Self-cultivation of Kuaichuan Green Tea

Chapter 245 The Immortal Smuggling to the West

Chapter 245 The Immortal Smuggling to the West (10)

Ona had just clearly heard what Troy had said.

As a vampire, she could understand what the phrase "hungry" meant.

Coupled with the scar on Qu Lingyuan's neck...

She was almost sure that the two were tricky, so she got up and followed out after making up her mind.

Although she knew that Troy might be angry, she still wanted to see it with her own eyes to confirm her guess.

Troy took Qu Lingyuan to the bathroom at the end of the corridor. In this world, even the bathroom is unisex. There are many small compartments inside, which can be locked.

"What are you doing?" Qu Lingyuan was pulled into a cubicle, frowning at him.

The door lock had been fastened, and there were two people standing in the narrow space, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Troy bowed his head, his expression indifferent: "Find out your position, you have no right to refuse me."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and pierced Qu Lingyuan's tender flesh with his fangs.

In his world view, food is food, and no matter how interesting the food is, it cannot violate his desire to eat.

"Uh..." The sudden pain made Qu Lingyuan tremble violently, and then her whole body trembled with anger, "I..."

She just opened her mouth to say something, but her lips were covered with hands, and she couldn't open her mouth.

Troy whispered in her ear, "Shh, be quiet, someone is coming."

His current way of eating is not very elegant, how can he let others know.

Ona tiptoed into the toilet, suppressed her shame, bent down, and looked at the situation in the compartment from the bottommost gap.

When she walked to the innermost compartment, she saw four feet in the compartment. The man's shoes were very familiar, and they were Troy.

There was also a vague scent of blood in the air, a scent that Ona had never seen before.

Troy is a bit special than other vampires, he can smell human blood through his flesh.Other vampires can only smell the fragrance mixed into the air when a person is injured.

Ona, who was standing outside the cubicle, closed her eyes, staring fixedly at the door panel of the cubicle.

Now there are very few vampires eating in this way, and even some small families will raise their own slaves.

Only those homeless vampires would casually find someone to bite on the street.So this primitive way of eating has gradually become a form of obscenity.

Another possibility is that the two parties have become partners.

In Ona's perception, Troy can't be that kind of obscene person, the only possibility is that he fell in love with Qu Lingyuan, a woman with a special background, a special appearance, and a special smell of blood.

This is what Ona can't bear the most.

Think again of what Troy said that night: I just promised my mother to try, but I never acknowledged your status.

Ona's sense of crisis rose to the top.

Troy has a super perception ability, and other people in the cubicle can also perceive a little bit of the outside situation.

Apparently someone had been standing outside the cubicle for a long time, and although he didn't know who it was, Troy was upset.

Qu Lingyuan's consciousness has begun to blur, and her eyes, which were originally clear like black jewels, seem to be covered with a layer of fog. She squints her eyes halfway, but she can still see a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Lifting his head from above her shoulders, Troy sounded very displeased: "Who's outside?"

Ona had been sneaking over to take a peek, but was taken aback by his muffled voice, and hurriedly pushed the door open with her skirt and walked out of the bathroom.

Back in the classroom, she put her fair hands on the table, staring at her fingers in a daze.

Do you want to start?

When she dealt with Irene last time, she had experienced the convenience of seizing the demon.

If she relied on strength alone, she would not be able to defeat Irene, but having the invincible ability of seizing demons made her a bit addicted.

But her current energy has not fully recovered, and she may have to rest at home for a period of time if she uses it again.

Irene entered the Lai Fan Noble Magic Academy through the normal exam, while Qu Lingyuan entered the Lai Fan Noble Magic Academy through the transfer student exam.

To some extent, Qu Lingyuan may be stronger than that Irene.

Ona clenched her fists, unable to make up her mind for a while.

In the bathroom, Qu Lingyuan collapsed into Troy's arms again.

This matter is very troublesome for Troy. He doesn't want to take care of a "food" at all, but the taste of Qu Lingyuan is like poppy to him, which is addictive and can't stop.

As a possessive person, he doesn't want others to touch his food.

And Qu Lingyuan was not a slave, and with her mother's upright personality, she would never allow him to forcibly buy an ordinary citizen home.

What a hassle.

Resigned to fate, Troy picked up Qu Lingyuan with both hands and walked to the classroom.

He didn't want to be able to leave directly during class, but Qu Lingyuan was different. She was an ordinary student, and if she wanted to take her out of the classroom, she had to inform the instructor, otherwise her future study life might be very difficult.

Ona was still hesitating, when she saw Troy walking into the classroom with Qu Lingyuan in his arms.

All the students in the classroom were in awe.

The rumored Troy who was unwilling to touch women has completely become a thing of the past.

Before the instructor returned to the classroom, Troy returned to the seat with Qu Lingyuan in his arms.

"Troy, you..." Ona's expression was not very good.

She didn't have any intimate actions with Troy in front of everyone, she is the real fiancee in everyone's mouth.

However, Troy was very impatient: "Say what you want to say."

Ona didn't even think about what to say, she was completely frightened by him, and went to grow mushrooms in a corner with her head down.

The instructor quickly returned to the classroom, and his first reaction was to see if Troy was still there. When he saw Qu Lingyuan in his arms, even the instructor was speechless.

Troy went his own way, completely ignoring the surprise of others, and walked onto the podium with Qu Lingyuan, who was unconscious, in full view of everyone.

"She fainted." Troy didn't say a word, not even asking for leave.

But the instructor understood what he meant, his lips were busy, and his tongue was still tied in his mouth: "Ah, okay, you take her away."

Troy nodded and turned to leave.

Putting Qu Lingyuan back on the bed in the mansion room, he left almost without stopping.

After leaving the room, he stood at the door and stared at his arms for a while, always feeling that there was no difference between Qu Lingyuan's weight or not.

The slaves in the house all looked "healthy", neither too fat nor too thin.Those who cared for those slaves said that slaves who were too thin were more likely to get sick when their blood was drawn, and those who could not magic were more likely to die when they got sick.

Troy is thinking about whether to make Qu Lingyuan fatter, so as to ensure that he will not run out of food in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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