Chapter 8 Harvest (1)
In a blink of an eye, Xiong Yao and Yuan Ming fell to the ground, spewing blood from their mouths. This barren mountain was completely silent. Only when the night wind blows, even a little demon passing by at this time will reap boundless benefits!
During this battle, Yuan Ming devoted himself physically and mentally to the killing. Life and death instantly aroused the fierceness in his heart, aroused the killing intent in his heart, and the power hidden in his blood was awakened. It was only during the hit that he initially grasped the power of killing, and that power was unparalleled.

Coincidentally, if the bear demon could hold on for a while longer, he would be able to take down Yuan Ming, but unfortunately he did not hold on to the end, perhaps what caused this was the fear in his heart at the end, which made him lose confidence, Without confidence, he lost his last fighting spirit and the last chance of life. After the bear demon and Yuan Ming fell together, the mosquito's instinct began to suck the blood of the bear demon to replenish itself. After a while, the huge bear demon was Being sucked into jerky!
It took a while for Yuan Ming to wake up. He turned over with a pale face. When he saw the bear demon that he had sucked into jerky, he felt agitated and vomited out a mouthful of blood again. It was the first time he was fighting with life and death. After experiencing such a life-and-death battle, his heart kept beating wildly, and it took a long time before he calmed down.

This place is not a place to stay for a long time. You must know that there are dangers everywhere in the prehistoric world. His battle with the bear monster may have alarmed many people. If he stays longer, he may suffer disaster. Strongly put away the corpses of the wolf demon and tiger demon and flew away into the distance.

Yuan Ming has experienced a life-and-death battle. The wolf demon and the tiger demon dare not take it lightly. Before putting away their corpses, they all aimed at each other's head and hit them so that they could not die any more. Be careful! It makes the Ten Thousand Years Boat that he doesn't want to be plotted against.

After escaping the catastrophe, Yuan Ming became more and more afraid when he thought about it. Fortunately, the bear demon was injured in front of him, and he was determined to fight to the death to get a chance to survive. If you have not experienced the battle of life and death, you will not understand Tragic, he would not understand the state of mind of killing!

Xiong Yao died because he was too arrogant, thinking that Yuan Ming couldn't see through his intentions, and also underestimated Yuan Ming's determination. There is no room for a little arrogance in a life-and-death fight. Use all your strength, and be decisive when you strike, otherwise you will be the only one who dies. Yuan Ming deeply remembered this lesson so that he would not die in the hands of his opponent if he made such a big mistake in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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