Chapter 232 Bald Girl (20)

Xie Zi'an's tone was also chilly, he looked Kong Han up and down, and said sarcastically, "I know you don't get complimented, so you don't have to be so sour, right?"

Kong Hanqi's fingers trembled. Seeing that Qu Lingyuan's pity was useful, he also imitated her soft tone: "Obviously...she is too fierce."

Qu Lingyuan watched several strands of hair falling from her back and landed limply on the ground, and couldn't help laughing.

The director has been staying in this room and has the most right to speak, but he also chimed in behind the scenes, sighing faintly: "It's normal for a teacher to be fierce when he meets such an ugly student..."

Qu Lingyuan suppressed her laughter and felt even more uncomfortable.

What crime did this person commit? None of the people present turned towards her.

Kong Han's face was livid, and she didn't expect to get any results by pretending to be pitiful. She only hoped that these people would stop being angry.

But the result is obvious, and it has no effect at all.

"What's your name?" Teacher Ma raised his hand to stroke his hair, looked at Kong Han a little more gently and asked.

"Kong Han."

"Okay," Teacher Ma waved to Qu Lingyuan, called her to her side, and said softly, "Xie Zi'an is fully qualified, and you are fully qualified to start work now, and I will train Ms. Kong next." , let her see what it means...true, upright, strict, strict."

The last few words she said were so dark that it made people feel like their hairs were standing on end.

Qu Lingyuan nodded obediently, walked out of the door and silently put a few sticks of incense on Kong Han.

Teacher Ma is known for being strict. Now that Kong Han, who is at the kindergarten level, is going to be promoted to the level of a college graduate in a short period of time, it is estimated that... it will be even stricter.

Coupled with Kong Han's talent like a triangular cat...

At the end of today, her mental endurance should have improved a lot, enough to cure her eldest lady's temper.

The director originally wanted to talk to Qu Lingyuan and Xie Zi'an about the start of work, but the atmosphere in the room didn't seem right, so he gave up this idea and planned to contact them online later.

Back home, Qu Lingyuan collapsed on the sofa to take a nap, Xie Zi'an paced over, stepping on the floor with a slight sense of oppression.

Even with her eyes closed, Qu Lingyuan felt a shadow cast on her face, someone blocked the few pieces of sunshine under the gap of the curtain, then bent down and whispered the devil in her ear.

"Let's talk about it, you say I'm a male creature."

Qu Lingyuan opened her eyes and blinked, then she showed a bright and guilty smile: "Or...female?"

A certain person looked at her kindly with a half-smile, but she had to continue to hide and said thoughtfully, "It's not quite right, is it?"

Xie Zi'an's face darkened in an instant, looking like the rain was about to come, a little scary.

Qu Lingyuan swallowed her saliva, with a little grievance and innocence, she whispered flattery: " won't be really angry, are you? Are you so mean?"

"Of course not so stingy," Xie Zi'an poker-faced, moved a little closer to her already close distance, her lips completely pressed against her earlobe, and said softly in a newly learned voice, "I just want to Find a reason to bully you, okay?"

The friction of the skin and the burning sensation of breathing, starting from her earlobe, are transmitted to all parts of the body through the tense nerves.

Qu Lingyuan couldn't bear the excitement, she flicked it suddenly, her knee bumped into Xie Zi'an's calf, tripping him directly.

"Are you in such a hurry for me to press you?" Xie Zi'an kept this posture and refused to get up, which was very vile.

The gloomy and expressionless face just now were all feigned, but his watery eyes are now full of tenderness.

Especially looking at Qu Lingyuan's rouge-like little red face, she felt very happy.

Someone Qu covered his face like an ostrich.

This man's voice has become more and more provocative since he learned dubbing, it's killing him!
Xie Zi'an was still immersed in the pleasure of bullying her, and after a while, she heard a small voice from her fingers: "Do you like me or not..."

When Qu Lingyuan said this, she was so shy that she exploded, and the palm she put on her face never came down.

Xie Zi'an chuckled lightly, and this time he answered very simply: "Since Madam asked that, then I agree."

This sentence is a dubbing line in the animation, and it is very subtle when he uses it here.

He was still a little uncertain before, but he is not a fool. If he doesn't understand his own thinking, he can be dragged out to treat his brain damage.

"It's as if I'm chasing you..." Qu Lingyuan murmured dissatisfiedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his lower lip was bitten with the tips of his teeth.

The other party said viciously: "Isn't it?"

Before she could answer, Qu Lingyuan's mobile phone rang.

It shows the director's remarks, it is estimated that he finally found free time to talk about work.

Qu Lingyuan hurriedly pushed Xie Zi'an away and reached for the mobile phone beside her.

Relying on his long arms and legs, Xie Zi'an stretched out his arms and hung up the phone.

Qu Lingyuan:? ? ?

director:? ? ?
After hanging up, he pouted and said, "No answering."

Qu Lingyuan tilted her head to look at him, she glanced at the corners of his ears to see a blush, secretly happy in her heart.

It turns out that he is not a serious, natural, stress-free and shameless person. Is this a self-improvement that is suppressed and shy?
Patting his head with a good temper, Qu Lingyuan said softly, "Good boy, don't make trouble, work."

Xie Zi'an was getting excited about acting, and lowered his eyelashes aggrieved: "You actually pushed me."

Qu Lingyuan always felt that this person seemed to have activated some extraordinary secondary attributes.

Why did such a good boyfriend suddenly lose his mind? Where did the handsome and handsome brother go?What kind of coquettishness is this?
Maybe it was because her shocked expression was too obvious, Xie Zi'an couldn't help laughing, "Baji" kissed her still warm face.

"Okay, let's go to work. Since my wife doesn't want me, I can only play games." After speaking, he kicked his long legs up from the sofa, and his slender figure looked even taller from the bottom up.

If he didn't mutter "嘿嘤嘤", he should look a little more stalwart...

Qu Lingyuan thought.

The director's call came again with perseverance, and this time the call was finally successfully connected.

"I'm sorry, director, just now the dog at home was running around, so hang up for me." Qu Lingyuan once again apologized sincerely, without shame.

Xie Zi'an froze when going upstairs.

I always feel that this girl has malicious intentions, as if scolding him.

Yiling who watched the play: Be confident and remove the seeming.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay," the director whispered to Qu Lingyuan, who was very good-natured, "I reckon...Kong Han wants to imitate it here, it took a little effort..."

He ran out of the recording studio and made this phone call secretly. He was afraid that Kong Han's ancestor would be dissatisfied again, and he would go to complain to her boss father, and do something inhuman.

There were only two women in the recording studio, but they were in a hurry. Kong Han was about to be scolded by Teacher Ma and cried, but the director couldn't be the peacemaker, so he bitterly asked Qu Lingyuan to call.

"So?" Qu Lingyuan asked indifferently.

The director built himself up for a while before he said, " about you take over the role of Yan Ning, Kong Han...I really have no choice..."

He was the one who chose Kong Han in the first place, so he was quite ashamed to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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