Self-cultivation of Kuaichuan Green Tea

Chapter 237 The Immortal Smuggling to the West

Chapter 237 The Immortal Smuggling to the West (2)

Qu Lingyuan raised her eyebrows: "Anyway, if I want to get close to Troy and Ona, I have to get into the Raifen Noble Magic Academy first."

Yi Ling nodded: "This is indeed the fastest method."

So, no matter what, she has to learn magic in the end.

During this period of time when Ona's energy is slowly recovering, her magic power will become stronger and stronger, and then the enchantment will be able to work.

If one careless person gets her hands on Ona, all her hard work in learning magic will be in vain, and it will make Ona even stronger.

Therefore, she didn't plan to flirt with the male lead at the beginning, but started on Ona's body first.

"Then here comes the question, how do I get into the Raifen Noble Academy of Magic? According to the plot, it has been a while since the new students have entered the school, will the school accept transfer students?" Qu Lingyuan had a headache.

She came here by "smuggling" and didn't belong to this world originally. This setting made her not have a suitable identity. She is equivalent to a black household in Huaguo in the 21st century. Without an ID card, she can't do anything.

Recalling the mission experience during this period, she seems to have been a black household more than once...

Yiling scratched his head, opened the light curtain and checked the information of the Raifen Noble Academy of Magic.

There were very few introductions about the transfer students, and it took him a long time to check. Qu Lingyuan didn't hurry to urge him, but waited patiently.

After a long while, Yiling raised his head: "It's not that hard if you say it's difficult. If you're rich, you can get in if you pay some money."

Qu Lingyuan shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands, raised her eyebrows, helpless: "Obviously, I'm a stowaway, and I don't have any currency in this world."

Fortunately, she was just one step away from cultivating to immortality, so she didn't have to eat, and she didn't worry about starving to death if she couldn't eat.

"Then there is another method. Transfer students also have exams. After the instructor searches you, he will put a positioning crystal on you. You can only carry this crystal on your body except your own clothes, and then enter the magic world. In the forest, hunt and kill a magical beast above level five, bring the body back, and you will be able to pass the exam."

Yiling read according to the materials, and the speaking speed was relatively slow, enough for people to understand.

There is also an introduction to the entrance examination for ordinary freshmen in the materials. Obviously, the entrance examination for transfer students is more difficult than the entrance examination for ordinary freshmen.

Ordinary freshmen only need to play level four monsters, but transfer students need to play level five.

Don't underestimate the gap at this level. There is a huge gap between each level. Unless you have enough strength, it will be difficult to advance.

"During the exam, the instructor only looks at the location, and won't follow me all the time, right?" Qu Lingyuan's eyes lit up, and she rubbed her hands excitedly.

Yiling nodded affirmatively.

This is good news for her. The instructor only looks at the result, and doesn't care how you killed that monster, so even if she doesn't know magic, she can use the fairy method to get away with it temporarily.

In short, let's mix into the enemy's interior first.

Qu Lingyuan glanced at the sky, the sun was hanging above her head, showing a magical orange-red color, which looked a little different from the ordinary world, and she didn't know if it was a psychological effect.

The time seemed to be still early, and the sound of the waves filled her ears. Qu Lingyuan took a deep breath and decided to go to the Raifen Noble Academy of Magic first.

According to the map provided by Yiling, Qu Lingyuan found that the college is very close to the sea, on a high mountain not far away.

After finding the mountain, Qu Lingyuan stood in the distance and took a look, and was shocked by the eye-catching buildings on the mountain.

The Reifen Noble Academy of Magic was built on the hillside, and the majestic medieval castle was half hidden in the dense forest, resembling the residence of the Duke in the fairy tale world.

The outer wall of the castle is made of smooth milky white stone. I don't know what kind of material it is, and it reflects brilliance in the sun.There is a huge relief on the wall, and it is not difficult to see that it is a handsome middle-aged man.

"Such a large relief is exposed to the air, but there is no dust." Qu Lingyuan's red lips swelled slightly in surprise, and she stared in that direction, not recovering from the shock.

The corner of Yiling's mouth twitched: "Is there something wrong with your focus?"

Qu Lingyuan looked at the street at the foot of the mountain, and then lowered her head to look at herself.

As a qualified Oriental, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her fairy-like ancient costume at first, but now...

The streets in the distance are filled with the ancient charm of the European Middle Ages. Pointed arches and ribbed vaults can be seen everywhere. The years have left many traces of vicissitudes on those red bricks and blue tiles. To find out here.

You can vaguely see the clothes of passers-by on the road. Women's clothes are all skirts. The wide skirts hang down on the ground, which is no less gorgeous than a dress.

Qu Lingyuan's ancient costume, which is as thin as a veil, is obviously not suitable for wearing here.

"What should I do?" She gritted her teeth, and took advantage of the fact that there was no one nearby, and flew in the direction of the Reifen Noble Academy of Magic.

There is no way, she has no change of clothes, no money to buy them, and she doesn't have the guts to rob shops on the street.

With the speed of flying, he quickly arrived at the gate of the Reifen Noble Academy of Magic.

It is not so much a gate as it is a city gate.

The building was not so big when viewed from a distance, but now standing in front of the college, Qu Lingyuan was once again shocked in her heart.

No wonder it's an aristocratic school that everyone wants to get into. Just one gate costs a lot of money, right?Not to mention that it occupies an area like a small city, even this mountain has the best scenery in the whole world.

For the convenience of those who study here, the school has also built a dormitory building, one for each student.

Qu Lingyuan is a little greedy, living in this kind of place, she must be like a princess.

Try to build yourself up mentally and go to school.

It is the time for class now, and there are relatively few people on the road. Although everyone is looking at her, Qu Lingyuan can barely pull out a smile.

The school is divided into two campuses, one is the area where white magic is taught, and the other is the area where black magic is taught.

As vampires, Troy and Ona both practiced black magic, so Qu Lingyuan walked to the black magic campus without hesitation.

In addition to class, this school has relatively loose management of students, and they can move around freely at any time.

The transfer students need to ask the professor to fill in the application form for the entrance examination. Under the strange eyes of others, Qu Lingyuan inquired about the location of the professor's office, and hurried there to sign up.

A professor is probably equivalent to a grade director in an ordinary school...

dong dong dong-

Qu Lingyuan politely knocked on the door with her knuckles, still thinking about whether to call for a report, when a soothing female voice came from inside the door.

"Please come in."

Qu Lingyuan opened the door and entered, and saw a beautiful woman sitting at the desk, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, intellectual and elegant.

The other party seemed to be very concerned about her clothes, and her white fingers slightly covered her lips, but she couldn't hide her surprised expression.

(End of this chapter)

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