Chapter 220 Bald Girl (8)

Qu Lingyuan felt a little awkward being stared at.

Xie Zi'an curled the corner of her lips and rubbed the top of her hair: "It's just you, Pikachu."

The competition officially started at [-] o'clock in the evening, and Qu Lingyuan was dragged into the battle by those who chased ducks into the shelves. Among the other nine elders, her petite and delicate figure stood out very abruptly.

When the countdown to entering the battlefield map began, Xie Zi'an suddenly remembered something and stopped her.

"The commentator for the game was decided a long time ago, so it is still Kong Han."

During the live broadcast, the reaction of each team member will be intuitively exposed to the viewers.He was afraid that Qu Lingyuan would feel uncomfortable seeing Kong Han because of the incident at the coffee shop last time, so he informed her in advance, also to let her adjust quickly after entering the venue.

Qu Lingyuan paused for a moment, then nodded to show that she understood.

The countdown ended, and the figures of the team members appeared on the resurrection point.

"Our players from both sides have already played!"

Kong Han's voice came from above her head. Looking up, her figure was floating in the air. There was a virtual camera in front of her and a small microphone in her hand. It looked like that.

Because she is a narrator, she is from the perspective of God.

Qu Lingyuan glanced at her indifferently, then lowered her head, thinking about messy things.

As a game commentator, if you are afraid of heights, you really can't do it...

"This is still the first team of the milk yellow bean paste gang that everyone is familiar with. As we all know, our hero Xie Zi'an Xie team is a member of the first team..."

Kong Han controlled the virtual camera lens to turn to the resurrection point, and she turned her gaze to Xie Zi'an, and then got stuck for a rare moment at work.

Qu Lingyuan was standing beside Xie Zi'an, making it difficult for anyone to ignore her.

Kong Han gritted his teeth indiscriminately.

She didn't care if she snatched her dubbing role by herself, so she came to snatch Xie Zi'an first!

After quickly adjusting his status, Kong Han smiled twice: "Haha, it seems that the first team has brought new members to participate in the competition this time, but... this is a new number depending on the level. It is really rare for Team Xie to make an exception and earn money for the team. Novice. Let us wait and see how this novice's skills are."

From her tone, it was not difficult to hear that she was not optimistic about this newcomer, and she also cryptically pointed out that Xie Zi'an opened the back door for Qu Lingyuan, which made the milk yellow bean paste gang very upset.

Viewers watching the live broadcast can send barrage in front of the screen, and barrages float across the sky, and the team members who are playing can also see it.

[She's actually a novice, but she's still a beautiful girl. 】

[Professional team competition brings novices, don't they want to win? 】

[Captain Xie probably wouldn't make such an unwise choice, unless there is some ulterior secret! 】

[Maybe some people are shameless and stalk them just because of their looks. 】

[There's no need to say that, I think this girl is pretty good, she doesn't look like that kind of person. 】

[The dog man upstairs who only looks at his face is fucked. 】

[By the way... am I the only one in the animation circle?This young lady is a voice actress by profession! 】

Most of the bullet screens were sharp, and the wind direction was completely deflected by Kong Han.

"Explain what's going on today? Does she have thorns on her body?"

Li Hong is also a member of the first team. He has a big temper. Currently, the resurrection point is still counting down. He didn't block the commentary and barrage, and he was furious.

"Okay, did you forget when you were beaten so badly in the afternoon? Have a little confidence in our Yuanyuan, and see how she slaps her in the face later." Another teammate patted him on the shoulder, not worried at all later battle.

In their team, only Xie Zi'an and Qu Lingyuan can beat the five opponents, and the other three can directly play soy sauce.

With thigh hugs, it feels so good to be a waste...

He is very dreamless.

The two protagonists on the side didn't talk at all.

Xie Zi'an bent slightly and leaned next to Qu Lingyuan's ear, teaching her how to block the commentary and barrage.

Qu Lingyuan nodded like a good boy, but did not follow the method he gave.

She still wants to see Kong Han's reaction after eating shit later, it's so boring to block it.

When the resurrection point was open and the timer was up, the five of them rushed towards the battlefield map with light work and a flash of light under their feet.

Before all the skills were activated, Qu Lingyuan did not act rashly. She gained experience within her own defense range and sharpened the enemy's blood line a little bit.

"It seems that our rookie is very cautious. She is facing an enemy assassin. It is not a good choice to hide in the defensive range." Kong Han's tone was frivolous, but he perfectly concealed his ridicule with a joking look.

Facing an assassin in 1v1, once the opponent takes the initiative to attack, it will be difficult to escape, but Qu Lingyuan has this confidence.

Seeing that the assassin on the opposite side had activated his big move, Qu Lingyuan handed over the dodge control to Yi Ling, and focused her attention on the timing to release her skills.

The enemy had obviously seen Qu Lingyuan's panel, and was very frustrated with her crispy skin. He rushed straight into the defense range and threw a control skill, and then threw out his big move neatly.

When the assassin throws his big move, he has a control-free effect.

Qu Lingyuan just dodged the range of his control skills with a big light skill, and then dodged behind him, aimed at the timing, and threw a thunderbolt at the moment when the control immunity failed to control him within the defense range.

The automatic attack in the defense range, coupled with her small fan, easily took away the first head in the audience.

Kong Han didn't say a word, he just froze in place with his mouth open.

【Wow, how did she hide just now?I didn't see it clearly! 】

[Is this really a novice?What kind of god-level reaction ability is this? 】

[Stop talking, just focus on this wave of operations, and this will be my goddess from now on. 】

The barrage exploded. In the face of absolute strength, all rumors are paper tigers.

The rumor of "going through the back door" created by Kong Han just now was shattered in an instant.

Just relying on the technique of avoiding damage, Song Lingyuan has attracted a wave of fans, which is even more popular than Xie Zi'an's popularity in the game circle when he first entered the game circle.

Until the end of the battle, under Qu Lingyuan's deliberate control, she only lost one head compared to Xie Zi'an. Kong Han tried hard to smear but failed. After the match, he was forced to pop out of the battlefield map unwillingly.

The team of dramatists on the opposite side was convinced by the loss, and after the match, the captain went to find Xie Zi'an and gossiped in front of Qu Lingyuan.

"Captain Xie, where did you find such a big baby, she looks beautiful and has good skills."

Xie Zi'an pretended to be serious and thought about it for a while, with a serious face: "I got it from downstairs in my house."

The captain of the drama brigade was a little confused: "It's so good? Where is your home, I'll get one too."

Qu Lingyuan laughed straight at the two fools: "Don't listen to his nonsense, I live downstairs from his house."

(End of this chapter)

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