Chapter 451 Temptation
Taishang Laojun took a deep breath and said: "Junior Sister, you didn't say that before, what happened to make you change so quickly, could it be that Junior Sister was influenced by Yaochi?"

As soon as the Taishang Laojun said this, Empress Nuwa's face couldn't help changing, she was caught by what Taishang Laojun said, since Taishang Laojun had guessed it, Nuwa Empress didn't need to hide it, so she said: "Eldest brother, I can only say that it is too unfortunate for you to come here. This incident happened too fast. Earlier, I made an agreement with Yaochi that the Heavenly Court will help the Yaozu in a thousand years, but now if there is a war because of the underworld , The price I paid before is all in vain!"

As soon as Nuwa Empress said this, Taishang Laojun couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Sure enough, it has something to do with the Heavenly Court. It seems that Junior Brother Yuanshi knew something, so he was in a hurry to go to the Heavenly Court to lobby Haotian, and sent Nuwa Junior sister entrusted it to me, what a junior brother Yuanshi, I didn't expect your calculations to be so good!"

Thinking of this, Taishang Laojun took a deep breath and said: "Junior Sister, we can no longer control the matter at this point. Although you intend to avoid fighting, it is just a useless effort. Do you think that such a big disaster in the underworld is not up to us?" Will the quasi-promotion and reception of the matter sit idly by, and will Haotian and Yaochi above the heaven allow the underworld to completely escape his control? No one wants to see this happen, even if you refuse What should have happened will still happen, Junior Brother Yuanshi has already gone to see Haotian in the Heavenly Court, and if nothing unexpected happens, the Heavenly Court will definitely agree, if everyone agrees, but the Yaozu stays out of the matter, I am afraid that the situation of the Yaozu will be unimaginable afterwards."

Threats, blatant threats, the Taishang Laojun is threatening Nuwa Empress with the demon clan, and he is using the power of the crowd to suppress Nuwa Empress.

The Yaozu songs have become the weakness of Empress Nuwa, and everyone uses them to threaten Empress Nuwa, but this time the Taishang Laojun is self-defeating. Pay attention to the Yaozu, at least for the time being, they will not pay attention to the Yaozu. If the Yaozu wants to develop and survive, they can only fight by themselves.

Empress Nuwa smiled lightly and said: "The demon clan has its own development, so you can't rely on my help blindly. I am not only a saint of the demon clan, but also the mother of the human race. Everything I can do for the demon clan has been done. They have done it, and they have to rely on their own development for the rest, and I think the Yaozu can awaken on their own under such strong pressure from the Wuzu!"

As soon as Empress Nuwa said this, the Taishang Laojun couldn't help being stunned on the spot. Empress Nuwa's answer shocked him. , But now that he said it would change, it made him unable to turn the corner for a while.

Threats did not work, so Taishang Laojun had to find another way, because this was not a simple matter, Taishang Laojun could not see such a result.

Before Taishang Laojun persuaded again, Empress Nuwa said again: "Elder brother, the teacher has something to say first, we and other saints cannot intervene in the struggle of the Three Realms, even if I help you, it is useless, after all, we cannot violate the teacher's order! "

The Empress Nuwa also didn't want to turn against the Taishang Laojun, so she used Daozu Hongjun as a shield to ease the relationship with the Taishang Laojun, lest the two parties be too embarrassing, but the Nuwa Empress did not expect that her These words gave Taishang Laojun an opportunity.

Just listen, Taishang Laojun said: "I can understand my sister's concern. Although the teacher said that we should wait for the saints to interfere in the disputes of the three realms, but the way is the law and there is no responsibility. I will wait for the saints to fight together. The teacher will not blame us deeply." of!"

The Taishang Laojun said that the law does not punish the public, and the Nuwa Empress was forced to retreat. If the Taishang Laojun hadn’t said anything before, the Nuwa Empress could still refuse, but now if she If you refuse, you will directly stand on the opposite side of the saints. No matter what the outcome of this battle is, Empress Nuwa will be excluded by the saints!

Empress Nuwa took a deep breath and said, "Eldest senior brother is really good at it, I really admire it. Is it still possible for me to refuse you if you have said so much?"

Taishang Laojun sighed and said: "Junior sister, don't blame me, I have no choice but to do it for my brother. After all, the Wu Clan and Jiejiao are pressing too hard now, I can only do this for my brother. I hope my junior sister can understand. But junior sister, please rest assured, since you have reached an agreement with the Heavenly Court to give the Yaozu a thousand years to recuperate, then as a brother, you will also give the Yaozu a thousand years to restrain your disciples from attacking the Yaozu!"

Originally, Empress Nuwa was still dissatisfied with the persecution of the Taishang Laojun, but when she heard these words, she was very happy. As long as Ren and Chan can restrain their disciples from targeting the Yaozu, then within a thousand years, the Yaozu will be defeated. and will recover.

Empress Nuwa quickly said: "Nuwa Dai Yaozu, thank you for your help!"

Taishang Laojun smiled lightly and said: "It's nothing, it's just helping each other, after all, everyone doesn't want to see a family in the Three Realms become big, balance is the most important thing!"

Hearing this, Empress Nuwa smiled indifferently, and everything between the two of them was silent, everyone took what they needed, but Empress Nuwa never thought that the West would be prosperous in a thousand years. And the Yaozu want to take the opportunity to recuperate, will the West agree?If the West wants to prosper, who will it use to establish its prestige? By doing this, the Taishang Laojun indirectly pushed the Yaozu to the forefront, allowing the Yaozu to confront the West!
Now that Empress Nuwa has agreed, there is no need for Taishang Laojun to stay in Emperor Wa, and said: "Junior Sister, make preparations earlier, and go back first for Brother!"

Empress Nuwa nodded and sent the Old Master Taishang out of the Wa Palace. For Empress Nuwa, she had nothing to prepare for, but she just supported the Old Lord Taishang and Yuanshi Tianzun at the critical moment. The center of this battle is It is the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, she is just waving the flag and shouting.

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building. With the running around of the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, the three realms are covered with dark clouds. Everyone knows that there will be a heavy rain. The parties have different reactions to this matter. Zhenyuan Zizi ordered the closure of Wuzhuang Temple and thanked guests behind closed doors, expressing his attitude that he did not want to participate in this matter, let alone Kunpeng. When Bai Qi was born, he had long since disappeared, and only Styx It is because there is no place to hide, and the hell is in the sea of ​​blood.

With the cloudy clouds, Styx is extremely distressed, but he has no choice. He wants to be neutral, but he has already been placed on the side of the witch clan, and Styx can only go to see the queen in desperation. The mother-in-law discusses the big plan together.

For this sudden move of the Wu Clan, Styx was extremely annoyed in his heart. This is really a disaster at home, and there is no place for him to escape.

Some people are happy and some are worried. This is also human nature. Compared with Styx, the two saints Zhunti and Yingying in the Western Paradise are extremely happy, because they see the opportunity to enter the underworld.

Zhunti laughed loudly and said: "Brother, God is helping us, we have just reached an agreement with Haotian, but in the blink of an eye, the Wu Clan and the Jiejiao made such a big noise, forcing the Taishang Laojun and Wushi Tianzun We have to fight back forcefully, judging from the actions of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, they want to violate the teacher's order and try their best to prevent the alliance between the Wu Clan and the Jiejiao, so we can fish in troubled waters!"

Hearing Zhunti's words, the Jieyin sage shook his head and said: "Junior Brother, you are wrong. At this point in the matter, we can only attack with all our strength, and there is no possibility of fishing in troubled waters. Anyone who wants to fish in troubled waters will only end up dead! Taishang Laojun This kind of existence will not be allowed, and the Lord Tongtian will not allow such an existence, we can only stand on the side of the Supreme Lord, and have no other choice!"

Speaking of this, the receiving saint sighed and said: "The Taishang Laojun's move is really vicious, he is forcing us to stand on his side, not giving us a chance to choose, really Good means, good scheming, playing with everyone in the palm of your hand!"

Zhunti thought about it carefully, and it turned out to be as the sage said. Under such a situation, the West has no other choice, unless they don't want to prosper, and don't want to spread Buddhism to the east, otherwise they can only stand obediently On the side of Laojun, it is the enemy of the Wu clan and the leader of Tongtian sect.

After thinking of this, the Zhunti saint said disapprovingly: "It's good for you, brother, at least the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun are in front, and if something alarms the teacher, then they will bear the teacher's anger! "

The receiving saint shook his head and said: "Junior Brother, there is a way and the law does not blame the public. The Taishang Laojun has drawn Nuwa Empress and Tianting together. Under the righteousness of Tianting, they have sufficient excuses. Although we are forced to But under the joint advance and retreat of the five saints, the teacher also has to consider the issue of influence!"

(End of this chapter)

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