Chapter 426
The area around the hunting ground gradually became quiet, but the camp where the emperor Luanjia was located found that something was happening around him. The sound of war drums, horseshoes, and noise continued to spread to the surroundings.

"Mingzhu has probably returned to the camp!" Li Wenxuan thought about it, and then walked to the top of the sand dune.Taking advantage of the terrain, I saw the situation inside the camp clearly, and saw that the escorting team of ten thousand people had dispersed, guarding the camp with shields, bows and arrows, and spears, leaving ten thousand people around. At Yu Kuan's exit, technicians kept coming in and out on light cavalry. They should be inquiring about the situation of the troops coming from outside. It's just that those Qingqi cavalry went a little further, and they would encounter random arrows from the rebels. After a while, Li Wenxuan saw it with his own eyes. , there were more than a dozen Qingqi who were shot dead, but even so, no one could find out the origin of the rebels, but the rebellion of the other party was already obvious.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and then they galloped out from the commander-in-chief of the peripheral rebel army. Judging from the appearance of the man on the horseback, he was probably a military officer like a lieutenant general.The military officer galloped to a place about [-] steps away from the camp, and stood still. Looking at the dragon flag flying in front of him, he neither kowtowed nor dismounted. He raised his head and raised his eyebrows, with a very arrogant expression, and took out an imperial decree from his bosom. , Said loudly: "By God, the emperor ordered, and stab children..."

Just these twelve words, the big camp immediately exploded. The emperor is clearly in the big camp, where did the military officer get the imperial edict?It was really bold and reckless, but then the voice quieted down, presumably someone in the camp stopped.Then I continued to listen to the military officer's narration, and he listed more than a dozen crimes against him in a mess, trying to force him to abdicate.

Those crimes against He Shi are actually empty-mouthed nonsense, saying that He Ji is fatuous, indiscriminate killing of innocents, indulging in wine and sex, reusing traitors, etc. Don't talk about people from the Jin Kingdom, but Li Wenxuan, a Jin Guo just now People who have stayed for a few days can also tell that it is nonsense,
Everyone in the camp was furious. Immediately, some people wanted to rush out and smash the military officer into thousands of pieces, but because of the military order, they were not allowed to go out easily. After a while, they heard Jin Wushu responding in the camp: " Bold Wan Yanchang, dare to raise troops to commit rebellion! Listen to the rebels, it is still too late to stop now, the previous crimes, the Holy One is magnanimous, let the past go, if you continue to be obsessed with obsession, and join the gang of thieves, you will be severely punished!"

Although Li Wenxuan said that he was a little far away from the camp, but his hearing was quite good, and he was facing the wind, so he could hear these words clearly. Although he was hostile to Wan Yanchang in his heart before, and he didn't think he was a good person, he still absolutely He didn't expect that he would stir up trouble while he and the assassin were hunting outside.

The military officer yelled for a while, and saw that the people in the opposite camp didn't seem to have much influence, so he took out a red flag and waved it towards the army behind him, and saw four teams of horse archers rushing out from the army formation on all sides. Each team has about 1000 people. These cavalry circled around the camp and shot arrows. After a while, many screams were heard in the camp. It seemed that many people were hit by arrows, but the strength of the two sides was very different. The soldiers in the middle could only hold up their shields to block them, but they didn't dare to fight back easily. At this time, they stick to the formation, but if they can hold on for a while, there may be a chance of life, but if they charge head-on, the formation of the camp will be chaotic. There were many rebels in the periphery, and if the two sides fought with sharp swords and guns, it would not take much effort for the escorting ten thousand people to be strangled by the peripheral army, and the emperor would not be spared.

The rebels outside seemed to want to break the opponent's psychology. Those cavalry archers shot for a stick of incense, and then withdrew to their respective formations. Li Wenxuan looked from a distance, and there were not a few injured people in the camp.

Seeing that no one in the army on the opposite side dared to fight back, the military officer was very proud, and said: "Son, if you are willing to surrender, the Holy Majesty will let you survive. These soldiers will stay where they are, but if you are stubborn Resist, these 1 people will be buried with you! In the end, I will give you half an hour to think about it. If there is no result, our army will launch a general attack, so you can do it yourself!"

After the military officer finished speaking, he walked back complacently. He was really happy today. He showed his face in front of tens of thousands of people and scolded him so much that he dared not respond as a monarch and assassin. What do you think, he has already regarded himself as a hero, let his mount walk in the same direction as he came, passed by the sand dune where Li Wenxuan was hiding, and suddenly saw a very handsome black horse behind the sand dune, he felt strange and wanted to come and have a look After all, before he could get close, he sank behind him, and was stuck tightly by his throat.

The military officer was surprised: "What..." He wanted to ask "who is it?" But before the word "person" could be uttered, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his throat, as if it was no longer his own, and then someone was behind him Said: "Shut up! Be honest, I can kill you anytime now!"

The sudden accident scared the military officer's previous joy, but he was sweating. Sure enough, he shut up. The person behind him was naturally Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan was hiding behind the sand dunes before. Thinking about how to help and assassinate him, he suddenly thought of the old method - assassinate Wan Yanchang, but this place is still a long way from Wanyanchang's handsome flag, and Li Wenxuan will be discovered by the sentry before he gets there. When the time comes, all arrows will be fired, and no matter how skilled Li Wenxuan is, he will not be spared.

Zhengchou couldn't get close to Shuai Qi, but who knew that this blind military officer would come to Li Wenxuan's door to be Li Wenxuan's guide. Given the chance, Li Wenxuan would not be polite to him, and immediately restrained him and took him off first. He tied his long sword around his waist, and said, "Tell me honestly, how many soldiers and horses do you have here?"

The military officer asked, "Which general are you... The skill is so good, I admire it very much."

Li Wenxuan said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm the one asking you!" Then he exerted force on his hands again, almost breaking his throat.

The military officer didn't dare to talk nonsense, and hurriedly said: "[-]...[-]...cough cough..."

Li Wenxuan was startled, he didn't expect that there were so many rebels, he felt even more nervous, looked ahead, and said: "Where is Wan Yanchang, is he under that commander's banner now?"

The military officer said: "" The military officer's mouth seemed trembling, but his hands were dishonest. Before he finished speaking, he slammed his elbow on Li Wenxuan's right rib. This blow was very powerful. Going up, I'm afraid some ribs will be broken.

Li Wenxuan froze at first, but he didn't expect this person to have some guts, but his strength was useless, and his technique was still a bit slow. Li Wenxuan didn't dodge, but just channeled all his strength to his chest. When the military officer hit him, his elbow was like When he bumped into a big rock, Li Wenxuan didn't get hurt, instead he grinned his teeth in pain.

Li Wenxuan sneered: "The emperor just rewarded me with a golden knife today, so you'd better weigh how much you have, and don't make such crooked ideas in front of me!"

"It's you? Your name is Li Wenxuan?" Although the military officer was afraid before, he felt that he was restrained by Li Wenxuan because he didn't notice for a while, so he was secretly looking for a chance to escape, but now he knows the person behind him. It was Li Wenxuan who just stole the limelight in the hunting in Akita. With a long sigh, those thoughts were immediately dispelled.

Li Wenxuan shot like the wind, and touched his acupuncture points all over his body. He couldn't move, and said, "I'm hiding behind you, and you run in the direction of Shuai Qi."

The military officer was surprised: "What are you going to do?"

"Hey." Li Wenxuan sneered, "If you are obedient, I will kill Yan Chang. If you are disobedient, I will kill you first and then Yan Chang!"

Wan Yanchang was surrounded by heavy guards, the military officer did not expect Li Wenxuan to be so bold, it could be said that he was desperate, but for him, if he led Li Wenxuan to kill Wan Yanchang, after the investigation, he must die, but If Li Wenxuan was not brought there, Li Wenxuan would have killed him too, so he would have called for help loudly, but because of his sneak attack before, Li Wenxuan had been secretly careful of his tricks, and he was no longer merciful at the moment. Trembling slightly, before he could make a sound, he pinched and broke his neck.

Li Wenxuan arranged the military officer's body, and hid himself behind him, patted his horse and headed towards Wan Yanchang's handsome flag, because the place where Li Wenxuan took down the general was covered by sand dunes, and Li Wenxuan didn't care about the movement just now. I was worried about being discovered, but I was getting closer and closer to Wanyanchang. I found that there were three rows of armored warriors in front of Wanyanchang, and the two sides were all heavy armored cavalry. Rushed in, not knowing whether it was right or wrong for me to rush forward so rashly.

Fifty feet... Thirty feet... Twenty feet... Seeing Wan Yanchang getting closer and closer, suddenly someone on the opposite side shouted: "Stop!" Ten warriors stood in front of Wan Yanchang.

"It's broken, they discovered it!" Although Li Wenxuan was blocked by this hapless general, the distance was so close that it was really not easy to hide it, but at this time the two sides met within twenty feet, which was enough to call each other's attention. The archer had no time to shoot, so Li Wenxuan lashed his horsewhip hard. The horse suffered from pain and suddenly rushed forward, and at the same time there were more shouts from the opposite side: "Stop him! Stop him!"

The distance between the two sides was less than ten feet, and a long spear stained with cold light was pointed at the horse under Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan carried the military officer's body, stepped on the saddle with his left foot, and jumped high. His body was turned into a hornet's nest by random guns, and he fell to the ground. Li Wenxuan took advantage of the situation when more than a dozen people in front raised their guns to stab them, and before he was about to hit the ground, he hit the military officer's body heavily. Throw it down, fend off a few long spears pointed at him, and grab a foothold among the densely packed rebels, then swing the long sword, trying to cut off the spears in front of him, and then It is good to kill Wan Yanchang.

It's just a pity that Li Wenxuan was used to the unparalleled sharpness of the Qingshuang sword, but he forgot that the long sword in his hand was snatched from the military officer by the way. In terms of sharpness, it was far worse than Qingshuang. In the past, even though the soldiers' jaws were numb from the shock, and they swung five or six people away, none of their weapons were broken. Li Wenxuan couldn't break their weapons, and was surrounded by dozens of counterattacking rebels in a blink of an eye. In the middle.Li Wenxuan once again regretted not bringing Qingshuang with him when he came out, otherwise, even if he couldn't kill Wan Yanchang for a while, he definitely wouldn't just break into the army formation and be surrounded by them.

At this time, a person suddenly laughed: "Who am I? It turns out that you are a southern barbarian. Sure enough, you are not afraid of death."

Li Wenxuan looked back and saw that the person who spoke was Wan Yanchang, who was riding a tall horse a few feet away from him. He looked very proud, glared at him and said, "That's right, I'm not afraid of death, but I am. In the hands of someone like you!"

Wan Yanchang was not angry either. Seeing that Li Wenxuan had fallen into a heavy siege, he expected that he had already fallen into his hands and had no power to fight back, so he waved his hands and told the soldiers not to attack for now, and then said: "Li Wenxuan, I think your kung fu is still a bit useful. Why don't you just serve me from now on? Wealthy, rich, official and beautiful, as long as you are loyal to me in the future, I can satisfy you. "

Li Wenxuan sneered, and said: "Okay, but first you return the lives of more than a hundred people in Luzhoudu to me!"

"Luzhou Ferry?" Wan Yanchang was still thinking about what Li Wenxuan meant when he said Luzhou Ferry, when he saw the wind blowing in front of him, it was Li Wenxuan who flew out his long sword and stabbed him in the chest.Wan Yanchang turned pale with fright, and it was too late to escape, Li Wenxuan was also desperate, thinking that as long as Wan Yanchang was killed, the rebels without a leader would naturally have nothing to do.But as soon as he was about to succeed, unexpectedly a dead soldier next to Wan Yanchang, who was not afraid of death, threw himself on Wan Yanchang's chest in an instant, and blocked the fatal sword for Wan Yanchang.

Li Wenxuan yelled that it was a pity, but seeing that the long sword had not penetrated the dead man's back, the two of them fell on the horse's back together. Although Wan Yanchang could survive, he would probably be injured. Seeing the surrounding soldiers Li Wenxuan was about to encircle himself, and Li Wenxuan was quick to wit, and shouted: "Wan Yanchang has been stabbed to death by my sword! Do you still want to rebel!"

Li Wenxuan yelled loudly, and all the rebels heard it, and they all froze immediately. After all, Wan Yanchang is dead, who are they rebelling against?The people who were about to rush up just now were all stunned, and they didn't dare to go forward for the time being. Li Wenxuan took advantage of their inability to jump over the wall in front of him, threw a cavalryman to the ground, and took his weapon away.

It was just such an instant of effort, Wan Yanchang also heaved a sigh of relief, the sword just now did hurt him, the sword in his chest, although it didn't hurt his heart, it also broke two of his ribs, he rushed With the help of the guards who came, he pushed down the dead man on top of him, clutched his chest, and said angrily: "Kill him! Kill him! Cut my corpse into thousands of pieces!" After seeing Yan Chang, the rebels did not Only then did he come to his senses and chase after Li Wenxuan.

What Li Wenxuan feared most in the army was the opponent's bows and arrows, followed by these infantrymen. Coming up, it is really a headache, no matter how good your sword skills are, you can't do it.So Li Wenxuan took advantage of the small gap after Yan Chang was injured just now, and rushed to the cavalry formation first.

Although the charging power of the cavalry is great, they are not flexible enough. Although they all wear heavy armor and have the advantage of being condescending, they also have such a dead spot as the belly of a horse.

Li Wenxuan saw that it would be impossible to assassinate Yan Chang today, so he simply ran quickly between these cavalrymen, slashing the horse's leg and stabbing the horse's belly twice, although not many people were injured, but It also caused these cavalry to be in disarray, but they still had nothing to do with Li Wenxuan who was sprinting below. The heavy armored infantry outside wanted to rush in to help, but among the cavalry crowd, they wanted to encircle Li Wenxuan, who was walking like a fly, and they often saw the commotion. Afterwards, Li Wenxuan was already ten feet away when he rushed to the place, and it was extremely difficult to capture him.

After charging for a while, Li Wenxuan had already reached the edge of the formation, before a cavalryman in front of him recovered his senses, he soared into the sky, knocked him off his horse, and without hesitation, rode his horse and ran towards the direction of the camp.

These cavalry and infantry were stirred up by Li Wenxuan for a while, how could they let Li Wenxuan go so easily?Immediately, hundreds of light cavalry chased out from all directions, trying to intercept Li Wenxuan.

The horse that Li Wenxuan seized in desperation had mediocre legs. The two sides chased each other. Li Wenxuan was soon surrounded by light cavalry. He simply threw his horse and walked, avoiding arrows all the way. .

Soon Li Wenxuan rushed to the previous sand dune. The strength of the big black horse was extraordinary. As long as Li Wenxuan got on the dark horse, it would be very easy for him to get rid of these pursuers.

The black horse saw Li Wenxuan rushing towards him, and there were many people chasing after him. It seemed that he knew that the situation was not good, and before Li Wenxuan came to him, he rushed towards Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan shouted: "Good horse! Good horse!" Almost without any delay, he jumped on the horse's back, but the black horse ran forward two steps, and suddenly turned around and ran back. Li Wenxuan couldn't help it. Knowing what the black horse was going to do, he pulled the rein hard to tell it to turn, but the black horse just refused to listen and insisted on telling Li Wenxuan to hang his head. When he really turned around, he was surprised again, and saw Mingzhu not far away was killed by 20 people. There are many light cavalry surrounded in the middle, and there are still supporting cavalry around to continue to encircle, the situation is very critical.

The dark horse didn't wait for Li Wenxuan's greeting, and ran away like a bright pearl. Only then did Li Wenxuan understand the dark horse's intentions, and was secretly startled.The black horse was very fast, and most of the arrows shot at Li Wenxuan fell directly behind. The light cavalry who chased Li Wenxuan before did not expect that Li Wenxuan would come back suddenly, and Li Wenxuan knocked down seven or eight of them unexpectedly.

After rushing all the way to Mingzhu's side, I saw that Mingzhu's mount had been stabbed to death by random guns. Li Wenxuan let out a roar and stretched out his hand to probe down. It was like a nightingale floating flat on the ground and landed in front of Li Wenxuan, and the two galloped side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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