Chapter 5 Hosta
In the past few days, Pinjian Villa has been busy for Lu Kexin's 16th birthday. Of course, Lu Kexin herself is not idle. She practices martial arts every day, pesters Li Yuankun to make trouble, and then "arranges" all kinds of decorations by herself. It was such a joy.Li Yuankun seemed much more relaxed. Because of Lu Kexin's kick, he didn't need to practice martial arts for the past two days. Apart from having fun with Lu Kexin, he also spent most of his time resting and recuperating in the east courtyard.

There were only two days left before Lu Kexin's birthday, and Li Yuankun's injury was almost healed, so he got up early this day, and when the sky was slightly bright, he left the villa and went to the nearby town.

Li Yuankun knows Lu Kexin's preferences best, and this is no less than Lu Kexin's parents.A few days ago, while practicing swords, Lu Kexin accidentally broke her hairpin. The hairpin was transparent with silver flowers on it. It was a very beautiful hairpin. Lu Kexin was annoyed for several days because of this.So Li Yuankun wanted to borrow Lu Kexin's birthday and buy her a new hairpin. Lu Kexin would be very happy.

When he arrived in the town, Li Yuankun wandered around for a long time, and finally fell in love with a hairpin made of black jade. The jade black was shiny, and there was a row of fine plum blossoms carved on it. It happened that plum blossoms were also planted in the back garden of Pinjian Villa. After wrapping the hairpin, Li Yuankun prepared to rush to the villa. After all, he didn't say hello to his master and wife, so it would be wrong to go back too late.

Most of the things that Situ Ying did when he went to Shaoxing Mansion were delicious food in Shaoxing Mansion and some odds and ends. Dare to delay, hire a carriage and go back.From a distance on the road, he saw a familiar figure from the back, so he drove the carriage forward to see clearly that it was Li Yuankun.

"Junior Brother, why are you here?" Situ Ying asked.

"What a coincidence, isn't it because it's my younger sister's birthday. I went to the town to buy some things, and I didn't want to meet my senior brother here. The senior brother has prepared everything that the master told me." Li Yuankun said.

Situ Ying said again: "Of course I have everything prepared, but there are a few items that are really hard to find. It took a lot of effort, otherwise I would have returned to the villa yesterday. Did the master tell you to buy things in the town? I don't know if you bought them what?"

Li Yuankun chuckled: "To tell the truth, brother, it wasn't arranged by the master. I wanted to prepare something for my younger sister. It's her birthday present." Li Yuankun put his hand deep into his bosom, took out the hairpin wrapped in a brocade handkerchief, and said : "Brother, take a look, do you think the younger sister will like it?"

Situ Ying took the hairpin, opened the brocade handkerchief carefully, looked at the hairpin against the light carefully for a while, and said: "Not bad, not bad, it's a good piece of jade. Give this to my junior sister, and I'm sure I'll calm down." , Wrapped the hairpin again.

Li Yuankun put the hairpin back into his bosom, his face looked quite happy, and said: "Junior Sister has long been angry with me." Li Yuankun told Situ Ying all about Lu Kexin delivering medicine for him that night, and he was very proud.He said again: "Senior brother, I want to take advantage of my junior sister's birthday to propose marriage to master and wife, but I am afraid that master will not agree, alas."

Lu Peng was extremely strict on weekdays, and the disciples below were all obedient and never dared to disagree. The same was true for Situ Ying and Li Yuankun.Therefore, when Li Yuankun thought of proposing marriage, he felt that it was really difficult, so he looked to see if his senior brother had any good ideas.

Situ Ying frowned and said: "You don't have to be too impatient, the younger sister has agreed to you, if you are too hasty, you will be self-defeating. When you find a good time in the future, it's not too late to say it." Situ Ying After thinking for a while, he said: "You need to put in more energy to practice swordsmanship. If your swordsmanship has improved, the old master will be happy, and everything will come naturally when the time comes."

"More advice from senior brother, if my junior sister and I can really... let senior brother be the officiant!" Li Yuankun felt very reasonable after hearing Situ Ying's words, and his heart was full of joy.

Situ Ying said: "It's nonsense again, master, he has made countless friends with heroes from all walks of life, how can it be my turn to preside over such a big event, stop talking nonsense." He smiled and said, "Let's go quickly, if you stay outside for a long time , I'm afraid my junior sister should be in a hurry."

Li Yuankun made a grimace, and said, "Junior Brother understands, Junior Brother understands."

Situ Ying and Li Yuankun talked about their junior sisters, masters, and Pinjian Villa along the way. Situ Ying also told Li Yuankun a lot of interesting stories and experiences of walking in the rivers and lakes. This younger brother, who has never seen anything in the world, listened very fascinated , Time passed so quickly, but after more than an hour, the kung fu carriage had arrived at the gate of the villa.

"Eldest brother, you've worked hard all the way, Wang Qiang, go in and call the disciples from the west room to unload things." A thin and thin disciple guarding the door saw Situ Ying returning to the villa, so he let others into the village to call for someone.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Another disciple guarding the door replied, after saying that he bowed to Situ Ying and Li Yuankun, and then went to the villa.

The skinny gatekeeper boy walked past Situ Ying, leaned over to Li Yuankun, and said, "By the way, Second Senior Brother, why are you with Senior Senior Brother? Also, that...that..." The disciple paused After a pause, he took two steps forward, lowered his voice, and said, "Little Shou Xing didn't see you all morning, he's getting angry, hehe. "After that, the skinny disciple had smirks on his face.

Although the voice was lowered, Situ Ying could hear it clearly.Situ Ying smiled slightly and said, "Junior brother, you should go in first."

Li Yuankun was already in a hurry to go back, but he was too embarrassed to speak up before, but now that he heard Situ Ying say that, he simply replied, "Thank you, brother, then the brother will go in first?"

"Let's go." Situ Ying said with a wave.

Li Yuankun returned to the villa, asked a few disciples, and they all said that they didn't know where Lu Kexin was.I also ran back and forth in the yard, but I didn't see Lu Kexin. I guess Lu Kexin has left the village, and I was also a little tired, so I went back to my room.

A girl in Huaichun, who doesn't think about the person she likes all the time, wishes to be able to stand by that person's side all the time, let him go wherever he wants to go.Not seeing him for a moment means missing or worrying a lot, so when that person reappears, there will be two possibilities, one is to be gentle in every way, and the other is...

Li Yuankun stepped into the room, thinking about how to deliver this hairpin to Lu Kexin's hand, when he suddenly felt a palm wind hit his back, he was startled, he didn't know who made the sneak attack here, so he tiptoed With a little force on the ground, he made a "swallow jump" move in the direction of the palm wind, and jumped forward with his whole body tilted, jumping straight over the tea table in the center of the room. This jump was extremely fast, but he felt it behind him. The wind of his palm did not dissipate, and the force of his palm was still tightly pressing on his back.

Who will be behind?Li Yuankun had no time to turn around, and was forced by the palm wind behind him, and jumped forward again with the help of the tea table. This time the palm wind behind him seemed to be weaker, but this jump had nowhere to avoid in front of him, so Li Yuankun simply stretched his legs Bend slightly on the wall, leaning on one side, thinking of turning around and facing the person behind him, judging from the second slap, the person behind should not have as much internal strength as himself.

With that in mind, Li Yuankun used the elasticity to turn around and slapped out with all his strength, breaking out in a cold sweat. There was no one else behind him but Lu Kexin. For fear of hurting Lu Kexin.When Lu Kexin saw Li Yuankun suddenly turn around and meet her palms, she also panicked and quickly withdrew her palms.

Although both of their palms were retracted, their bodies in the air couldn't stop. If they collided with such force, both of them would be injured.When it was too late, Li Yuankun stretched out his left hand to hold Lu Kexin's shoulder, pushed it out, staggered the two bodies, and then retracted it, holding Lu Kexin in his arms, and with the strength of his fall, he took Lu Kexin Kexin fell down steadily.

Li Yuankun looked at Lu Kexin in his arms and pouted, and said angrily: "My good junior sister, what did I do wrong, I made my junior sister so angry, but fortunately I avoided it just now, almost hurting you , next time, don't mess around like this again."

Lu Kexin was about to defend herself, but found that she was still being hugged by Li Yuankun, she struggled a bit, and said, "Who told you to touch me, let go, and don't let passers-by see you."

"Okay, let me let go, good junior sister, what is this?" Lu Peng asked aggrievedly.

"Well, let me ask you, where did you go early this morning? I've been looking for you for a long time, even outside the village, but I haven't seen any ghosts." Lu Kexin asked.

"So it's because of this, hehe." Li Yuankun laughed lowly, "I guess this elder brother is coming back soon, I'll go meet him and see if there's anything I can do to help."

Lu Kexin said: "I don't believe you, and you don't know when the elder brother will come back, and you knew to sleep late the day the elder brother went out, why did you find out today. Hmph!"

Li Yuankun replied: "Junior Sister, it's true. If you don't believe me, go and have a look. Elder Brother should have returned to Master by now."

"Really?" Lu Kexin seemed to be unable to find the reason for the attack, and sat down on the stool, holding her sleeves back and forth with her two small hands, and said quietly: "There is something that I specially want to tell you early in the morning. , you are not here, and I am anxious to find you for a long time..."

Lu Kexin continued: "Last night, I secretly overheard my father and mother saying that we are going to have senior brother compete with you on my birthday, and if you want to fight me... you can't lose that day, you know."

Li Yuankun asked: "So behind my back just now, you learned the senior brother's chain palm, right?"

Lu Kexin said: "Well, I just wanted to see if you could dodge it, so I deliberately learned the big brother's moves. I didn't intend to hurt you."

Li Yuankun took a step forward, couldn't help himself, held Lu Kexin's shoulder with one hand, and said, "Junior Sister..."

"En." Lu Kexin responded softly.

Li Yuankun took out the brocade handkerchief in his arms, shook the hairpin in front of Lu Kexin, and said, "Junior Sister, this is for you, do you like it?"

"It's so beautiful, where did you get it? Give it to me!" Lu Kexin was very happy, and while talking, she was about to reach out to grab it.

"If you want to grab it, then I won't give it to you." After Li Yuankun finished speaking, he took the hairpin back.

"Good senior brother, good senior brother, just give it to me." Lu Kexin said and wanted to grab it again.

Li Yuankun said: "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you, but sit down, I'll take it for you."

Lu Kexin blushed slightly, and replied, "Yes." She sat down with her back to Li Yuankun.

Li Yuankun touched Lu Kexin's hair with one hand, and carefully inserted the hairpin into Lu Kexin's bun with the other hand. Looking from top to bottom, he couldn't see Lu Kexin's expression clearly, but he could clearly see that the slightly curved eyelashes were It trembled slightly.Li Yuankun still held Lu Kexin's shoulders, as if, in his hands was the whole world.

"Brother, will you help me comb my hair every day and get the hairpin?" Lu Kexin asked softly.

"Definitely." Li Yuankun's answer was simple and firm.

Lu Kexin turned around, held Li Yuankun's hand, raised her head, looked at him and said, "Senior brother, the day after tomorrow my father will ask you to compete with senior brother, you must not lose, you want to tell my father about us, you You have to beat the senior brother, and if the master is happy, maybe our business will be completed. I know that the senior brother is better than you in martial arts, why don't I go and talk to the senior brother and let the senior brother let you go one day, okay? "

"Junior sister, you are talking nonsense again. If I want to marry you, I must marry you in a fair manner. How can I let the senior brother give in? Don't worry, I will do my best in the martial arts competition the day after tomorrow. If the master disagrees with the matter between the two of us, I will beg him until he agrees."

"Brother, I don't know why, but I suddenly feel so scared, I'm afraid my father won't agree." Lu Kexin leaned against Li Yuankun and started crying.

"Junior Sister, why are you crying? Don't think about it, it will definitely work." Li Yuankun held Lu Kexin in his arms, and gently patted Lu Kexin's heaving shoulders.

Li Yuankun knew that the tearful woman in his arms was the one he needed to protect in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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