Chapter 335 Robbery
Facing the questioning from the Supreme Lord, Yuanshi Tianzun realized how wrong he was, and lowered his head again and said: "Senior brother, I was wrong, but I have no choice, after all, I can't watch the teachings disappear! "

Taishang Laojun sighed: "Brother knows what you think, but you distinguish between primary and secondary, Yuan Ming seems to be against you, seems to be united with Junior Brother Tongtian, but in fact Yuan Ming has his own plan , he uses the human race as an excuse to do everything, and every time he has a good reason, once he makes a move, once you start a war with him, then you will be the one who will be injured, not to mention, just this time, explain The reputation of teaching has been suppressed in the world again, this is where Yuan Ming is smart and what he has always relied on, if you can't change all this, you should not confront Yuan Ming head-on, especially at this time."

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't take it seriously for the words of Taishang Laojun, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart: "You said it lightly, I dare you that the matter didn't get into your head, and you are not in a hurry, but I can't look at myself. How can I face my disciples when my disciples die and don’t care about them!"

Thinking in my heart, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help showing a hesitant look on his face, which made Taishang Laojun shake his head again and said: "Brother, brother, I understand your concern, but things are not just head-on. We can go one way, and we can find another way!"

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed: "Brother, in the current situation, Xiqi's army is already besieged. There are chasing troops in the front and interceptions in the end. What is the way to go? If these armies are defeated, why should Xiqi fight with Yin?" Do you want to fight for the world?"

Taishang Laojun said in a deep voice: "The affairs of the human race are resolved by the human race themselves. We can't interfere in this point, but the battle between the cultivators is a battle between us. Dare to block it with the 'Ten Jue Formation' If the Xiqi army is out of the way, then you can ask your disciples to attack the 'Ten Jue Formation'. As for the Xiqi army, they will retreat as usual, and see if the sect dares to kill them. If they do, then Yuan Ming will Parting ways with Jiejiao, without Yuan Ming's support, we have nothing to be afraid of, taking down Jiejiao is a piece of cake!"

It has to be said that Taishang Laojun is much better than Yuanshi Tianzun. Such a big matter came into his hands, and he soon had such a perfect solution.

Naxiqi's army came to exchange for Jiejiao's shot. If Yuan Ming didn't make a move, all his performance in the human race would disappear, which would show his selfishness even more, and if he made a move, he would definitely turn against the leader of Tongtian. Where can we find such a good thing? However, as for saying that Jujiao ignores the retreat of Xiqi's army, that's better, and Xiqi can retain his vitality.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said: "Thank you for your guidance, senior brother, I understand what to do!"

Taishang Laojun said: "It's good that you understand, I will remind you the last point, the change of dynasty is a dispute within the human race, and your disciples will be less involved in killing if they can. After all, the incident of Emperor Xuanyuan is a lesson from the past! Nezha like that There will be no more people, otherwise you and I will not be able to explain to the human race!"

Yuanshi Tianzun naturally understands this point. He used to train Nezha so unscrupulously in order to lure Empress Nuwa into the game. Now Empress Nuwa has not entered the game, but he himself has fallen into the trap. Think about it.

After the conversation with the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun did not dare to hesitate, and immediately ordered his disciples to act. The disciples of Chanjiao in the Earth Immortal Realm immediately acted after receiving the order to cover the rapid retreat of the Xiqi army , so that they don't need to pay attention to the "Ten Unique Formation" that cuts off the teaching.

Things went very smoothly. Although Shi Tianjun was arrogant, Yuan Ming beheaded Master Taiyi and Nezha before, making them vigilant. Under such circumstances, they did not dare to kill and deal with Xi Qi Dajun, after all, they don't want to ruin their lives.

With Shi Tianjun's hesitation, Xiqi's army returned to Xiqi unimpeded and saved their own vitality. This made Jiang Ziya heave a sigh of relief, and Wen Zhongwen was very annoyed, but he couldn't blame Shi Tianjun. Tianjun, if you want to blame, you can only blame him for not calculating well.

After Xiqi's army retreated safely, Guangchengzi and others prepared to spread the anger they had suffered earlier on Shitianjun's head. In the eyes of Guangchengzi and others, they were so embarrassed because of these people. According to the teacher's order, they will naturally not let Shi Tianjun go.

Speaking of Ten Heavenly Lords, their cultivation bases are far behind those of Guang Chengzi and other Golden Immortals, because they put all their energy on the cultivation of formations, and thus abolished their own cultivation. It is really unwise to ignore the basics and chase after the little things like this, but there are still many situations like them in the cut-off teaching. It can be said that most people in the cut-off teaching focus on martial arts instead of cultivating the Tao. You must know that the method is the basis, and they do this Naturally, it is difficult to do something.

The Tongtian Sect is also very clear about the situation of the Jiejiao, but he can't change it. After all, most of the Jiejiao are from the monster clan. This is also the case, so Master Tongtian also intends to use the Battle of Conferred Gods to clean up the interior of Jiejiao.

Although Master Tongtian's idea is good, his idea is doomed to fail, because he underestimated the will to stop teaching, as long as he is provoked by others, he will naturally spread like wildfire and start a prairie fire.

Not long after the incident started, there was such a big commotion. It was already vaguely visible that both sides had lost their wisdom, but one could imagine what would happen next. After all, even the saint Yuanshi Tianzun attacked Yuan Ming so No one can predict what will happen in the future.

There are only a dozen people under Yuanshi Tianzun's sect, so he is not optimistic about letting Daoist Taiyi die on the list. There are thousands of disciples under the sect of Master Tongtian. How can he take care of all the disciples by himself? Seeing this, the Master Tongtian also made a choice, giving up those disciples with uncertain temperaments, so as to protect the teaching without any worries, but things may not develop as he thought. Shanglaojun and Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to beat Jiejiao so hard that they couldn't stand up.

Although Shi Tianjun's "Ten Absolute Formation" is powerful, there is no way for Guang Chengzi, the golden immortal of elucidation. Of course, Guang Chengzi was seriously injured by Hongyun and can no longer fight with others, but the overall situation is presided over by Ran Deng, the deputy leader of elucidation. Well, Ran Deng is not Guang Chengzi, he has a much better grasp of the overall situation of elucidation and education than Guang Chengzi.

Before the battle with Shitianjun, Yuanshi Tianzun had warned the immortals not to be merciful, otherwise they would be listed as gods. This is a battle of luck, and there is no retreat. Ran Deng also saw this, so he mastered After explaining the teaching, it was a trick to cut off the teaching of the Ten Heavenly Lords. If it weren't for the great power of the "Ten Absolute Formation", I am afraid that the Ten Heavenly Lords would die here after being defeated.

But even if Lord Ten Heaven took advantage of the formation, he was still no match for Chanjiao. It seemed that Yuan Ming helped them get rid of Guangchengzi and Daoist Taiyi, but Lord Ten Heaven was still no match for Golden Immortal Chanjiao, because Their cultivation base is too low, and they are not enough to fully master the 'Ten Unique Formation'.

This is also their sorrow. Although they are dedicated to cultivating the formation, they obviously have a very high level of cultivation, but they are unable to master the formation due to the influence of their own cultivation.

It is precisely because of the gap in cultivation that Chanjiao was defeated by Shi Tianjun's first formation, 'Tian Jue Formation', in a short period of time, making Qin Tianjun dead on the list.

However, these people are also ruthless enough to explain and teach. They did not use legitimate means to break the formation, but chose the method of sacrificial formation, using the death of their disciples to sacrifice the formation. Since then, Shi Tianjun is helpless, even though they do this It made those three generations of disciples feel dissatisfied, but Ran Deng already had a different heart, so naturally he would not pay attention to this point, even if something happened, Guang Chengzi and the others would take the blame.

There are gains and losses, because of the previous incident, they can no longer force their disciples to take action in the "Lost Soul Formation", so they don't need to fight with the interception teaching, first explaining the teaching themselves will mess up, so they can only Let Jiang Ziya, the coach of the three armies, the person who should be robbed, take action.

In Ran Deng's heart, he believed that Jiang Ziya, as a person who should be robbed, has great luck in his body, and even if there is trouble, he would not have to worry about his life, so Jiang Ziya was trapped in the "Lost Soul Formation" and his soul was taken away.

In Jiang Ziya's accident, the immortals of Chanjiao had no choice but to seek help from their teacher. After all, Jiang Ziya was the one who responded to the calamity and was an important figure for Chanjiao to survive this catastrophe. They will lose their greatest support and can no longer be compared with Jiejiao. Even if Yuanshi Tianzun is not reconciled at that time, it will not be able to change the overall situation. Whoever makes them unable to protect even the people who should be robbed.

(End of this chapter)

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