Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 428 Trying the Sword with the Beauty

Chapter 428 Trying the Sword with the Beauty

After one night's accident, Li Wenxuan guessed that under such circumstances, He Ci had probably returned to Shangjing to settle down, so instead of going back to the camp where Akita Waihunling was located, he changed direction and headed directly to Shangjing.

Because it was night before, when Li Wenxuan chased and killed Yan Chang all the way, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now the sky is bright and there are more and more pedestrians on the road, and everyone who sees Li Wenxuan has a look of avoiding it, just As if seeing something fierce and evil, after repeated embarrassment and rolled his eyes, Li Wenxuan realized that after the several fights last night, he was already covered in blood.

Bite the bullet along the way, finally reached the gate of Shangjing, only to see that the gate of the city was heavily guarded, usually there were only a dozen soldiers guarding it, but now there were hundreds of people blocking the two sides of the gate, and scouts and horses were everywhere, all of them His expression was stern, as if he was facing some kind of enemy.

When a group of cavalry saw Li Wenxuan, they were taken aback for a moment, then waved back, and soon dozens of people rushed out from the city gate to surround Li Wenxuan.

Afraid of misunderstanding, Li Wenxuan hurriedly pointed to Wan Yanchang's body behind him and said: "Everyone, Li Wenxuan, for the time being... he is a member of the Marshal's Mansion. He chased and killed the bandits last night. Now that the bandits are being killed, I will bring his body back. Return to the Marshal's Mansion."

The leader of the small school in front looked Li Wenxuan up and down, and asked, "You say you are Li Wenxuan? Do you have a golden knife or a badge from the Marshal's Mansion?"

"Golden knife..." Li Wenxuan hesitated for a moment, and said: "I have already given away the golden knife bestowed by the emperor, and I don't have any other certificates in hand. If this elder brother doesn't believe it, he can ask someone to go with me to the Marshal's Mansion. When I get there, someone will prove my identity."

Li Wenxuan was covered in blood, and there was an unknown dead man behind him, and the clothes of the dead man also had a lot of background. After the rebellion outside the city last night, he got the news immediately when he went to the capital, and stepped up his investigation. The school couldn't figure out Li Wenxuan Even though the person on the opposite side may be someone who committed crimes in the Marshal's Mansion, he would rather offend than let the unknown person enter the city easily, and immediately said: "No! Empty words are useless, since you want to enter the city, First twist the weapon and then talk!"

The soldiers at the city gate said they were about to step forward to disarm, but Li Wenxuan was about to defend himself again in desperation, but someone behind him shouted softly: "Stop!"

This voice is very familiar recently, Li Wenxuan knew that the person speaking behind him was Mingzhu without looking back, he was relieved at the moment, and was about to say hello to Mingzhu, but was taken aback for a moment, it turned out that this person who was usually so handsome could be tolerated if he took a second look. The girl who couldn't help but be distracted, now she was busy with travel and dust, with a tired look on her face, but at the moment when the two eyes met, there was a bit of joy, even though it was only for a moment, Li Wenxuan saw it for real.

Mingzhu rode forward, the guards at the city gate recognized her and immediately saluted her, but Mingzhu didn't seem to hear her and didn't respond to them.He just stared at Li Wenxuan in a daze for a while, his chest heaved violently, even his eye sockets were slightly red, his vermilion lips moved, hesitant to speak, then his eyebrows trembled slightly, and he suddenly raised his hand, apparently intending to point at Li Wenxuan Li Wenxuan dodged in a hurry, but although Mingzhu raised her hand high, she didn't intend to lower it, but she pulled the reins and ran directly towards the city.

Li Wenxuan was dumbfounded, not knowing why Mingzhu was making a fuss, but luckily the guards at the city gate knew that Li Wenxuan recognized Mingzhu, so they didn't stop him anymore, and Li Wenxuan entered the city smoothly.

When they arrived at the Marshal's Mansion, Jin Wushu was not in the mansion, nor were the members of Yanyun Eighteen Riders. Li Wenxuan asked the housekeeper to explain that he had already captured Yan Chang. The housekeeper was shocked and stared at Li Wenxuan. Seeing that the corpse was undoubtedly Wan Yanchang, he was overjoyed, and hurried out of the city to report to Wan Yanchang, while Li Wenxuan changed his clothes, and then went to Tie Linger, telling her not to do anything. I was worried about what happened last night, and I was also afraid that there would be chaos in the city from the rest of Wan Yanchang's party, so that Tie Linger could be well protected, but when Li Wenxuan arrived in the backyard, he saw that there were already layers of heavy guards outside, so he knew that he It's too much to worry about.

After about an hour, Zhuiyue heard the steward's report and returned home. Seeing that the person Li Wenxuan brought back was really Wan Yanchang, he was also very happy, and kept saying: "Great contribution! Great contribution! Hahaha !" Then he told Li Wenxuan to rest well, and he himself asked the guards to collect Wan Yanchang's body, and returned to Jin Wushu.

After this major event, the marshal's mansion was quiet for most of the day. It was not until night that Jin Wushu brought everyone back to the mansion, and at the same time brought an imperial edict written by He Shi himself, saying that it was the beginning of this rebellion. Li Wenxuan was fearless in battle. He ran thousands of miles to capture Wan Yanchang, made great contributions, and rewarded him with countless gold, silver and jewels.As for the lives of Dragon Gun Chasing the Moon and the others, they were all mentioned, and each had a reward, but no matter who it was, it was not as rich as what Li Wenxuan got last time.It’s just a little surprising that other people have been promoted to more or less official titles, and the imperial decree of the assassin did not mention that Li Wenxuan should be appointed an official. Many people are puzzled by this, but Jin Wushu and a few others are He understood very well that if Li Wenxuan was given an official position, he would probably not be willing to be an official. At that time, the imperial decree might not reward him, but would cause a lot of embarrassment. It would be better to give more gold and silver.

Another point that Li Wenxuan didn't understand was that Atu, Agui, and Yanyun Eighteen Riders were all included in the scope of rewards, but there was one pearl missing that was not mentioned. Li Wenxuan asked Zhuiyue Only then did I know that Mingzhu left the camp to give Li Wenxuan a sword without authorization when the rebel army was pressing down on the formation. She violated the military order first. AWOL to find Li Wenxuan.After these two incidents were investigated, Mingzhu was responsible for a lot of crimes, and Jin Wushu even pleaded guilty for Mingzhu, but fortunately he and the emperor and Princess Yilan spoke well for Mingzhu, so he was spared punishment.

Knowing the reason for this, Li Wenxuan secretly sighed, knowing where Mingzhu's dusty body came from when he saw Mingzhu at the city gate.

After receiving the imperial decree, some people carried all kinds of rewards to the courtyard of the commander's mansion. Li Wenxuan took a few pieces of gold and kept them in his arms, and handed over the rest to Tie Ling'er, who didn't want anything.Seeing Li Wenxuan's insistence at last, Wan Yanheng laughed and told Tie Ling'er to accept it first, as if it was to help Li Wenxuan save money for his future wife in advance, Li Wenxuan blushed a lot, and the others laughed, and then Jin Wu Shu set up a celebration banquet, and everyone drank until midnight before leaving.

Although Wan Yanchang was executed, the matter here has not been completely settled. For several days in a row, the people in the Marshal's Mansion were busy, rushing to wipe out the remnants of Wan Yanchang's party. Ke Qing, a disciple of Shu, took advantage of these few days to steal a lot of leisure time, thinking that he would return to the south in a short time, so he talked to Tie Ling'er every day.

This day Li Wenxuan went to look for Tie Ling'er again, but accidentally saw Mingzhu who had been out of the way for several days. When Li Wenxuan saw Mingzhu, thinking of all the things before, his heart felt like being scratched by a kitten. Slip, but these two women are sharp-eyed, after Tie Ling'er coughed, Li Wenxuan had to sit aside.

Tie Ling'er saw Li Wenxuan's expression in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Wenxuan, I heard that you snatched a BMW from Wan Yanchang when you chased him a few days ago, didn't you?"

After Li Wenxuan brought Wan Yanchang's horse back, he tied it to the stable in the backyard. If Tie Linger hadn't mentioned it at this moment, Li Wenxuan would have forgotten about the horse.When Tie Ling'er suddenly mentioned this matter, Li Wenxuan nodded in agreement.

Tie Ling'er said to Mingzhu again: "Sister, didn't your mount be killed by those rebels a few days ago? How about I ask our younger brother to give you that horse?"

Seeing Tie Linger say "our younger brother", Li Wenxuan shook his head secretly, always thinking that the fact that Ming Zhu's birthday was several hours older than his own was because the two of them were playing tricks on him together.

Ming Zhu was originally Zheng Huan who was joking with Tie Ling'er, but when she saw Li Wenxuan appearing, she lowered her head and didn't say a word, her expression was even worse than Li Wenxuan's.

Why Mingzhu was unhappy, Li Wenxuan probably knew all about it, and thinking of Mingzhu risking to send him a weapon that night, he was also moved, especially after knowing that Mingzhu was almost punished for it, he didn’t say anything these days. But she was always thinking about her in his heart, and he said immediately: "Okay, there is also that black horse, which seems to be very spiritual. If Miss Mingzhu likes it, you can pick any of these two horses."

Tie Ling'er smiled and nodded, but Ming Zhu muttered softly: "It's not rare..."

Li Wenxuan coughed and laughed dryly, not much to say, Tie Ling'er seemed to disappear, and said: "Wenxuan, you really made a big splash in Qiutian hunting, ah, I really didn't expect your kung fu to be so powerful now , I think when we were twelve or thirteen years old, sometimes you couldn't even beat me."

Li Wenxuan grimaced, and said, "It's the same now, Wenxuan still can't beat my sister."

Tie Ling'er smiled sweetly and said, "Why don't you show me your skills?"

Li Wenxuan immediately agreed, and was about to stand up and dance with his sword, but Tie Ling'er said again: "You practice all by yourself, no matter how hot you fight, I can't tell how good your swordsmanship is, why don't you fight with me?" How about my Mingzhu sister fighting in this yard?"

Without waiting for Li Wenxuan to agree, Mingzhu immediately said: "Okay!" Then she showed the golden knife hidden behind her.

Seeing this, Li Wenxuan felt very strange, guessing that the two sisters probably planned it in advance, otherwise Ming Zhu would talk to Tie Ling'er, why would she still carry a weapon with her?But at this point, Li Wenxuan could only agree, and then stood still in the yard, waiting to fight Mingzhu.

Tie Ling'er looked at the two of them with a smile, thinking about her thoughts.Ming Zhu was not happy or angry, Li Wenxuan forced himself to be calm, and according to the rules of martial arts competitions in the world, he clasped his fists to signal Ming Zhu, but unexpectedly Ming Zhu didn't even say hello, and while Li Wenxuan clasped his fists, he slapped the shining golden blade It was right in front of Li Wenxuan's forehead.

Li Wenxuan was startled, caught off guard and hurriedly backed away, repeatedly shouting: "It's so dangerous, so dangerous."Taking a sneak peek at Tie Ling'er along the way, seeing her smiling happily, he was even more puzzled, but seeing Mingzhu attacking aggressively again, with a desperate posture, Li Wenxuan didn't dare to neglect, and immediately showed his sword welcome.

Mingzhu looked fiercely, but Li Wenxuan was defending eight out of ten moves. However, Li Wenxuan's fifth move after Mingzhu's strong attack had moved back to a disadvantage, but he didn't want to overwhelm Mingzhu, so even though Li Wenxuan was defending everywhere, As long as a killer move is made, Mingzhu's position is often disrupted.

After twenty moves, Li Wenxuan touched Mingzhu's chest with a sword, and said, "Miss Mingzhu, I have won."

Li Wenxuan thought that once the result came out, he would give up, but unexpectedly, Mingzhu knocked the long sword to the side, and said: "Let's compete again!" Then continued to attack Li Wenxuan.

After a stick of incense, Li Wenxuan has hit Mingzhu's vital points six times in a row, but Mingzhu has been defeated and defeated repeatedly, and has no intention of giving up.Tie Ling'er watched from the side and shook her head, hating her younger brother for being incomprehensible, for not knowing how to pity and cherish jade, and not knowing how to give way to Mingzhu when fighting against Mingzhu.

The contest between Mingzhu and Li Wenxuan today was indeed an idea that the two of them pondered together. Mingzhu thought that Li Wenxuan always ignored her, so she wanted to use Tie Linger to beat Li Wenxuan. By the way, you can also put on a tolerant attitude after winning, so that Li Wenxuan will not dare to underestimate himself.

Tie Ling'er has 120 support for Ming Zhu's thoughts, and Tie Ling'er loves him, the girl she recognizes, and Ming Zhu also has some life-saving grace for Tie Ling'er, so Tie Ling'er is naturally She focused on Mingzhu, and thought that if Mingzhu could be with Li Wenxuan, then Li Wenxuan would most likely stay here with her, and could not shout to return to the south, so the woman's mind hit it off, but Li Wenxuan didn't cooperate at all. A big kill came to Mingzhu.

Li Wenxuan, who was angry with two women, didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, but he was a little wronged, because Li Wenxuan saw Mingzhu's aggressiveness, and he did everything he could with every move. Although he deliberately showed his flaws to let Mingzhu win a few games, he didn't dare to I'm afraid that Mingzhu will use too much force, and he will fail to make a move, but Mingzhu will splash blood on the spot instead, that would be extremely bad.Hence Li Wenxuan's repeated victories, when he restrained Mingzhu for the seventh time, Mingzhu couldn't stand him anymore, angrily stomped her feet, covered her face and ran, seeming to cry along the way.Tie Ling'er also let out a long sigh, and followed the maid back to the house, leaving Li Wenxuan there alone, at a loss.

On the second day of this embarrassing competition, a distinguished guest suddenly came to the Marshal's Mansion. After a brief greeting, the guest went straight to Li Wenxuan's bedroom. It's a tie, Li Wenxuan hurriedly saluted and said, "I've seen—"

Before Li Wenxuan finished speaking, He Ci stepped forward and grabbed him, saying: "I treat you as a friend, and I came here specially to see you. If you are polite to me like this, then you will be out of touch and want to drive me away." what."

Seeing He Ci's frankness, Li Wenxuan put away those etiquette, sat down with He Ci, and asked: "I don't know why the emperor... Brother He Ci suddenly came to see me?"

He Ci said: "I heard that you are going to return to the south recently? Is it true?"

Li Wenxuan nodded and said: "It's true, it's been several months since I went north this time, and I miss you very much in my heart. I plan to leave in two days. I originally wanted to say goodbye to Brother He Shi, but I just thought of your daily affairs. Little things... we have to let it go."

He Ci pondered for a while, and said: "A few days ago, I was ambushed by the thief Wan Yanchang, and finally I was able to defeat the enemy and return to Shangjing. Among them, you should be the first one, and I only rewarded you with some gold and silver, but not Do you know why you were granted an official position?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Because... because I am from Song Dynasty."

He Ji shook his head and said: "No, no... because He Ji and you are friends, and you can talk about thousands of words, but the emperor is different. You are an official here, but your official position has been sealed by the imperial decree, so how should you deal with yourself? Is it possible to make you hate me?"

Li Wenxuan had already thought about the reason for this time before, and said, "Thank you Brother He for being considerate for me."

He Ci said again: "However, the emperor's imperial decree cannot grant you an official position, but today He Ci wants to ask, Li Wenxuan, are you really not allowed to stay?"

Li Wenxuan was silent for a long time, and said: "Brother Heba, you are a good emperor and a good friend. In the battle at Akita Siege, I was there to help my friend, not to help the emperor. If Brother Heba has something to say, Wenxuan can go through fire and water without asking for anything in return, but even if he is entrusted with ten thousand gold, Wenxuan will hardly work for the Kingdom of Jin, so please forgive me."

After Li Wenxuan spoke, his voice trembled slightly, and his ears were piercing. Knowing that his intentions were determined, he sighed, then laughed, and said, "I knew I was going to run into trouble with you, but I still couldn't bear it." I have to ask the last question, otherwise, I will be unwilling."

Li Wenxuan also loved this foreign friend very much in his heart, and he heard a lot of sentimentality in He Ci's voice, but thinking of the righteousness, he couldn't help being emotional, but he didn't know what to say.

He Ci paused for a moment, then said again: "But...But I have one embarrassing thing right now, I hope you can help me again."

Li Wenxuan didn't think much, and asked directly: "I don't know what Brother He Ci said?"

He Ci said: "As you know, I have a sister, Princess Yilan. Yesterday I discussed with all the ministers in the court, and decided to betroth Yilan to Ke Lie on the western grassland in the next few days. I was sweating profusely, alas, but Yilan... refused, after I persuaded her in every possible way, she finally let go, but she asked for your escort by name!"

(End of this chapter)

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