Rebirth of the Primordial Mosquito Taoist

Chapter 48: Zhu Xian Sword Formation

Chapter 48: Zhu Xian Sword Formation (1)
The second master of the Qilin clan, who was targeted by Luo Hou, is doomed to perish. Although he is also a quasi-sage, Luo Hou is also a quasi-sage, but the gap between them is worlds apart. It's mana is amazing, and he also has several innate spiritual treasures on his body, not to mention that just the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is enough to kill him, not to mention that Luo Hou also has many innate spiritual treasures.

During this period, Taoist Hongjun and Luohou were the darlings of the Dao of Heaven. Luohou walked the way of destruction, and his spiritual treasure was amazing. Although the treasure in the hands of Taoist Hongjun was not weaker than Luohou, to be precise, it was even higher , but he did not dare to confront Luo Hou head-on, the reason being the 'Zhuxian Sword Formation' in Luo Hou's hand.

The 'Zhuxian Sword Formation' cannot be broken by the four saints. Although the power of the sword formation cannot be fully exerted with the cultivation base of the quasi-sage Luohou, it cannot be broken by a few quasi-sages.

Even though Hongjun Daozu had innate treasures 'Taiji Picture' and 'Pangu Banner' in his hands, it would be difficult to resist Shang Luohou's 'Zhuxian Sword Formation'. After all, the prestige of 'Zhuxian Sword Formation' was not given in vain.

The Qilin King also understands that his every move is under the watchful eyes of others, and he is prepared for all kinds of situations. It is not so easy for Luo Hou to ambush the second expert of the Qilin clan. But it has been arranged long ago, it seems that this battle is aimed at Yuan Ming, but in fact, why not draw out those hidden forces in the dark.

What is the scariest?The poisonous snake hidden in the dark is the most terrifying. Now the conflict between the Qilin clan and the Dragon clan has intensified day by day, and it may break out when it will break out. It is natural to clear the field before the war. Not only the Qilin clan has such thoughts, but the Phoenix clan The same is true, and secretly reached an agreement with the Qilin family to block the dragon's edge and give the Qilin family a chance to clear the field.

Everyone has their own calculations. Although Yuan Ming went to the extreme north non-stop along the way, the gap in his cultivation always restricted his speed. Before the extreme north, he was finally captured by the Qilin clan. The three Da Luo Jinxians were blocked, and the battle was inevitable.

What kind of person is Yuan Ming? The three big Luo Jinxians of the Qilin clan are very clear about it. They didn't say much about such a dangerous person.

The three of them formed the three talents of heaven, earth, and man. Before Yuan Ming could react, he was trapped in the formation by the three masters of the Qilin clan. No one expected such a change.

Yuan Ming didn't expect it, and neither did many people who were watching. Although Yuan Ming thought that the Qilin clan would kill him, he never thought that the other party would dispatch three big Luo Jinxian-level masters at once, and they still used ambushes to attack him. Instead of killing him directly, he trapped himself first with a formation. It seems that the Qilin clan really put in a lot of effort this time to do such a reckless thing.

Speaking of which, Qilin King made such a decision was a helpless move. Under such a situation of internal and external troubles, he had to do so, at least he could eliminate his own hidden dangers by doing so.

The enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and the Qilin family hated Yuan Ming deeply, and after confirming that Yuan Ming had no chance of escaping, they immediately used their trump card.

Luo Hou has been paying attention to Yuan Ming's situation all the time. He never thought that the Qilin clan would do such low-level things in such a disregard of face. He was seriously miscalculated. Thirsty, at this moment he is far away from the extreme north.

(End of this chapter)

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