Section 401 Denial

When the Jade Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun reached an agreement, the Taishang Laojun also discussed everything with the Nuwa Empress, and was going to meet Renzu Suirenshi to discuss the changes in the world.

It's a pity that the Taishang Laojun never thought that Yuan Ming would arrange all this. During the Battle of Conferred Gods, Yuan Ming had already told Renzu Suiren what happened today. Otherwise, how could Renzu Suiren treat the world? Ignore the matter, so his move this time is doomed to fail.

When the Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress appeared in front of Suirenshi, how could Suirenshi not know their intentions? The human race was all created by Empress Nuwa, so he couldn't be rude, and he still paid respects to each other.

After taking his seat, Taishang Laojun didn't speak, but Empress Nuwa did it. After all, it was better for Empress Nuwa to say this matter, who let Empress Nuwa and Renzu Suiren still have such a semblance of love.

Just listen, Empress Nuwa said: "Suiren, you should know why I and the Taiqing sage came here today. What do you think about human affairs?"

Hearing this, Suirenshi smiled lightly and said, "Nuwa Empress, I have already expressed my attitude to the Three Realms during the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, and my teacher also said that the human race has its own development direction and is not someone's puppet. But whether suffering or happiness is created by themselves, the disputes among the people are their own business, and I will not intervene!"

As soon as Suirenshi said this, Empress Nuwa's face became extremely ugly, and she said in a deep voice: "Suirenshi, as the ancestor of the human race, do you just want to see that the human world cannot be controlled by the witch clan? Have you put the interests of the human race aside?" In your heart, do you, human ancestor, still care about the human race?"

Seeing Empress Nuwa's distraught look, Suiren still said flatly: "The human race has the development of the human race. The empress said that the Wu clan only refers to Daqin, but they are all human, even if they have awakened the blood of the Wu clan. It is still a part of the human race. Since ancient times, there has been a source of blood between humans and witches. I don't think there is anything wrong with this! As for the interests of the human race, they need to fight for it themselves, and if they don't fight for it themselves, they can't blame others!"

Empress Nuwa shouted angrily: "Good, you Suiren family, I think you are obsessed with ghosts, and you allow the development of the Wu clan so much, don't you fear that the Wu clan will take away the luck of the human race due to the great prosperity of the Wu clan? Have you forgotten that Chi You and the Emperor of the People used to be so powerful?" Is Xuanyuan vying for the position of Emperor?"

After hearing these words, Suiren took a deep look at Empress Nuwa, and then said in a deep voice: "Empress, maybe you don't like the witch clan in your eyes, but I can understand this, after all, liches are not at odds with each other. , but the human race will not look at the Wu clan with colored eyes, let alone remember the hatred of the Wu clan because of the dispute between Chi Wan and the human emperor Xuanyuan. Standing up to help the human race, this kindness will never be forgotten by the human race, otherwise there will be no later human witches appearing, as long as they are reincarnated as humans from the six realms of reincarnation, they are part of the human race, and the struggle between them It's just a dispute within the human race!"

Speaking of this, Suiren took a deep breath, and then said: "Perhaps in the empress's heart, the Wu clan has great ambitions, but this is normal, just like the empress made Fuxi reincarnated as the emperor back then. In the end, the human race is not Do you still agree with him, and Ying Zheng and Chi You are also human races!"

Enraged by Suirenshi's words, Empress Nuwa couldn't bear the anger in her heart anymore, and shouted loudly: "Presumptuous, Suirenshi, I think you were bought by the Wu Clan..."

Hearing this, Suirenshi smiled lightly and said: "Your Majesty has finally spoken out her heart. In your heart, I, the Human Ancestor, have long been a traitor bought by the Wu Clan, but Your Majesty has always stood on the side of the Human Race. Have you thought about it for the human race? No, you have never thought about it. When the monsters fought, you stood on the side of the monster race. For thousands of years, you have always regarded yourself as a saint of the monster race. You have never thought about the human race. You even harmed the Emperor in the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, all of this is enough to explain your position, but now you are asking me to talk about the human race, don't you think it's a little ridiculous?"

Suirenshi was also pushed into a hurry by Empress Nuwa, so he directly said such words, which cut off the chance of reconciliation with Empress Nuwa.

Taishang Laojun, who has been speechless for a long time, has a gloomy face when he hears this, Nuwa Empress Shangqie is like this, let alone him, if the Renzu Suiren family approves the victory of the government, then the disputes between the human race will not be able to borrow the human race The power to suppress the development of the witch clan.

As the leader of the Renjiao, Taishang Laojun didn't want to see such a thing happen, so he said in a deep voice: "Suiren, what you say is a bit too much, things are not what you think, everything was God's will at the beginning... ..."

Before Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Suirenshi said indifferently: "The sage of Taiqing said that everything in the beginning was the will of God, so why is the change in the world before us not the will of God? Existence is reasonable. The mixed blood of humans and witches has existed since the beginning of the prehistoric period. This matter has been approved by all races, so the human race will not intervene in this matter, and even if the Wu race intends to do this, it is still a favor owed by the human race to the Wu race, and it needs to be repaid!"

Suirenshi talked about this, how could the Taishang Laojun not know that this matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is useless to say anything else, since this is the case, he does not need to stop.

Taishang Laojun said in a deep voice: "Suiren, according to you, this is a dispute within the human race, so you will not intervene in this matter and let the world develop on its own?"

As soon as Taishang Laojun said this, Suiren naturally didn't have what Taishang Laojun thought in his heart. Taishang Laojun was just afraid that he would intervene in this human dispute, so he said calmly: "The human race's affairs should be resolved by the human race. Naturally, we will not interfere with the development of the human race, so there is no need for the Taiqing Sage to worry about this!"

Since Taishang Laojun couldn't persuade Suirenshi to stand on his side, it would be in his own interest if he could make Suirenshi neutral, so he said, "Okay, I hope Suirenshi will keep his word!"

Suirenshi said indifferently: "People are doing what the sky is watching. As a human ancestor, my words are solid, but if someone intervenes in the struggle between the human races and causes a tragedy like the First Conferred Gods War, then you can't blame me!"

The underlying meaning of Suirenshi is very clear. He knows that the Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress will not watch the Wu Clan grow and grow, so they will naturally help them, so he warned them in advance to avoid the tragedy of the Conferred Gods War.

The Taishang Laojun is not stupid, even if he wants to interfere with the human race, there will be a valid reason, and he will never do stupid things like the First Battle of the Conferred Gods to harm others and himself, so he thought of the Jade Emperor just now, let Yuanshi Tianzun went to the Jade Emperor to make a move in the name of the Heavenly Court, so even if the Suiren family was dissatisfied, it would be useless. After all, the Jade Emperor is the master of the Three Realms, and the human race is the protagonist of the Three Realms and must be under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court.

At this point in the matter, Taishang Laojun naturally didn't want to continue talking with Suirenshi. Fortunately, he had other plans and said, "Okay, this is the best!"

After saying that, the Taishang Laojun turned and left, and the Nuwa Empress took a deep look at Suirenshi when she saw this, her eyes were full of unpredictable emotions, both dissatisfied and gratified.

Seeing the backs of Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress leaving, Suirenshi sighed and said: "The great chaos will begin again, and I don't know how far the human race will be brought by the strife between humans. Teacher, where are you!"

Faced with all kinds of pressure, Suirenshi was worried about his teacher. Although Yuan Ming didn't tell Suirenshi the direction of reincarnation before reincarnation, but from Suirenshi's eyes, he knew that it must be the human world.

Such great changes have taken place in the world, how can Suirenshi, as a disciple, not worry, even if he knows that the teacher has prepared for it, but he is still not at ease.

Fortunately, Suirenshi did not act rashly and did not act so violently towards the human world, otherwise it would only reveal Yuan Ming's whereabouts, and his actions towards the Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress were beneficial.

The Suiren family was secretly lamenting the changes in the world, but Yuan Ming was still lamenting secretly. Although the Heavenly Court had not taken any action, with the crazy expansion of the Great Qin Dynasty, those who should have been hiding in the mountains to practice, and the disciples of the two sects But they appeared in the six countries one after another, trying to turn the world around with the power of monks.

It's a pity that they can't reverse the general trend of heaven. Now that Daqin has become a great success, not to mention them, even saints may not be able to reverse the situation, unless they are willing to bear the big backlash that day.

(End of this chapter)

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