunt Tie all left. Life and death are uncertain, I have no relatives in this huge Lin'an City, and only have a friend like Qiu Shan, but now the two of them are in trouble for the money, so what should I do, I can't steal it, that way What kind of face will I have to see my father under Jiuquan in the future.The more Li Wenxuan thought about it, the more upset he became, he turned over on the bed and lay face down on his side.

There were some rustling sounds from outside the window, it must have been windy outside, and then there was the sound of some objects being blown down by the wind from time to time.The night is quiet, and people's ears are naturally very bright. Although there is wind, Li Wenxuan still clearly heard the sound of Qiu Shan opening the window, "It seems that Brother Qiu has also woken up at this time, and it is difficult for him to fall asleep again. , I might as well go to him at this time to discuss what to do next." Thinking this way, Li Wenxuan arrived in front of Qiu Shan's door, the door was still covered by Li Wenxuan during the day, and no one had touched it, but Li Wenxuan knocked on the door anyway , said: "Brother Qiu, are you awake? It's me, Wenxuan."

No one in the room responded, "Boom—boom—" Li Wenxuan tapped twice again and asked, "Brother Qiu, I heard you opening the window just now, did you wake up?" Still no one answered. , "Brother Qiu is probably still angry with me. Oh, forget it, let's come to him again during the day." Li Wenxuan turned his head while talking to himself, and just took two steps when he heard Qiu Shan suddenly coming from inside the house. "Wenxuan! Help me! Ah——"

Qiu Shan's yelling sounded like a flash of lightning on this night and instantly awakened all of Li Wenxuan's nerves. Li Wenxuan was worried about Qiu Shan's safety, so he didn't have time to think about what was going on inside the room, so he pushed the door open and entered, only to see a burly black-clothed man about to With Qiu Shan on his shoulders, the man was wearing a mask, only showing a pair of black eyes staring at Li Wenxuan.

Seeing that Qiu Shan's sword was still on the table, Li Wenxuan jumped to the edge of the table and was about to draw the sword to save Qiu Shan. He didn't want to feel his wrist was hit by something as soon as he stretched out his hand, and he felt sore and numb and lost his strength.At this time, the man in black said in a low voice: "You kid, don't try to play tricks, go back to the house and get your sword, come with me, if you want to play tricks, I can strangle him to death at any time."

The man in black spoke in a low voice, but Li Wenxuan heard every word clearly. The man in black used his internal force to push his voice into Li Wenxuan's ears.Li Wenxuan was not only angry, but also worried about Qiu Shan's safety. The man in black had his wrists around Qiu Shan's neck. If he wanted to kill Qiu Shan, it would only take a moment.

Li Wenxuan thought of the stakes, so he obediently went back to the house to get his sword, and said to the man in black: "Don't hurt my brother's life, if you want this sword, I will give it to you." After Li Wenxuan finished speaking, Qiu Shan struggled harder on the man in black's back.

"Hehe, you really want to save his life, right? It depends on whether you can catch up with me." After the man in black finished speaking, he jumped out of the window with Qiu Shan.

Li Wenxuan didn't dare to hesitate, and jumped out following the man in black.Under the moonlight, the man in black was carrying the hills, walking like the wind, moving up and down between the houses like walking on flat ground. Li Wenxuan tried his best to catch up, but there was always a distance of five or six feet between each other. between.Li Wenxuan secretly exclaimed in his heart: "This person's stature is much higher than his own. With one more person on his back, it is still difficult for him to reach. Moreover, looking at the distance between the two sides, that person deliberately did not leave himself too far away. , even if he catches up with him, he is definitely not his opponent." The more Li Wenxuan thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, but he didn't dare to slow down, and still followed closely behind.

After a short while, Li Wenxuan followed the man in black and chased him for more than ten miles. When he arrived at a clearing in a small forest in the northwest of the city, the man in black stopped and put Qiu Shan down next to a big tree.Li Wenxuan arrived right after him, panting and said, "What do you want? Brother Qiu, how are you? Are you hurt?"

Qiu Shan sat on the ground, his eyeballs seemed to have been crying, and he looked at Li Wenxuan slowly, without moving or speaking. Li Wenxuan was worried about Qiu Shan, so he asked again: "What did you do to my brother Qiu? Tell me quickly, Otherwise, I will fight with you!"

The man in black looked at Li Wenxuan and said calmly: "He's fine, I just tapped his acupoints, otherwise it would be too noisy, and I'd be annoyed." He patted some dust on his body, and said, "You just now What do you call him? Brother Qiu?"

Li Wenxuan replied angrily: "Yes, he is my sworn elder brother, surnamed Qiu!"

"Oh, hehe, that's it." The man in black smiled.

Li Wenxuan asked again: "Let me ask you again, what exactly do you want? What is your purpose in kidnapping Brother Qiu and bringing me here?"

The man in black asked Li Wenxuan with his hands behind his back: "I ask you, where did you get the sword in your hand? Tell the truth, otherwise you two would not even think about getting out of this forest today."

Li Wenxuan had a lot of worries in his heart. This person came up and asked about Qingshuang's origin. Did he know this sword? His father came from Pinjian Villa. The person in front of him didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend. Li Wenxuan was still hesitating, and the man in black asked again: "I asked you something, answer honestly, or I will kill him now!" The man in black walked towards Qiu Shan after saying that.

"No! I said... I said..." Li Wenxuan was afraid that he would harm Qiu Shan, so he didn't care too much, so he said, "This sword was passed down by my father."

The man in black stopped in his tracks and asked, "Who is your father? What's his name?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Father Li Yuankun."

The man in black then asked, "Then who is your mother?"

Li Wenxuan replied slowly: "Mother Lu Kexin."

Hearing Li Wenxuan's answer, the man in black thought deeply, and said to himself: "Li Yuankun, Lu Kexin...what a coincidence, this is impossible...impossible..." The man in black muttered to himself for a while and then asked : "Where are your parents? Where are they now?"

Li Wenxuan thought that he had already said so much anyway, and there was nothing to hide from the rest, so he simply said, "My mother passed away when she gave birth to me, and my father was killed by a dog official in Luzhou more than a month ago. It's gone." The old matter was brought up again, and Li Wenxuan was already dejected when he said this.

Hearing Li Wenxuan's answer, a hint of surprise suddenly appeared in the eyes of the man in black. He looked at Li Wenxuan and did not speak. Li Wenxuan couldn't help it, and said: "You have asked all the questions you should ask. Now you can let go." My brother!"

The man in black closed his eyes and let out a long breath, and said: "It's not difficult to let him go, you first catch me a few moves and draw your sword!" After the words fell, the man in black jumped up, and Li Wenxuan felt that the palm in front of him was like a blow. Pushing down on me like mountains and seas, I secretly shouted in my heart: "It's not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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