Chapter 96

Li Wenxuan and old man Liu were led out of the north gate by Niu Gao's cavalry, and walked five miles forward, when they came across a fork in the road, Niu Gao ordered the cavalry to stop, turned back and said to Li Wenxuan: "You go from here Go west, someone is waiting for you over there."

At this time, Li Wenxuan was sure that Niu Gao was here to help him, so he was very grateful, and immediately thanked him: "Thank you General Niu! If General Niu hadn't rescued him today, Wenxuan would already be a dead person."

"Wenxuan... Li Wenxuan, right? How dare you thank me? Do you know how much I want to beat you up now!" Although Niu Gao saved Li Wenxuan, he didn't show any good looks to Li Wenxuan. .

Li Wenxuan thought to himself: "I have never met this general, but he said he wanted to beat me up. Could it be that I offended him inadvertently?" Where did I meet you before, but if Wenxuan offended you unintentionally before, please forgive me, General Niu. If you are really angry, you saved Li Wenxuan's life, you are the real one It’s okay to beat me up.”

"You—" Niu Gao was so angry that he almost fell off the horse, and said, "I thought I was a good guy, but I turned out to be a little fool, let's go!"

Li Wenxuan was very puzzled what Niu Gao's intention was, but since Niu Gao had chased away the guest, he didn't ask any more questions.Li Wenxuan bowed to Niu Gao three more times, then helped old man Liu to walk towards the direction Niu Gao pointed.

Niu Gao saw that Li Wenxuan had moved forward for a while, but he still felt uneasy in his heart, and shouted loudly: "Stinky boy, let me tell you, if you dare to bully... bully Qiu... Young Master, Lao Niu, I will Kill you!" After Niu Gao finished speaking, he didn't care whether Li Wenxuan heard it or not, so he urged his horse to run to his camp.

Niu Gao's voice was as loud as Hong Zhong's, so Li Wenxuan could hear those words clearly.No matter how stupid Li Wenxuan was, he knew that Niu Gao was the rescuer invited by Qiu Shan, and the person waiting for him must be Qiu Shan. Thinking of this, Li Wenxuan was very happy, so he quickened his pace, but the old man Liu thought of his daughter Still stuck in that one-finger sect, still very sad.

Sure enough, after Li Wenxuan walked not far, he saw a carriage parked in front of him. When he got closer, he saw a young girl's figure getting out of the carriage and running towards this side.

"Father!" It turned out that this young girl was old man Liu's daughter, Liu Zhenzhen. The father and daughter thought that they had parted for life before, but now they were separated from the tiger's mouth and reunited again. They all cried with tears.

Li Wenxuan looked at them so touchingly, his eyes were moist, and he didn't bother them, he walked forward quickly, only hoping to see Qiu Shan sooner.Li Wenxuan ran to the side of the carriage, but there was no sign of Qiu Shan, and when he opened the curtain, Qiu Shan was not there either. Li Wenxuan panicked immediately, and was about to shout, but he heard someone shouting from behind: "This is your thing. You take it."

When Li Wenxuan turned his head, he saw only his Qingshuang Sword and package flying over.Li Wenxuan reached out to catch it, only then did he see that Qiu Shan was hiding behind him.

Li Wenxuan was so excited, he didn't care about the sword or anything else, he put it aside casually, and with one stride, he came in front of Qiu Shan, hugged Qiu Shan's shoulder and said, "Thank God, it's great that you're fine!"

Li Wenxuan was happy in his heart, but when he got closer, he saw that Qiu Shan's eyes were still red, probably still angry with himself, Li Wenxuan said, "Brother Qiu, I shouldn't have..."

Qiu Shan cut off Li Wenxuan's words, and said coldly, "Let's go our separate ways from now on."

"Ah——" Li Wenxuan couldn't stand firmly, so he couldn't help but took two steps back, and then stepped forward, grabbed Qiu Shan's shoulder, and said, "Why, why, you promised me well before. You said you wanted to go together Go to Pinjian Villa, and go south together..."

Qiu Shan pushed Li Wenxuan forward, and said: "Because I only make trouble for no reason, I only make things difficult for you, sarcasm you, and I will not do you any good if I walk with you, why don't we break up."

Li Wenxuan was stunned, knowing that what he said that day was really serious and hurt Qiu Shan's heart. After thinking for a while, he slowly said: "Brother Qiu, I know, it was my fault that day, and now I know I was wrong, you As long as you forgive me, let me do anything, you can beat me up, chop me up, as long as it can make you vent your anger, okay?"

Qiu Shan turned his head to one side, still ignoring Li Wenxuan, but tears were dripping from his eyes.

Li Wenxuan's heart was so sore that he was about to cry, so he reached out his hand and took out the handkerchief that Qiu Shan had torn when he was angry, handed it to Qiu Shan, and said, "Wipe it."

Qiu Shan didn't intend to talk to Li Wenxuan at first, but when he saw Li Wenxuan handing over a handful of rags, he couldn't help asking, "This...what is this?"

Li Wenxuan's voice was a little choked, and he replied: "This is the handkerchief you gave me. Although you tore it to pieces, it was given to me by you after all, and I am not willing to throw it away..."

Li Wenxuan's words were like a small stone falling into the cold lake water, causing ripples...

Qiu Shan suddenly turned his face, remained silent, stared straight at Li Wenxuan with red eyes, his eyes were no longer as cold as before, but his hands kept hitting Li Wenxuan indiscriminately, Li Wenxuan was like a stone statue Still motionless, Qiu Shan seemed to have lost all strength after hitting him more than ten times, and suddenly hugged Li Wenxuan, crying loudly.

Li Wenxuan only knew that his heart was uncomfortable, but he didn't know whether Qiu Shan was still angry with him at the moment, he was speechless, let alone moved, and let Qiu Shan hug him and cry.

When he was young, old man Liu and Liu Zhenzhen walked towards the carriage, Qiu Shan heard footsteps, and pushed Li Wenxuan aside, took a few steps forward by himself, turned his back to Li Wenxuan and said, "You... You go ask where the two of them want to go, I... we will send them a ride together."

"Okay! Okay! I'll ask!" Li Wenxuan was so happy when he heard Qiu Shan's words that he didn't intend to part ways with him. Old man Liu and Liu Zhenzhen knelt down when they saw their puff, and thanked them all the time, but Li Wenxuan took a lot of effort to pull them up.

Old man Liu said: "Great kindness, we father and daughter really don't know how to repay this kindness. I just heard what the little girl said. This time it was Mr. Qiu who sneaked into the villain's house again and rescued the little girl. Otherwise ……otherwise……"

Seeing Li Wenxuan's stupid mouth, Qiu Shan turned around and said, "Don't think so much about the two of you in the future. After the disaster is over, there will be blessings in the future. Let's wait for the blessings in the future. Look, you two are planning to go Here, we will send you off again."

Old man Liu said with tears in his eyes, "How dare you trouble your benefactor to send us off on a special trip. I heard that the two benefactors are going west, so let's go west along the way."

Knowing that this family actually went the same way wherever they went, Qiu Shan didn't say anything more, and together with Li Wenxuan helped the two of them into the carriage, and then pulled out two horses from behind the tree, and took one with Li Wenxuan each. Run west.

(End of this chapter)

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