Chapter 215 Bald Girl (3)

Qu Lingyuan followed Xie Zi'an into the car, the car turned on the autopilot function, and drove in the direction of home according to the navigation.

Kong Han was stunned for a while in the coffee shop, and then went home by car.

Thinking back on what happened today, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Originally, she still had a little confidence in herself, but she didn't expect to run into Qu Lingyuan's cancer, who came here to make trouble.

Throwing his backpack on the coffee table as if venting his anger, Kong Han sat down on the sofa, scratched his itchy scalp, and took another handful of hair.

"What's going on today!" She threw her hair into the trash can angrily, her face full of disgust.

The door of the master bedroom was pushed open, and a man came out and walked to Kong Han.

"What's wrong with my precious daughter?" Kong Yanlong, with a mustache around his mouth, spoke tremblingly, and patted Kong Han's shoulder with his hand, "Who made you angry?"

Kong Han gritted his teeth lightly, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "It's nothing, I met a naive little girl today."

Qu Lingyuan's flawless face flashed in her mind, and the anger in her heart rose up.

Seeing that Kong Han didn't want to say more, Kong Yanlong didn't continue to ask, he took off his coat from the hanger in the corner and put it on his body.

"I'm going out to visit the workshop." He said as he walked towards the door.

Hearing the word workshop, Kong Han seemed to suddenly think of something.

She felt that face was very familiar, she seemed to have seen it on the dubbing workshop list some time ago, it seemed to be called Qu Lingyuan?
Such an annoying person can actually climb to the first place.

"Dad." She turned to stop Kong Yanlong.

Kong Yanlong stepped out of the house with one foot, and shrank back when he heard her call, looking at Kong Han and waiting for her to continue.

"Qu Lingyuan is from your workshop, right?" Kong Han asked.

"Yeah," Kong Yanlong's face was full of smiles when Qu Lingyuan was mentioned, all the wrinkles were squeezed out, and his tone was cheerful, "She has been ranked No.1 on the list for several consecutive times, and she has earned a lot of money for the workshop. A lot of money."

Seeing the smile on his face, Kong Han took a deep breath and clenched his fists, then asked, "What kind of work does she have recently?"

Kong Yanlong raised his head and thought for a while.

He is one of the bosses of the dubbing workshop. Ordinary dubbing actors have not been remembered by him, but he still has a little impression of Qu Lingyuan.

"Tomorrow. She seems to be participating in a sound audition. It's an animation with a lot of attention, and the audition is the female one."

Kong Han unconsciously scratched his palm with his fingernails, and turned to look at him: "I want to participate too, you can go through the back door for me, and give it to me after the audition."

Kong Yanlong froze in place, with a troubled expression on his face: "Qu Lingyuan, she can bring a lot of benefits to the workshop."

Before he finished speaking, Kong Han, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at him with an expression of "if you don't agree, I will turn my face", and said in a picky tone: "I am your own daughter, besides, my voice is not good enough. Not bad."

To her own father, she has been so squeamish and domineering since she was a child.

Kong Yanlong's wife passed away not long after getting this daughter, and he doted on her in every possible way, so he nodded helplessly immediately: "Okay."

Kong Han was satisfied and didn't speak any more.

After walking out of the house, Kong Yanlong was still puzzled.

Hasn't my daughter been an anchor all the time? Why did she suddenly want to enter the industry of voice acting?

Could it be that the "ignorant little girl" she mentioned was Qu Lingyuan?But how could they meet?

It was useless to think so much, Kong Yanlong shook his head and went to the third-floor underground parking lot to pick up the car.

On the other side, Xie Zi'an was slumped on the sofa at Qu Lingyuan's house, with his long legs bent and crossed together, his eyes half-closed, and his sitting posture was out of shape.

He hated trouble the most in his life, and within half an hour of going to the coffee shop, he was exhausted physically and mentally.

Qu Lingyuan poured him a glass of water from the glass jug, and put it on the tea table with a bang: "Sister Kong Han is pretty good, don't you really think about it?"

Xie Zi'an picked up the water glass and turned it upside down, the corners of his mouth raised an inconspicuous arc, and he looked at her with amber eyes: "Do you really think she is good? Since my Yuanyuan has said about I think about it again?" consider?"

Going to the coffee shop today, although Qu Lingyuan didn't show it clearly, he still felt her vague hostility towards Kong Han.

Where does the hostility come from?
It is nothing more than that Qu Lingyuan also has a crush on him, but she is too embarrassed to say so.

Thinking of this, Xie Zi'an deliberately wanted to tease her.

After living together for many years, this was the first time he had such an idea.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Qu Lingyuan's face, her cheeks blushed, "You... you can do whatever you want..."

Xie Zi'an was pleased by her expression, laughed in a low voice with a hoarse voice, didn't continue to tease her, sat for a while and then returned to his home.

It wasn't until he left that Qu Lingyuan belatedly remembered that there would be an animation audition tomorrow morning, so she dug out the script that had been dusty for a long time from her remodeled bedroom recording studio, and got a little familiar with the character design.

The lead actress in this animation is Yan Ning. According to the analysis of the characters, the voice should be sweet and lively mixed with some girls. It is her field of expertise, and the audition should not be a problem.

But what was unexpected was that she actually saw Kong Han's ID in the audition room online the next day.

There were already quite a few people in the room, and it was still in the free speech mode. Everyone greeted Qu Lingyuan enthusiastically, and the quiet room became chaotic for a while.

Ah Chao's trustee: "Ling Yuan!"

Zhao Zhao: "Ling Yuan is here! I'm your fan!"

Negative wife: "Finally met the real person!!!"

Because the microphone was too messy, Qu Lingyuan chose to turn off the microphone, and typed a few words on the keyboard: Thank you everyone.

Kong Han gritted his teeth resentfully in front of his computer, staring at the words written by Qu Lingyuan on the screen, with an expression on his face that he wanted to eat her raw.

She is a well-known anchor, but she is unknown in the circle of voice actors. She is like a little transparent when she first arrives, and no one has noticed that she has come to this room.

Qu Lingyuan wanted to know that for a female supporting role, she couldn't see the heroine being admired by all the stars in front of her, so she intentionally QQed her on the public screen.

Qu Lingyuan: Hey, why is sister Kong Han here?Are you ready to switch careers as a voice actor?

Seeing her mentioning Kong Han, Mai Shang was quiet for a few seconds before everyone began to answer.

Yu Xiaomu of Ah Chao: "She also came to audition for the role of Yan Ning, it seems that Yuanyuan knows her?"

Zhenggong Xiaobailian: "Oh, we haven't seen her before, so we don't know if we've neglected a newcomer, hahahaha..."

Off the screen, Kong Han's expression became more and more gloomy. She cleared her throat, turned on the microphone and replied with a smile: "My dad is one of the owners of the workshop. I just wanted to try it today. I didn't expect the opponent to be you, haha."

The corner of Qu Lingyuan's mouth twitched.

Are you afraid that you knew it was me who came to try it?When I am a fool.

She thought for a while, and typed a line meaningfully: Oh ~ the daughter of the original boss.

 Everyone with an id in the audition session of this chapter is guest-starred by the treasures of the book friend group~~(*ω)
(End of this chapter)

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