Chapter 4 Premature Infants (4)
Although it is said that Taoist Mosquito gave birth prematurely because of Yuan Ming's time travel, but he has no choice after what has happened, unless Yuan Ming is willing to waste time in this sea of ​​blood, who makes him have no way of cultivation, it can be said He now has nothing but instincts. If he wants to practice Taoism, he can only wait for Hongjun Daozu to preach. Whoever made Mosquito Taoist was born in the sea of ​​​​blood did not get a trace of inheritance power. Compared with other races, this is his weakness. It is also the balance of heaven.

Yuan Ming took a deep breath, an incomparably killing intent erupted from his body, when the huge killing intent accumulated to a certain degree, he shouted loudly: "Kill!"

As soon as the killing word fell, the entire sea of ​​blood was in turmoil, and countless waves of blood rose into the sky. Fortunately, the sea of ​​blood was located in the most hidden place in the prehistoric land. Because of the harsh environment, no one paid attention to the changes in the sea of ​​blood. Shouting loudly will definitely attract the attention of the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans that dominate the wilderness.

With the concentration of murderous aura, Yuan Mingzhou's body is like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, giving people an incomparable killing. With the outbreak of murderous aura, Yuan Ming vaguely felt two endless sword intents in the blood cocoon that gave birth to Styx Rumor has it that they are Yuan Tu and A Bi's two innate spiritual treasures, but unfortunately this treasure has no destiny with Yuan Ming, Yuan Ming can only sigh in desperation.

Although this prehistoric is extremely dangerous, there are dangers as well as opportunities. In the sea of ​​blood, there are no natural treasures in the barren land, but at this time, the prehistoric is full of spiritual flowers and rare herbs. As long as you have the ability, you can make it In a short period of time, Yuan Ming made great progress to get rid of this embarrassing situation.

The sea of ​​blood is a great treasure for Styx, but it is a desert for Yuan Ming. After making a decision, Yuan Ming rushed out of the sea of ​​blood to the prehistoric land without any hesitation!

Yuan Ming's Shu Changzhou's body was washed from top to bottom by the spiritual energy that came rushing into the prehistoric land.

At this moment, Yuan Ming couldn't help sighing secretly. He was also in the desert in the sea of ​​blood in the prehistoric land, but above the land was aura like rain. The gap between the two was too great.

There was danger in the prehistoric world, and just as Yuan Ming lamented that his background was different, there was a sound of fighting from a distance, and it came towards him at high speed. The pressure from the fighting made Yuan Ming palpitate, although his heart It's higher than the sky, but it's a pity that under this situation, Yuan Ming had to hide first to understand the situation of Hong Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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