The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 122 What are the weaknesses of skeleton corpses?

Chapter 122 What are the weaknesses of skeleton corpses?
While speaking, the skeleton approached him again, and he hurriedly held his breath. The skeleton suddenly couldn't find the target, and circled around the morgue like a blind man.

After hearing what he said, Li Si quickly held his breath. Seeing that the skeletons were no longer chasing them, they held their breath and moved towards the door little by little.

When they finally walked out of the morgue, they ran and shouted loudly at the same time, "Come on! Help! It's haunted!"


The next day, early in the morning.

As soon as Cang Yanlei got up, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, "Your Highness!"

Cang Jin's voice was full of urgency, as if he had something urgent to report.

Cang Yanlai put on his outer robe, and asked through the door, "What's the matter?"

"There was another homicide in the yamen last night. Six guards died."

When Cang Yanlei heard this, he couldn't help but pause when he tied his belt, "Who is the perpetrator?"

Cang Jin replied, "According to the two surviving witnesses, the murderer was the two skeleton corpses sent into the Yamen yesterday."

Cang Yanlei narrowed his phoenix eyes, "Skeletons are dead things, how to kill people?"

"Some people say yes, yes..."

Hearing that he was hesitating to speak, Cang Yanwei had vaguely guessed the answer in his heart, but he continued to ask, "What is it, you can just say it."

Cang Jin replied truthfully, "As soon as today's murder happened, some people said that the princess was manipulating the two skeleton corpses."

Cang Yanlei glanced at the quiet person on the big bed, and there was an almost invisible arc on his lips, "Sure enough, someone deliberately targeted Feng Qingcheng."

He withdrew his gaze and walked out of the room, "Cang Jin, come with me to the yamen, I want to personally interrogate the two surviving yamen servants."


Yesterday, Feng Qingcheng took Zhao Yanxuan's medicine by mistake, and she has been in a coma since she came back from Chunfenglou. If he hadn't been guarding her side all the time, even he himself would have put Feng Qingcheng on the suspicious list when something like this happened.

But now, he is [-]% sure that the murderer who killed Wang Dalong was someone else.

And this person's purpose is also very clear, which is to frame Feng Qingcheng.

This woman's popularity is really bad enough!
But since she is his princess now, he will never let people pour dirty water on her head.

After leaving the room, Cang Yanlu looked at Biyue who was guarding outside, and ordered lightly, "When the princess wakes up, you go to the yamen with her."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Leaving the palace, the two soon came to the Yamen. As the survivors of last night, Zhang San and Li Si were waiting in the inner hall to be seen.

When Cang Yanlu arrived, Cang Jin immediately ordered someone to bring them over.

Zhang San and Zhang Si were obviously very frightened. When they walked into the inner office, their arms trembled uncontrollably.

When they saw Cang Yanli, the two hurriedly knelt down on the ground, "See Your Highness Fourth."

Cang Yanwei looked at the two people on the ground, pulled his thin lips, and said unhurriedly, "There were six guards who watched the night last night, and all six of them died. You two are on duty in the morgue, and you are safe and sound. It’s really strange to live up to now.”

The people working in the mortuary are far inferior to the guards in the yamen in terms of skill and physical strength, but none of the guards survived after the skeleton corpses woke up, only they are still alive, just thinking about it is very suspicious.

Zhangsan and Lisi's back stiffened heavily, and their bodies lay on the ground, "Your Highness, if we hadn't discovered the weakness of the skeleton corpse last night, I'm afraid we would have passed away long ago!"

"Weakness?" Cang Yanli repeated these two words in a low voice, raised his eyebrows, and asked in a deep voice, "What are the weaknesses of skeleton corpses?"

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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