The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 103 I'm a Married Girl!

Chapter 103 I'm a Married Girl!

The two of them, the master and the servant, moved swiftly, and it took only a cup of tea to change their clothes.

When they appeared in the front hall again, Cang Yanche's eyes lit up, "Sister-in-law Si's men's attire is so pretty, even I feel inferior."

What he said was not flattering, Feng Qingcheng was born with a good look, even if she tied her long hair and put on men's clothes, she still couldn't conceal her stunning beauty.

Her appearance lacks the charm of a daughter and more of a man's heroic spirit, but people still can't take their eyes off her.

Feng Qingcheng was not modest either, she shook the props folding fan in her hand, and said with a smile, "I am naturally beautiful, and I look good in anything I wear! But you are not bad either, Yushu Linfeng is chic and handsome."

Cang Yanche cupped his hands, and said modestly, "Thank you, Sisao, for your praise."

Cang Yanlu couldn't bear to listen to their mutual compliments, "Okay, the way you two flirt is simpler, if you continue to be so polite, the sun will almost set."

Cang Yanche curled his lips and asked him, "Fourth brother, do you want to go with us?"

"Don't go."

In fact, Cang Yanche was just being polite to him casually, if he really went together, he would definitely not allow this or that, how could they have a good time?
Hearing his refusal so straightforwardly, Cang Yanche breathed a sigh of relief inwardly, "Fourth brother, then let's go first! I'll send fourth sister-in-law back to you safe and sound in the evening."

Cang Yanlei nodded lightly, the words were addressed to him, but his eyes fell on Feng Qingcheng, "Go early and come back early."

"Got it." Feng Qingcheng responded, closed the folding fan and knocked on Biyue next to her, "Let's go."

The three of them got into Cang Yanche's carriage after leaving the palace.

The carriage drove forward slowly, Cang Yanche looked at the person sitting opposite him, and said leisurely, "Sis, if you want to visit the capital, you can find me. I know exactly which restaurant is good and which wine is delicious." .Where do you want to go to play?"

Feng Qingcheng raised her eyebrows, touched her chin and replied, "It's rare to come out today, why don't we go to the most exciting place."

"Exciting?" Cang Yanche repeated these two words, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Si said so, I have a good place to go."

Feng Qingcheng leaned forward to him, and asked curiously, "Oh, where?"

Cang Yanche moved his lips, and replied three words sonorously, "Chunfenglou!"

Chunfeng Tower, just listening to the word "chunfeng" makes one's blood boil, right?
Biyue's face changed, and she hurriedly said, "No! Miss, we can't go to Chunfeng Tower!"

Chunfeng Building is the most luxurious and luxurious romantic place in the whole capital. There are all kinds of beauties in it, and it is deeply loved by the majority of men in the capital.

Feng Qingcheng didn't think about it at first, but since he mentioned it, of course she couldn't refuse, "Where is the dragon pool or the tiger's den? Why can't I go?"

"But there...there..." Biyue was really ashamed to speak, and continued to persuade with red ears, "We are a girl's house, so it's not good to go there!"

Feng Qingcheng opened the folding fan in her hand, showing a charming smile, "Biyue, you are the only girl here."

Bi Yue was stunned, and then said, "Miss, you too!"

"No, no, no!" Feng Qingcheng waved her index finger at her, and replied with a smile, "I'm a married girl."

Although she and Cang Yanli are not husband and wife, she is always married.

Bi Yue, "..." As a married girl, it seems more inappropriate to go to that kind of place, right?

However, before she could speak, Cang Yanche nodded in agreement and said, "Sister-in-law Si is right, let Biyue stay in the carriage later, we two go in and have fun."

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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