Chapter 101 Who Is So Shameless?
Hearing the sound, Cang Yanche looked sideways at the door, and a slender figure came into his eyes.

I saw that the visitor was fair and beautiful, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a beautiful nose and cherry lips. As soon as she came in, the whole hall seemed to be three points brighter.

What a beautiful person!
No wonder everyone said that the daughter of the Feng Mansion was so beautiful that she deserved the word 'Qingcheng'.

As a prince, he had seen many beautiful concubines in the emperor's harem, but he was still amazed when he saw Feng Qingcheng for the first time.

When he was looking at Feng Qingcheng, Feng Qingcheng was also looking at him. He was eighteen or nineteen years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome appearance, dressed in fancy clothes, with the unique aura of a prince.

Seeing that he had been staring at her without saying a word, Feng Qingcheng raised her eyebrows and said again, "Tell me, who is Wang Dalong? What does his death have to do with me?"

"Uh, this..." Cang Yanche came to pass on the message, to tell the fourth brother what happened outside, so that he could be mentally prepared.

I didn't expect to be heard by the person involved, which was a bit embarrassing.

Seeing him hesitating, Feng Qingcheng deliberately put on a pretty face, "You big man hesitates when you speak, and if you have anything bad to say, just say it in front of me!"

She didn't hear the long speech before him, only the last sentence.

"Fourth sister-in-law is wronged! I didn't speak ill of you!" Cang Yanche glanced at his fourth brother, and told her what happened last night, but his tone of voice was obviously much more serious than before.

In the end, he looked at Gu Feng Qingcheng's face, and asked solemnly, "Sister-in-law Si, did you do anything last night?"

Feng Qingcheng rolled her eyes straight away, her tone was cool, "What else can I do at night besides sleeping?"

Cang Yanche swept his eyes over the man sitting in the main seat, and smiled, "Sister-in-law Si's words are wrong, there are many things that can be done at night besides sleeping."

Seeing that he started to lose his shape again, Cang Yanyan raised his foot as if to kick him, "Speak well."

Cang Yanche quickly shrank his legs, "Sister-in-law Si, what I mean is that now you have to find a suitable reason and time to prove to everyone that you didn't kill anyone."

Feng Qingcheng snorted, "Who are they? Why should I prove it to them?"

They were all melon-eating people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. She didn't take their words to heart at all.

It's just that this death has been widely known in such a short period of time, there may be someone behind the scenes.

But she thinks that she has never provoked anyone since she was reborn. Who is so shameless to pour the dirty water on her?

"Fourth sister-in-law is mighty!" Cang Yanche looked at her nonchalant expression and wanted to applaud her, but she probably didn't know the seriousness of the situation, so she took it so lightly.

"I haven't done it, so I really shouldn't pay attention to it, but as the saying goes, three people make a tiger, and now everyone insists that it is you who killed the person. If we don't clarify, those people will only think that we have a guilty conscience."

Feng Qingcheng squinted her eyes and meditated for a moment, then suddenly turned her head to look at Cang Yanli, she frowned and smiled, even her voice was a little sweet, "My lord, I slept next to you all night last night, am I not there?" proof, right?"

Cang Yanche held the teacup, and spit out all the tea in his mouth before he could swallow it down, "Sister-in-law, this kind of reason is not acceptable, after all, everyone knows that if the Feng family's witchcraft reaches a certain level, It can kill people thousands of miles away."

Feng Qingcheng's face turned cold, "Could it be that while I was sleeping with my husband, I also found time to kill someone?"

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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