Chapter 477 No.80 Seven Solicitations
"Do you want to separate the Kelie tribe from Jin and Xixia, and no longer be restrained by anyone from now on, or do you become the real master of this grassland?" Li Wenxuan said slowly. He asked slowly, with a hint of probing in his tone. After all, there are hundreds of tribes on the grassland. Although the Kret tribe is the most powerful one, only the tribes that are relatively close to him surrender to him. , a little farther away, even though they are not as strong as him, several tribes are united together, but they are not afraid of the Kelei tribe. The relationship between the many tribes on the grassland is also very delicate, and the leaders of each tribe have a long relationship. Marriage to each other, the separation and reunion, the relationship is very unclear, so, no matter who, let alone a mere Kelei tribe, even if it is the Jin Kingdom or Xixia, they want to surrender all the tribes Next, it is not an easy task. Looking at the past few hundred years, there is no one who wants to dominate the grassland, but from the beginning to the end, no one has been able to do it.

When Yetai was talking before, his expression was always indifferent. Only when he talked about his father and brother, he probably felt that he had done a little too much, and he felt a little regretful. Most of the other times, he was still very calm, but When Li Wenxuan said the words "Master of the Grassland", it was like a strong medicine. Yetai's eyes suddenly lit up, his body trembled twice, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to interrupt Li Wenxuan's words , but then he failed to speak out. Instead, he coughed violently twice, and his face turned red, like a person suffering from tuberculosis. It seemed that he was a little out of breath. Li Wenxuan could see that, Even if Yetai wasn't consumptive, he must have a lung disease, so he was offered a cup of tea to make him feel better, but Yetai waved his hand slightly, lying half prone on the small desk, with one hand Supporting the table vigorously, carrying the weight of the body, the other hand took out a small bottle from his bosom, poured out some black powder, immediately filled his mouth with tea and the powder, and closed his eyes to rest for about a while After drinking a cup of tea, my complexion returned to normal, and I didn’t see any more coughing, so I slowly opened my eyes and sighed: “This problem has been with me since I can remember. It's nothing more than my life, but now it's not alive, it's so embarrassing, I'm afraid it will make you two laugh at me today."

Naturally, Li Wenxuan and Mingzhu would not have any wrong opinion of him because of these trivial matters. On the contrary, this person is seriously ill. If it were someone else, he might have stayed at home safely and stayed for a while longer. Even for a few days, this man was sickly and single-mindedly thinking about the big plan on the grassland. Now the two dare not underestimate Yetai. Although he is only a seemingly loser in the tribal struggle, other The power in his hands and his own ambitions cannot be treated as a loser no matter what. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call this kind of person a reckless tyrant.

Yetai continued: "Just now what Li Shaoxia said is right, what I want to do is to subdue these large and small tribes on the grassland, thousands of miles of grassland, hundreds of tribes, and millions of people. We have always been bullied, the Jin people and the Xixia people. They beat us up and scolded us, and even sent troops to seize our cattle and sheep. As for the Song people, the Song people dare not come to win, but the big The merchants in Song Dynasty are the most abominable. They deceive the people of our grasslands that they don’t know how to do business. They buy ginseng, snow lotus, antlers, and many other things from us for less than one tenth of the price. The huge profits of several times are returned to the hands. If from now on, many tribes on our grassland become their own country, with our own official system and government, then we will no longer be made things difficult by the Jin and Xixia, and the Song Dynasty Without being deceived by merchants, the millions of people on the grasslands can live a good life of our own."

Li Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't know what to say for a moment. This person's ambition is really too great. He wants to build a country. How many of these things are easier said than done?This kind of thing is something Li Wenxuan dared not even think about, but if the prairie tribes that Yetai said are always bullied and deceived by others, these are also true, and it is useless to use the stall that Li Wenxuan set up for a while during the day , and exchanged a little bit of salt for dozens of high-quality leathers. If these leathers were brought to the Central Plains and sold, they would cost hundreds of taels of silver. People on the grassland are not bullied, so his methods may be a bit unflattering, but doing such a thing that benefits the people, using conspiracy to kill fathers and brothers, although these methods are shameless, but the share of doing The motives of great events are also worthy of admiration.Looking at Mingzhu, he felt that for Yetai, he could no longer be described by simple terms of right, wrong, good and evil, so he had to say tactfully: "Your Excellency has great ambitions in his chest, and I, a reckless person like me, can guess it. I really dare not say more."

"Jianghu grass?" Yetai laughed loudly, and said: "A few months ago, I might have really regarded you as a Jianghu grass, but now... definitely not, there are some things you may not know, and you can't do it now." Maybe you have already vaguely guessed something, but you still can’t believe it. That’s all, it’s okay to talk about it. In fact, during the time I was seeing a doctor in the Central Plains, most of the time was spent traveling around and searching for news, because I want to recruit talents from all over the world to help me achieve great things. As for Li Shaoxia, I have heard of your reputation a long time ago, but at the time I just thought that you are a good martial artist. If you have the opportunity, it might be good to be my bodyguard. I didn’t care much about it, but since the Kingdom of Jin besieged Chuzhou with heavy troops, you led the two girls all the way into the city, and then led the troops to break through the formation, cut the commander’s flag, and stabbed the Golden Wushu three times, forcing the Kingdom of Jin to retreat. , I began to pay attention to you, but at that time I was still traveling in the north, and I suffered from no chance to meet you, and... To be honest, you were only a master at that time, how many things happened in Chuzhou? There is also some suspicion of coincidence, you are not considered a first-class talent, so I just called people's attention to your matter, and I didn't move too much to solicit for a while, but it is a pity that after all the things that happened in Shangjing, since then I can conclude that Li Shaoxia must be a general, and when you and Miss Mingzhu guarding Princess Yilan are besieged by Xixia soldiers, I thought that Li Shaoxia's two thousand soldiers, including you and the princess, would all be captured by Xixia People captured him, but unexpectedly Li Shaoxia was able to ask the princess to break out with more than 200 people when he led the army for the first time. No wonder Li Shaoxia you, it can only be said that bad luck, as for you and Miss Mingzhu, if you hadn't met Zali's ambush, you would never have been trapped on the lonely mountain."

When Yetai said this, his eyebrows were beaming, his face was flushed, and he was obviously very excited, only to hear him continue: "When I learn about these things about you, I will immediately send someone to help you out of trouble, at any price. We even planned to assassinate Hu Yanlei, no matter what, let you escape the siege of the Xixia soldiers alive, but Li Shaoxia and Miss Mingzhu were hiding in the mountains too well, my people went up the mountain secretly several times, and lost several good hands , but I still can't have the opportunity to meet the two of you. It's really a pity, and I'm also very sorry. The news I received said that the two of you broke out unexpectedly, and caused Hu Yanlei's soldiers to suffer a great loss. They besieged you two for half a month, but they lost countless soldiers and generals. This is really... really too unexpected Unexpectedly, too much criticism. The person who came to report to me has no way of finding out the whereabouts of the two, but I can conclude that both of them are people who value love and loyalty. Without the whereabouts of the princess, they will never return to the Kingdom of Jin alone. Now Xixia There is no news of the princess there yet. After the two break through, they will definitely come to my Ministry of Kret to inquire about the news. I immediately sent someone to search for all the strangers in the tribe. For the two who pretended to be merchants, but it was inconvenient for me to meet for a while. After I learned that the two were going to visit the captured soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin, I asked Mu Chuan and others to help them secretly. Too many, I really have good intentions here."

At this time, Li Wenxuan could no longer express his shock in his heart. Thinking of his actions over the past six months, Ye Tai had seen all his actions clearly, even though he had not done anything to himself so far. Unfavorable things, but for this person's means and scheming, it is impossible to make people feel jealous.

Li Wenxuan waved his hand slightly and said: "In this way, Li Wenxuan thanked you."

Yetai waved his hand, then smiled and said: "I know that Li Shaoxia knows quite a few outstanding people. The marshals of the Song and Jin Dynasties all have friendship with Li Shaoxia. It is absolutely easy for Li Shaoxia to get an official position. , However, although this can gain power, it will inevitably feel like being under the fence, so... I want Li Shaoxia and Miss Mingzhu to help me in the future. Here, no one will say anything about the relationship between the two It is not, and, you and I fight the world together, and you will be my hero in the founding of the country in the future. The glory is not given to you by me, but earned by you with your own ability and strength , when the time comes, thousands of people will admire him, and the respect of status will definitely not be compared with the mere rewards he received in Jin Kingdom or Great Song Dynasty, how about Li Shaoxia?"

Li Wenxuan and Mingzhu already knew Yetai's intention to solicit, but they were still a little surprised by Yetai's way of soliciting. In fact, his strength is not very strong, and the benefits he can give for a while are limited, but he has found another way, using fame such as the founding of the country to win over, although it seems like empty talk at first glance, but compared to the wild It is not absolutely impossible for Taiwan to handle the affairs of the Ministry of Kret and its means. If it is a person who is keen on fame, Yetai's move is not without temptation.

After all the talking, Li Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief when he finally talked about the key point of Yetai, because every sentence of Yetai was like an invisible sword, gun and sword, and his mind could not be relaxed at all, and now he said it The main topic, on the contrary, allows people to let go of many burdens.

Li Wenxuan looked back at Mingzhu's expression first, and saw that his new wife's face was still as calm as water, without any waves, but when he looked at it, there was a little smile in his eyes, and Li Wenxuan squeezed her. He winked, then smiled, and said: "Your Excellency has such great ambitions, I really admire it, but Wenxuan was born on the banks of the Lushui River, and he is used to seeing those rivers and mountains. Although the grasslands are vast, they are incomparable In fact, when I left Shangjing this time, many things had already been decided. After escorting Princess Yilan, I will return to Jiangnan and love my hometown. Please understand. As for what I said The matter of Mingzhu will be criticized by the world, and this is not a big problem. In the whole world, not to mention me, a small person, even the princes of the palace, how many gossips and slanders are there? Right and wrong slander, just leave it to them. I only want a light boat and a long pole to be released on the river, or ferry to help others, or make a net to catch fish. I am at leisure and have trouble with others? I might spare his life this time, if there is a second time, I don't care if his reputation is good or bad, I will cut him under the sword, and then sink to the bottom of the torrential river, let this ignorant Man never sees the sun! Maybe you want to ask, am I not afraid that there are heavens and people outside the sky? Hehe, to be honest, in the eyes of ordinary martial artists, there may be an exact person, but in my eyes, For example, Master Zijing, Mingzhu's father, Dan Qingzi, the head of Qingcheng, Yun Zhongxing, the former head of the Fuzhou Bodyguard Bureau, the head of the Dongting Water Gang, and the Taoist leader Juechen from Xixia not long ago, These people are all first-class outstanding figures, and they are all at the peak of martial arts attainments. However, if we really want to choose a number one among them, I dare say that none of these people is sure to beat the other. Dao, at a certain level, success or failure is no longer just based on the level of cultivation, just like the right time, place and people, any other variable will become the key to success or failure. Junior, I dare not stand shoulder to shoulder with these seniors, but I am confident that with the strength of me and Mingzhu, there may be people in the world who are no match for the two of us, but if the two of us intend to survive, they will never be able to hurt the two of us The soul of life, therefore, thank you for your kindness, and I will not bother you about the two of us."

"Oh. Hehe, is that right, okay, okay, haha!" Yetai looked somewhat regretful, sighed and said: "It's really a pity, I have traveled all over the world over the years, and I have met countless young talents, among whom I am very impressed. Those who are so excited are just two people, one of them is naturally you, Li Shaoxia, and you know the other one."

"I know?" Li Wenxuan tried hard to think about those people who i knew and who might be targeted by Yetai. If what Yetai said was true, then he would have to say hello secretly in the future.

Yetai didn't hold back, and said directly: "The man's surname is Yue Mingyun, he is the son of Marshal Yue of the Great Song Dynasty. This son is just like his father, and he is a rare general. The man is very easy to break."

Li Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief first, since the person Yetai said was Yue Yun, there was nothing to worry about. No matter how ambitious Yetai was, no matter how cunning he was, he would not run to the Yue Family Army to find Yue Yun. Yue Yun was different from himself, he told Yue Yun all these words, and Yue Yun might tie him up and send him to the government office immediately.But later Yetai said that the father and son of the Yue family were very easy to break, but Li Wenxuan felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it, but there was no hostility in the other party's words, and Li Wenxuan couldn't say anything wrong with him, so he had to laugh: "Marshal Yue is from the Song Dynasty. A pillar in the southern sky, for many years against the Jin and Weiguo, has made extraordinary achievements in the world, and the military discipline of the Yue family is strict. They will not demolish houses to death from freezing, and will not plunder to death from starvation. They are deeply loved by the people. I don't believe it."

"Oh, hehe, that's because I said too much, offended, offended. It's just that seeing two such talented people can't help me in front of me, in my heart... I really feel unwilling."

Li Wenxuan smiled and said: "Your Excellency has great ambitions. If you can really achieve great things, the world has its own heroes to vote for, so why bother? Princess Lan is safe, although I can't stay in the Kelei Department now, but... But you rescued Princess Yilan from a dangerous situation, if you can return Princess Yilan, it will be a favor to me, if something happens in the future, If Wenxuan can do what he can, he should help."

"Li Lang!" Mingzhu called Li Wenxuan softly, feeling a little strange in her heart how he could promise Yetai so easily, she knew that after the promise was made, if he really wanted something from Hinotai, Li Wenxuan would be Qianshan Wanli will definitely go, but for a person like Yetai, if he can speak, how can it be easy to talk to him?With Li Wenxuan's promise, I'm afraid he didn't know what kind of hard work he would have to wait for.

Of course, Li Wenxuan knew about the joints, but when Yetai rescued Princess Yilan, it was definitely not out of kindness. He must have wanted to use the princess to make some capital. Maybe he hadn't thought about using the princess to do it at the time. What, but now if you want to get Princess Yilan out of Yetai's hands, you have to give him a sweetener. Otherwise, relying on Yetai's power around the Kelei Department, even if Li Wenxuan took him by force, he If he insisted on refusing to tell the whereabouts of Princess Yilan, there was nothing he could do, and if he was injured or killed, Yetai's subordinates would have countless dead fighters.

(End of this chapter)

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