Chapter 339.
In the first year of his debut, he won the world championship, FMVP, and his previous efforts to turn the tide in the intercontinental competition, and his accumulated popularity reached its peak after the finals. ZAI - the well-deserved master, the hope of the future!

One report after another, one after another touted it like mushrooms after a spring rain. OD is a miracle, and ZAI is the hero who creates miracles.For a time, she became the hottest star.

The authoritative foreign media have been full of lengthy articles, exhausting their space to analyze this newcomer——

"This year, the birth of ZAI is undoubtedly the biggest surprise for the e-sports industry.

18 years old.It will be one full year to become a professional player.Holder of the fastest 500 kill achievement.Runner-up in the league spring game, champion in the intercontinental game, directly climbed to the top in the world game, and won the FMVP.It's hard to imagine that these honors, which many veteran players can't match, will belong to a young rookie.We can't help but wonder, how many surprises will ZAI bring to you in the future?

With such doubts, we met this miraculous player.

Different from the flamboyant and irritable style on the field, ZAI in life is quiet and cunning.He is not tall, thin and clean, with big innocent eyes looking timidly at us strangers, like an obedient and shy brother next door.No wonder he has become one of the professional players with the largest fan base in the world. It has to be said that his porcelain doll-like appearance has attracted more attention.

Returning from victory, ZAI was still exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes that didn't match his age.Facing the reporter's question, he seemed very cramped, looking around all the time, as if he wanted to ask his teammates and coach for help.

For routine questions such as "Why did you come to play professionally", ZAI answered very cautiously, and seemed not to want to talk about it.It's an understatement to say that I want to prove myself.When talking about why he chose OD, he obviously talked more.

ZAI was already a well-known passer-by king before joining the OD team, and his RANK points have reached the top of multiple servers.This also once triggered the looting of countless clubs.But he finally chose OD, whose performance was not ideal at the time, just because he was a fan of this team for many years.

What can't be broken can't be built, OD reshuffled the cards in the new season and boldly used a large number of newcomers.They used the bottom of the box Poseidon and ZAI to form the core double C of the team.Many people were surprised by the running-in speed of the new OD, even in the first few games of the group, it showed a strong integrity. ZAI thinks this is normal. 'I often played games with Poseidon, Handsome, and PAI when I was on the bench, and it only entered the public eye after the first start. In fact, we have been running in for a long time.Everyone is about the same age, and they are very happy in life and training. '

Winning the World Championship for the first time was not an expected result.The consecutive losses in the first round of the group stage once made ZAI feel desperate and questioned whether he was really suitable to be a professional player. 'At that time, I felt that I was rubbish, and I retired after thinking about the World Championships. '

'We are really young and often make mistakes that are difficult for others to understand.For example, well-developed people like to go 1V5 with the opposite side, and it is easy to get on top.The key point of our game is to find the rhythm. As long as we enter the OD rhythm, no strong team in the world will be able to counterattack.But the disadvantages are also easy to go wrong.We fought a lot of team battles in this World Championship, but judging from the current results, maybe those who reflect on the game should be those who use routines to understand the game. '

He also doesn't think that his female fans are too much because of his appearance, not only put forward a severe rebuttal, but also ganked a wave of teammates: "The real beauty fans will only like our mid laner, and my fans only like me because of my skills." ' At the same time, ZAI's answer is equally firm when it comes to the love that young boys expect, 'There is no ideal type of girl.Never think about these things during your career. '

The first step into the career is to reach the top, ZAI is not complacent, but shows great anxiety. 'I will try my best to maintain my professional height, but e-sports has a lot of uncertainty after all.Everyone will be disappointed as long as they don't win the championship in the future.Maybe if you lose a game, you will be greeted by the whole family. Looking around, I feel that there are downhill roads on all sides. The main reason is that the first step is a bit big, and it is easy to pull the hips. '

I'm also terrified of my current prestige. 'Now many people praise me just because I won the championship. Once I am not in good condition, the negative voice will only double.I don't like the way it looks. '

ZAI is different from most professional players. His academic performance in school is among the best. "If I don't come to play professionally, I should have reported to Peking University." ’ He was silent for a long time when asked if he would support young people with the same dream as him to join the professional ranks. 'have no idea.Career is not an easy path.Talent and passion are prerequisites.But talent is worthless in this circle, enthusiasm. Enthusiasm will run out one day.At that time, I don’t know what to support myself to go on.Still figuring it out.Of course, I enjoy the excitement of the game, but a lot of things off the field are not well, so be it. '

In the interview, ZAI made a very interesting metaphor, which was impressive. There seems to be a sad background behind this seemingly innocent and optimistic boy.He said, 'The grades are like that can of iced fat house water in the dog days. It's very refreshing when you drink it. After a few hiccups, the rest is empty and the endless anxiety brought by calories. '

The person in charge of the OD team revealed to us that ZAI is a very obedient kid who doesn't seem to have any adolescent rebellion.They hope to protect ZAI as much as possible and prevent him from being too much outside interference, and they also hope that at some point in the future (perhaps when ZAI is in a bad state), the media will be merciful.

As practitioners in the industry for many years, we have interviewed many champion players, and we have also seen the ups and downs of careers between glory and failure.There are very few teenagers of this age who can maintain such a clear mind and cognition at the most glorious moment. ZAI's thorough understanding of life and the future makes us admire.

E-sports is destined to be a vibrant industry, and there will be countless young 'ZAI' joining the professional army in the future.These teenagers, who are still children in the eyes of ordinary people, have given up their carefree youth and embarked on the field to fight and fight, bearing the pressure that makes it difficult for adults to adjust themselves.Praise at the time of success and criticism after failure have become the price of standing in front of others, and whether this is a healthy model, perhaps we can get some enlightenment from ZAI's worries.

The dynasties belonging to OD and ZAI have been established, in any case, the future can be expected. "

Not just the media and audience.A series of official show operations at the annual ceremony pushed ZAI to the forefront.

(End of this chapter)

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