Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 448 The Mysterious Old Daoist

Chapter 448 The Mysterious Old Daoist
The barracks stood upright on the mountainside, just cutting off the passage up and down the mountain. If you want to go down the mountain, this is the place you must pass through.Seeing that there are a lot of tents in it, Li Wenxuan made a rough estimate, the number of sergeants in the camp is probably over 500 to [-].

Ordinarily, there should be a lot of soldiers patrolling around this barracks of more than 1000 people even at night, and they are facing Li Wenxuan and Mingzhu today. Although their enemies are only two people, these two people are They have suffered a lot, and they should be more vigilant, but the looseness of this camp is obvious, there are only a few guards scattered outside, standing there listlessly, like scarecrows, so this camp is in the thick of night. It seemed very quiet, and it also made the autumn night on the grassland look extraordinarily cold. If it weren't for the bonfires lit by the night watch soldiers who were waiting to change shifts in the camp, who would have thought of the bonfires on the wasteland from a distance? In a small mountain that was originally inconspicuous, in just a few days, it has experienced many ups and downs, and many people have been buried in a foreign land?
There were seven or eight Xixia soldiers sitting at the bonfire, and everyone surrounded the youngest soldier, who seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. The young soldier seemed a little unaccustomed to being looked around by everyone, and his face was a little shy. He coughed lightly, then hummed softly:

"My mother in my hometown,
in the clothes you sewed,
The wilderness in the northern part of the country does not suffer from the north wind.

Girl from my hometown,

My brother is thousands of miles away,
I also have you in my heart,
Don't forget about your brother..."

The ballad seemed to be his native accent, the young man's voice was slightly hoarse, and the lyrics of the ballad were plain and plain, but under the young man's voice, and on this cold autumn night, Akimoto was so sad, and now it made people feel all the more emotional, those people The tall and thick men who were joking and joking all fell silent for a moment, and their minds seemed to have returned to the distant place, to the home in the distant place, probably no matter who is in the autumn leaves, they will be nostalgic for the warmth at home, right?

Li Wenxuan was able to inquire about the news, but he did not expect to see this scene by accident. Now that he and Mingzhu are married, there is always a grudge in his heart, that is, if Song and Jin really start fighting again, what should they do with Mingzhu?Seeing the looks of those Xixia soldiers, I couldn't help feeling a sudden emotion in my heart, whether it was the Song Dynasty or the Jin Dynasty, and the Xixia soldiers in front of me, why bother to fight and fight endlessly for years?Over the years, the heroes of the past have long been buried in the loess, but today's heroes are still going forward.

Those people let their people use flesh and blood to pave the way for the territory that did not belong to them. If they win, they will stand on the high platform built of corpses, pay homage to God, and announce it to the world.However, those who died fighting for him would never have such a beautiful scene, and they never even thought about it. What accompanied them was only a handful of loess after their death on the battlefield.Their family members may receive tens of taels of silver for settlement, a few cattle and sheep, and a few acres of Susukida because of their sacrifice on the battlefield, but what is the use of these things?There is no backbone in the family, and there are only a few women left. In the future, it will inevitably lead to a fate of being bullied and crying in front of the cold stove every night.There are also countless unfortunate people who drank blood on the battlefield, but they couldn't even keep their names, and turned into lonely ghosts.

It will be a success!

But this is a victory, what if it loses?Then there is boundless hatred, not between one or two people, but between two countries and nations. Countless bloody Erlang want to avenge their relatives and friends. They want to use blood to conquer each other and bring What followed was endless fighting, and more and more people between the two sides were either encouraged by others or blindly followed, and they all fell into this vicious circle of fighting. More and more lives were lost, but they were still unable to extricate themselves.

Among them, the most miserable ones are the Xixia soldiers in front of them. They are fighting for the sake of not fighting, because they know that the Kingdom of Jin will take action in the near future, so they have to do it in advance. In fact, who among these soldiers would be born to want to fight? ?The same is true for Li Wenxuan. He was originally at odds with these Xixia soldiers, but now he has no choice but to be put on the cusp of the limelight. Facing these Xixia soldiers, he is not a bloodthirsty and stupid person. In order to save Su Qingxue, Li Wenxuan broke into the Fuzhou Bodyguard Agency alone in a rage, and injured dozens of people in a row.Afterwards, Li Wenxuan couldn't bear to hurt people's lives for no reason anymore, but he managed several times on the battlefield, but he had to do that when things came to an end, because if you don't kill him, he will kill you. On the battlefield, the most docile lamb It will also be fiercer than jackals.

With emotion again and again, Li Wenxuan, who was blown by a gust of autumn wind, shrank his neck and got up again.

Now that Wu Youdao's false alarm had occurred, I was afraid that there were many dangers waiting for him on the mountainside. Even though the camp was right in front of him, Li Wenxuan naturally did not dare to rush there. That Wu Youdao Although he was beheaded by his own sword, it was his own carelessness after all. If the two of them fought face to face, Li Wenxuan thought that if he was not injured, he would have to beat him with thirty moves.

This is already the case for Wu Youdao, but what is even more terrifying is the person behind him. Since that person dared to set a trap to ambush him, he must not be easy to deal with.

There is a saying that knowing yourself and your enemy is invincible in a hundred battles. Now the opponent knows Li Wenxuan, but Li Wenxuan knows nothing about his opponent. Naturally, he is a failure, and he dare not be careless.

When Li Wenxuan was about 20 feet in front of the big camp, he jumped into a pile of rocks not far away. The stones here were scattered and disorderly, and the big ones could be more than ten feet high. It was night again. , as long as no one walked in to take a closer look, it was indeed an excellent hiding place.

Looking in the direction from when he came, the fire that had just started was burning even more vigorously, and a smile appeared on Li Wenxuan's face.Soon, the soldiers on the hillside started to move, and there was commotion in the originally quiet barracks. From a distance, groups of Xixia soldiers ran out of the tents. Holding the weapon, there was no panic after waking up suddenly.

Li Wenxuan thought to himself, these Xixia soldiers really had been prepared for a long time.

The Xixia soldiers in the battalion lined up and stood by. A team of 20 people had already searched for the fire on the mountainside. Seeing them passing by not far from him, Li Wenxuan didn't care, just stared at the barracks intently, looking for the Mysterious figure.

However, Li Wenxuan was a little disappointed. Although there was movement in the barracks, there was only one person who looked like a lieutenant walking back and forth in front of the people. There was no person who looked like a general, and there was no abnormality in anyone.

Li Wenxuan is not in a hurry, this time he came down the mountain and heard the words from Wu Youdao, and he has gained a lot. As for the golden man, even if Li Wenxuan can see him today, the current situation cannot tolerate it. Li Wenxuan attacked him.

After about a stick of incense, some of the people who had been sent out to inquire about the news came back, and they did not report to the lieutenant general, but went directly to the central army tent. As for what they were talking about, Li Wenxuan also knew, naturally It was the news of Wu Youdao's death.

Soon, a silver-armored general came out of the tent of the Chinese army. His beard was already grey. It seemed that he was not young. He probably was that General Hu Yanlei, Hu Yanlei.

When Hu Yanlei got out of the big tent, his expression was a little dignified, and he walked quickly. The deputy general seemed to want to say something to him, but Hu Yanlei waved his hand and went directly to a smaller place next to the big tent. Go to the tent.

This General Huyan is not young, since he can show such nervousness at this time, it seems that Wu Youdao's death has shocked this General Huyan a lot.

Hu Yanlei entered the camp, and within a few sentences, an old man in green robes and Taoist attire rushed out of the tent, with a long sword hanging from his waist, ignoring Hu Yanlei waving and shouting behind him, his figure fluttered towards the mountain The group of flames on the road rushed over.

When the green-robed Taoist priest came out, Li Wenxuan just saw his figure familiar, but as the green-robed Taoist priest went up the mountain, the distance between the two became closer and closer, until the face was faintly visible, Li Wenxuan felt his heart skip a beat, covered in cold sweat Cen Cen, secretly startled: "It's not good! How could it be him!"

It turned out that this green-robed Taoist priest was an expert that Li Wenxuan knew in Xixia. The two fought twice, the first time Li Wenxuan hated him for kidnapping his closest relatives, and used his desperate fight to force this person back. The second time Li Wenxuan took advantage of BMW's help.This green-robed Taoist is the old Taoist Juechen who entered the marshal's mansion at night, assassinated Jin Wushu, and then competed with Li Wenxuan for the golden sword at the Qiutian hunting.

The Taoist Juechen was originally a disciple of Wanyanchang, but when Wanyanchang was making trouble, Li Wenxuan was worried that he would bump into this Taoist priest, but later got the news that the old Taoist priest and Wanyanchang had a quarrel for some reason. Then he really went away, that's why Li Wenxuan didn't meet this hard nail. Otherwise, if he was there, it would be hard to say what would happen that night.

Speaking of this veteran Juechen, Li Wenxuan respects and hates him at the same time. Although Li Wenxuan took advantage of Li Wenxuan in the previous two fights, Li Wenxuan took advantage of both times. If it wasn't for Juechen's bad luck, the two met Under the competition, it is still unknown how to win or lose.Juechen is a bit older, but his swordsmanship is really good. Li Wenxuan's kung fu has reached the current level, and he has encountered too few opponents. Seeing such an opponent, he is also a martial arts senior, and he will inevitably be in awe. However, this Juechen held Tie Ling'er hostage and worked for Wan Yanchang, which touched the bottom line of Li Wenxuan's heart.

These Xixia soldiers are already extremely difficult to deal with, and out of nowhere, a Juechen veteran who is comparable to Li Wenxuan's swordsmanship has appeared out of nowhere. Li Wenxuan is injured, isn't this a terrible thing?

Looking at Juechen's figure, Li Wenxuan was troubled in his heart. If he and Mingzhu met face to face, it would be a disaster.Seeing that old Taoist Juechen was getting closer, Li Wenxuan held his breath, and hid his body tightly against the stone wall, not daring to make a sound.

With the grief on Juechen's face, Li Wenxuan can conclude that the relationship between Juechen and Wu Youdao is probably not simple, otherwise how could he be so panicked that he can't even talk to Hu Yanlei?

While Li Wenxuan was thinking about it, Juechen was no more than five feet away from his hiding place. At this moment, Juechen, who had been rushing up the mountain, suddenly stopped, and his speeding figure suddenly paused. Li Wenxuan was watching in the dark. My heart almost jumped into my throat, and I was so surprised, I hid it so tightly, could he also feel where I am?
In the panic, Li Wenxuan had already held the Qingshuang Sword, as long as the old Taoist approached to investigate, Li Wenxuan had no choice but to go all out and give him a sword. That way, there might be some chances of winning. Li Wenxuan will only be beaten if he makes a move.

Juechen stood there for a moment, his eyes slightly closed, his brows fixed in thought, and at the same time Huyanlei chased after him with hundreds of soldiers.Hu Yanlei bowed to Juechen and said, "Master Daoist, I don't know what to do right now, please show me!"

Li Wenxuan is not far from them, so these words are naturally true. It is said that Huyanlei is a dignified veteran, and when he rounded up Princess Yilan this time, he led more than [-] troops. It is reasonable to say that he is also an important figure in the Xixia crew. But how could he be so respectful to this old Taoist priest?Li Wenxuan felt that there must be a lot of articles in it, so he pricked up his ears, for fear of missing a word.

Juechen remained silent. After a while, when he opened his eyes, his eyes were already reddish. Seeing this, Hu Yanlei also sighed, and said: "Ling Gaotu is very talented, and he will definitely be able to carry forward the Taoist master's school in the future." , Now that I was murdered by an adulterer and suffered such a disaster, I also feel sad for the Taoist priest, but I also ask the Taoist priest to mourn and change, and don't get angry."

Juechen waved his hand lightly, with a look of helplessness on his face. It seems that Wu Youdao's death has dealt a heavy blow to him. Compared with the appearance of a fairy when he was fighting swords with Li Wenxuan in Akita Wai Hunting, now he is instantly aged After a long time, his voice was a little hoarse, and he said: "My apprentice is a talent from the sky. I have seen countless people in my life. In terms of talent, no one can surpass my apprentice. It's just that Xiao He is successful and Xiao He is defeated. His talent Gao Ben was a good thing, but it also harmed him. Before he finished his studies, he regarded the heroes of the world as nothing. I have warned him several times to be careful about this matter. The people on the mountain are by no means easy people, but he He still couldn't listen to him, but instead he became a competitive person, otherwise... otherwise, with his attainments, even if he can't win, he will never be so ignorant, alas!" The old Taoist Juechen said finally, regardless There were many Xixia soldiers present at the scene, and they were already crying and inexplicably distressed. Even Li Wenxuan sighed when he saw it in the dark. Unexpectedly, this old Taoist priest is also a kind-hearted person.

Hu Yanlei was by the side, just nodded repeatedly, none of the soldiers dared to make a noise when they saw the old priest weeping, the reverence of the crowd was all written on their faces, after a long while, seeing the absolute Daoist Chen's expression recovered slightly, and Hu Yanlei asked tentatively, "Master Dao, I have sent someone to look at the body of the guardian, but it's just the current situation, what should I do next, please tell me what to do next."

The old Taoist Juechen wiped away his tears, listened to Hu Yanlei's question, and then remembered to suppress his grief, his face became more and more cold, and he said word by word: "Search! Search for me! Don't ask people to go up the mountain, just start here From the beginning, I have been searching towards the camp! Today I will make him pay for my disciple's life!"

Hu Yanlei was about to give orders, but he was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Master Dao, you mean to search our camp from here? What's the matter... why is that person here? Shouldn't we search the mountain? "

Juechen sneered, and said: "Since he came down the mountain, he either wanted to break out of the siege in the dark, or came down to inquire about news. It is said that after a murder, he should hide his whereabouts whether he advances or retreats, but he set a fire. Lead us out, you said, what is he trying to do?"

Hu Yanlei pondered for a moment, and said in shock, "You mean he lured us out on purpose?" Immediately after, the old man blushed, he didn't expect such a simple truth. It was too embarrassing to correct him, so he immediately ordered the soldiers in the camp to guard the mountain overnight. In addition to Xia Juechen's request, Huyanlei also expanded the search area to the mountain.

Everything that Hu Yanlei said was properly ordered, and the soldiers under him took their orders immediately, and dispersed in all directions. Li Wenxuan's forehead was covered with sweat. What should I do?

However, Li Wenxuan was lucky. When these soldiers started searching, because Li Wenxuan was not far from Huyanlei and Juechen, or because they saw the two big men looking unfriendly, they all wanted to run away quickly. Or because there are two big figures in town, the traitors on the mountain will definitely not be here, so Li Wenxuan is within easy reach, but no one came here to look for him, just scaring him enough.

Seeing that the order was in order, Hu Yanlei said: "Master Dao, the night is heavy and foggy, please go back to the camp to rest earlier, the soldiers sent out to search all have arrows, as long as they find the message of that person, they will definitely use it The sound of the arrow is the sign, then just ask the Taoist priest to go up and get the person."

Juechen shook his head, that person's methods are extraordinary, if he wants to hide, even if he is close at hand, these people under your command may not be able to find out, let's go tonight in a seasoned way!After Juechen finished speaking, before Huyanlei could answer, the moment his figure moved, he was already several feet away.

Huyanlei was also relieved to send the old Taoist away. The old Taoist is highly skilled in martial arts, and it is not a big deal to stay awake, but Huyanlei is much worse than him. He is not willing to travel all over the mountains. He did what Juechen said, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. In the middle of the night, on such a big mountain, how easy is it to find someone?

Hu Yanlei took two steps towards the camp with his people when he heard Juechen's voice behind him: "Please general, please bury my apprentice on this mountain. The green grassland is ten thousand feet high, and Bi Cang mountain is thousands of feet. Do not humiliate him!"

(End of this chapter)

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